An asian stewardess hot Sex Stories – Y2-Stories

I m a twenty two yr old stewardess slim firm build with nice tits,I had just had a long flight to central africa and I was going to be on a layover for a couple of days, as I went to my hotel I met a couple of nice black bussiness men and we chatted for a bit and I smiled as I said I needed to check into my hotel room, they smiled andasked if they could help me with my carry on lugguage and I said yes I was tired ,so we went to the hotel and checked in soon after we were in the room we chatted more and one of them asked me if I would like a massagei smiled and said ok ,he unziped my dress and I took it off and went over to the bed and laid down in my panties and bra,soon he massaging me slowly it felt good as he undid my bra and continued slowly down my back soon he was massaging my ass and then my thighs I was feeling great his friend watched and then he had me turn over and he slowly massaged me up from my feet,when he got to my pussyhe smiled as he gently massaged my pussy through my panties I got wet and he kept massaging me over my stomach and then took off my ba and massaged my tits after he finished he smiled and he took out his stiff 10″ dick and slid it up to my mouth and I opened my mouth and he slowly face fucked me while he slid his hand into my panties and massaged my pussy his friend undressed and soon he was taking my panties off, and then he opened my legsas he started to eat my pussy,he was very hard and the guy I was sucking was to, his friend got om his knees between my legs and positioned him self as I looked down at him I seen he had 10″Also as the guy I was sucking step backthen he slowly lifted me a little and started to slde his dick slowly into me it hurt a little I wasn t used to a dick that big and I watched him go into me I could see it moving deep inside as I moanedand soon he was above me and his dick was deep into my cervix,then he was fucking me and soon it felt good I felt his full balls against my ass and I wrapped my legs around him as he kept going and then he smiled at me as I felt his dick swell and then he was filling me up with his hot sperm as I moaned and cum,we kissed and then his friend smiled and said he was going to fuck my ass I told him I was a virgin there and he rolled me over and soon he was slowly pushig into me it hurt alotas he went deep I felt him in my stomach and he fucked me until he filled me also,after they finished I laid there I had enjoyed it alot, soon as I laid on my stomach I felt one of them straddle me and then I felt his dick slide into my pussy and he fucked me as he kissed my neck he whispered in my ear that he loved how my pussy massaged his dick and I felt him cum deep in my pussy, they took turns fucking me for a while,after my layover and I made it back to home I found out I was pregnant and I never found those guys again

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