Categories: Incest

Step Bro Needs My Help in the Bath: Part 4 hot sex erotica stories – Y2 Stories

The Caravan Chronicles – Chapter 1

We meet again…welcome to Part 4 of this series – ENJOY!

So…where to begin? I guess we’ll start at the first day of our caravan holiday. Mum came in and work me up around 9:00am, saying that we need to leave early to beat the morning traffic. I heard dad waking up Chris and saying the same thing. I obliged and got out of bed, got changed and picked up the backpack that I had packed the night before. It had stuff like my phone charger, my make-up bag, my earphones and other various essentials. I left my room, dropped my bag at the front door and went into the kitchen for some breakfast; Chris was already there eating some cereal.

Chris: “M..morning Sarah.”

Me: “Good morning Chris, are you excited for the caravan?”

Chris: “Yep..I..I am. I can’t…wait for…the beach.

Me: “Me too.

I walked past him and got myself a bowl of cereal and sat down beside him. Five minutes later, mum and dad came in and told us that it was time to go. We finished up, put our bowls in the sink and left the house. We got in the car and an hour later we were at the caravan site. Mum and dad got out to empty the car and told me to wake Chris up. Chris had fell asleep at some point during the journey, bless him, so I shook his arm to wake him up.

Chris: “What…what?”

Me: “We’re here Chris”

Chris: “Yay!”

We got out of the car, grabbed a bag each, and walked up the steps and across the decking to the caravan.

Mum: “Oh thanks dear, oh and you too Chris.”

Both of us: “No problem.”

Mum and dad had gotten a good deal on this caravan so even though it was bigger than we needed, it was somehow cheaper. Because of this, me and Chris had separate rooms and room for our friends to stay with us. I walked into my room and set my bag down on the bed, and gave a sigh of relief. I heard Chris walk into his room, stop and walk back into the kitchen area.

Chris: “Mum…my bed…bedroom w…window is broken.”

Mum: “Excuse me?”

Dad: “What?”

Chris: “Come…l..look.”

Based on what I heard, mum, dad and Chris walked down the hall and into Chris’ room. Dad saw the window and immediately got angry and confused. Mum was shocked and angry too but nowhere near as much.

Dad: “Those damn kids! Playing with their balls, booting them anywhere they feel like it. That’s not gonna be a cheap fix, Goddamn it. Feel the draft in here, Jesus. I hope one of those cameras out there caught something.”

Mum: “It’s okay hon, we’re on holiday. Just tape the window and we’ll deal with it another time. Chris, honey, I guess you’re gonna have to share with your sister for the week. I hope you don’t mind.”

Chris: “It’s…okay. I…I don’t mind.”

Mum: “Good boy.”

I hear them leave his room, close the door and turn around to my room. My door opens and mum and Chris are standing there, holding his bags.

Mum: “Room for one more?” *She says laughing*

Me: “If needs be, yeah, there is. His window is broken?”

Mum: “You must’ve overheard. Yeah, dad thinks some kids kicked a ball at it and broke it. He’s taping it up and is gonna go to the site manager to see if there was anything caught on camera.”

Me: “Woah, that’s not good. Hopefully they can do something about it.

I get up and move my bag on to my bed.

Me: “Anyways, there’s always room for Chris.” *I say smiling*

Chris: “Yay! Thanks sis.”

He runs over to me and hugs me tight. I hug him back and see mum smiling behind us, looking proud of us getting along. If only she knew just how well.

Mum: “Thank you Sarah, I know it might be a bit awkward but it’s only for a week.”

Me: “No problem mum.”

The rest of the day was quiet, not much happened. We got unpacked and moved in. Dad taped up Chris’ window and blocked the draft coming through his house with blankets; it worked quite well. He went to the site manager and told him what happened, he was shocked and annoyed himself. He checked the camera and luckily enough the three boys were caught on camera, their faces were on show and the site manager recognised them. Dad and the site manager are going to meet their parents and discuss how they can compensate for what they did. The rest of the evening was filled with TV and crisps, and then bedtime. Chris was already in bed sleeping by the time I was ready for bed so changing in front of him wasn’t a bother.

The next comes, we wake up around 11:00, and go into the kitchen to get breakfast. Mum and dad are already up and are dressed for the day. Dad has left to go meet the parents of the kids who broke the window.

Mum: “Morning kids, how did you sleep?”

Me: “Like a baby.”

Chris: “S..same.”

