Categories: PreTeenRapeTeenVirgin

The Last Command – Consuelo’s Fate 5 Sex Story for free – Y2Stories

Ann escapes the sacristy and runs following Consuelo into the church’s nave and into broad daylight. Outside, she thinks God will protect her. Wrong!

Note: This is my first time depicting the gang-rape of so young a girl from her own point of view. Ann Blyth as a fiction character was born in January 1823. She was there with her sisters when Fort Alamo fell to the Mexicans. You can read the entire story from Part 1, but this part can be read as a stand-alone story just as well.

*** *** ***

Ann Blyth had always lived in a world that was a stage with the good folks and the bad people. She dreamed about becoming a stage actress, the best Shakespearian actress. She didn’t care about this being a despised profession, especially for a lass. That’s all she always wanted to be—an actress. Ann had now reached the age Juliet was when she died with Romeo.

But then, after the inner fort was overrun and the Mexicans stormed the church, Ann found herself in a most bizarre role.

When these three last Americans were bayoneted in front of her, Ann still didn’t want to believe that the evil men had won. She had kept believing that her father and the other Yankees would prevail, since they were the good and rightful rebels and God wouldn’t allow the Mexicans to win. Texas was American. God knew this.

Ann’s head was spinning as she tried to make sense of what she was witnessing, as Isabella was sobbing on her lover’s dying body and Mexicans grabbed her while all their fellow soldiers went after the Yankee women!

With a shock, Ann realized that it also meant her! For some reason, those evil men saw her as a woman.

“Quick! Ann, Mary… We must hide! They must not see us until the General arrives!”

It was Meg’s voice.

Someone grabbed her hand and led her into a panicked run amid the crowded sacristy, amid other fleeing women with Mexicans running after them, after her!

Ann saw it was Mary who was holding her hand, then she bumped into someone and lost her.

Those evil men were now crowding the sacristy with their grinning and jeering while chasing and grabbing screaming women! The Mexicans had stern or grinning faces; they seemed extremely happy and determined to catch the women. Ann wondered what for. What did they want so badly from the women?

“¡Buenos días, señorita! ¡Es un día maravilloso!” soldiers hollered as they seized Mrs. O’Hara’s wrists and waist and she tried to fight them off, her pretty face looking just as distorted as if she just drank India pale ale. Ann knew Mrs. O’Hara hated beer.

Mrs. O’Hara was starting to cry and begging the men to please behave like gentlemen, but she spoke English to Mexicans who didn’t understand a word she was saying or they simply didn’t care.

They kept their hold on her. A thickly moustached soldier silenced the fair-skinned brunette with a kiss she desperately tried to turn away from and lost her bonny hat in the scuffle while no less than three other men pressed themselves around her.

Ann saw their hands… They were touching Mrs. O’Hara on her… her bottom? And on her bosom as well, while that moustached man with a dirty face kept forcing his kissing on the respectable wife of a Yankee Sergeant. His olive skin looked like corrupt leather against Mrs. O’Hara’s angel-light face.

A woman suddenly ran past her in a maroon dress—Ann saw her long dark hair and caught a glimpse of her noble figure; Consuelo!

A comically overweight Captain was chasing Consuelo along with soldiers as she sprung over the Yankee men’s bodies and ran into the nave.

“Consuelo…” Ann started to shout, but her voice was drowned in the tumult.

Ann realized she was lucky; she was still free; her small size was her ally as the Mexicans were first spotting and seizing the grown women and the taller girls such as her older sisters.

Ann started to cry, thinking of her sisters. But Consuelo…

Ann ran like a deer between two groups of soldiers in the act of carrying women outside the overcrowded sacristy. She sprinted!

She jumped above the corpses and ran after Consuelo in the nave. Her instinct told her she’d be safe if she stayed with Consuelo, so she ran after that brown dress.

Consuelo had been grabbed by the arm, but she bit the man’s hand and scampered to the open front door and into the bright sunlight, running like a scared rabbit.

