Tommy and Sinead Sex Story 2024 – Y2Stories.Com

Tommy liked watching 10 year old Sinead playing on the slide and swings so he could look up her skirt and see her white panties…

Tommy was rather excited as his partner had asked him if he would stay over at her house on Saturday night to look after her daughter Sinead as she had been asked to cover an emergency night shift. Tommy didn’t need to think for very long before telling her that he’d be happy to do so. Tommy was very fond of 10 year old Sinead and he already spent a fair amount of time with her.

Tommy would often pick Sinead up from school and keep her with him for several hours until her mum finished work. If the weather was nice he’d take her to the park where she would play on the slides and swings etc. Tommy liked to watch her playing on the slide in her school uniform as he could look up her short skirt and see her small white knickers.
If the weather was not so good Sinead would go in Tommy’s van to do deliveries with him. She would sometimes put her feet up onto the dashboard which let her skirt slide down towards her waist and Tommy could see her silky smooth thighs.

Tommy sometimes wondered if Sinead knew that he looked at her and if she was sort of teasing him when she was in the park and in his van. Tommy thought it was unlikely given her age and he was 40 years older.
Tommy turned up at his partner’s house around 6.30pm as she was leaving for work at 7pm. He wore a t shirt and his shorts as it was a warm summer evening. He knocked on the door and Sinead opened it looking extremely cute as she smiled at him. Tommy entered the kitchen and looked at Sinead as she turned to close the front door. Tommy thought she looked sexy as fuck as he admired her petite young body and her mousy blonde hair.
Sinead had her hair in pigtails tied with pink ribbons that allowed the end of each pigtail to just touch her dainty shoulders. She wore a very short pink top that showed her cute belly and a pair of small faded denim shorts. She was wearing her favourite little white ankle boots that Tommy had bought her for her 9th birthday and cute pink socks.
They both went into the living room and Tommy sat down on the settee as Sinead lay down on the floor in front of the TV. Tommy’s partner was getting ready for work upstairs as Tommy admired sexy little Sinead laying in front of him. He loved her pretty little legs and her cute bum and imagined himself playing with her.

Tommy knew he shouldn’t be thinking about Sinead in this way but he couldn’t help himself. Tommy really did care about Sinead and treated her like she was his own kid when they were out together. He knew that other people assumed she was his daughter when they sometimes commented on how cute she was and Tommy never told them she wasn’t.
Tommy went to the kitchen to make himself and his partner a coffee and shouted to ask Sinead if she wanted anything. Sinead said no but she may do later and giggled. Tommy smiled and thought to himself that the cute little cunt could have anything she wanted.

Tommy’s partner came downstairs and drank her coffee before leaving for work. She told Sinead that she must behave herself for Tommy and to go to bed when he tells her. Sinead looked up at her mum and rolled her eyes like a sarcastic teenager which made Tommy chuckle.
Tommy’s partner eventually fucked off to work leaving him alone with the gorgeous little girl laying in front of him. Sinead was watching some stupid cartoon on the TV as Tommy concentrated on her. He really did adore her in a way that almost made him feel like he was falling in love with her.

Tommy liked how this made him feel and wished he could tell Sinead how he felt about her but knew he couldn’t. Tommy imagined her laying there in just her little white panties as his cock started to grow inside of his pants and decided he needed to stop thinking of her in that way before it got him into trouble.
Tommy went into the kitchen and got himself a beer from the fridge. He sat back on the settee and cracked it open causing Sinead to turn and look at him. Sinead asked if she could have a beer too and Tommy laughed at her. Sinead looked at Tommy with her puppy dog eyes and told him that her mum would sometimes let her have a beer on a Saturday night as it wasn’t a school night.
Tommy didn’t believe a fucking word she was telling him but thought it was funny as Sinead was trying her best to look convincing. Tommy thought that she deserved something just for looking so fucking cute and told her she could have one beer if she promised not to tell her mum.
Sinead’s eyes lit up as she darted into the kitchen and returned with a beer.

