Crossing Lines Sex Story 2024 – Y2Stories.Com

A married man, sexless for a long time, crosses lines while on a business trip

Mark nervously paced back and forth in the hotel room. He couldn’t believe this was potentially going to happen. He again considered canceling. Was he seriously going to do this? What if he was arrested? What if was robbed? What if he ODed or had a heart attack? He wasn’t a young man anymore, and he could already tell the Viagra was dilating his veins. But…it was also making his dick feel heavier, and the thought of finally fucking again…

The knock came. Mark took one more look at himself in the mirror, then walked to the door. A quick glimpse thru the looking glass…the blonde young woman appeared to be alone. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

“Hey, uh, Lany. Please come inside.”

“Hey Mark. Wow, you’re even hotter in person.” She stepped in and quickly took in the room, obviously making sure for herself it wasn’t an obvious trap. She was voluptuous without being fat, appeared to be about 28, but with a hard edge in her eyes. Her blonde hair fell to just below her shoulders. She was wearing well-worn, skintight blue jeans and a crop top, but one decent enough for public. She had a large purse slung over shoulder.

“Well, uh, thanks. Please have a seat. Uh, that envelope on the table there is for you.” He wanted to show he was trustworthy, and had promised half-payment up front. She scooped it up, glanced inside and then tucked it away into her purse. She relaxed a bit, but still with some nerves, looked at Mark.

“Please show me your dick.”

“Excuse me?”

“Show me your dick. It proves your not a cop.”

“Uh, okay.” Mark pulled down the top of his jogging pants and underwear. His freshly trimmed public hair framed his now somewhat timid penis nicely.

She grinned and flashed one tit at Mark. “Okay. We’re good.” She took a seat on the couch, leaned back, and kicked her shoes off.

“Uh, thanks.” Mark sat on the other end of the couch. “So, uh. Are you sure you’re good with everything we discussed? You’re comfortable with it all?”

“Yeah. You want to get high and fuck all night?” She grinned. “Yeah, we can do that. You said you would send half payment up front? 1000 now, another 1000 in 4 hours, if we have actually done something?”

Mark felt a flash of guilt amid a huge flash of horniness. “Well, I guess if you boil it down, yeah, that’s what I want.”

Lany took good look at him. He was clearly well off, and just as clearly had a desk job, but was trying to stay something like fit. For his age, he was a good looking man.

“Look, I’m not going to judge you, Mark,” she said, reassuringly. “We’re all here for the same thing, right? Let’s just have a good time. Go ahead and send the first payment.”

Mark couldn’t help but blush at her words, but nodded in agreement. He knew he was taking a risk, but he couldn’t deny the undeniable pull between them. He quickly pulled out his phone and Cashapp-ed her the money. It felt like a moment of pure, unadulterated hedonism.

“Alright,” Mark managed to croak out, still feeling the effects of the Viagra and the anticipation of what was to come. “Uh, did you bring the stuff?”

“I sure did. You seriously haven’t done this in 3 years? I should warn you, it’s very good ice.”

Lany stood up, her confidence and self-assurance becoming palpable. She sauntered over to the bar and rummaged through her purse, pulling out a small metal case. She popped open the case and tapped a small pile of white powder onto the countertop. “I have already crushed this up. We can snort, or, if you want- you mentioned wanting to try a booty shot. Or…if you want to really go crazy, I brought my kit and I can shoot you up? I’m probably going to bang some later, myself.”

Marks heart started beating harder. He had always planned to use meth to get over his guilt and inhibitions. He knew it was an excuse- he was still just going to be a dirty cheater after this. He considered, one last time, of just asking her to leave. She could keep the money. He could furiously jacked off after she left, and he could go home with a clean conscience. He could still get out of this clean, if a bit dusty…

“Uh, well, if you’re sure your okay giving me a booty shot?”

Lany stopped cutting lines, walked over and held out her hand. Mark reached out, touching her for the first time. She pulled him to his feet and stepped close, pressing her body to his. She grabbed his head and kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear, “Relax baby, I got you tonight. We’re going to have fun.” She let her hands drop from his face, down the front of his body, quickly squeezing his cock before she turned back to the drugs. Mark’s dick swelled, and he took her amazing body in as she turned away. The thought that he was going to be fucking her soon- and hopefully all night- finished off any lingering guilt. His wife, back home, had been thinner and prettier once, but, if he were honest, never as hot as this young woman. And certainly never as sexually confident.