Why did the soldiers try to grab Consuelo? She was a noble lady! Ann could understand that the soldiers would grab and hold and kiss the common women, but someone as noble as Consuelo?! God wouldn’t allow it!

“God! The light! I’m saved!” Ann told herself as she ran through the nave, oblivious to everything else.

Ann ran faster than she ever did. The light! If she reached the light, then she was safe! Her father would be there and somehow, there would be a miracle…

She heard a familiar voice just before she ran through that front door. Was it Mary?

She ran on. A large Mexican soldier tried to block her and she passed him in a blur of cobalt blue uniform and cobalt blue sky and the dusty wind hit her face as she ran, ran ran!

Ann Blyth was flooded with sunlight and blinded by the sun as she came out into the open, from the shadowy nave to Texas broad daylight. She couldn’t see much…


All was dust, blue sky and many loud voices speaking Spanish… Jeering in Spanish! “¡Hola! ¡Ven aquí pequeña señorita!”

“¡Pequeña señorita!”

“¡Aaa que bonita!” “¡Qué bonita!”

“¡Ven aquí! ¡Ven aquí! ¡Wou-hou-hou-hou…”

Running like a blind hen among the jeering and whooping soldiers, Ann tried to locate Consuelo, but then she was grabbed by a great force and lifted off her feet!

She was being carried away. Were they angels sent from Heaven to save her and her sisters? Saving Consuelo too? But why did Consuelo need to be saved? Wasn’t she a noble lady with honour?

Ann wanted to believe this as she was being carried, her body now more horizontal than otherwise.

Then, she was shoved down onto the dirt. It was a hot morning in Fort Alamo.

Ann realized she was unable to raise herself. She then realized she was alone in the middle of loud shako-wearing soldiers who pinned her to the ground, alone in the middle of many sweating faces; men with varying shades of olives and brown in their rejoicing mugs; all men wearing black shakos and the hated cobalt blue uniform.

Ann’s senses refused to acknowledge those touches on her bosom as they were now pulling at her garments. What sort of play was this? Why were they doing this? She wasn’t even pretty! She was barely thirteen and still so small a girl!

She felt a large pull at her chest and heard a loud ripping sound… Rrriippp!!!

“Noooo! Stop this! Nooooooo!”

Ann screamed and begged and pleaded, tears filling and rolling down her blue eyes, her head wildly shaking from side to side on that dirt…

They were assaulting her clothes! What for? Why were those men so keen on getting as close as they could to their enemy’s women? It didn’t make sense! Why were they doing this?

Ann didn’t understand, but her instincts made her terrified. Whatever those men wanted of her, it couldn’t be any good. They were evil.

She felt a rush of panic and overwhelming confusion as their hands kept ripping at her dress and pressing her bosom as she kept begging them to please stop, telling them she was only a child! She felt a strangely pleasing sensation from her breasts under their hands, through her torn dress and her supple corset.

“I’m only twelve! Find some bigger girls to play with!—no! Please! Leave me alone…”

They didn’t hear her or wouldn’t. Their mad faces positively frightened her. Even more frightening—her dress top was torn wide open with buttons sent flying, after her flower-adorned apron had been somehow removed. Did that man have a knife?!

“AaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! Father! Father!” Ann shrieked in terror as she saw the naked blade.

Men were arguing between themselves. Hands were holding her wrists and ankles so hard it was hurting her. Someone was fondling with the front laces of her supple corset that made up the top of her petticoat.

Ann screamed in shame and panic as she realized with a shock that those evil men wanted to undress her and see her bosom just as it was when she took a bath! But why?! What did they want with her? They weren’t trying to injure her. They were just holding her down amid them! What for?!

Those men arguing kept saying the same words, such as “bonita”, “pequeña señorita” and “desnuda”. Did some of them want to see her in the nude? To humiliate her? That must be it.

Ann suddenly jerked left and right in a desperate attempt to break free. “Father! Con… Consuelo! Consuelo!” she shouted amid the thick forest of hands holding her down. Her voice hit the loud Mexican wall of their jeers. They were so loud! So determined! It was as if there was a treasure worth a king’s ransom under her clothes and they were ripping them savagely with madness-filled eyes! She had never seen men act like this. It was so terrifying!

