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Mom caught me and my step-dad having sex, but instead of calling the police, she forced us to fuck every day until my step-dad got me pregnant.

I was 12 when I was blackmailed in to getting pregnant.

Mom came in to my bedroom before she set off for work, “Fiona, come on get up you’ll be late for school.” She said, picking up my dirty laundry off the floor.

“I don’t feel well today, Mom.” I replied.

“What’s wrong?” she asked.

“Bad cramps.” I said.

She probably figured I was having a bad period, “Okay sweetheart, I’ll call the school and let them know you’ll be off today…” she said, then she gave me a kiss, “…Get some rest. Love you.” She said.

“Love you too, Mom.” I said.

As soon as mom’s car left the driveway, I threw my covers off, jumped out of bed, and I ran down the hallway giddy and excited, yes, I was faking feeling unwell.

I burst in to my mom’s bedroom, “Morning Steve – Oops – I mean, Daddy.” I said, to my step-dad, as I leapt on to the bed and gave him a really big kiss.

“Good morning gorgeous.” He replied, giving both my butt cheeks a hard slap.

“Mom’s gone to work…” I said, pushing my hand down under the sheets and grabbing hold of his big cock, “…and I’m feeling naughty this morning.” I said.

“How naughty we talking?” he asked.

I sat up on him and pulled off my nightshirts, I was nude underneath it, “Very naughty.” I replied.

I worked his cock until it was rock hard, then I rolled a condom over it and I lubricated it with the juices flowing from my hot horny pussy, then I pushed his tip inside me, “Unnngh.”, I pressed down on his muscular chest and then pushed my hips downward, letting his cock sink deep in to my pussy, “Uh – Ooh Daddy – Mmm.”

I loved riding my new Daddy’s cock fast and hard, we were having so much fun, I was moaning a lot and he was groaning with the pleasure of me riding him, in fact we made so much noise that neither of us heard mom’s car pull back up in to the driveway.

We both jumped in shock, surprise and horror when we heard a loud yell.

“Are – You – Fucking – Kidding – Me!!!!!!!!” mom yelled, very-very loudly, standing at the bedroom door.

“Mom?!” I gulp.

“I thought you left for work?” asked Daddy, looking like he was about to be shot by a firing squad.

“I did – I came back because I forgot my purse.” She replied.

“It’s not what it looks like, Mom.” I said.

“Really? – Because it looks like you’re fucking.” She said.

“Uhm – Okay, it is what it looks like.” I replied, and then shut my gob.

Mom then hurried to her dresser and picked up her purse and quickly left the house again and drove away.

Daddy and I stopped fucking and we just laid on the bed thinking about what we were going to do now that mom had caught us, and what was mom thinking, was she even coming back, both of us spent the day stressed out of our minds.

Mom came home that afternoon at the same time she normally does and at first she acted like everything was fine, she came in carrying bags of shopping, Daddy and I were already sitting in the kitchen, “I’m home.” She said, sounding cheerful, “I’m doing lasagne for dinner tonight.” She added, “Oh, are you feeling better sweetheart?” she asked me.

“Uhm – Yes, Mom.” I replied.

“Good. Good.” She said.

She was acting really weird.

“I think we should talk, honey.” Said Daddy.

“About what?” she asked.

“About what happened this morning.” He said.

“Why what happened?” She asked.

“You came back home and saw us – in bed – together.” He said.

“No I didn’t. I left and went straight to work.” She replied.

Because mom was in denial and refusing to talk, Daddy and I just started talking as normal, then a few minutes later Mom threw a jaw of pasta sauce against the wall, “So how long have you been fucking my daughter?” she asked, angrily.

Daddy decided to just lay it all out, “About six months.” He replied.

“Oh – Oooh – So before we got married. Oh – That’s nice.” Mom replied, “And do you enjoy it sweetheart?” she asked me.

“Yes.” I replied.

“That’s nice. It’s nice to see the two of you have really bonded – Secretly fucking each other behind my back – in my own bed. Wonderful.” She said.

“We used protection every time. It was perfectly safe.” Daddy said.

“Oh, you used protection. Well, that’s a relief, I was a little worried there. I guess that makes it okay then doesn’t it. I feel so much better knowing that you used protection. I don’t know what I was so worried about. You two, you go ahead and fuck.” She replied.

“Really?” I asked her.

“No not really!!…” she screamed at me, “…You’ve been fucking your step-father.”

“Calm down.” He said.

“Calm down? – Calm down? – You’ve been fucking my daughter and you want me to calm down.” She shouted, “Do you like fucking her?” she asked him.

“Yes.” He replied.

“Oh. And you, do you like fucking your step-dad?” she asked me.

I smiled and nodded enthusiastically, “Yes.”

“Show me.” She said.

“What?” he asked.

“I want to see you fucking each other. Come on, you enjoy it so much, lets see it.” She said.

“No.” Daddy said.

“Okay well, I’m just going to call the police and tell them what you’ve been doing, let them sort it out.” She said.

“No, wait!!” he snapped.

Daddy agreed to let mom watch us fucking, and that was fine with me, so we all went upstairs, me and Daddy got on the bed, took off our clothes, and mom sat on her chair in the corner watching us.

I got his cock good and hard and then opened up a condom.

“No – No! – Do it without the condom.” Mom demanded.

“But she may get pregnant.” Daddy said.

“What’s your point?” asked Mom, “Fiona, put the condom down, and get on with it.” She said, holding up the phone in a threatening manner showing that she would phone the police if we didn’t do it.

“Yes, Mom.” I said.

I worked his cock just like this morning until it was rock hard, then I lubricated it with the juices flowing from my hot horny pussy, and I pushed his tip inside me, “Unnngh.”, I pressed down on his muscular chest and then pushed my hips downward, letting his cock sink deep in to my pussy, “Uh – Ooh Daddy – Mmm.”

Daddy’s cock felt different without a condom on it, good different.

“Come on, get in to it. Fuck already.” Mom said.

I started to bounce on Daddy’s cock, “Oooph.” He groaned, feeling my tight pussy squeezing his thick cock as I bounced.

“You like that, Daddy?” I gasped.

“Yeah baby.” He groaned.

“Ungh – Uh – Uh – Ooh”

It took Daddy around 10 minutes to come, and for the first time, because we weren’t using a condom, I actually felt his sperm shoot in to me and warm me up inside, “Ooh – Uh – Oah.”, my tight pussy milked his cock of every drop of sperm.

“Good. Now you’re going to do that every day from now on, and I’m going to watch, every – single – day.” Mom said.

And she did, she forced us to do it every day, until the day came when I got pregnant and mom forced me to have Daddy’s baby.

When I was 4 months pregnant, as my bump was starting to be noticeable, she took me out of school and home schooled me, mom worked from home, and she hid me and herself away from the world until the baby was born.

When the baby was born, a boy, mom told everyone that the baby was hers, she basically forced me to be a surrogate for her and Daddy’s baby.

She eventually forgave us but Daddy and I were never allowed to fuck again, and she made sure we were never alone, even putting a lock on my bedroom door at night time, and locking me in my room when she had to go out to the store.

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