Categories: AbuseRapeTeen

Wedding Day Fun Sex Stories for free – Y2Stories.Com

A groom gets pushed to the edge by his bride to be’s little sister, and ends up raping her to teach her a lesson

*Important Note*
The following story is 100% fiction with zero real world relevance.

Jeff’s wedding day would be one he’d never forget, he was marrying Lauren his college girlfriend of 4 years who was a gorgeous blond bombshell that he still couldn’t believe wanted to be with him. They had a good, if not standard, sex life. They had had the conversations about the future, everything seemed to align. She kept herself in shape, though by no means was a supermodel, Jeff didn’t need that. He had her love and that was all he needed.

He got along with pretty much all her family; parents liked him, she had two brothers that he played video games with, and her only surviving grandparent (a grandmother) found him “charming”. There was one person that no matter what he did he could not win over; her 14yo niece Livy (Olivia). Her niece was the product of a one night stand from her brother when he was 16, she was 10 at the time she was born and became more of an older sister than an aunt. With the mother being a deadbeat and Lauren’s parents essentially raised her as another daughter, although to her brother’s credit he worked hard to provide for her as well.

In any case, living together under these circumstances Lauren got really close to Livy. To the point that Livy cried almost all day when Lauren left for college. When Lauren got together with Jeff, Livy became jealous and was overall an absolute bitch to Jeff. She even made up a claim that her been spying on her and that he made advances on her to try to get them to break up. When she was caught out in her lies she was forced to apologise and Lauren told her point blank that she loved Jeff, and Livy needed to accept it. Livy agreed but still never warmed to Jeff and instead resorted to sneaky forms of because passive aggressive to him.

Lauren asked Jeff to accept the situation and said she would do what she could to keep them separate. When they got engaged Lauren couldn’t imagine her wedding party without Livy as a bridesmaid. While Jeff obviously wasn’t thrilled, it was ultimately her choice and he respected it. The wedding day came and while Lauren had included Livy in every part of the experience there was one part in the morning where all the adult girls would be drinking champagne and giving Lauren adult sex toys and lingerie as presents. So Livy left for an hour.

The wedding was taking place in the country side in a large hotel so Jeff and his group were staying there as well. As Livy walked around she saw out the corner of her eye Jeff going into a room. She couldn’t resist one last chance to mess with him. She knocked on his door and he answered wearing a dressing gown, he looked tired to Livy. He’s been up drinking to late with his friends and really wanted a nap and a shave before the ceremony, but he maintained his usual politeness. “Hi Livy, what can I do for you.” She pushed her way inside and past Jeff, “look Jeff you know I’ve never liked you, but I’m really protective of Lauren and I think I know that that has clouded my judgement so I’m willing to start again fresh if you are.”
Jeff was skeptical but also very tired so he just decided he would go with it, “that’s fine Livy, let’s move on.”
”Oh you’re amazing Jeff, thank you! Say Lauren’s girls are giving her ‘adult presents’ so I can’t be with them, can I just use your bathroom quickly?”

Jeff was starting to get visibly frustrated (which Livy loved) but said, “yeah fine, I just want to take a nap soon so be quick if you can?”
She skipped into the bathroom happily and closed the door, Jeff really just wanted her gone asap. She went in and thought, “ok really time to fuck with him now” she took off her clothes and started the shower, humming happily and loudly.
“Livy! What are you doing?!”
”I’m taking a shower! Wow your suit looks so suit in here! Steam isn’t going to harm it is it?” She said with a cruel smile. Jeff lost it, he was so angry, Livy had locked the door thinking she was safe but what she didn’t know was that the lock was broken and didn’t close all the way so when Jeff pushed against the door it flung open. Livy was close to the door and actually got knocked onto the floor and on all fours.

“You fucking little bitch I’m so sick of your shit!” Off the bench he grabbed a clear plastic bag that had been covering his suit before he removed it the other day, “ever since day one you’ve tried to get Lauren to break up with me.” He shoved the bag over Lucy’s head and pulled up so her face squished up against the plastic, and her mouth and nose cut off from any air supply. “I’m so sick of your shit, you’ve poked the bear the last time. It’s time you got what you deserve!” With the bag still over her face he seized his tie, and bound her wrists tightly behind her back.

Livy was utterly terrified, it was true she had pushed and pushed and pushed, but never had she imagined Jeff reacting like this! She struggled to get what little air she could while Jeff hand bound her wrists. He was turned on by a mixture of hate, anger, and lust. Livy bound, helpless, with her head wrapped in a plastic bag got him crazy hard. He propped her up so she was leaning against the bath, and pulled up the plastic bag so her mouth was below. “Open your lying cunt mouth you slut, and no teeth or I will choke you out!”
”Ahhhh stop!!! Please sto-“ but before she could finish that sentence Jeff already had his rock hard cock in her mouth. As Jeff moved in and out of her he observed that Livy actually resembled a younger version of his fiancée. Her body was clearly still developing but she had decent little tits on her, gorgeous face, and a tight as fuck body.

