Categories: IncestTeen

Unknowingly enjoying daddy’s big dick Sex erotica stories – Y2-Stories

A daughter unknowingly falls for her dad large cock while working at a brothel.

**Frist time writing for other people, I’m dyslexic so please don’t mind the spelling and grammar error. I’m a male so please don’t mind my unflushed out female characters***

Chapter 1 – hot day and a hotter morning

It was a hot morning after a long week, in the middle of a long month. It was just before I needed to wake up to get ready for work. The sun was just over the horizon but it was already unbearable. At this point I sleep in just my underwear. My wife was sound asleep beside me in her underwear as well. We lived together with our daughter. My name is James, I am 35 year old factory worker. My job keeps me lean and fit. I stand around 6’3 and I’m hung like a horse. My wife is tiny, she doesn’t look a day over 15. Look like an dwarf when she is next to me. She was not even 100lb and only stood at 5′ tall. Curly dark hair, at shoulder leanth and some decent curves for her build. She has a plump bubble butt and perfect handful breast size. She gets ID everytime we go out and if you didn’t know sara you would think shes 15-17 tops. We live alone in a single storey 2 bedroom house with our perfect daughter Kate. She is 15 years old but looks 17-18. She’s a spitting image of her mom. Slightly more voluminous than Sara, Kate must be a early bloomer. Kate stood around 4’10-5′ tall. With a bubble butt and a perfect champagne size boobs and short curly hair that is cut in a pixie style.

It was a normal day just like any other. Just a typical hot day in may. I just finished a 10 consecutive days of work covering shifts for some coworkers and Sara was picking up extra shifts at the hospital for extra income. In these trying times we need as much help as possible. Unfortunately it doesn’t leave us much time together, she usually doesn’t get home until it’s pass my bedtime. I usually end up cooking and cleaning for everyone, even Kate. I can’t wait until she gets old enough, or more better put. More “mature” to look after her self. But that might be asking too much of a 15 year old. I was cooking and cleaning for myself at the age of 10 and had my first job at 13. She could do the same and more at her age. But the day most go on.

“Beep, beep, beep!” The alarm rang constantly from my phone.

“Turn it off quickly!” Bickered Sara, rcovering her ears with a pillow.

“Fuck I don’t want to wake up!” I thought to myself, slowly pulling out my morning wood. It was almost a routine, I always need to jerk off to get rid of my boner or I’ll have it all day. If I am lucky sometimes Sara would be down to fuck. But as of lately sara has not been down. It’s been how long, two weeks, wait a month? Wait two weeks was the time I last cummed, No way has it been really three months.

“Good morning sweetie” I said as I kiss Sara cheek, running my hand down the side of her body. Until I squeeze her plump butt. I then run my hard cock up and down here butt crack. “We should wake up early” I whispered in Sara’s ears before nibbling on her lobe.

“Get that monster away from me” Sara said reaching behind her remove my cock from her butt crack. But it slapping back like a spring. “I’m to sore to handle that James” mumbled Sara as she rolls away to the far side of the bed.

“Come on sweetie I really need some puss” I begged Sara, scooting closer to Sara and kissing sara on her the neck. Slowly dry humping her.

“Sorry James I just don’t have it in me.” Sara said moving her hips away from James. Turning around so she is now facing James.

“Fine I’ll take care of it myself” I thought rolling over to my side of the bed. Cock still hard as a rock and fully out of my underwear I wrapped my large hands around the shaft of the base. Even though my hands where large they just barely touched fingers tips, I started to run my hand up and down the shaft. Fingers spitting apart as my hands reach the girthest part of the shaft. Just under halfway through. With my thumb I start rubbing my cock head in little circles. Gently pressing on my cock head with my thumb in little circles motion I start using my whole palm to rub my cock head. First slowly then a bit faster. Until I start to stroke my long cock up and down the whole shaft. Giving a bit extra attention on my cock head. Before you knew it was stroking my cock at full speed. My hand becomes a blur as I move it faster and faster. Shaking the bed more and more I feel my climax coming closer and closer until… “Ouch” I cried

“Stop that !” Complained Sara while pinching me in the side . “Your shaking the whole bed James ! I had little sleep all week, and I would like catch up what I missed if you don’t mind” said Sare in such a cold tone as she pulled the rest of the blanket over her leaving me without any.

