Categories: AbuseGayTeen

Young male anal slut – Forced by my uncle hot sex erotica stories – Y2-Stories

My uncle used me for a sex toy (and I didn’t object to it)

Looking back on this I see many places where I could or should have said “Nah, I don’t think so” but I have to keep reminding myself that I’m not experiencing it with what I know now, it was what I knew at the time.

Anyway, I was 13 and had talked about sex with my friends and we had jerked off many times, etc. but none of us had actually had sex.

One weekend my folks were going out of town for something or another and my aunt was going with them (my mom’s sister). Instead of them looking up a babysitter, it made perfect sense that I’d just stay the weekend (Friday night, Saturday, and Saturday night) with my uncle who wasn’t going with them.

I knew this uncle just moderately well. He wasn’t a stranger but even though they only lived two cities away, we really didn’t visit their house much or them ours. But I mean I knew the guy. He seemed alright, generally speaking.

So we all went over there Friday evening and they, all of them that were leaving, left. Steven, my uncle, immediately went into “chilling out for the weekend” mode. Namely, he grabbed three beers out of the fridge and headed for his “man cave” which was a finished basement. He told me to come with him.

He turned a football game or something, I don’t remember what, on the TV and proceeded to kill two of the beers, then was drinking the third normally. I was kind of amazed. I didn’t ever hear any stories that he drank much. Maybe he just did this on the weekends, I don’t know to this day. He asked me if I wanted a beer but I thought he might snitch on me so I said no.

We sat there and watched one thing or another and he made several trips back to the fridge for more beers until finally, it was about 10:30 or 11:00 pm. I noticed that the beer bottles were piling up in the trash can but he didn’t seem the slightest bit drunk. Maybe he was wasted for all I knew but I couldn’t tell it at all.

Suddenly, at one point, he started asking me about whether me and my friends were getting pussy and if we had a big porno stash, etc. I said no to all that. I wasn’t sure whether he was gathering info for my folks or what.

“Well, I believe that you may not be getting pussy yet, but I know you’re full of shit about the porno stash”, he said.

“It’s true”, I replied.

In order to get me to loosen up, which I admit I was pretty uptight about all the weird questions, he told me he had quite an impressive porno stash himself. He then walked over to what looked like a small closet door in the corner about 2 feet wide and 4 feet tall and opened it. There were what looked like at least 40 VHS porn video tapes stacked up.

He took one and walked to the TV stand and put it in the VCR. My friends and I did indeed have a “porno stash” but it only included 1 video tape and 3 or 4 porn magazines. We had only watched 1 or 2 minutes at a time of the tape because every time we put it in, we got nervous we would get caught so we watched a minute or two then turned it off.

My uncle’s tape started playing and he kicked back in his recliner with another beer. Now, with an adult in the room, I’m watching sucking, fucking, ass fucking, and everything else right in front of my eyes and he didn’t seem to have a care in the world. Within a minute my dick was hard as a rock.

About 10 minutes after that Steven said “I bet your dick is hard as a rock”, which I quickly denied. He laughed and said he could see the front of my pants sticking up and, for another thing, it was time for me to quit lying every time he asked me something.

I was embarrassed because I was in fact doing that. Then he said “Hell, mine’s hard and I don’t care who knows it” and pulled the front of his shorts down. Sure enough there it was. It was the biggest dick I had ever seen in person at that time. It wasn’t huge, probably about 7 inches long and neither slender nor thick, just normal. I know now that that’s just a little bigger than average but it looked big at the time.

Then, amazingly, he started stroking it. He saw me gawking at this and he said “I’m thinking about jerking off”. I never heard anybody declare out loud that they were going to jerk off so I didn’t know what to say to that. I was thinking about jerking off too but I wasn’t about to do that in front of him even though he was doing it. It was also odd that he didn’t suggest that I do it, either.

Then he stood up, hard dick in hand, and walked over to the couch where I was sitting. He sat down and resumed what he was doing, acting like he hadn’t noticed that he just did that. So I looked back at the TV but I could clearly see him out of the corner of my eye.

After a few minutes he chuckled and said “Let’s see that “not hard” dick of yours”. I wasn’t sure whether he was trying to be an asshole or really just wanted to see it so I didn’t move. Then he said “Don’t be a pussy. Let’s see that thing.” Now he sounded more like he was joking and trying to be funny rather than being an asshole so I got the nerve up to actually stand up, pull down my pants and underwear, and sit back down. As soon as I did, he reached over and gripped my dick and gave it a couple of strokes.