Livy was starting to gag on his cock and saliva was dribbling out the corner of her mouth. “You fucking brought this on yourself you bratty little cunt!” As he pulled his cock out he picked up her pair of dirty panties and shoved them in her mouth gagging her, then he picked her up and bent her over the toilet seat. He still had the mental awareness to grab a condom he had in his pocket, it also contained a little satchel of lube which he used to rub on his condom covered cock and then fingered in on the edges of her virgin pussy. “Here it comes you little bitch!” And with Livy bent over a toilet seat, bound and with panties stuffed in her mouth Jeff took her virginity. Lauren had actually been the only girl he’s ever been with, and she’d had sex before they met, so Jeff couldn’t believe how tight she was!

He had barely got his cock in fully but he could feel he had ripped through her hymen, looking down at his cock he could see the bloody torn ribbons of her popped cherry. He grabbed both her hips and was thrusting hard into her, grunting like an animal possessed. Livy had her eyes shut with tears coming out her eyes, it hurt what Jeff was doing to her but she also felt her body almost loosening and could feel a heat rising from her pussy. Her mind was getting flooded with new feelings and she began to realise something, she was attracted to Jeff. All this teasing, all this acting out wasn’t because she was jealous of him, she was jealous of Lauren. She could feel her pussy starting to get wet, she was getting seriously turned on and without even realising it she was even moving her hips to work with Jeff’s thrusts.

Jeff could feel her body relaxing and accepting him, it wanted him. He grabbed Livy’s hair with one hand and pulled up towards him while his body was slapping against hers. He was getting deep enough to be hitting her cervix got a loud moan from Livy. “Shut the fuck up you little bitch, we don’t want to be interrupted!” His thrusts had increase in power and speed, and he was grunting harder and harder, before finally his balls erupted into the condom protecting her fertile womb. He stayed inside her while his cum shot out, he knew it was risky but it felt too good. Finally he pulled out of her, Livy collapsed on the bathroom floor while Jeff took the condom off, she panted hard into her panties in her mouth. He left the room briefly and came back in with an object, he pulled Livy over so she was lying on the floor still breathing heavily.

“I got this for your Aunt for our wedding night but I guess you get first go on it!” He flicked a switch and it buzzed loudly, he placed it against Livy’s pussy, immediately she arched her body back and moaned heavily. Livy was totally overcome, her mind went cloudy as the vibrator sent her into ecstasy, she wanted to yell and scream in pleasure but the panties gagged her and Jeff had even put his hand over her mouth. “C’mon slut, cum for me! Cum hard for me you little cunt!!” Livy felt her body going into overload, her head was rushing with feelings she’d never experienced before finally her body exploded with it’s first proper orgasm. She twitched and moaned into Jeff’s hand as she took in this new feeling. She didn’t really know what a slut was, but she felt like that’s exactly who she’d become.

Jeff turned off the vibrator and her body began to come down from what she’d experienced, she started to feel shame and embarrassment. Jeff had left the condom on the side and grabbing it he pulled out her panties from her mouth, “swallow this you little cum whore”. Livy did as she was told, it tasted foul but she did it. She stayed silent as Jeff picked her up and put her in the shower, using the handheld shower piece he washed her off, while also washing himself. He threw a towel at Livy and said coldly, “dry off and get dressed.” She did as she was told, while he did the same. Once she was dressed her took her into the bedroom. “I’m done playing your fucking games, no more shit trying to break me and your aunt up again. Don’t fucking tell anyone about this, they probably won’t believe you given your history of lies against me anyway.” Livy stayed silent and just nodded, she was starting to come down from her orgasm and the excitement.
“Jeff. Can we do more of that? Can I be your little whore?”
Jeff looked at her, considered it for a moment. “I never really wanted this, you brought this out of me through your attitude. I love your aunt, I want to marry your aunt.”
For the first ever time Livy understood him, and was ok with it. She nodded, and left the hotel room.

Jeff got himself cleaned up and an hour his friends came around to start to get ready. One of them joked that they saw an used condom out, but they just thought Jeff was having a laugh. Livy returned to the girls room just as they were finishing with the adult presents. Lauren tried to tidy them away but she saw a bondage set, and a number of costumes. “Livy! You’re way too young for this stuff!” Livy smiled and giggled. Jeff and Lauren got married later that day, Jeff was super turned on the moment he saw both Lauren and Livy. All he could think about was he wanted to fuck Lauren harder than ever that night. They had their reception dinner, and first dance, and as they were leaving Livy gave Jeff an innocent peck on the cheek and a smile.
“Wow! What did you do to manage to finally get through to her?”
“Nothing much that I can think of, I think she finally realises we’re meant to be.”

They got to the hotel room and immediately starting kissing passionately. They had sex twice, and after the second time Jeff got out the vibrator only earlier that day he had used on Lauren’s niece and got her to cum twice to it. The collapsed in each other’s arm, with the rest of their lives ahead of them.

Meanwhile elsewhere Livy had managed to seduce one of Jeff’s groomsman, they were fucking in his car all night long, he was not smart enough to wear a condom.


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