“Ok fine” I replied pulling myself off the bed. I put my cock back into my boxers with a little bit of a struggle. I can see that my pre-cum is starting to leak through my boxers. “I need to take care of this before work. Maybe I’ll wash my face with cold water that might help.” I thought to myself walking towards the door. Before look at the clock “6 o’clock, ok good Kate isn’t going to be up for school until 7-8ish I didn’t need to throw on pants. The house is always dead at this time” I tucked my cock to the side so my boner wouldn’t pitch a tent in my underwear. But it was still hard.

I opened the door and took a quick peek to see if Kates door was open. It was still closed, I didn’t hear anyone in the living room, or kitchen. Safe for now, I made my way down the hallway cock flopping left and right with a auditable slap each step. It was so quite in the house all you can hear was my half foot stpes and cock slapping leg to leg.

I stopped briefly at the bathroom door, too see if I can hear someone in there. Looking down I see my cock still hard as a rock, practically exploding out of my boxers. Pre-cum soaking a spot on them. “Good Kates not in there. I really need to take of this before I make a mess everywhere” I thought washing my face wish cold water. I then when to take my morning pee, but….

“I am still hard. Come on I need to start cooking breakfast for Kate. Ummm how should I… Wow my pre cum is leaking through my boxers. I need to get pants on” I rushed to the door with no hesitation I pulled the door open.

“Oh my god!” Gasp a small voice “you…. Umm you almost ran me over daddy” said the small voice in a nervous manner. Eyes fixed on my cock.

I looked down and there Kate was standing looking right at my cock. Inches from the head of my cock. She was close she can clearly see the pre-cum leaking through my boxers.

“Oh …” I paused after I noticed Kate is clearly starting at my erection “good morning sweetie! You are up early. I’ll…..” Just at that moment a drop it pre-cum dropped from my boxers right onto her leg. “I..I.ill I’ll start dinner.” I studdered trying to play off like I didn’t notice her staring at my cock or my cum leaking onto her.

Chapter 2 – hard times for daddy

It was normal school day, another boring day, in another boring town, that’s too small for its own good. Thats how it will always been.

“Fuck it’s so hot.” I thought to myself looking over at the clock. “It’s 6 o’clock, fuck that’s early. Why am I up so early, it must be the heat.” I thought to myself as I reach out for a bottle of water laying next to me. With a big gulp I hydrated my throat. ” While at least that give me enough time for myself” I then put my petite ring finger in my mouth, and made it wet with saliva. With my other hand I pulled my cotton panties down to my knees before rubbing my wet finger along the slit of my pink young pussy. Sending shivers down my spine. My brains turns off with pleasure ,Then I put my ring finger back into my mouth to make it wet again. “mmmm I taste good” I thought as I gently press my newly wet finger on the head of my clit. A suerge if pleasure ran through my whole body as I rub my clit with my fingers in a circular motion, slowly. I pick up speed, slowly moving My fingers faster and faster. Sometimes switching detection until. A warm feeling creeps over my body, preventing me from continuing. All I can do is submit to the feeling. My brain turns on and I slump in my bed deeper.

“Damn it I can’t sleep!” I whispered to myself looking over to the clock, *6:03 “only a minute longer than last time” I thought pulling myself out of bed . Stumbling the towards my dresser I throw on the first bra I saw, and changed my underwear.

I peeked out the door to see if anyone saw what I was doing. “obviously no did, but I can’t help by worry” I thought to myself looking down the empty hallway. “and you are up there” quickly looking up at the empty roof above my bedroom door.

I walk down the hallways with a giant satisfied face, looking at my parents closed door as I pass by, then the living room empty. I listened to hear of any activity in the bathroom. “perfect bathroom all too myself today” I thought as I reached for the door nob, when suddenly it swang open.

“Oh my god” I blutter out standing inching from my dad’s massive cock. He was Wearing nothing but his underwear, so tight that were about to rip off. With a giant wet spot around the head of the cock. I quickly lower my hand.

It was massives like as big and thick as my hole arm. It would literally rip me in two. “Umm… You.. you almost ran me over daddy” I said nervous, not even looking him in the eyes. There he stood, my dad towering over me like a skyscraper. Muscles glistening in the morning sun, but my eyes where fixed on daddy massive cock.”oh…. umm you are up early sweetie!” He said nervously then Suddenly it twitches and a drop of cum falls from the tip of his penis then landed right on my thigh.

I was still starting at this cock when he walked pass me saying. “I’ll start dinner” then quickly darting off to his room and slamming the door.