Tommy smiled as she cracked open her beer and took a sip. The bubbles went up her cute little button nose and made her sneeze as she looked at Tommy and giggled as Tommy shook his head.
Tommy wished he could touch her anywhere, even if it was just her head or hair. The only time they touched was when Sinead held Tommy’s hand to cross a road and Tommy loved that. Sinead put her beer to one side and continued to watch TV.
Tommy picked up his phone and logged into Facebook to distract himself from Sinead as he knew she was just a kid and didn’t deserve some old pervert drooling over her.
After about 10 minutes Tommy logged out of Facebook and continued looking at Sinead. He felt that something was different about her. Tommy had often looked at other kids before and thought about playing with them sexually because of how they were dressed or because they were cute, pretty etc but something about Sinead was different.

After Sinead’s cartoon had ended she turned off the TV and told Tommy she was going upstairs to get changed. Tommy said ok and smiled at her as she stood up and left the room. Tommy drank his beer imagining Sinead in her pyjamas and waited for her coming back down.
After about 15 minutes Sinead came back into the living room. Tommy liked what he saw as she had removed the ribbons from her hair and replaced them with a white headband that kept her long blonde hair away from her face but let her fringe sit over it. She wore a deep pink nightshirt with the word CUTE printed at random all over it. The pink shirt just about covered her bum and she had thick white socks around her ankles that looked like they needed pulling up.

Sinead bent down to retrieve her beer letting Tommy see her white panties and making him once again wonder if she was teasing him. Sinead took a sip of her beer and put it down on the coffee table before asking Tommy if she could sit with him. Tommy said of course she could as Sinead smiled and plonked herself onto the settee beside him.
Sinead laid her head on Tommy’s left shoulder and let her little hand rest on his belly. She asked him to cuddle her so Tommy put his left arm around her and pulled her towards him. Tommy gently stroked Sinead’s left upper arm with his fingertips as Sinead responded by squeezing his belly.

Tommy had now fallen in love with this little girl and felt butterflies in his stomach as Sinead snuggled up to him. Sinead had pulled her little legs up onto the settee and bent her knees showing her silky left thigh. Tommy stroked her dainty little arm as Sinead pushed her sexy little body against him causing Tommy to squeeze her tighter.
Sinead without looking up asked Tommy if he liked her. Tommy told her that of course he liked her and why she asked. Sinead said because he was always looking at her and she knew that he liked looking up her skirt. Tommy said that he was sorry for looking up her skirt and shouldn’t have done so
Sinead giggled and told him that she didn’t mind him looking at her because she liked him too. Tommy asked her if she sometimes teased him on purpose such as when she was playing on the swings and slide and Sinead just giggled once again.
Tommy took that as a yes and was delighted to be told that Sinead liked him also. Sinead gently pulled Tommy’s t shirt up several inches hand placed her small warm hand on his bare skin above the waistband of his shorts. Tommy could feel his cock growing inside of his pants as Sinead softly stroked his belly with her fingertips.

Sinead looked up at Tommy with her gorgeous blue eyes and asked him how much he liked her. Tommy couldn’t hold back his feelings any longer as Sinead looked into his eyes waiting for an answer.
Tommy put his right hand onto Sinead’s left cheek and slowly lowered his head towards her pretty little face. He kissed her on her lips ever so gently and felt her little hand squeeze his belly. He kissed her again and ran the tip of his tongue back and forth across her lips. Sinead allowed the tip of her tongue to slip through her wet lips and touch Tommy’s .
Tommy gently stroked Sinead’s cheek with his thumb as he slipped his tongue inside of her warm wet mouth. Sinead licked and sucked Tommy’s tongue as he kissed her harder making her tingle all over her sexy little body. Tommy pulled away and looked into Sinead’s eyes and told her that was how much he liked her.

Sinead’s eyes and mouth were wide open as she couldn’t believe she had just been kissed by a man and kissed properly. Sinead hadn’t experienced the tingling feeling before but she liked it a lot and wanted to feel it again. She continued looking into Tommy’s eyes as she slowly moved her hand down and placed it onto the bulge between Tommy’s legs wondering how he would react.
To Sinead’s disappointment Tommy told her that he thought it was time for bed. Her head dropped and she laid it on Tommy’s chest leaving her hand between his legs. In a soft voice she told him that she was enjoying them cuddling and wanted to cuddle some more.