I started to protest but it felt good as hell and I wanted to jerk off pretty badly by then so I didn’t object.

“What do you think about that?”, he said.

“About what?”, I replied, not knowing whether he was talking about the video or how he was stroking his dick or mine or what exactly.

“About getting your dick stroked”, he said.

“It’s ok”, I said nervously.

He laughed and said “Just ok? When I was your age I would have given my left nut for somebody to jerk my dick for me.”

But after saying that, he stopped doing it. So I started jerking it. Then he told me not to do that yet, he had something to show me. He abruptly stood up and started walking up the stairs. I had no idea where he was going but I followed.

He walked to his bedroom. I was right behind him. He sat on the edge of the bed and very matter-of-factly said “We’re going to have some fun. I know all this is new to you but all you have to do is what I tell you to do. You don’t have to be nervous about doing anything wrong, just do what I tell you.”

I wasn’t sure what to say to that so I didn’t say anything. But he was just looking at me. Finally, he said “Ok?” At this point, my dick was so hard from watching the porn video I thought it was going to explode. I had heard my friends talk about “pervs” and I was pretty sure my uncle was about to tell me he was going to suck my dick and I was equally pretty sure I wasn’t going to say no.

Again he said “Ok?” and I nodded my head “Yes”, gulping and getting ready for his lips to engulf my dick. I wondered if I’d cum instantly. However, that’s not what happened at all.

He told me to take off my clothes. All of them. I wondered why that was necessary for a dick-sucking, but I was so convinced that was what was coming, I did it anyway. Then he told me to stand in front of him, bend over, and put my hands on my knees. “Oh my God, he’s going to eat my asshole!”, I thought. So I did it. Unbelievably stupid, I know, but I thought I knew what he was getting at when I really didn’t, at that point, so I wanted to be cooperative.

Again, what I thought was happening is not what happened. He reached over to a drawer in the nightstand and got out a small container. He put some of the stuff in his hand and rubbed it in my ass crack and on my asshole. Then he told me to turn back around. My hard dick was almost right in his face.

“You know what’s happening, don’t you?”, he said, referring to him being about to suck my dick, or so I thought, so I said yes.

He said, “I’m not sure you do, so let me explain. To be blunt, I’m going to use you. I’m not gay but I like to use boys once in a while.”

Now I thought that he meant he was secretly gay and was going to get me to fuck him in the ass. Which definitely didn’t explain the lube on my own ass, if I’d thought about that. Horny as I was, I made my mind up that I’d fuck him in the ass alright, if that’s what he wanted.

Up to that point, I was having misunderstandings left and right. It didn’t take me long to find that out.

“Normally I’d get you to suck my dick and get it hard for what’s coming next but it’s already hard so bend over the bed and spread your legs. Use your hands to spread your ass cheeks for me.”, he said. I was shocked beyond belief. I didn’t move. I just stood there.

I guess he saw the look on my face and said “What did you think was happening? Let me make it clear: You’re going to be my little girl and I’m going to breed you up the ass. More than once.”

I shook my head no.

He said, “I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. And if you play your cards right, you may get a turn.” Believe it or not, I was so horny that the very thought of me even possibly getting to stick my dick in something once again made me consider cooperating.

“Now bend over the bed and do what I told you.”, he said.

I did it.

He just stood there stroking his dick for about half a minute, then I felt something pressing against my asshole. Then the head of his dick popped in and it burned like hell but not as bad as I thought it was going to. Bad, but not really bad. Then he pushed more of it in. It didn’t hurt much worse than it already did so I didn’t say anything.

Then he said, “Does that hurt, baby girl?”

That was hugely embarrassing. I was indignant but I was letting someone fuck me in the ass so I was pretty sure my being indignant about being called a girl was misplaced so I just replied “Yeah”.

“You’ll get used to it in a minute”, he said.

He pushed it deeper which didn’t hurt worse and finally, I could feel his groin against my ass cheeks and I knew he had it in all the way.

“Let go of your ass now and grip the bed covers in front of you with your hands. Put your face into this pillow”, he said as he pushed the pillow under where my face was. “You can cry if you want to.”

I was hell-bent and determined that there was no way in hell I was going to cry.

“It may hurt a little worse when I start breeding you hard but you can cry if you want. It won’t hurt as bad after a minute, I promise”, he said.