Lany took out a syringe. She unscrewed the needle, leaving just the plastic. Took a plastic cup from the hotel bar, scrapped some meth into it, and added a small amount of water. She mixed the contents, then drew it into the syringe. “Okay, baby, turn around and drop trousers. I’m going to lube this with some lotion and push it in. After I squeeze it, you have to hold it in until it gets absorbed. Don’t let it leak out. It helps to lay belly down on the bed a minute or two.”

Mark did as she asked. The feeling of the syringe going in was odd, as was the water splashing into his bowels. He waddled over to the bed and fell onto it, facing Lany. She kicked off her blue jeans, wearing only her silk, ornate panties. She quickly prepared her own mix, and using the same syringe, shot herself up the ass with practiced ease. Mark gulped a little as he saw her bare ass and got a glimpse of her shaved pussy. She pulled her panties back up, caught Mark’s eyes looking at her and smiled, winked at him, and came over to the bed.

Mark could feel heat and warmth blossoming in his ass as the meth started taking hold. Mark’s face grew a little flushed, his pupils dilating and his eyes becoming glassy. He felt a tingle in his limbs, a rush of energy coursing through him. The room seemed to take on an almost hazy quality as the heat and warmth spread through Mark’s body. Colors seemed to brighten and everything had a slightly distorted look to it. He felt his inhibitions starting to melt.

“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, his voice shaky with desire, as he took in the sight of her.

Lany smiled, a sly grin on her face, stood up as she began to unbutton her top, revealing her skin, smooth and tanned. Her eyes held a mischievous glint as she watched Mark’s eyes rake over her body, taking in every curve and line.The lovely color of her almost full arm sleeve was set nicely against her pale skins. Mark could see the smallest signs of some wear on her body- clearly her drug use was a little more than she thought- but it just made her more attractive to him.

“What do you think?” she asked, her lips curving into a smirk, as she pulled off her top and let it drop to the floor, leaving her standing before him in nothing but her panties.

Mark’s eyes widened at the sight before him. Her body was perfection, curves in all the right places, and her eyes held a seductive glint that spoke of a wild night ahead.

” Damn, you’re perfect,” he rasped, his voice thick with desire. “But I’ve got to tell you, I’m not as experienced as I appear to be. And, I told you, it’s been a long time. I’ve been…uh…out of the game for a while.”

Lany chuckled, sliding her hands over Mark’s chest, tracing the lines of his muscles with her fingers. “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll guide you every step of the way. I’m just here to show you a good time.”

With that, she reached behind her and unclasped her panties, letting them fall to the floor. Mark’s jaw dropped at the sight of her completely naked body, every inch of her smooth and flawless. She had the loveliest vagina he had ever seen, alright slightly slightly flushed with arousal.

“Look, before we go any further…uh, can you promise me you’re a free agent? No one is making you do this tonight?”

Lany looked at Mark with a smile, a bit surprised by his concern. “Sweetheart, I’m just a girl who wants to have a good time. I don’t have any strings attached to me, I promise you that.”

Mark nodded, looking relieved. “Okay, I believe you. I just…I’ve been feeling guilty about this, you know? But seeing you… I can’t resist.”

Lany let out a small laugh and climbed back onto the bed with Mark. “Well, while I appreciate your honesty, we’re here for one reason and one reason only. So, are you ready for me?”

“Well, uh. Are you really sure you’re comfortable with bare? I wasn’t lying when I said I haven’t had sex in 7 years. I know I’m clean. But, you know, with my age, and it’s a been a while, and the drugs.”

“I promise, I’m good with it. I’m clean too. Honestly, with most new clients I would never do this, but for some reason I believe you. Now. What do you want to do first.”

Mark swallowed hard, his heart racing as Lany lay reached out and gently pulled him off the bed. She reached down and pulled his shirt over his head, letting one hand fall down his chest and she toss the shirt to the side. Then, she knelt in front of him, looking him directly in the eyes. She pulled his jogging pants and underwear down to his ankles, letting his cock flop in her face. Mark couldn’t believe how hard he was, and couldn’t believe this beautiful young woman was kneeling in front of him.

Her eyes locked onto his erection as she took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of his arousal. She slowly licked the tip of his cock, tasting him for the first time. Lany looked up at Mark, her eyes smoldering with desire. “You taste good,” she whispered, a wicked grin spreading across her face.

She took him in her hand, running her fingers up and down his shaft, feeling its hardness as it throbbed in her grip. She swirled her tongue around the head one last time, savoring the taste of him, before taking him into her mouth.