Tommy stroked her soft blonde hair and said that they could cuddle in the bedroom if she really wanted to. Sinead looked up at him and nodded her pretty little head eagerly. Tommy went and locked both doors leaving the keys in the locks just in case Sinead’s mum happened to come home.
After turning off the living room lights Tommy followed Sinead up the stairs. He stayed several steps behind her so he could look up her nightshirt and see her white panties that had ridden up between her cute little bum cheeks. The sight of his new little girlfriend walking up the stairs was really turning him on and he could feel the butterflies in his stomach again.

Tommy was feeling rather nervous because he knew that things were about to happen between him and the little girl in front of him. He was always looking at cute little girls when out and about and often thought about what he would like to do to them if he had the opportunity. Now it seemed that the opportunity had arrived and it scared him a little.
Sinead reached the top of the stairs and was about to enter her bedroom when Tommy grabbed her long hair and stopped her. She giggled as Tommy dragged her across the landing and into her mum’s bedroom. Sinead looked excited as she knew she shouldn’t be in her mum’s room but it was Tommy that had dragged her in there.

Tommy sat on the edge of the bed as Sinead closed the door behind them. Her mum’s bed was massive compared to hers and was covered with a pink duvet with pink pillows and cushions.
Sinead stood by the door as Tommy sat and admired her for a short while. She giggled and asked him what he was looking at and he said her because she was fucking gorgeous. Sinead went slightly red and put her head down but had a huge grin on her face. Tommy asked her to come closer so she walked and stood in front of him looking into his eyes as she was now the same height as Tommy sat on the bed.
Tommy took hold of her nightshirt and slowly lifted it up to her waist as Sinead lifted her arms allowing him to pull it off over her head. This messed Sinead’s hair up but Tommy thought it made her look even naughtier and cuter. He decided to pull her socks up for her as she obviously couldn’t be fucking bothered to do so herself and found that they were much longer than he thought. The white socks reached halfway up Sinead’s silky smooth thighs and he thought she looked fucking amazing stood there in just her long white socks and little white knickers that clung to her hips.

Tommy held Sinead by her hips and gently pulled her towards him until she was standing between his open legs and he could feel her warm breath on his face. He placed his hands on her sexy little bum and caressed her soft white bum cheeks. Sinead liked this and put her arms around Tommy’s neck resting them on his shoulders. She kissed Tommy on his lips and opened her little mouth letting Tommy slip his tongue onto her once again.
Sinead could feel the tingling sensation again as Tommy explored the inside of her mouth and squeezed her cute little bum. She pushed herself against him and tightened her arms around his neck as she enjoyed letting herself be treated this way by a man.

Tommy pulled his tongue out of Sinead’s little wet mouth and turned her around. He held her blonde unkempt hair to one side so he could lick and kiss her dainty neck which made Sinead tingle even more. Tommy put his right hand on her belly before slowly moving it down to her white panties just as Sinead hoped he would. Sinead felt Tommy’s hand slide between her thighs and she was fucking loving it as the tingling increased.
Tommy was still kissing her neck as he gently rubbed and squeezed her little pussy through her knickers. Sinead began to push her little cunt against Tommy’s hand which made him squeeze it harder.
Tommy was so excited that Sinead was enjoying what he was doing with her and could feel his cock growing larger inside of his pants. Tommy slid his hand inside the front of Sinead’s panties and cupped her little 10 year old cunt in his hand. Sinead gasped as Tommy pulled her head back by her hair so he could kiss her whilst she enjoyed him running his fingers between her soft pussy lips.

Tommy had to stop as he knew that the excitement of playing with his new little girlfriend was going to make him come in his pants. He released Sinead and she turned around to face him. The silly grin on her face told Tommy that she wanted more of what he’d just given her and he also wanted more from her.
Tommy softly stroked Sinead all over her sexy little body giving him time to compose himself and let his cock calm down. After several minutes Tommy stood and picked Sinead up sitting her on the edge of the bed where he had been sitting. He stood in front of her and she looked up into his eyes. Tommy looked down at his cute little girlfriend who now looked like she’d been dragged through a hedge with her messed up hair and smiled at her because she looked fucking gorgeous.