“Breed?”, I thought. “What the fuck does that mean?” I had never heard that before. Then I thought of what breeding animals meant and realized what he meant. It was humiliating.

As I was thinking that he said “You know what I mean, don’t you? Daddy is going to put his seed deep up inside you.”

I didn’t say anything so he said, “Answer me.”

I said “Yes.”

He said, “Yes what?”

I said, “Daddy is going to breed me.”

“That’s right, baby girl”, he said.

Then he pulled his dick out except for the head. Then he pushed it slowly back in and I thought he was giving me a chance to get used to it but he started thrusting faster and harder. I got ready for it to hurt worse but after a minute or two it actually hurt less. Then it hurt hardly at all.

Then, to my amazement, I was pretty sure I was about to cum. At that time, I had no idea what a prostate was or that stimulating it from the inside could make you cum. No clue. I just knew I was about to and I couldn’t believe it.

I started grinding my dick into the side of the mattress. He imeediately stopped fucking me.

“Are you about to cum?”, he asked.

“Yes!”, I said, louder than I meant to.

“Don’t do it”, he said, “Stop grinding your hips.”

I did.

He then said, “I don’t let my baby girls cum unless I tell them to do it for Daddy. Tell me if you start to do it again.”

Sure enough, the feeling passed quite a bit very quickly, and the next thing I knew he was fucking me again. After about 5 minutes I was pretty sure I was about to again.

“I’m going to do it”, I said.

He stopped fucking me again and told me not to move an inch. Again the feeling passed. He started fucking me again.

Then he said “I’m not sure if you appreciate that Daddy’s going to the trouble to breed you and give you a load so I want you to tell me how you want it or at least pretend you do”.

“I do want your load, Daddy. Put it in my tight ass. As deep as you can”, I said, surprising myself that I said it.

“Then get ready for your very first load, baby girl. Daddy’s going to do it in you.”, he said, as he pounded me relentlessly against the mattress.

He was ramming it deep and pausing and fucking some more then ramming it in and pausing again. I was pretty sure I could feel it throbbing as he came.

“You feel it, baby? Do you feel Daddy’s cum going up in you?”, he gasped.

“Yes, and it feels good”, I said. I admit that to this day I have no idea whether I was just playing along or whether I really meant that. But I said it, nonetheless.

Then he flopped onto the bed, face up, breathing hard. Then he told me to stand up and turn around and put my hands on my knees again, my ass facing him. He said he wanted to see his cum run out of me for the very first time. I made my mind up that no cum was going to run out of me, for the very first time or any other time. It was demeaning. Too late. I could feel something running down my crack a little bit. I hoped he didn’t see it.

“There it is”, he said, “The very first creampie coming out of my newest baby girl’s tight asshole. That’s a beautiful thing to see.”

“Stay right where you are”, he said.

After what seemed like a long time but must have been about 10 minutes he told me to get on the bed beside him. I wondered if it was my turn. It wasn’t.

“Now, suck my dick and get it hard for your next breeding session”, he said. Maybe he meant I’d suck his then he’d suck my mine, which was still so hard it almost hurt. Before I could convince myself that there was no possible way was I going to suck anybody’s dick, I was doing it. My own dick took a while to get hard again after I’d cum normally but evidently his didn’t. It didn’t now, at least.

In only about a minute or two it was rock hard, in fact.

“Lie on your back”, he said.

I did it.

“Spread your legs and lift them, knees to your chest”, he said.

I did that too.

He positioned himself between my legs and with no warning, pressed his cock against my asshole and was fucking.

“Ow!”, I said, as it hurt like hell.

“Get used to it, baby girl”, he said, “You have to be ready for Daddy’s dick in you at any time. For the next two days, anyway.”

“I’m going to let me baby girl cum this time,” he said, just as I was dreading him telling me not to do it again.

Disappointingly, he fucked me for a lot longer this time before I felt like I was ready to do it again. I started kind of thrusting my hips slightly.

“Are you going to do it?”, he said.

I said “Yes”.

He said, “Go ahead then, but don’t touch it with your hands.”

Suddenly it felt like my dick was going to explode for real but for a second no cum came out, then it squirted on my stomach hard. Then another squirt, then another one. Cumming like this was quite a bit different than jerking off, I realized. I had a serious urge to use my hand to stroke it, at least a little.

“Don’t touch it”, he said when I reached for it.

I felt kind of weird like I still needed to cum really badly but it wouldn’t. Then it squirted again, then another squirt. Then finally it felt like I had actually completely cum. The only way I can describe it is when you’re jerking off but stop right before you cum then start again then stop again. Kind of like that but not exactly.