“Wow, that was the hottest thing I ever saw” I said under my breath frozen in spot. Brain completely blank after seeing my dad’s large cock drip cum. “Wait where did that drop…” I thought to myself looking down towards the location of the drop.

“It’s not on the floor… Wait I feel something warm. Did my dad just come on me ? ” I thought to myself looking at the big drop of cum on my thigh. “what should I do? I wonder if daddy’s taste as good as Jim’s that one night?” I thought scooping the cum up with my indexes finger. Staring at it while thinking of daddy large cock. Time flew by when suddenly.

*Swish* my parents door slowly creaked open, with no hesitation I stuck the cum covered finger tip in my mouth “mmmmm it’s so sweet and salty ” the thought of my dad leaving there room completely left my mind.

“Oh it seems like you never moved are you ok?” Asked daddy after he stepped out of the room looking down the hallway. Starring at me puzzled.

I turned around, with the finger tip just leaving my mouth. Face Turing fron one of pure bliss to one of completely embarrassment while my face turn beat red. “Oh yah I just was sending a text to a friend ” I quickly said with no pockets, or phone in my hands. I then walked into the bathroom and shot the door.

“Wow my pussy feels drenched.” I thought to myself while looking at a wet spot on my panties. *Tap, tap, tap*

“Honey I’ll start breakfast, hash browns and eggs. Sunny side up like usually? Or are you feeling adventurous? Said daddy behind the bathroom wall.

“Adventurous?! ” I said while thoughts of deep throating daddies massive cock ran though my brain.” What do you mean…. Oh nevermind. Yah sunny side up please daddy!” I replied before washing my face and starting my morning routine.

The rest of the morning when uneventful , really quiet and we refuse to look at eachother in the eyes. As I was walking to school I got a text.

*Beep, beep* – big spender sent “hey vixxxen, this Kevin. The one Ben introduced you two a few days back.”

Kate sent – ” who? Kevin I don’t remember. Have we meet before?”

“Was he that guy who got me that cute top? Or the new phone plan ?” I thought to myself

*Beep, beep* big spender sent “WHAT!! You don’t remember me. Im the guy who got you 500$ of clothes on the weekend. Remember? ”

Kate sent – ” obviously I rember you !!! It was a joke sweetie!”

I completely forgot who he was.

Kate sent – “how’s it been thanks for the cute top. Sweetie!”

Big spender – “top? I didn’t know you got a top? Anywho how are you liking the shorts i picked out for you?”

“Oh fuck ! It’s curved pencil dick ! No wonder I forgot him. Hes such a lazy lay for a adult. Shit am I wearing the shorts he got me. I am” I thought to myself looking down at the short bright red hot pants.

Kate sent “I mean shots! Sorry sweetheart! What can I help you with?”

Big spender – “lol you are a popular girl hey. Anywho vixxxen, I was wondering if you are available for an appointment today? Also I was wondering since I got you all those clothes if I can get a discount or maybe even free?”

“Lmao!!!! FREE!!! With a dick like yours yah right!” I chuckled to myself.

Kate sent – “sorry sweetheart. But I do anyone for free”

“Anyone with a dick like yours at least.” I thought to myself. Changing my direction from the school to the bus station.

Kate sent – “but I have no appointment booked today what time are you thinking. Also since this is a school day you need to call in acting like my uncle and I’ll need to charge you more. Are you ok with this ?”

Seconds after sending the text big spender ” yes I’m ok with whatever. You’re the best teen pussy I had!”

“Best teen pussy? Strange, he has more teen pussy? I thought I was the only one in this town that dose this? But he seems desperate. Let charge 100$ nah 250” I thought to myself.

Kate sent – “Ok let’s meet at city center around 10. It will be 250 extra and make the call to the school now. Say I got sick while at your house”

I then got on 78 downtown express and found a sit in the back of the bus. When I got a text. *Beep, beep*

Daddy set – “Hi princess, mom just let me know that she will be out of town the next few days for a business seminar. So dinners going to be on me. I might do a pizza depending how work goes. Unless you want something else?”

“I can’t believe my dad has such a big cock, I wonder how it will feel…. Stop that !” I thought to myself.

Kate sent – ” I’m ok with pizza, as long as it anything but Chinese food, we had it like 4 times the past few weeks.”

****To be continued****

I have a session if anyone wants to add me and tell me what you think. This is my session



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