She freed her left ankle and tried to kick, but two hands grabbed her leg again. She kept jerking and wriggling, crying and shouting as she felt the laces in front of her corset give way and suddenly…

The air and the sun hit her bare breasts directly, and there were hands cupping them. Ann shrieked in panic as her small body was assaulted with waves of shame and a host of sensations that were foreign to her.

Why were they so fond of her small breasts? They kept touching them.

Then, Ann felt the air directly against her legs and realized her dress was being tucked up and tossed all the way against her waist, along with her petticoat.

She cried and wailed as she felt they were now gazing at that small patch of hair she had between her legs. It was so humiliating!

“Please… Find a true woman… Let me go…” Ann cried out.

“But you are a true woman, my child! At least we’re going to make one out of you! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”

The man who had just answered her in English was in the act of lying himself down on top of her. He was wearing a better-quality uniform with golden epaulettes.

Ann wanted to push him off her, but she was being held down, spread-eagled on that ground and she was now getting tired of straining and resisting. Why was he lying himself down on top of her like that? He wanted to play with her, no doubt, but why play like this?! He wasn’t really a big man, but to her he was nonetheless heavy.

“We going to make the little señorita a mother!” the officer added. Ann noticed his golden epaulettes with thin fringes, from up close, meaning he was a junior officer.

A mother?! A baby? By doing this?! Didn’t they know that babies were delivered by storks?

Ann tried hard to understand the link between her lying down on the dirt under that officer and having a baby. She had no idea how babies were made; none whatsoever. She believed that whenever God felt a young wife was ready to have a child, He created one and it was delivered home by a divine stork. All kids knew this! It was just as well known as Father Christmas.

As she pondered over this, deeply lost under that officer, amid all those loud Mexicans whose terrifying voices and faces confused her deeply, Ann shrieked in sudden pain.

Something horrible was pushing hard between her open legs…


Ann’s shriek broke her voice. The pain tore her soul. It was fire! Fire from Hell!


That something kept pushing harder, stubbornly, as that officer directly above her sounded and felt like he was straining under great exertion.

It kept pushing even harder. Stubborn! Ann almost passed out!

She was in the heart of a hurricane of the loudest demons she ever heard. Demons spoke Spanish.


That something stubbornly pushing got deeper and even more painful. Deeper. More pain. Hell! Something pushing…

Ann felt something giving in and it burned her with searing pain, causing her to shriek even louder with her now-hoarse voice as that Big Something, she realized, was now far inside her, and the straining man was now grinning at her from only inches above her, looking into her eyes with the gaze of a madman as that Big Something pulled itself back, as if to exit her…

Then it came ramming back deep inside her, deep! She cried with searing pain. It recoiled again, only to come all the way down again, and even deeper! Ann cried and wailed.

The up-and-down movement of that Big Something became a rhythm. A rhythm of crushing pain that answered to the panting and grunting from that officer whose heated breath she felt on her neck.

What was he doing? It seemed to be quite an intense exertion. But it hurt!

“St… Stop. Please, Sir… Stop! It hurts! Ooh, it hurts too much!”

“Don’t, aah, worry, aah, little maid, ohh, ahh, you’re, aah, ¡Santa Madre de Dios! You, are, ahh, going to like, aahh, it!”

The officer spoke no more. He kept crushing Ann under his weight as he viciously accelerated and kept hammering her.

Ann was in agony! Albeit her pain did become a little more diffuse. All around her, Mexicans under their black shakos were laughing at her, jeering at her and calling her a “putita yanqui”. She understood “Yankee”, but whatever “putita” meant, she’d rather not know. It must be a filthy word, the opposite of the Holy Virgin. A whore.

Suddenly, the man on top of her sounded as if he was hurt. Did someone shoot him?! She didn’t hear any gunshot!

He sounded like, “Aahh—aahh, aaaaahhh… NNNNNNNNNNhhhhrrrrr…”

Then he remained, crushing her under him as she tried to make any sense of what was happening. His hot breath was intensely baptizing her neck, and this was the only sensation that Ann found was a bit pleasing. This and the brushing of her nipples against his bosom, which had stopped.