Mark’s eyes closed tightly as he felt the warmth of her lips enveloping his cock. He leaned back and let out a low moan of pleasure. Lany began to work her magic, sucking and licking him, her mouth moving up and down his length. Mark’s heart raced, the heat and fuel of the meth swelling with his already pulsing cock. She could tell he was going to blow fast.

She worked his cock professionally, taking him deeply and wetly in a way his wife never did. God love her, she tried, but Lany was a professional.

“Oh my god!” Mark grasped “Oh my…I’m going to come so fast. I’m sorry! It’s been so long.”

Lany smiled, her eyes never leaving his cock as it twitched in her mouth. She knew the moment was coming, and she wanted to make sure he enjoyed it. She slowed her pace, teasing him with a few quick strokes of her tongue before taking him back in deep. She could feel his cock throbbing in her mouth, a clear sign that his orgasm was imminent.

Mark’s breathing became more ragged, his hands clenching Lany’s head as she continued to work her magic. Her lips moved up and down his shaft, her tongue swirling around the head with each stroke. It was like nothing he had ever experienced before, and he could feel his orgasm building, growing stronger with each passing second.

And then, it happened. Lany felt it too – the familiar tightening of his muscles, the gush of hot, salty fluid that filled her mouth. She pulled back slightly, letting his come jet into her mouth. With practiced ease she swallowed him down. She steered his pulsing body so his back was to the bed, and she gently pushed him to sit down as he collapsed, her mouth never leaving his dick.

Mark was amazed he didn’t pass out, and he was mindless with pleasure, but he was stunned that his dick remained mostly hard. And the meth was still coming on. Lany gave his dick one last good deep throat, licked the tip, and then smacked her lips and she crawl on the bed to sit next to him.

“How was that for round one, baby? I would say- how’d you put it?- something just happened.” Lany grinned, crawling up on the bed beside Mark, keeping one hand on his dick the whole time.

“Oh my god…I could die now.” said Mark.

“I hope not. We have the of the night to go. And it seem you’re little guy here isn’t quite ready for a break yet. I know a good spot for him.” Lany pushed Mark onto his back, and started crawling on top of him.

Mark watched in awe as Lany’s voluptuous body glided on top of him. The sight of her breasts, which she had so confidently bared earlier, now swayed tantalizingly as she positioned herself above him. Her eyes locked with his, and he saw a hunger that he had been missing in his life for a while. This woman wanted him. She might be fucking him for his money, but she was also there with him, in this moment, and want his dick in her. Mark was helpless. He was in her hands now, and he knew he was in for the ride of his life.

Lany confident and with practiced ease guided his dick into her wet entrance. As she slowly lowered herself onto him, he felt the warmth of her body enveloping his own, and his heart raced with anticipation. She held his gaze as she started moving gently, sliding herself deeper and deeper, until he was fully buried in her wet warmth. The, she started riding, her hips rocking in a rhythm that matched his own heartbeat. Each thrust was a promise of the night they were about to share, and Mark knew that he was in for a wild ride.

Their bodies started moving in perfect harmony, and Lany’s eyes never left his. She smiled, a wicked grin full of promise and knowledge, and then she tossed her head back and moaned, clamping down with her pussy on his girth. Mark moaned back, and reached up, grabbing a handful of breast and nipple.

“You like that, baby?” Lany growled, her voice low and seductive. “You like feeling my sweet pussy wrapped around your cock?”

Mark couldn’t speak. All he could do was nod and moan as she rode him harder, her body undulating in a way that made him feel like the luckiest man alive. Lany leaned forward, her breasts brushing against his chest, and began to kiss him with surprising passion, her tongue exploring his mouth as her hips continued to move. He’d heard most escort didn’t do this, and he eagerly kissed her back.

As they kissed, Mark felt like he was in a dream. Her mouth was warm and inviting, and her touch was electrifying. He reached down and cupped her ass, feeling the soft flesh beneath his fingers. Lany smiled against his lips, knowing that she was in control, and that he was completely hers for the night.

With one hand holding onto his shoulders, Lany began to move faster, her hips flexing and her pussy grasping his cock in her tight sheath. He knew she was trying to make him come again quickly, and he couldn’t help but oblige.

“Come on, Mark, go ahead and let go- cum inside me, let’s get these quick ones out of the way. Then we can settle into some real fucking.” It was the hottest thing he had ever heard. She started riding him more intently.

Mark couldn’t help but be overwhelmed by the sheer intensity of Lany’s words and movements. He felt the familiar tightening in his groin, the early warning signs of orgasm. With a low groan, he arched his back, surrendering to her unrelenting rhythm.