Sinead smiled back and giggled because she knew how much Tommy liked her and it made her feel good. She wasn’t sure if anything else was going to happen between them but she was really hoping something would. She sat on the bed quietly and felt a bit awkward as she didn’t know what to do or say.
Tommy helped Sinead by moving closer to her so she was facing his crotch. Sinead figured that it was her turn to please Tommy and felt rather nervous hoping she didn’t do things wrong. Tommy placed his right hand on her head and stroked her hair making her feel at ease as she lifted her arms and took hold of Tommy’s waistband. She slowly pulled down his shorts and let them fall down to his feet.
Tommy kicked them off and continued stroking Sinead’s soft hair as she concentrated on the large bulge in Tommy’s blue pants. She ever so slowly moved her head towards Tommy’s pants and rested her lips against what she knew was his cock. She put the tip of her tongue onto his pants and let it follow the shape of his cock to where it ended. She kissed the tip of Tommy’s cock several times and then began to gently bite it between her teeth. Sinead put her right hand onto the bulge below caused by Tommy’s balls and teased it with her tiny fingertips.

Sinead noticed Tommy’s cock was growing inside of his pants so guessed she was doing something right and this made her feel slightly more confident. Tommy was loving the feeling of Sinead’s fingers tickling his balls and her nibbling on the end of his cock.
Sinead pulled her head away and looked up at Tommy as she took hold of his pants and began pulling them down. Tommy winked at her and she smiled before returning to her task. As she pulled down his pants Tommy’s fat cock sprung out in front of her face making her gasp. Sinead let go of his pants and giggled at the sight of the big piece of meat hanging in front of her. She took hold of his pants once again and yanked them to the floor letting Tommy discard them.

Sinead admired Tommy’s fat cock and his balls that hung between his legs. Tommy always shaved his pubic hair as he didn’t like seeing it on his partner’s pussy so didn’t expect her to see it on him. This wasn’t an issue with his new little girlfriend as her little cunt was bald anyway.
Sinead raised her right arm and took hold of Tommy’s semi hard cock in her hand. She thought it was rather heavy as she wrapped her little fingers around it’s shaft and lifted it up to get a better look at his balls. She couldn’t believe how lucky she was having a man let her touch him in this way and it made her feel like a special little girl.
Tommy looked down at her wondering how he had found himself with the little girl of his dreams almost naked holding his cock in her little hand. He certainly wasn’t going to stop her as she continued to examine his cock with a look of concentration on her face. Sinead placed her left hand under Tommy’s balls and tickled them with her fingertips giving him the tingling feeling also.

Sinead could feel Tommy’s heavy cock growing in her hand the more she played with it and began to wonder just how much bigger it could get. Tommy’s cock was almost fully erect as Sinead moved her left hand from his balls and wrapped it around his hard shaft along with her other hand. She noticed that if she squeezed his cock hard enough she could make the little hole on the end open up. Sinead thought this was cool and giggled as she opened and closed it several times.
She squeezed Tommy’s shaft once again really tight and held it there as she poked the tip of her little wet tongue into the little hole. Tommy had to push her head back away from his cock to prevent himself from shooting his load all over Sinead’s face. Sinead looked confused as she released her little hands from around his cock and looked up at him.
Tommy explained to her the best he could that once he had come his cock would need time to recover and she would have wait a while before anything else happened between them. Sinead sort of understood what he told her and smiled at him. She certainly didn’t want Tommy to stop playing with her so she put her arms down beside her and left his cock alone.

Tommy knelt down on the floor in front of Sinead and pushed her backwards by her shoulders so she lay on the bed. Sinead wondered what he had planned for her as he took hold of her ankles and bent her knees lifting her little legs and placing her feet onto the bed. Tommy placed both of his hands between her knees and spread her legs wide open.
He licked and kissed the insides of both Sinead’s silky smooth thighs slowly working his head down towards her little panties. Tommy kissed and sucked her pussy through her white cotton knickers as Sinead lay on her back enjoying every moment. Tommy opened his mouth wide and clamped her small cunt between his teeth making her squirm with pleasure.
Sinead was moaning and writhing about on the bed as Tommy continued to suck and bite her pussy through her panties. Tommy lifted his head and pulled Sinead’s knickers down removing them from her. He admired her gorgeous kiddy cunt before putting his head back between her thighs and began sucking on her cunt lips as Sinead wrapped her legs around his neck.