“That’s good, baby girl. You did it. Now get ready for Daddy to do it too, but much harder and inside you, not on your stomach.”, he said.

He started pounding so hard it was making a very loud slapping noise. I thought the neighbors may hear it. Instead doing it the same way he did before, he rammed it into me one last time and held it there.

“Focus on it, baby girl! Feel every squirt of Daddy’s seed breeding you inside!”, he said.

Indeed now that he wasn’t cumming as he was thrusting, I could distinctly feel every jerk or throb as he came.

“It feels good”, I said, stupidly. Or at least I felt stupid after I said it.

After cumming two times, I figured even this extra-horny uncle was done for the night. Well, he wasn’t. He stood up and walked over to a dresser. He took a pair of panties out of a drawer. He walked back to the bed and told me to stand up and put them on. I hesitated and he repeated it. So I did it.

“Now lie face down on the bed”, he said. He lay beside but below me. He told me to reach back and pull “my” panties to the side. So I did. Using the lube from before, as well as his cum, for lube, he stuck two of his fingers up my ass. He slowly finger fucked me for a minute and told me to get ready. For what I had no idea. Then my asshole was burning once again like the first time he had put his dick inside. I looked back to see what it was. I hadn’t seen him get it but he had a rubber dildo, bigger than his dick, and was pushing it into my ass.

“Don’t start getting nervous”, he said, “Remember when you got used to it the first time? It’s the same thing.”

Holy shit, it felt huge but it didn’t hurt that bad. He was doing it slowly, too. After a minute, I liked it. My dick got hard again.

I was trying to concentrate on getting to the point where I could cum again but he said “Now, this may be embarrassing but your aunt is going to watch my new baby girl in action.”

I was horrified. The thought that my aunt was there hadn’t even crossed my mind. She wasn’t. He saw me look toward the bedroom door in shock and said “She’s not here right now, but I want you to imagine that she is. Just take this up your ass, baby girl, and show auntie you like it so much it makes you cum.” Beyond humiliating.

As if he read my mind, he got up and lay back down so that his crotch was now in my face.

“Take my cock and hold it in your mouth”, he said, “Don’t suck it, just hold it in your mouth and show your aunt how it makes you cum.”

As I was thinking that wasn’t true, I started to get the first feelings in my dick that it may just be true, after all. I didn’t cum right then but several minutes later I did. And hard, too.

“Tell me and auntie what makes baby girl cum”, he said.

“Your dick in my mouth”, I said.

“And?”, he said.

“And getting fucked in my ass”, I said.

“That’s right”, he said.

Then he stood up and went to the bathroom and returned.

“Let’s take a break for a while”, he said.

It wasn’t long before he was asleep. I was thinking about all that had gone on when I must have fallen asleep myself. I was awakened by somebody lying on top of me. Then I felt his dick penetrate my asshole. I pretended to stay asleep although there was no way he believed that. He didn’t say anything. After a while, he grunted and came into me again. He still didn’t say anything.

There’s no point in telling every detail from here on because from then until Sunday morning, it was pretty well a repeat of me sucking his dick, “pulling my panties to the side” (which he seemed to have a thing for) and me getting fucked in the ass in various positions. I don’t know how many times he came in my ass, probably about 10 total if I had to guess but he only let me cum twice more. Every time I started to, he’d stop whatever he was doing.

He said if I came too much I’d get tired of our “fun time” and he wasn’t having that. However, later at home, I jerked off furiously many times thinking about that weekend.

Very much against all my fantasies, we never had the opportunity to do all that again. Several times at family get-togethers he did tell me he wanted me to give him a quickie blowjob but that we didn’t have time to do anything else right then. He said that me sucking him would remind me that I was in “baby girl” training and that that should be enough for me. One time after I protested that it wasn’t enough for me, he fucked me in the ass in my parent’s bathroom one time but nowhere near long enough for me to cum. He did, however. He said I should squeeze my ass tight and “cherish it”.

I was even more frustrated. He told me I should look around that night to see if my mom had a dildo and to use it in my ass when I jerked off, which she did and I did. Now this was more like it. Nowhere fun as the real thing but better for sure. To this day I cum hard as hell if I jerk off with a dildo in my ass.

I guess technically my uncle “abused” me, but I sure didn’t see it that way. I was pissed that he didn’t do it more.


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