Anna’s school day adventure Sex erotica stories – Y2-Stories

Anna heads of to school with too much sexual desire to handle. Not something a girl needs when a difficult test was a head.

As always this is a work of fantasy and is in no way real. If you love the story feel free to click my profile and enjoy the others.

Anna spent the next several nights enjoying her pilfered item. The hum of its viberous nature drowned out by music as she completed homework. The week was passing quickly, school became a place she desired to be less and less. Her mind often dreamt about her best friend tucked away under a pillow recharging for that evening’s fun. As she climbed out of bed Friday morning she considered playing hooky to stay home and feel pleasure. Those thoughts were quickly shoved aside as math class had an exam and the teacher wouldn’t let her make it up without some sort of note to excuse the absence.

Slipping on a cute sundress as the morning air was already plenty warm for such an outfit Anna finished getting ready for school. Yawning as she walked to the school bus she waited outside placing an airpod into each ear to at least kill time with some music or scrolling social media. It was several minutes before the loud bus finally pulled up to her stop. Walking to the back she sat down in her usual place. Being early in the route it was still fairly empty and no one else would be sitting around her for several stops. Scrolling through tiktok her feed started to bring up videos with some attractive guys all dancing shirtless. She felt her heart race with desire as the lust lingered between her legs.

By the next stop Anna wanted nothing more than to feel the hard rumble of her yellow toy inside her. The entire day still awaited her and that glorious object was far out of reach. She started scrolling through some smut online, arousal ever growing. Shifting in the seat she looked around, the closest person was several seats ahead. Letting out a sign, the backpack beside her was moved on to her lap. Left hand against the wall of the bus slipped under its black bulk. Rising up her skirt a finger started to press soft white panties against her clit. A little moan covered by the groaning motor as the bus climbed up a hill. A held breath pressed her stiff nipples into the thin cloth of her dress. A warmth from her core spread across her body as arousal gave way to lust filled hunger. Each stroke of her finger down her slit dampened the panties hiding her sensitive cunt.

She let out the breath with a groan, eyes locked on her screen devouring the sensual material. Time slipped quickly away as she toyed with her body to smut. A sudden jerk of the brakes caused her to look out the window and realized this stop had the boy that sat across from her. A pair of boys up one row and across from here were deep into conversation about some game. Snapped out of her fun she pulled her hand out from under the dress closing the hot story before sinking in and getting caught. Slightly flushed, she smiled as the boy took his seat across the aisle. A kind nod was all the more communication they had as he played a game on a switch for the rest of the ride. Her body held that excitement even as class was starting. Urges to touch herself a dull whisper got louder the more she grew bored in class. By the third period the aching desire between her legs was incredibly hard to ignore. The entire second period she sat with her legs crossed. The flexing of her thighs caused muscles to expand and subtly rub her body. It wasn’t enough though, the damp panties clung to her clit begging to be free and rubbed. It was in this third period she sat in the back corner. The boy who was usually next to her was out as was the usual teacher. All the students were working on a writing assignment due monday, some idle chatter allowed so there wasn’t a complete silence hanging in the air. The boy in front of Anna was curled up asleep while the girl next to him was working on a range of homework to avoid doing it later.

Writing the paper Anna held an extendable eraser in her left hand and pencil in the right. Left hand resting in her lap as she stared at the words on her paper leaned over the desk trying to concentrate on the subject at hand. Looking up the substitute was reading a book letting the class do as they wished so long as the noise was kept at a respectable level. A small group just sat chatting away rather than attempt any work. Anna kept daydreaming about what possible fun she could have over the weekend. The idea of video chatting with a hot guy and riding her vibrator was a strong pick should her parents go to bed early one night.