I grab two bowls and fill them with cereal and hand one to Chris, we sit down beside mum and she announces that today is going to be a beach day. We’re gonna go up when dad gets back and spend the whole day there, splashing around, having fun and have fish and chips for dinner.

Chris: “YAY! BEACH!”

Me: “I couldn’t agree more.”

Mum: “That’s the spirit!”

We eat our breakfast and an hour passes, dad walks through the door with a smile on his face.
Dad: “Good news! The parents of those idiot kids have agreed to pay for the replacement window. But it will take until the end of the week to get someone out to do it so Chris, Sarah, you will have to continuing sharing.”

Me: “I don’t mind.”

Chris: “Me…neither.”

Mum: “Thank god for that honey, I guess something good came out of it.”

Dad: “Indeed, now what about the beach? Who’s coming?”

Chris and Me: “We are!”

Mum: “Me too. Now kids, go and get ready.”

Dad: “I’m gonna get a quick shower first, I feel like a sweatbox.”

Mum: “Okay, that means that you kids will have to get changed together. Can I trust you to look away whilst the other changes?”

Me: “I’ll make sure of it.”

We watch down the hallway and into my room. I reach up and grab our bags from the overhead cupboards and give him his. I turned around, opened my bag and took out my black one piece.

Me: “Chris, can you look away now? I have to change.”

Chris: “Okay…s..sis.”

Me: “Good boy.”

I turn around and begin to undress, slipping my shorts and panties down and then taking off my top and bra. I take a look behind me and see Chris staring at me, smiling.

Me: “Hey! What did I say?” *I say jokingly*

Chris: “S..sorry…I couldn’t help it…after the….other day.”

Me: “It’s okay…just don’t touch anything. You should get changed too.”

Chris: “Okay…”

Chris takes off his shirt and bottom, leaving him only in his boxers. I can see his bulge. He pulls them down, releasing his cock, and slips on his trunks. I turn around quickly, put on my bikini and we leave the caravan. We go outside, meet mum and wait on dad coming out. He comes out shortly after, wearing shorts and a top, and puts two bags into the trunk.

Dad: “Beach time!”

Chris: “Yay!”

We get into the car and drive up the beach. We find a good spot on the sand and settle down, placing our towels beside one another and weighing them down with rocks. Beach Time, as dad called it, was fun and enjoyable. Chris had a great time in the sea, splashing around, and so did I. Nothing really happened between us due to the publicity of it all…until later that day when we went back to the caravan. Around 6:30, a breeze started to come in and it was sharp. The clouds started to turn grey and we all knew what that meant.

Dad: “Okay kids, time to go. It looks like it might rain soon.”

Chris: “Aw….okay dad.”

Mum: “I agree. That breeze is going right through me.”

Me: “Me too.” *I say shivering*

We pick up our towels, carry them to the car and place them on the backseat to prevent the sand from getting all over the car. We drive back to the caravan and head inside, just before it started to rain.
Mum: “That was a close one. Now, kids, you two needs showers to get all that sand and salt water out of your hair. Sarah you go first.”

Dad: “Actually, sorry kids you’re gonna hate me. I forgot to turn the immersion heater on before we left. It’s on now but there’s probably only enough for one shower.”

Me: “Daaad? What are we supposed to do then?”

Mum: “You are brother and sister, share the shower but keep your swimming suits on, okay?”
Dad: “Good idea, go on kids. Don’t be long.”

Me: *Shivering* “Fine…come on Chris.”

Chris: “Okay…”

We walked down the hall, into the bathroom and locked the door behind us. I turned the shower on and looked at Chris.

Me: “Okay, so…let’s not make this weird.”

I step into the shower and under the water, feeling the hot water caress my body. Chris steps in too and pushes me slightly to get some water too.

Me: “Hey! Don’t push me.”

Chris: “Sorry…s..sis. I didn’t…mean too.”

Me: “This is awkward and there’s not much room. How about this? I’ll help you to get washed so it’s faster, you can then get out and I’ll wash myself after.”

Chris: “Umm…o…okay.”

Me: “Okay, so body first I guess.”

I pick up the body wash and squirt some on to my hand and rub it on to your arms, legs, chest and back. You stand under the water and wash the suds off.

Me: “Okay, good, now your hair.”

Chris: “No…my body isn’t…done…yet.”

Me: “What do you mean?”