Lany felt his body stiffen beneath her, and she knew it was time to push him over the edge. She quickened her pace, her hips thrashing wildly, her pussy gripping his cock in a vice-like hold. The room echoed with the sounds of their heavy breathing and wet slaps of flesh against flesh.

Mark’s orgasm was a white-hot explosion, his cock pulsing deep within her as he screamed her name. He felt like he was on fire, his entire body trembling with the intensity of the release. Lany rode him through it, her own climax building as she milked every ounce of pleasure from his throbbing dick. Her own orgasm crashed upon her like a tidal wave, her body shaking and her pussy tightening around his cock as she cried out his name.

As their orgasms subsided, Lany leaned forward, her body still moving slightly, her breasts brushing against Mark’s chest. She gazed into his eyes, her breath coming in short gasps. “That was quick, baby,” she said, a satisfied smile on her face. “But I promise, we’ll take our time with the next one. I want to make sure you get everything you paid for. Let’s take a little break and recharge before we go again.”

Mark couldn’t help but smile. He was somehow still slightly hard inside her, but he knew they had a long night ahead of them. Lany rolled off of him and lay beside him.

“So how long have you been doing this, if you don’t mind me asking?” Mark asked.

Lany shrugged. “I been doing this, on and off, for about six years now. I used to work as a waitress, but it was never enough. I was always looking for something more.” She sat up, her body glistening with sweat from their passionate encounter. She reached for a towel to clean herself and used it to dab her face.

“I had a real bad childhood. My stepfather used to abuse me…sexually. I ran away when I was sixteen. I had nowhere to go, so I started working as a dancer in a club. From there, I met a few men who took me under their wing, showed me how to make real money. It all started from there, I guess.” Lany paused, her face darkening as she relived the past.

“I never planned on doing this, but now it’s all I know. It’s not all glamour and excitement, like you, but dammit, I’m good at it. It can be fun- you’re definitely fun!- but it’s also honest work. So, my turn for a question- why’d you call me? There’s lots of girls on that site.”

“Well, Lany, to be honest, I was drawn to you from the moment I saw you. You had this wild, exotic allure to you that was just…well, irresistible. But you also seemed genuinely kind. And I think I needed a kind woman to get me over this hump. I knew I had to have you,” Mark said, his eyes never leaving her body. His voice was soft and sensual, and Lany couldn’t help but feel a heat between her legs just from his words alone. She knew that he was drawn to her more than just for her body, but for the way she made him feel.

Lany smiled at him, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “Well, I’m glad you did. I do think I have something special to offer,” she said, running her fingers down her chest and teasing the edge of her cleavage. Mark’s eyes followed her hand, his breath escaping him as he drank in the sight.

“But let’s not lose sight of what we came here for. You want me to pleasure you, don’t you?” Lany said, her voice low and seductive. Mark’s eyes widened, and he nodded eagerly, his cock twitching at the thought of what was to come.

Lany gently squeezed his cock with her hand, causing him to shudder at her touch. She leaned in close, their bodies barely touching, and whispered into his ear, “I’m going to make you feel things you’ve never felt before, Mark. Trust me. But first, do you want another booty bump? That first one was pretty small, honestly. I was just trying to guage your tolerance. Or, no pressure, I could slam you. Have you ever shot?”

“No, I haven’t. Honestly, it scares the hell out of me. But also, like, I hear it’s just fucking amazing.”

Lany chuckled, running her fingers through his hair as she leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. “Well, let me tell you- it is amazing. The adrenaline rush, the way your body responds… it’s like nothing else in the world. Do you want to try it?”

Mark hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting between Lany’s beautiful face and the firm curve of her ass. Finally, he nodded, a look of determination in his eyes.

Lany smiled, reaching down to stroke his cock again. “Okay, then. We’ll have to do a bit of prep work first. But trust me, it’s worth it.”

She stood up, walking over to the bathroom and leaving Mark alone on the bed. He stared at the ceiling, his heart racing with anticipation. This was going to be the wildest experience of his life. This could be the beginning of ruination, maybe? But if this lovely creature was the one offering, and she was joining him, and she was going to fuck him all night- he’d follow her through fire.

In the bathroom, Lany prepared herself for the next round. She carefully applied a fresh layer of makeup, her eyes flicking to the small mirror above the sink, her irises dull with the memories of a past she would rather leave behind. She still felt the sting of her stepfather’s cruel touch, could still feel her body’s betrayal at the first orgasm he rips out of her…, but she was determined to make a life for herself outside of that darkness. She washed her hands carefully, getting ready to shoot them both up. She stepped out, smiled at Mark, went to the counter at the bar and got her supplies.