The sexual fantasies playing through her head had her absent mindedly teasing herself. The soft nub of the eraser was stuck out the tool pressing against her body through the dress and panties. As the pressure increased the mechanism clicked back a notch making her acutely aware of what she had been doing. Not that anyone in class even remotely noticed. Leaning back to stretch, eyes looking about the room, a couple of students were facing her directly but their attention was on friends. Her body shifted down the seat, hemline riding up from mid thigh to barely hiding anything. Crouching back over her work, the left hand finding its place comfortably back into her lap, it now dangled in front of the open void of her skirt. Subtly the eraser disappeared under the draped fabric. A thumb keeping the soft nub of the eraser extended beyond the plastic shell. It’s mechanism trying to click backwards as it rubbed into the wet spot getting larger between her thighs. She made no progress for the better part of a minute on the assignment as she felt her blood rush and pussy tingle with excitement. The scooting of a seat made her stop and look up as one of the boys in class was shifting away from his friends. The boy in front of her started to wake up and turn her direction to check the time. Anna didn’t jerk her hand away from where it was hiding below the desk though its position moved to not look obvious to what it had been doing. The classmates were all starting to pack things up as the third period was about to end.

Lunch had come and gone, Anna’s arousal hadn’t truly waned as she talked with friends. It was a constant nagging voice at the back of her mind till its whispers were no longer possible to ignore. It was just one more class before math and the exam. She needed to get this urge out of her system or getting a good grade would be impossible. Ducking out of class for the bathroom she found the nearest one empty. Holding in her moans two fingers quickly got plunged into the depths of her eager body. The lock of her stall barely latched before finding the pleasure. Sitting there she worked her pussy in all the ways she could think to make herself cum quickly. Biting the inside of her cheek she kept from moaning, though heavy breaths filled the silence. Her legs clenched and grew stiff as the orgasm hit. The sweet release she desired finally washed over her. Her face was flushed as she left the stall, hands washed and mind clear of deviant desire she walked back towards class.

As she passed the gym a boy sprinted out, panting, he stopped in front of her to drink from a fountain. She quickly recognized him, Liam was a few years older and lived down the street. Their fathers were close so she often would stay at his house when her parents had a date night, or he would help with homework. His brother was a year or two younger than Anna too. Athletic shorts wasn’t something he often wore, so when he turned to leave her eyes couldn’t help but scan over him. The faint outline of his manhood hugged by the fabric revealed more information than she had ever noticed before.

“Oh hey Anna, ready for that math test?” The pair had discussed it the other night while texting about information she still struggled with. His advice help tremendously in finally understanding the content.

“Thanks to your help the other night I am. If I get an A this time I’ll bring you some cookies or something as a thank you. “ Smiling, she kept her eyes trained on his face though she wanted to stare at the bulge between his legs.

“I’ll hold you to that. Well good luck, I better get back and I’ll see you Sunday. Apparently our parents are all going out for a bit. “ With a nod and a wave Anna watched him jog back to his class and she went to her own. The rest of the day passed quickly, the exam felt easy and the remainder of her classes were a blur. In her head she just kept picturing Liam in those loose shorts. It stirred a lust she hadn’t known existed or could exist for a boy she called cousin even if he wasn’t related by blood. She had completely forgotten about Sunday, once a month their parents always went out for the day leaving Liam to watch over Anna and his brother.

The ride home was going to feel like an eternity. The bus took the morning route in reverse, leaving Anna to be one of the last ones off. Each second felt like a minute as she kept thinking about getting home and riding her toy till its battery died. The boy across from her slipped off the bus looking away from his switch long enough to not trip. As soon as he was out of sight Anna stretched out, backpack set toward the aisle on the seat. A spot Liam’s brother used to be till Liam got his license. The only ones left that could directly see her were the two boys across the aisle. They were both talking, a phone between them as they discussed… well she didn’t know her attention hadn’t been on eavesdropping.

