When School finished, I Was A No Limits Femboy Whore For Seriously Pervy Old Men Online Sex Stories for free – Y2Stories.Com

Learned when I was 12 men pay lots to do whatever they want. Met some very pervy men with interesting kinks, going to go through the most memorable

A man who’s been in my life for a long time keeps telling me that my past profession in my teenage years would make a good book, so I’ve opted to write the best/filthiest/depraved experiences in the form of short stories to see where it leads (though I will be keeping 1 or 2 secrets for myself).

I had been introduced to online porn by someone from an early age. He used to show me dirty videos in his bedroom whenever he had an empty house and was obsessed with boys in skirts. I eventually agreed to let him see me in a mini skirt, bent over his bed and as I bent over he asked if he could rim me, I said yes and he pushed his warm, wet tongue straight into my ass. I had no idea it meant ass licking but it felt really good regardless was weird at first but it made my body tingly.
For the next few months it became a very regular thing. He was only a couple of years older so noone suspected anything. He told me how girlie I looked quite a lot and it started to really turn me on. One evening he told me about an adult site he’s been talking to men on. Id always thought about older men whenever I thought about cock so I went home that night I made myself a profile.

I had my own laptop when i was 12 and found it amusing getting my ass out on cam and watching guys cum. Always amused me when they fully thought I was a girl and I eventually came across someone from the UK who said they’d pay me money to eat my ass for a few hours at a time. I wasn’t planning to say yes originally but we talked for a few days and I got very curious. He drove down in a campervan the same week, parked up a few streets from me and text me saying to come and sit on his face.
I walk over, open the side door and he looks at me with his cock out and asked how old I am and told him I was 16.
Told me to turn around and show him my asshole and as my ass went in the air he started to run his tongue up and down my back, then slowly pushing it into my ass. He moved me to the floor, put my legs behind my head and pushed his tongue in as deep as it gets. He asks if he can cum over my ass and as I say yes I feel his warm cum covering my asshole. Told me to keep everything a secret and asks again how old I really was because he doesn’t mind. Told him I really was 16 and he hands me a load of £20 notes, pulls his cock back out and asks what other things I would do for money and asked if I could wear my school uniform if I see him again. I accidently said I start highschool soon so I get a proper uniform in a few months, then realising what I just said, admitted that my 13th birthday is in 2 months and that im sorry for lying.
He told me I was a good boy and asked how long Id been on the site for., which was just over 2 weeks. He starts rubbing his cock and asks if Ive ever had a dick in my mouth. Said I havent but Ive given my friend a handjob a few times. He passes me £50 and says to get on my knees and open my mouth, which I happily do. As i taste his dick I thought itd be a good idea to get as much in my mouth as possible and ended up gagging loudly.
He looks down and tells me to start slowly as hes going to teach me how to suck cock like a proper whore and after a few minutes I get my first mouthful of cum. He looks down asking if I like the taste of cum. I wasn’t sure what to do so just nodded with my mouth still full.I swallow it in a big gulp and told him it actually tasted quite nice. He told me same time next week and that he knows a couple of other men who would be very interested in my services because dirty little boys are very popular.
After I left he sends me a picture of 2 cocks saying if I enjoyed swallowing cum for money, I could be his boy whore. I’d also keep all money as he just does it for fun.
Over the next few years I started making more money than most of my teachers and was getting paid the majority of it doing some seriously filthy things that most people wouldn’t do, though even the proper filthiest stuff I found enjoyable. I love really weird or different kinks and it was fun coming across new ones.

The next one I write will be about my favourite kinks and maybe include my favourite perverted man

Mwah xx


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