Daddy and me talking about mommy moving in hot Sex Stories – Y2Stories.Com

I’m 12 years old 5 foot 1 inches tall red hair green eye’s 100 pounds 32A boobs

Last night around 8 o’clock I head daddy on the phone . I hear you be staying in the spare bedroom. You need to work your way back into jen and my bedroom. I understand we use to be married but you left us . You think im just going to let you just sleep in my bed with jen and I. You need to earn trust again with me and jen. Then daddy hang up I hear daddy call me . Daddy calls me downstairs . I come downstairs daddy onthe couch. With his back again the arm one leg on the floor the other on the couch. Daddy naked I’m also naked I go over daddy said we have to talk about your mom . I sit down with my back against daddy chest my legs on the couch.

Daddy said you know your mom coming here to live with us .

Me yes daddy I know where she going to sleep.

Daddy said in the spare room for now she has to earn our trust .
Daddy said your still in our bed no matter what

Me ok daddy

You know I will be having sex with your mom and so will grandpa .

Me I know daddy in our bed you be having sex with mom .

Daddy in the pare bedroom where your mom will be sleeping. Your mom hasn’t earned the trust to be in our bed .

Me ok daddy I understand

Daddy you know that you are the the first one who gets sex from me and grandpa when your mom here .

Me why that daddy

Daddy because you are the one who is both grandpa and mine daughter granddaughter girlfriend, wife, bestfriend, and lover .

Me ok daddy that’s so sweet I love you and grandpa

Daddy we love you to .

Daddy now rubbing my belly I can feel daddy cock growing on my back . Then daddy start playing with my nipples. I spread my legs . I start rubbing my pussy daddy pull my nipples gently. I’m still rubbing my pussy say I love when you play with my boobs and nipples. I say I really love when we are having sex your pinching and pulling my nipples hard . I feel daddy cock get really hard . Then daddy picks me up carry me to our bedroom. Put me on the bed daddy spread my legs and my pussy . Push his hard cock in my pussy . Daddy starts slamming in my pussy. I’m bouncing back and forth my boobs are bouncing. I moaning then daddy pinching my nipples hard. I tell daddy you keep doing that I’m going to cum . Daddy says yes me to daddy pulls my nipples starts going faster and harder . Then daddy goes all tge way in bucks his hips . I start cumming I feel daddy cock shooting in my pussy as im cumming. We finished. Daddy says wow baby that was great like always it’s been awhile since we came at tge same time.

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