Tommy ran his tongue up and down between her pussy lips pushing it into her sweet tasting little pink hole. Sinead pushed herself towards him wanting more of his warm slippery tongue inside her as she tightened her legs around him. Tommy stopped eating Sinead’s little bald cunt and she relaxed her legs releasing him. He stood up and looked at his amazing little girlfriend laying on her back with her legs spread showing her wet juice pussy. Sinead looked up at him with a huge smile on her pretty face as she put her little hand between her legs and slipped her middle finger into her cunt.

Tommy thought it was amazing seeing his 10 year old girlfriend fingering herself but guessed she had done it before when alone. Tommy leant forward and picked her up from the bed holding her tightly against his chest as she wrapped her arms around his neck and her little legs around his waist. As they kissed passionately he put his hands under her bum and gently pulled her cheeks apart. He located her tiny little arsehole and teased it with the tip of his finger as Sinead giggled.
Tommy used his fingers to pull Sinead’s bum hole open and slowly worked one of them inside her. Sinead hadn’t even thought about playing with her bum before and was loving feeling Tommy’s finger wriggling about inside her as she began to bounce up and down on it trying to get more of it into her. Tommy could feel her wet little pussy rubbing against his belly as Sinead bounced on his finger with her legs around him.
Tommy slid his finger out of Sinead’s arsehole and threw her down onto her mum’s bed watching her giggle as she landed on the soft pink pillows.

He thought she looked like a cute little doll in her long white socks and her headband that was now doing fuck all for her bedraggled hairstyle. Tommy simply adored her and just wanted to make her as happy as he possibly could without making it obvious to her mum how he really felt about her daughter.
He was willing to buy her anything she wanted but knew she would ask for something like a fucking pony or a unicorn so didn’t offer. Tommy sat on the side of the bed and just admired her as she continued to giggle like the little girl that she was. Tommy asked Sinead what she was laughing at which made her giggle even more but told him it was because she thought he was funny and that he made her feel so happy and she had never felt this way before. Sinead also told him that she had sometimes thought about letting a man play with her but never thought it would happen.
Tommy smiled as he looked into his cute little girlfriend’s eyes and thought about killing any man who even fucking looked at her.

Tommy lay on top of the duvet next to Sinead and they kissed and cuddled for a while. Sinead had now decided that she had fallen in love with Tommy because of how nice he treated her and how happy he made her. Tommy knew that he’d fallen in love with Sinead and her age was irrelevant in their own happy little world.
Sinead sat up and told Tommy to lift his head before she placed a couple of pillows beneath it. Tommy lay on his back and rested his head on the soft pink pillows wondering what the naughty child had in mind. Sinead knelt beside him smiling as she stroked his cock and balls getting Tommy aroused once more.

Sinead climbed on top of Tommy and straddled him letting her soft little bum cheeks rest on his chest. She grabbed the top of the headboard with both hands and pulled herself forwards until her little cunt was over his face. Tommy was impressed with her and liked the view of her child pussy inches above his face. Sinead slowly lowered herself down until her cunt was touching Tommy’s lips before letting her bodyweight drop her pussy down onto his mouth.
Tommy placed his hands on her hips and pulled her down onto his face as he stuck his tongue inside her little pink pussy. Sinead moaned as she gyrated her hips and ground her little cunt against Tommy’s teeth and tongue. Tommy knew Sinead was enjoying herself as he licked and sucked her pussy and loved feeling her wriggling about on top of him.

After a while Tommy lifted Sinead and asked her to turn around for him. Sinead obliged and now straddled him with her back to him and her bum sitting on his face. Tommy used the tip of his tongue to tease Sinead’s tiny arsehole causing her to giggle again before putting his hands on her shoulders and pushing her forwards and down towards his cock. Sinead took his hard cock in her right hand and moved her head towards it knowing what Tommy wanted her to do for him. She slid his foreskin back and ran her tongue around the end of his cock contemplating putting it into her mouth for him. She decided that he deserved something nice after all he had done for her so far and allowed Tommy to slide his fat cock into her. Sinead liked how it tasted as she licked and sucked it whilst enjoying the feeling of Tommy’s tongue trying to work it’s way into her arsehole.