With a surge of confidence now that no one had a straight line of sight to her without her notice a hand slid up her thigh. Pushing the top hem till the wet white panties were visible under a finger, the appendage sought her horny slit. A small shiver of excitement wormed its way from clit to shoulders. Panties were pulled to one side as the damp finger effortlessly glided down into her precious hole. Middle finger sunk in deep, soaked panties grinding against her palm as she adjusted its position to hit deeper. The motor covered a breathy moan as she wiggled the finger finding every button for a moment. Each brush against those spots sent a jolt of ecstasy to her pounding heart. In the corner of her eye she saw one boy shift as the bus was slowing down for another stop. Sitting up while looking out the window she tried to look bored as the boy was climbing out of his seat. Fingers still wet from toying with herself, the bus was moving again moments later. The last boy went from looking out the window to watching something on his phone. Anna wasted no time as she casually hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her panties, skirt hiked up, sandals kicked off. She quickly shoved the panties down and off, balling them into one hand before tucking the soaked article away in her backpack.

Like a strong magnet the wet fingers were drawn to the now uncovered clit. A gentle breeze blowing through the bus from an open window rolled over her body. Her heart was soaring with excitement, her only thought about how she wished she had her vibrator instead of the two skinny fingers pumping inside her wet cunt. The sloppy sounds of her finger fucking the young oozing hole masked by the roaring motor. The sexual high from being so lude in this public place was intoxicating. It felt like she had just started and only a minute passed when it had been several more than that and the bus was rolling up to its next stop. Her concern for the boy diagonally across from her had been abandoned at one point, she let out a silent moan as she tried to collect herself enough to be aware of what he was doing so as to not get caught. She felt like he certainly would have said something had he noticed her pussy out while finger blasting hard like she was.

A small part of her wondered what would happen if he had noticed, would he want to watch? Join in? Would he point it out to others and spread a rumor about the bus slut? That last thought had some real concern behind it as she dreaded if her parents found out about her deviant desires. However, being as drunk on euphoria and lust as she was, it didn’t break her current mood, just made her fingers pause a moment seeing the boy was absorbed into his phone. Slowly her fingers started to get faster and harder once again as she fantasized about a man climbing in next to her. Movement out of the corner of her eye she noticed out the window some movement. The bus had come to a stop at a red light, the idle vibrations shaking her seat providing some pleasure in its own way. The site of a semi truck was stopped beside her. The truck waiting to turn left while her ride would roll straight on through. Heart racing, she wasn’t sure what he could see as the man’s head swiveled to check a mirror. She could see him in the side mirror, his windows down a cigarette in one hand.

She saw his double take and eyes get big before seeing a gesture that mimicked a girl flashing her tits. Anna looked right for a second to see the boy was looking out his own window. Getting caught by this fat, balding, older man was a shock and turn on. His wordless encouragement pushed her into doing something she never would have thought to do in the past. The sundress was too modest to effortlessly flash this man by pulling the neckline down as some porn has portrayed. Her two options were to either lift the entire dress up flashing her entire naked form, or pull her arms out the sleeves and push it down. With only a slight hesitation to think of how to do it Anna ended up shifting, getting her entire front to face the truck. Both hands lifted the front of her dress up. The back side lifting from ass to mid back as she pulled the front above her breasts. The small budding braless mounds soaked in the light. The man was grinning wildly and gave her a thumbs up before getting a little honk from a car behind him. His light turning green and being so distracted the next driver grew impatient. Giggling Anna quickly dropped her dress, shifting back into a comfortable position. The bus was moving shortly after the truck, several kids all craning their necks to see who honked watching the truck pull away. Looking around Anna saw she was still a bit away from home. The boy in the other seat had been looking across, drawn in by the honk, a soft smile pointed in Anna’s direction.

Leaning out into the aisle while holding her attention she pulled an earbud from one side to hear what he had to say. “Maybe I can come over and get a peek too?” holding up his phone with a large smirk was a picture of Anna with her dress up, ass clearly without panties. “I got a glimpse of you touching yourself as we stopped, eyes fluttering but by the time I had my camera open you were flashing the trucker. “

Anna’s heart was roaring inside her head, the furious beating of it could be felt through her entire body. There was no way to play this off, she moved her backpack to the floor as the bus slowed for another light. The boy took this opportunity to jump across, which wasn’t unusual for kids to do as it emptied out. However this pair never really talked much with being in different grades. If she remembered correctly he was only a year younger than herself. He was pretty average looking and often wore shirts with video game characters on it. Today was a Minecraft T-shirt, his backpack was left in the now empty seat as it scooted next to Anna.