It was weirdly pleasing, even though she loathed that man. For some reason, the officer had found doing this extremely pleasing. Throughout her pain, Ann felt the sheer intensity of his joy. Whatever had been done, it was it, it was that little something he had wanted from her.

Was he hurt? He just lay there, panting against her neck. Did one of his men stab him in the back? Ann felt all so confused, but she was happy that the big pain was over. That Big Something was no longer there, or at least it had somehow shrunk. But yeah, it was still slithering inside her; she felt its sickening warmth.

“Now, Señorita… Now you are a woman! And now my men will have you, little Yankee tramp! Yanqui putita!” the officer said as he kissed her tenderly, as if he were her own father rewarding her for a good deed!

He then lifted himself from her. He picked up the gold-adorned shako he had lost during their encounter and was gone, vanishing behind the thick moving wall of his great many men; all grinning down on her from what seemed like mountain-high above her, where the sun hit their sun-baked faces with their shakos casting warlike shadows.

The Mexicans had won and were happy and playing with her. But it hurt! Physically, spiritually. It hurt so much!

Ann wanted to raise herself, but her wrists and ankles were held all too firmly. That hurt too! Where were God and his guardian angels?

There was movement around her. Men were arguing again. Through that forest of legs, Ann looked off to her right and she saw…

She saw Consuelo. Consuelo!

Consuelo was held in a bent over position, her dark hair hanging loose and swaying back and forth under her noble figure, with a man holding her arms out in front of her, amid a pack of laughing soldiers wearing that same sickening blue uniform and those same shakos. Behind her stood that comically overweight officer she had seen in the church. He was holding her waist and playing a game that consisted of forcefully thrusting his lap into her bum!

He seemed to greatly enjoy doing this. He was smiling a mile wide! But it was Consuelo all right. Ann recognized her fancy maroon dress, albeit it was now all tucked up and Consuelo’s legs were visible. A drummer boy was at her feet. A Sergeant holding a knife was doing something to her dress in her backside.

Were they stripping Consuelo out of her dress? How could they do this to a noble lady like Consuelo? God wouldn’t allow such a thing! Those brigands in uniform… They wanted to humiliate Consuelo?! How could this be allowed to happen?!

Ann’s gaze was hypnotized by the fat officer’s buttocks and his ever-renewed thrusts against Consuelo’s bum. Ann recognized the pattern of coming-and-going. She understood with a shock that whatever had just been done to herself was now being done to Consuelo!

Then, the fat officer moved frantically and he stooped down a bit; he seemed hurt? It was as if some thunderbolt from Heaven just struck him. Indeed, the ugly officer looked up toward the sky and he seemed to shout something at the heavens, although Ann didn’t hear from where she was, being herself amid so many loud Mexicans.

Then, she was grabbed by the head and a man’s face was pressed into hers. Something wet was now licking her lips, her nose, her cheeks… Ann realized with disgust… His tongue. This was his tongue! Disgusting!

That man was on top of her. Again, she was crushed under him, and he was a bit heavier than the officer. He was no officer. He had two red epaulettes with fringes; a Sergeant. He no longer wore his shako. Ann saw he had some white hair.

Then, suddenly, that Big Something was pushing between her legs.


Again, the agony! Excruciating!

That Big Something was pushing hard! If anything, it felt even bigger!

The man was straining on top of her. Then, his Big Something hammered itself deep inside her and before Ann realized it, the Sergeant was groaning on top of her, sounding very much pleased as that Big Something was once again moving up and down inside Ann, who felt the pain slightly become better.

Ann cried. It was so humiliating! Consuelo… Having seen that same thing done to Consuelo filled Ann with an all-encompassing sense of horror. Even the noble lady! They were playing that hurtful game with Señorita Consuelo! They were truly evil!

She lay under the ever-painful hammering, under the heavy Sergeant. If they were doing that big something to Consuelo as well, then they were doing this to all the women in the fort. Her sisters! They were also having… a Big Something inside them!