Tommy could feel the urge to come again so he lifted Sinead off of him and lay her beside him. Sinead lay on her back with her knees bent and her legs wide open showing her wet little pussy. Tommy placed his hand between her legs and put the tip of his middle finger between her cunt lips as he stared into her gorgeous blue eyes. As Tommy teased Sinead’s pussy she looked at him with a cheeky grin on her face indicating that she wanted more. Tommy got the message as he slowly and gently slid his long finger deep inside of his sexy little girlfriend. Sinead gasped as she smiled open mouthed because of how good it felt having her boyfriend inside of her pussy. Tommy liked her reaction as he slowly slid his wet finger in and out of Sinead’s little cunt watching her grab the duvet and clench her fists with pleasure.

Tommy fingered her for several minutes before giving her a break and took time to admire her once more. One of her long socks had come down whilst the other still clung to her thigh which made Tommy chuckle to himself as he thought she looked like a fragile doll that had been broken from someone playing with it too much. Sinead rolled over onto her front laying her head on the pillow and spreading her legs. Tommy knelt between her legs and pulled her bum cheeks apart before lowering his head so he could eat away at her little bum hole some more as he knew how much she liked it. Sinead was loving it as she lifted herself onto her knees pushing her bum against Tommy’s face and tongue. Sinead reached her hand between her thighs and rubbed her pussy as Tommy licked and ate her bum hole.

As tommy came up for breath he saw that Sinead had spread her little pussy lips open with her fingers and was looking at him with her head resting on the pillow. He knew what she was asking from him but he’d never really thought about actually fucking the little girl. He looked into her puppy dog eyes as she looked back at him with her mouth open and her tongue touching her top lip. Tommy decided to give her what she wanted as he looked at her open pussy waiting for him. Tommy released some spit into the palm of his hand and smeared it over his hard throbbing cock giving it some lubrication.
He placed the tip of his cock against her open pussy and Sinead moved her hand out of the way as she waited to have a man’s hard cock pushed into her. Tommy looked down at the tip of his cock between Sinead’s pussy lips and ever so slowly pushed it into her little cunt watching her face to see how she reacted. Sinead opened her mouth wide as she felt Tommy’s thick hard cock stretch her pussy wide open and felt it slowly slide into her. Sinead closed her eyes and smiled as she felt the hard fat cock slide deeper into her at which point Tommy paused as he thought that was more than enough adult cock for a little girl and was scared of hurting her. He slowly pulled his cock out of Sinead before pushing it back into her small tight cunt and watched her cute little face as he continued fucking her for as long as he could manage before he felt his cock about to explode.

Tommy quickly pulled out of her and put the tip of his cock onto Sinead’s tiny bum hole before releasing load after load of his hot creamy come over her. His come slowly ran down onto her pussy and dripped onto the pink duvet as Sinead once again reached her hand between her thighs and rubbed Tommy’s mess into her cunt. Tommy put his fingertips into his come that had dripped onto the duvet and touched them against Sinead’s lips letting her lick it from them before they both collapsed and laid beside each other smiling. They cuddled for a while before Tommy suggested that Sinead go to her own room as her mum would be home before long and he needed to wash and dry the duvet cover before she got back. Sinead kissed him and smiled as she got off the bed picking her top and panties up from the floor and went to her room.

Tommy removed the come stained duvet cover and took it downstairs to the washing machine. He went back upstairs and knocked on Sinead’s bedroom door before entering to find her in bed snuggled up under her sheets. She smiled at him as he bent down and kissed her telling her that he loved her and that she was the best thing that had ever happened to him. Sinead giggled and asked him if he would buy her a pony for being a good little girl making Tommy shake his head jokingly in disbelief.
Tommy turned off her bedroom light and pulled the door shut as he left her to sleep before going for a shower so he could remove the smell of his come and Sinead’s juicy little pussy from his cock before his partner returned. Tommy returned to his partner’s bedroom and went to bed after thinking of an excuse as to why the duvet cover was in the washing machine and lay there hoping that she would be too tired from her nightshift to want any kind of sex with him. He doubted that he could ever enjoy having sex with her again having experienced the most amazing sex with her 10 year old little girl but knew he would need to keep her happy in order for him to carry on seeing his new little girlfriend………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Please comment and let me know if you liked this story as I may write a follow up…….
Thank you.


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