Agent Ava. Drug Gang P1 Sex Story for free – Y2Stories.Com

Agent Ava is tasked with tracking down dangerous suppliers.

Hi! I’m Ava! I’m 25 with light tan skin, 5’10 with dark brown hair that goes down to my waist and blue eyes. I’ve been an agent for an international organization for 2 years since I managed to steal data from one of their best members. How? well my DDD cup tits, wide waste and big round, firm ass with just the right bounce definitely helped. I can’t say much about what we do, but we investigate and infiltrate dangerous organizations solo and after finding enough info we take them down.

I stepped out of the shower, dried myself and slipped on a black thong before sitting at my PC. I had received a new job and it might be my first international one! apparently some dangerous drugs were coming into the country and they assigned me to the job!

The next day I left the house in skinny jeans and a small black T-shirt, I headed out to a a dealer I knew. “hey Jamal!” I said as I approached the 5’4 black man in jeans and a vest. He was a crack dealer but usually knew where I could get stronger stuff. “hey Belle! need some stuff for your man again?” he said. I called myself Belle to him and pretended to buy from him for a fake husband because he was good for info and didn’t have too many clients. “look man, I need some different stuff and heard you could hook me up?” he looked nervous. I got close to him, pushing my huge round tits against him and rubbing his crotch “come on, just tell me”

We moved to a back alley where I squatted down and removed his pants. I started stroking his cock, sucking his balls as it grew to a nice 6″. “mmmm!” I moaned as I sucked his hard cock, massaging his balls as I looked up at him. “damn Belle, your man is lucky” he groaned as he gripped me head and shoved his whole cock down my throat. “Grrk GRRM!” I gagged before be pulled me off before jamming it back in, his cock hitting the back of my throat over and over until “ah shit!” he gasped as he started shooting his hit cum down my gullet. “sllrrrRRP” I pulled off his cock “alright, about that stuff”

He told me what I wanted, some mexican guys who recently showed up dealing harder drugs out of a bar. He spanked my ass asking when I’d let him fuck me as I left but I just blew him a kiss and headed out.

That evening I found the bar, some small time place that opened a few months ago. I walked in and sat at the bar, ordering a drink as I noticed some eyes on me. I chatted up the bar tender and he denied anything, until a man came and sat right next to me. “you’re looking “fun”?” he said with a mexican accent. I put my multilingual skills to work and started speaking in Spanish, which grabbed his attention. slowly he gripped my ass and slide his hand into my jeans, fingering my ass slowly. “s-sir please” I said but he pushed his finger deeper “follow me” he said, so I obliged.

He brought me to a room that looked tame with just a desk, TV and sofa. “strip, gotta check you for wires” he said so I slowly removed all my clothes, the man practically drooling over my fat tits. Then he left and a few minutes later a large 6’3 muscular man walked in. I was kinda scared, standing there in just a black thong as he got right up to me saying in a deep voice “time for a quick check”

“oh god, MMM!” I was on my knees on my sofa bent over the back, the man’s large fingers sliding in and out of my wet pussy. he feeled around my pussy before fingering me faster and faster as I moaned softly until finally stopping after a few minutes. I breathed heavily, my pussy so close to climax when I heard his pants drop to the ground. I turned and saw his hairy 5″ cock, I spread me legs to accommodate how thick it was. “oooOOOOH!” I moaned as his member slid into my tight pussy, tightly gripping my shoulders as he fucked my pussy. “you’ve got a tight pussy baby!” he shouted as he picked up the pace, rocking my body back and forth. He didn’t last too long before letting out a loud grunt and jamming his cock in, but instead of filling up my pussy he pulled out and glazed my bubble butt with his semen.

I was exhausted and got dressed then he led me through a few rooms with hidden doors before I found their operation. A bunch of Mexican men prepping drugs like Meth, Heroine and Cocaine to be sent out. He handed me my “order” but I couldn’t just leave, I had to know who they were getting it from. I spun a tale of being a neglected housewife looking to run off and make some money, that caught the ear of one of the men who walked over. “looking for a new life?” he said as he examined my sexy body “yes, Manuel would love you” he said. I asked him who and he gave vague answers but I knew what he meant. Manuel must be the leader of this smuggling operation and hes based in Mexico, whats better is he was looking for sexy girls for something and this man was offering me to go to him.

The next day I headed to the airport to board my flight. I took the man up on his offer of course, I had to do this I didn’t want to pass the mission on to another agent. I boarded the flight and quickly did some math for how much my organization would have to reimburse me, as we don’t contact unless I pass on the job or have the intel to shut them down. I was startled however when a skinny mexican man called out my name and sat next to me.

As we took off he passed me a note. It said he was a contact for Manuel and I was to follow him to my resort once we landed. I nodded in agreement, but I was bored so I decided to unbutton my shirt a bit.

The man took the invitation and spent the whole flight groping and rubbing my body whenever he had the chance.

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