Ann began to sob, very bitterly. Her poor sisters! Ahh, this was so painful!

“Stop! Stop thi—iis! Aaa—aaaa—aaaaaahh!”

The Sergeant was now grunting madly, pounding hard inside her, frantic and insane on top of her.

He sounded like some human monster trying hard to imitate a machine from Hell…


It was terrifying!

Then he sounded hurt! Just like the officer, except he sounded a bit differently, something like, “Hhmmnnn… Nnnnhh UUGGHH!!!”

He was quickly gone. She felt weightless without him on top of her.

Another man came. Also wearing two red fringed epaulettes.

Red was evil; a Yankee Sergeant would have worn three chevrons; three for the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, as her father had told her many times. Ann would have willingly played that game with a Yankee Sergeant; a Yankee man would have felt warm and nice inside her. Those evil men hurt because they were Mexicans, the enemy. Devils from the Pit!

Ann desperately looked around her, looking for a Yankee Sergeant, looking for a Yankee officer; a colonel! Where was Davy Crocket? Father… where was he? All she saw were Mexican uniforms. How could have they won when they were the bad ones?! It didn’t fit with how the world was like.

The evil Sergeant with the red epaulettes was still wearing his pitch-black shako. Ann braced herself for that Big Something she knew was going to hurt her deep, and burn like boiling pitch inside her. Those shakos were so evil!

“¡La violamos en orden de rangos!” someone said amid the loud jeers.

Ann felt something wet on her breasts. What was he doing to her now? But then, something warm and strangely pleasing began to radiate from her nipples, where that… that tongue seemed to be playing with her.

She heard him grunting, in a similar way to how the officer sounded when he was on top of her and seemed filled with joy. That man playing with the tip of her breasts seemed to be loving this.

Ann became aware he was no longer doing this. He was again on top of her, his face right above hers.

“¡Buenos días, señorita!” he said as he moved himself in a way she began to know and dreaded.

She tensed and braced for that boiling pitch deep inside her…

Sure enough, that Big Something was there, painful as hell, but this one felt nervous and jabby. It was hammering her in fast jabs, and sinking deeper as she shrieked in pain and was filled with shame.

The pain was so fiery and intense! That man just hammered and jabbed inside her, putting all his weight into it! He didn’t care one penny about her being hurt and screaming.

Then, again, the Big Something was inside her, up and down, up and down. Ann felt the boiling pitch. Was she getting used to it? It was now duller. More manageable. Just slightly more manageable.

Ann thanked God that none of her sister was seeing her like this. And father… Where was he? Was he…?

Ann broke down in tears while the joy-filled man kept straining and sweating on top of her, as that Big Something kept ravaging her virtue.

Ann wailed and cried out and began to curse at her captors…

“Aahh! Matate a mi padre! I hate you! I’ll kill you all!” Ann shouted in a confused mix of her native language and bad Spanish. Those evil men had killed father!

The men just laughed around her while that Sergeant kept intensely straining on top of her, licking her face in the middle of his grunts, losing his shako in his relentless barrage of hammering jabs. She felt how much he was enjoying her suffering.

Ann realized her body wasn’t only suffering like her soul. The uncovered tips of her breasts were directly brushing against the Sergeant’s uniform. She felt the sensitive skin of her nipples against the wool of his Mexican military jacket, and this caused waves of pleasing warmth to radiate and somehow make their way all the way down to her navel, then her hips, her buttocks where she felt her weight and his weight against the dirt… Those waves of pleasing warmth even made it down to her womanhood.

Her cries underwent subtle changes. There was something else in the sound of her wails, of her swearing and cursing. She was beginning to whimper as well.

The man was presently shaken by what felt like a powerful storm of frenzy where his jabbing thrusts became inhumanly fast.

And he sounded like he was dying on top of her.

Ann closed her eyes, crying and shaken by her sobs, shaken harder by the convulsions of that pig growling right against her face, polluting her with his sweat and slobber. Then, she realized she was arching her back and moving her bosom in a way that caused her tits to be compressed a bit more against the exhaling man.