Chris: “Under…m…my shorts. We haven’t…washed…there…yet.” *He says whilst smiling*

Me: “Ha – ha. I think you can do that yourself. “

Chris: “Please…sis? It’ll be faster…if…if you help.”

Me: “Really? Mum and dad are right out there.”

Chris: “Oh…yeah…”

Me: “I guess we’ll have to make this quick.” *I say smiling*

I drop down to my knees and yank his shorts down, freeing his cock. I grab some more body wash and rub it on his thighs, waist and then on this cock. After a few seconds of washing them, I feel it harden and grow in my hands.

Chris: “Oh…s…sorry sis.”

Me: “It’s okay. Your willy will get hard when someone touches it.”

I tighten my grip on his cock, stroking it enthusiastically. He grows even more and is now fully hard. I take one hand off and slip it under my bikini…I’m wet.

Chris: “That feels…great…uh…”

I look up and he’s smiling, clearly enjoying what I’m doing. I smile back and decided to take it a step further, to see how he reacts.

Me: “Chris…watch this.”

I continue stroking and lick the tip of his cock. It tastes both salty and soapy. I take another lick. I look up and his face has changed from happy to a mix of pleasure and confusion.

Chris: “UHH…sis…what…are…you doing?”

Me: “Doesn’t it feel better than my hand?”

Chris: “Def…definitely….mm…”

I lick it again, from the bottom of his shaft to his tip. I then flick the tip with my tongue. He moans and I see his legs wobble. He’s getting close. I slip his cock into my mouth and start sucking him off, swirling my tongue around and going up and down, copying what I’ve seen other girls do in porn. I take his entire length in, it touches my uvula.

Chris: “It’s…I’m…OH…AHH…”

He explodes…in my mouth. I feel rope after rope hit the back of my throat and fill my mouth, it’s another big load for his age. It tastes salty and sweet – so good. My pussy is dripping. I suck and stroke him for another few seconds and then pull away.

Chris: “You…you…ate my..m..milk..sis.”

Me: “I know, it tasted great. Now, mum and dad can never know about this. Okay?”

Chris: “I know…”

Me: “Good boy, now let’s shower before the hot water runs out.”

We finish showering and get all the sand out of our hair just as the water turned cold. I pull his shorts back up, turn the shower off. Mum hears the shower turn off and shouts up the halls at us.

Mum: “Chris, sweetie, you can get changed in mummy’s room or share with your sister. Just don’t look at her when she’s changing, and that goes for you too Sarah.”

Me: “Okay mum, you don’t have to worry about us, I’ll make sure his eyes are tightly shut.”

Mum: “Thank you sweetie.”

We go into my room (our room now I guess) and I look at Chris. He’s staring at me with his mouth agape, smiling.

Me: “What are you smiling about?”

Chris: “You seen me…again…it’s only fair..if..if I see you.”

Me: “You little brat…I guess that’s fair. But we can’t be long, just look, don’t touch and get changed also.”

Chris: “Okay..sis.” *he says smiling from ear to ear*

I slip my shoulder straps off and pull them down, causing my boobs to drop out. He’s smiling even more now. I pull the rest of it down and throw it onto the floor. I’m not completely naked in front of him and he doesn’t know how to react, he’s just staring in awe.

Me: “Okay, Chris, you can blink now.”

Chris: “Sorry…”

Chris drops pulls down his shorts too and throws them on top of my bikini. He’s semi-hard.

Me: “Okay, let’s get changed.”

I turn around, showing my bubble butt ass to him, and take a pair of panties, a bra, some socks, and my pyjamas out of my bag. I feel his hand poke my ass. I smile and let him, I guess it’s only fair after what I’ve done to him. I slip on my panties first, then my bra, then my top and shorts. I turn around and Chris is still naked.

Me: “Chris, you need to get changed.”

Chris: “S…sorry…I..I’ll get changed now.”

Me: “Let me help.”

I pick up his bag, take out a pair of boxers, some socks, and his onesie for him.

Me: “Here, lift your foot for me.”

Chris: “Okay…”

He lifts his foot, allowing me to slip his boxers on and pull them up.

Me: “There we go, now your onesie.”

I lift him onto the bed and put his feet into the onesie. I stand him back up and pull the rest of it up, slipping his arms through the sleeves and zipping it up.

Me: “There, all cosy and warm.”

Chris: “Thank you…S..Sarah”.

Me: “You’re very welcome, now let’s go get some supper.”

The End.


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