She walked over to him, her eyes never leaving his, and gently took his hand. He looked down at her with a mix of fear and anticipation as she guided his hand to the syringe.

“Trust me, Mark. This is going to be something you won’t forget. Are you ready?” she asked softly, her voice full of promise. He nodded, his eyes locked on hers, his heart pounding in his chest. “When I have injected you, I’m going to get on your dick and inject myself. You will not believe hot how and wet I get.

She carefully wrapped a rubber tourniquet around Mark’s upper arm, tightening it just enough to feel snug but not constricting. Her hands shook slightly as she prepared the substance in the syringe. “This is going to feel like an intense wave of warmth and pleasure rushing through your entire body, Mark. Are you still ready?” he nodded with a determined look in his eyes.

Lany reached over to the nightstand and picked up the small vial of liquid, uncapping it and drawing the contents into the syringe. The fluid was a clear, viscous liquid that shimmered in the dim light. She looked at it with a mixture of fascination and dread. She knew all too well what it could do to her but she needed it to survive in this world. Well, not needed. She could quit whenever. Still. She quickly removed the cap from the syringe and carefully expelled the air from the vial with a swift tap. She slowly inserted the needle into his arm, guiding it towards the vein.

Mark could feel his heart racing as Lany slowly inserted the needle into his arm. It wasn’t pain, he couldn’t quite place the sensation. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced. But as the plunger went down, the feeling intensified, spreading like wildfire through his veins, coursing through his body until his entire being seemed to ignite.

He cried out, his voice hoarse and desperate, a strange mix of pleasure and pain. Lany quickly released the tourniquet and pulled the syringe out of his arm, watching the last traces of the substance disappear into his skin. She set the syringe aside, her eyes never leaving Mark’s face as she savored the intoxicating effect of the drug.

She climbed back onto the bed, straddling him, her eyes never leaving his. “Are you ready for me?” she purred, running her fingers through his hair. He couldn’t reply, as he fell backward, a wave of ecstasy rolling over him. He cock was rock hard and dripping pre-cum. He was right on the edge of orgasm, and hanging there. He had never felt like this.

Lany quickly prepared her own shot. She got atop Mark, guiding his dick- now harder than when they first fucked- into her sopping pussy. She adjusted herself, sinking onto, until he was buried as deeply as she could be. Mark was still insensate, but now his hands starting running up and down her thighs, hips, body.

She lined her own shot up. As the plunger went down, a wave of heat and pleasure washed over her. Her pussy clenched around Mark’s rod, moisture flooding in, and she let out a low moan as the drug took effect. The syringe slid out of her arm, she dropped it beside the bed and she closed her eyes, savoring the intense sensations coursing through her body. Her pussy grew noticeably warmer. She coughed, and then started moving.

Lany slowly rode Mark, feeling the drug’s effects building with every thrust. Her body was on fire, her pussy throbbing with desire. She let out a soft cry as the pleasure intensified, the waves of euphoria washing over her in a never-ending tide.

Mark’s hands gripped her hips, pulling her closer, his cock throbbing inside her. He seemed to be lost in a world of his own, his body responding to the drug in ways he couldn’t control.

Lany’s pussy continued to clench around Mark’s dick, getting hotter and wetter. She felt like she was in a state of blissful ecstasy, every movement bringing her closer to the edge. As the sensation built, she began to ride faster and harder, her moans growing louder and more desperate.

Mark felt like he was in a dream, his body responding to the drug in ways he couldn’t control. He gripped Lany’s hips tighter, pulling her closer to him, his own desire building with every thrust. He could feel the heat emanating from her pussy, the wetness coating his cock.

Lany’s body was a knot of tension, her pussy clenching and releasing around Mark’s cock, her moans growing louder and more urgent. She knew she was close, oh so close to release. She couldn’t take it anymore, she needed to cum. So when Mark blew over the edge, suddenly, it was all the trigger she needed. She felt her core knot around her vagina, her walls clenching tight and vibrating around his stiff rod. Her entire being seemed concentrated on that pole and the nova of her clit. She ground her hips against Mark’s public bone. Her tight hot sleeve matched his pulses, one for one, as he jetted into her. She held herself there, quivering, until Mark groaned beneath her, and his now flaccid- and extremely wet- dick slid out of her. Then, she rolled over beside him.

The had the rest of the night ahead of them.

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