Then, he went lower, panting.

Ann felt his hot breathing directly against her breasts and she was suddenly taken by what felt like a big ball of bonfire that was like pure  joy and ecstasy, and her own body forced a loud series of moans out of her.

She felt the man’s tongue on her nipples. He cupped her small tits, and that big ball of joy-fire once more forced her to moan amid a loud thunder of Mexican laughter.

Then, the Sergeant was gone. Another man was already settling himself down on top of her. He wore only one red epaulette with fringes; a Corporal.

Ann felt his weight bearing down on her, and with this she braced herself for another session of that Big Something hurting her from within. Her wrists and ankles were so sore! She quit trying to break free, but they held her so tightly that it still hurt!

The man was like the previous ones, maybe a bit lighter. He was still much larger than herself, but Ann only stood four feet and nine inches and hopefully had yet to grow some more. She hoped her bosom would also grow along with the still-childish curves of her hips. She often felt jealous of her elder sisters.

Ann braced for the upcoming pain. She hoped this wouldn’t be as painful as the previous times. Perhaps she was getting used to that strange dance, but a big fist of searing fire informed her that for some reason, this was the worst!


This time, the Big Something was truly Big.

“Aahhh! Santa Maria!” the Corporal exclaimed as he mercilessly struck his Big Something inside Ann, whose shrieks were deafening!

The man, grinning like a sun-baked devil, his moustache like black pitch, impatiently hammered himself down inside her.

Then, he propped up his torso on straightened arms and began the up and down repeated motions, dishing out great pain and suffering to the maiden, the deflowered maiden who kept whimpering in agony as she felt his gaze on her freely-moving tits.

Why wasn’t he doing this with his bosom brushing against hers? Ann was craving this! She felt her nipples under the man’s gaze, and found herself wishing he would lower himself and cover her.

Ann was in too much agony to do any thinking. She only knew she wanted her nipples to be brushing against that man’s blue uniform. Yet she found something diffusely pleasing in the fact that so many men were gazing at her uncovered breasts. It was so immoral! Did it feel pleasing because it was immoral?

She clung to those pleasing sensations from her jiggling breasts; it was the only thing she had to fight the pain with. God be damned of He was testing her virtue! Ann was certain that that pain was even worse than what Christ endured when the Romans crucified Him on that skull-shaped hill called Golgotha. Christ was a man and therefore had no idea of the pain a woman could endure!

Ann clung to those tidbits of pleasure from the sensitive tips of her breasts as she felt all those hot gazes on them! She was a little tramp all right, but God would forgive her weakness just like He had forgiven Mary Magdalene, the prostitute who had turned her heart to the love of Jesus.

The Corporal then looked at her, grinned and his moustached face became a distorted mask reflecting something like pain and joy, all at the same time.

Ann felt his Huge Something as it twitched inside her, then he let out a long-winded growl while grinning at her with insanely joyful eyes.

He then suddenly moved himself back up on his feet. Ann saw what looked like a flaccid horn of flesh that just hung out of his light-grey trousers. What was that?

Ann let out a wild cry of terror. How could something so big be able to get inside her? She must be injured! Its head was as big as her fist! There was something slimy and milky that dripped down from it.

It looked disgusting. Then she realized that whatever it was, this slimy matter had been spent inside her.

She began to cry like a little girl.

“AA—AAA AAAaaahhh… Why are you doing this? Why? Why? Whyy—AAAA—AAA—AAAAAA—AAAAAAaaaahh… Rrhaaaa—AAAA—AAAA AAAAA AAAAAAA I’m so disgusting now! Full of filth! AAAAAA—AAA-AAAAA-AAAAAAA—AAAaaaa …”

Another one-epaulette man laid himself down on her. He was looking down and away from her, as if embarrassed by something.

Ann’s senses shut down. She already knew what he was going to do. The worst was the sharp pain that surged inside her and radiated throughout her legs when the man pushed his Big Something inside her. She already felt that pain in her mind! Was he already inside? She no longer knew her own body!

