Categories: IncestPreTeen

Step Bro Needs My Help in the Bath: Part 6 Sex Story for free 2024 – Y2 Stories

The Caravan Chronicles – Chapter 3

Okay…so continuing on from last time. The next morning came and I woke up first. I checked the time and it was around 12. We got to bed last night much later than usual due to…our activities; so we definitely needed that extra time I bed. I was shocked that mum or dad hadn’t woken us up before now, we would have been up and left the caravan by now usually but no. I looked over at Chris, he was still sleeping and looked so peaceful, last night definitely took it out of him. I stood up, unlocked the door and went to the bathroom. I walked back into our room and Chris was up and sitting on the side of bed.

Me: “Morning Chris, or I should say afternoon.”

Chris: “Ha…yeah. We…slept in…”

Me: “We certainly did.”

Chris: “M…mum didn’t wake…us up.”

Me: “No and the caravan seems very quiet, I think they’re away.”

Chris: “Oh…”

Chris stood up and left the room. I heard the bathroom door open, him peeing, the toilet flushing and him coming back. He came in and unzipped his onesie, revealing his morning wood. He didn’t seem to notice it and continued getting dressed. I on the other hand did.

Me: “Woah…you’ve got morning wood Chris. I’ve never noticed that before.”

Chris: “I’ve got…w..what?”

Me: “Morning wood. When boys wake up in the morning or after a nap, their willies can be hard. It’s perfectly normal…I find it funny.”

Chris: “Oh…I’ve never had…th…this before.”

Me: “I guess it’s a result of all the stuff we’ve been doing. It kinda makes sense.”

Chris: “I guess…”

Me: “Anyways, get changed and we can get breakfast.”

I bent down, picked up the clothes I worn yesterday and put them back on. They weren’t really used so they were clean enough. Chris did the same. We walked into the living room/kitchen area and it was empty, except for a note on the table. I walked over, picked it up and read it. It said:
*We’ve gone for a walk with granny and granddad, be back around 2. Love mum and dad*

I gave to Chris to read and walked over to the cupboards. I took out two bowls and made us cereal. I handed him his and walked over to the couch and put on the tv. Chris took the remote and turned on his cartoons. I secretly enjoy them so I didn’t mind. We ate our breakfast and watched the cartoons in silence…that was until Chris spoke.

Chris: “Can I…ask you something…S..Sarah?”

Me: “Of course, you can ask my anything.”

Chris: “Is what we are d…doing wrong?”

Me: “I mean…yes and no. Brothers and sisters don’t normally do what we did, it’s not really right to do. But I don’t really see the problem with it, you know? We are messing around, making each other feel good by exploring our bodies. We aren’t hurting anyone by it, if anything we’re doing the opposite.”

Chris: “I guess that m…makes sense. I like…what we do…I..I really like it. I…just don’t want…to get in trouble for it…wh…what if mum or dad…f..found out?”

Me: “They won’t find out Chris, okay? I won’t tell anyone about this, I promise, and you won’t either. We just have to be careful, only do it in private where we can’t be caught and be quiet when we do it.”

Chris: “Okay…so…we can only do it…when mum and dad aren’t around?”

Me: “Yep.”

Chris: “Like…now?”

I gasped, I didn’t expect him to be so eager especially first thing this morning. I looked down at his crotch, he still had a bulge and still had morning wood. I put down our bowls, placed them on the table and grabbed his bulge, squeezing it.

Me: “Sure, why not? We do have just under 2 hours before mum and dad get back.”

Chris: “Yay!”

I let go of his crotch and saw his face drop. I got up and closed the curtains around us to make sure no one passing by could see in and catch us. I sat back down beside him and kissed him on the lips. My first kiss…his first kiss…our first kiss. I held it for a second and then broke it.

Chris: “Sis…that…that…was nice.”

Me: “Good. I want to show you a few things, is that okay?”

Chris: “Yes…can we kiss again?”

Me: “Of course we can.”

I kissed him again and slipped in some tongue, he didn’t understand what I was doing and just copied me. I felt him flick my tongue with his, it felt good but didn’t feel as good as it could. We were both inexperienced but it was nice to be able to explore and learn together. I broke the kiss a few minutes after and looked him in the eyes, he was in a state of amazement. He had kissed a girl for the very first time and it clearly made him feel good.