“Alright what do you want to delete that picture here and now.” She muttered knowing it wouldn’t be too long before his stop came around. His phone was in his right hand kept across his body from her.

“Let me see, and touch it to start with.” His answer poured out with Zero hesitation a mischievous grin plastered all over his face.

“fine. But you let me have your phone and delete the picture myself. “ She wanted to worm out of letting his hands grope her body but trying to argue most likely wouldn’t go anywhere. Putting her back to the window she was facing him and lifting the dress up. The front quickly exposing her breasts, the hard pink tips stood proud for him to look at mouth agape.

“Holy shit…” was all he could say looking over her naked tits, eyes wandering lower, past her flat stomach to wet pussy.

“Hurry up and touch it. You can squeeze a breast once. “ Muttering shyly, face a bit flush with a mix of embarrassment and excitement. He just nodded leaning closer the empty hand gripping her breast squeezing it too hard making her whence.

“Careful!” Snapping in a hushed tone to make it even more clear that her nipples were incredibly sensitive. He groped her another moment before that same hand slid down her body, it tickled to have someone else touching her like this. Then his middle finger, which was bigger than her own, was pressing down against her wet body. A soft moan as it rubbed up and down working lower till its tip popped in and out of her leaking cunt. Still moaning loud enough for only the two of them to hear over the sounds of the bus.

“Jesus… “ speechless he was allowed to finger her longer than he expected. The entire finger was swallowed up then a second was pressed in. He was gentle down there not wanting to be stopped from getting too rough. His cock bulged against his jeans getting turned on from the noises she made.

“Alright… give me the phone. “ Breathy but not yet stopping the fun she saw him nod but had yet to yield the device.

“I’ll give it to you if you let me put it in…” with a smile the boy was pushing things. His own hormones and emotions whipping his lust into a frenzy.

“Fuck no! “ She spat out quickly louder than intended, pushing his hand away from her privates. She could see his stiff cock pressing against the jean prison.

“Do you want me to text this to all the guys I know calling you a slut!” The fire and intent in his eyes were clear for her to see but that was still too far. She didn’t want this to be her first for that.

“You can put it in my mouth… but nowhere else. I don’t want to risk getting caught doing more and us both get in trouble. “ The boy was clearly thinking it over and just nodded realizing it may be too much of a risk to go that far here at the back of the bus. He shifted further into the seat as Anna moved, unzipping his jeans, the three in the shaft popped out eagerly.

“Phone now then I’ll start. You can leave it locked but I’m holding it at least. “ Her hand started to wrap around the leaking tip, precum already oozing free. The device was pushed into her free hand as she sank her lips down into his lap. Tongue flicked out tasting a cock for the first time. It was salty and a tinge sweaty but nothing so unpleasant as to make her grossed out. Swirling her tongue over his cock like she practiced with the vibrator the first blow job of his life started. There were some noises he made out of pleasure but she couldn’t understand them. Head sinking taking the entire cock in and out. Drool and precum on her chin as she came up for air. Hearing only the soft slurping sounds of her mouth getting used as his hands pushed her down and pulled her head up she tucked the phone under her. Kneeling on the seat leaned over sucking his cock she started to play with herself getting turned on from her first true blowjob. The boy was muttering something as she felt his cock twitch. Pulling up she heard him clearer as he whispered he was about to cum.

She paused hand, teasing his cock while the other got the phone back out. Using his face id she unlocked the device as it opened to his photos. Deleting the image with a couple taps, it was the only one he managed to take. She then tucked the phone under him and sank down swallowing his cock. His hands pressed the back of her head down making sure his member was buried as the first hot rope of cum shot out. She had been expecting it, the thick spunk was difficult to swallow but she managed to keep it all in her mouth. The bus jerked to a stop as the last twitch of his cock drained onto her tongue. He quickly zip his jeans at the realization it was his stop and bolted out of sight. Anna had managed to cum laid out in the seat moments after the bus started moving again to the th

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