They always pushed it so deep! Why so deep? Poor Consuelo! She must be in great pain too! And Meg, Rose-Anne, Mary, Mrs. O’Hara… It was so horrible! Why were they doing this? Why?

Because it gave them great joy, Ann realized as she saw the joy on that Corporal’s face as he let his Big Something run its up-and-down ride inside her. They loved doing this to her. They all loved doing this to all the women inside the fallen fort.

The Corporal did his business inside her. Then another Corporal was there, this one thinner and lighter. It still felt painful, yet Ann kept arching her back so her tits would brush against his wool uniform and she could cling to that one bit of suave sensations in the middle of that hell of pain and Mexican jeers.

That Corporal was already done and gone. Only to be followed by another. Then another. Ann realized that there would be a great many privates as well. So many men were going to take their turns on top of her.

She was letting them do their thing, trying to manage the pain, her teeth clenched, her head bobbing and no longer caring about anything they were doing. It felt she was going to spend the rest of her life doing just this… being used by the Mexicans for the joy it brought them all.

*** *** ***

Ann became aware she was being moved; and her garments, whatever was left of them, were being ripped and pulled off her. She was barefoot. Barefoot?! She had no recollection of anyone undoing her shoes, but there she was, barefoot.

As they were violently tearing and ripping and pulling her ruined dress off her along with the white dirty rags that used to be her petticoat, Ann felt their army of Spanish-jeering hands all over her.

There was the caress of the dirt against her feet and her lower legs as they flipped her around while catcalling her and calling her all sorts of names such as “texana señorita” and “Yankee putita”.

Ann had so many hands on her! Especially on her legs, her feet and her bum, yes, her bum!

They seemed to love touching her, especially her bum.

They kept touching her, even though her curves were only nascent around her hips, even though her tits were so small compared to her sisters. Ann still had a long way to go before looking as womanly as her sisters, yet those men… It felt like being wrapped in a blanket of Mexican hands. They were everywhere on her!

Ann felt fingers inside her as well. Then she felt hands on her backside, rough fingers through her dark hair, callused hands reaching under her for her tits, and this contact with her tits caused her to whimper and purr against her will.

Many wet tongues were felt on her bum.

Ann realized they were licking her butt. She could tell they were taking immense joy out of it. She was still more like a child than a woman; she was so small everywhere! Yet they didn’t seem to care. They treated her like a woman.

She suddenly caught a glimpse of Consuelo, who was presently Eve-nude amid a large pack of men. Ann could only see that Consuelo had her legs wrapped around a man who stood and kept thrusting himself inside her with great effort. Consuelo’s dark hair was swaying amid this storm of forced sensuality. Consuelo’s pale legs were imprisoning that man’s blue uniform as he thrust again and again inside the noble señorita.

They were having Consuelo with her back pinned against a cannon.

Ann saw her no more as men moved and obscured her field of vision, but she would always remember the way Consuelo was moving under that man’s assaults while other men were holding her in position where the man could have her while standing.

Ann felt unexplainable heat from that scene, from the way Consuelo seemed to be entertaining and somehow controlling all these men; it was a pleasurable heat that Ann felt between her legs as the men were placing her on all fours while stroking her everywhere at once with their sensual orgy of hands.

Then there was a strong pair of hands that grabbed her waist just after all those hands pressured her into placing herself on her hands and knees. Her body liked those hands on her bum.

Then came the Big Something.

It caught Ann unawares and punched itself inside her. It was very painful. Then, that man holding her by the waist began to drive her back and forth while pushing himself inside her, recoiling and pushing all in again, to the hilt, causing her to both reel in pain and whimper with that heat she kept feeling down there, from thinking about Consuelo amid all those Mexicans.

Ann then felt her bum as it repeatedly collided with that grown man behind her; he was standing on his knees and just kept bumping against her bum.

Exactly like what that fat officer had done with Consuelo! Ann felt weirdly proud. Proud of being treated like a noble señorita!

They seemed to be playing a game where a girl could get promoted in rank if she was a good girl and gave enough entertainment.