Me: “Okay, so let’s move on to something else. Stand up for me.”

Chris stood up in front of me and looked down. I took hold of his shorts, pulled them down and took them off. I grabbed hold of his cock through his boxer and squeezed it. It made him jump a little and gasp. I loved doing this to him, teasing him slightly but still giving him some sort of pleasure.

Me: “Okay, so, Chris, you know how I have been touching you and making the milk come out? Well, I don’t always have to be the one to do it. You can do it to yourself.”

Chris: “Re…really?”

Me: “Yes, it’s something all boys do when they reach their teens. I started you a bit early but it’s okay, let me show you.”

I pulled down his boxers, freeing his rock hard cock, and grabbed on to the shaft. I started to stroke it slowly.

Me: “So, what I am doing is pulling the skin of your willy back and forth, making your head come out and hide again. It’s like peekaboo, remember we did that at home?”

Chris: “Yes…it was funny!”

Me: “It was, now you try.”

I let go of his shaft, sat back and watched. He took hold of his willy, grabbed the skin, pulled it back and then pushed it forwards. He did a few more times and then looked up at me.

Chris: “Like…this?”

Me: “Yes, just like that. If it helps, imagine you’re playing peekaboo with it.”

Chris: “Okay…sis!”

He continued stroking his willy for a few minutes and then looked back at me. He was breathing heavily and his balls had tightened. He was ready to cum. I took hold of his hand and pulled them off, I wanted this to last longer and wanted to show him more.

Me: “Okay, slow down there, we want this to last a bit longer.”

Chris: “Okay…s…sis. Umm…now what?”

Me: “You know when you played with me last night, making my milk come out? I can do it to myself too. I usually do every night before bed.”

Chris: “Really? Can…I…see?”

Me: “I guess it’s only fair. Sit down beside me.”

Chris sat down beside me and removed his shirt, he was now completely naked and was enjoying being so in front of me. I stood up and decided to tease him a bit. I removed my top and shorts, pulling them off slowly and then throwing them on him. He laughed and threw them back at me. I took off my bra and showed him my tits. I grabbed them and made them bounce up and down, making him laugh even more. Each time he laughed, I saw his cock twitch and shake. I laughed back and finished my taking off my panties. I threw them on the ground beside our clothes and laid back against the couch. I spread my legs over and exposed my pussy to him, once again he stared at me in awe and shock; he still wasn’t used to seeing me this naked.

Me: “Okay, so what I do is rub my finger up and down my pussy and eventually slip them into my hole. This little bump is like the tip of your willy, whenever it’s touched it feels incredible and even better when rubbed. Here, look.”

I took my index finger and ran it up and down my slit a few time, feeling the wetness and realising just how horny I was. I looked up at Chris and he somehow looked even more in awe, his mouth was open and he was unconsciously stroking his willy again. I slipped a finger in and moaned, it felt good. I pushed it in deeper and felt my hymen. I was still a virgin and hadn’t yet popped my cherry. I slipped in another finger and pushed it in and out, causing me to moan even more.

Chris: “Holy shit…s..sis. You are…making yourself feel…so…g…good.”

Me: “It feels incredible bro, I might cum soon myself.”

I kept fingering myself in front of Chris, getting wetter and wetter. It might’ve been my horniness or the fact that I was doing this in front of my brother but I decided to do something I hadn’t done before…slip another finger in. I felt the walls of my hole stretch and the pleasure of it. I moaned even more, almost screaming.

Chris: “Huh! Sis…how big…is…your…h…hole?”

Me: “I don’t know…mmm…I’ve never used three fingers.”

I kept pumping them in and out for a few minutes and then felt my orgasm coming. I pumped even harder and faster and saw that Chris was doing the same. He was trying to keep up with my pace. I closed my eyes, screamed out of pleasure and came, I felt my juices drench my hand and wrist. I then felt something else land on my feet…Chris’ cum. I opened my eyes and saw him stroking himself, pumping cum out with each stroke. He was red in the face and looked overwhelmed with pleasure. He eventually stopped and looked at me.