Ann decided to play along. She hated what they were doing to her, but she liked being treated like a noble señorita. Ann de Quesada! She loved the ring of it. It rang like a special Christmas bell and took her soul in a Spanish castle while her body was being defiled on Texas dirt.

She began moving herself in such a way that her bum collided with more force, repeatedly, and accelerating in rhythm, causing waves of pain to course all through her little body and compete with the repeated rushes of sensual heat that were slightly increasing.

But then, the man leant onto her—she felt him on her entire back—and he cupped her tits from behind as he pressured himself against her, as if trying to glue himself to her forever.

Ann almost screamed as she felt her nipples literally explode with bursting sensations. She heard the man growl and felt him exhale against her nude skin, and she knew he was done.

He shivered against her, and was no doubt filling her with that milky slime she had seen dripping from the head of a man’s thing earlier.

There was a warm caress on her bum, then the man was gone.

Another man came. It began all over again. This one didn’t lean over her like she was hoping for.

He shook her to the point of making her feel nauseous. Until he shivered and was suddenly gone. Another man came. This one kept caressing her sides, with hands that often passed tantalizingly close to her all-sensitive tits, while he was gently inside her.

Ann was surprised to feel him so nice and gentle inside her. Was she being promoted again because she was a good girl? Were they going to find a cannon and use her on it like Consuelo? Maybe only the highest-ranking ladies had the right to be played on a cannon.

She was suddenly aware that her waist was already held by another man, who proceeded to rock her very thoroughly.

Ann was shaken. She was getting used to the pain, or perhaps there was too much sensuality at play inside her at that point. Yes, there was warmth amid her painful exhaustion.

She suddenly realized that the man had her tits in his hands while he was taking her very deep indeed.


She knew it was over.

The next man pushed her hard against the ground and caused her to lie flat on her belly.

Then, out of nowhere, his Big Something struck her OTHER entrance, the one she used when taking a shit.

Ann was so surprised that she almost forgot she was unable not to scream from the unbearable pain. She had no idea that hole of hers could also be used for their play.

If she thought this was the worst pain she could ever experience, then she realized she was sorely mistaken.

It got hellishly worse as the Big Something was hammered relentlessly inside that other hole of hers, always going a bit deeper.

Then the pain grew tenfold or a hundredfold. A life-altering pain!

Ann became deaf and blind from her own shriek.

There were tiny notes of subtle pleasure in the mix. Ann couldn’t believe she was really experiencing this array of tiny notes of bliss while being in such a great pain.

The men around her were so loud in their cheers and catcalls and jeering, but she didn’t hear anything, not even her soul-tearing shriek. She only heard her pain, from that devil behind her.

But she felt his extreme pleasure through his hands where he was painfully clutching her sore waist while relentlessly bumping against her bum. Impaling her rectum!

Each second felt like an eternity. She was no doubt being ripped apart! Yet there were those ever-present specks of bliss.

She kept screaming against that crowded wall of jeers and catcalls, deaf to her own screams and made numb to her own suffering. Her distended anus became her whole universe. Where was God? What was He?

It took her a while to realize that the man was gone.

Ann found herself hoping that the next man would take her usual hole, yet she felt curious, very strangely curious about experiencing those notes of bliss again. She knew instinctively that having her anus painfully distended was the only way to such flecks of pleasure. Maybe she would get used to the pain and only the notes of bliss would remain…

The only thing she was sure of was the great number of privates and newcomers around her. The play was far from over.

Ann Blyth wanted to become a stage actress. Now she felt like one more than ever before, Eve-nude amid those Mexicans who were now taking her from behind, thus treating her like a noble señorita, like Consuelo. If she was a really good girl, then perhaps they would promote her to using her on a cannon, with her sensitive tits under the sun for all to enjoy, even her…

She was now playing as a slave, flat on her belly, her face in the dirt, her feet being kissed, as one private after another took his pleasure inside her. She had no idea whether she was in the second or third act of that painful, life-altering play.

So very far from the Exeunt final part. She was enduring a never-ending Ineunt.



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