Chris: “Sis…that…was…uh…incredible.”

Me: “I know…wow. I have never done that in front of anyone. I think…doing so made it feel even better than usual.”

Chris: “Same…here…I g…guess. Do…you want…to eat my milk…again?”

Me: *shocked at his question I laughed* “Do you want me too?”

Chris: “Yes please!”

I moved and laid on my belly. I took hold of his cock and licked it, slurping up his “milk” and then took his willy into my mouth. I flicked my tongue on his tip a few times and licked his shaft from the bottom to the top. I let go and looked at him, opening my mouth and showing him his milk in my mouth. He laughed and giggled. I swallowed it and got an idea…why not let him taste me too? I moved my hand down my body and shoved two fingers into my pussy. I pumped them in and out for a few seconds, took them out and then sat up.

Me: “Here, open your mouth.”

Chris: “What…why?”

Me: “I want you taste my milk too.”

Chris: “No…ew…yuck!”

Me: “Huh! How dare you say that.” *I say jokingly*.

I took my fingers and put them into my mouth, licking and sucking at them seductively.

Me: “Mmm…see? It tastes good.”

Chris: “Really?”

Me: “A ha. Want a taste?”

Chris: “Umm…okay sis. I trust you.”

Me: “Good. Now, use your hand and taste me.”

I laid down and pushed my crotch upwards. I saw him smile and blush a little.

Me: “Have at it.”

I closed my eyes and waited on his fingers touching me…I felt something but it wasn’t his fingers. I felt his tongue lick my slit, going upwards first and then downwards. It felt ecstatic…the hotness and roughness of his tongue against my pussy. I moaned in response and closed my eyes. He stopped licking and I opened my eyes.

Me: “Chris…I didn’t mean to do that. I meant to use your fingers to feel me and then lick them like I did.”

Chris: “Oh…sorry sis. You licked me…so I thought…it was only fair…if…if…I did the same.”

Me: “It’s okay Chris, don’t worry. It felt great. I was just shocked is all. Thank you for doing that, I wasn’t expecting it and wasn’t gonna bring it up to you just yet.”

Chris: “You’re…we…welcome sis.”

I checked the time and saw that it was around half one. Mum and dad would be back soon…I panicked, stood up and started putting my clothes back on.

Me: “Chris, clothes on now. Mum and dad will be back soon.”

Chris: “Okay…”

Chris stood up and started getting dressed too. We got dressed and sat back down and that’s when I realised the smell. We had somehow not caused a mess but there was a strong smell of sex in the air. I got up, opened the curtains and opened the windows. I then grabbed the air freshener and sprayed some. That worked a treat and the smell went away shortly after. I sat back down and looked at Chris, he looked so happy and pleased with himself. He had learned to make himself feel good without my help and took a large step (scratch that) took a giant leap but not only tasting me but licking my pussy. He was my little brother and I loved him even more now. Mum and dad came back around 2 o’clock and were very sweaty, it was warm up. They took a shower together to save water and came out twenty minutes later, I wonder if they did anything we did the other day?

The rest of the day was quiet but fun. Chris and I went to the park again and had it to ourselves again. We went on and used everything there and came back a few hours later for dinner around 6:00. We were sweaty and tired and looked it. We had dinner (mince, mash potato with carrots) and chocolate brownies for dessert. Around 8:30, we were watching tv and laughing away when mum said something to us.

Mum: “Sarah, Chris. I can see the sweat through your t-shirts and smell it from here.”

Dad: “I’m glad someone said it.”

Me: “Sorry, we were at the park and it was roasting outside. I guess we started sweating a lot.”

Mum: “It’s okay sweetie but you both need to shower. Go shower now before bed, I don’t want your sheets getting smelly.”

Dad: “I’ll second that. Can you share the shower again? I think the immersion heater is broken, so we’ll have to ration whatever hot water is left.”

Me: “That’s okay dad, we don’t mind sharing.”

Chris: “Nope.”

Mum: “Thank you kids. Remember to put your bathing suits on first.”

Me: “We will.”

We walked down the hall and into our bedroom to get changed…

The End.


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