Emily the Blessed Sex Stories Cool – Y2Stories

The Pastor needs a new secretary and Emily love her church.

Emily stood outside the Pastor’s office. She was nervous, a bundle of energy. It was both her wish and important to her family, financially, that she get this job. And more importantly, to her personally, she had never had this much one-on-one time with her Pastor. The lovely young woman, sandy blonde hair wrapped neatly into a ponytail behind her sweater, worn over a proper white blouse and a sensible, below-the-knee skirt, took a deep breath and knocked on his door.

“Come in.” Emily entered. Michael was sitting at his desk, reading, making notes, dressed casually in a white dress shirt and blue jeans. “Oh, good morning, Emily, come in. Miss Susie said you’d be coming by this morning. Coffee? Water?” He was a powerfully built man, even if he wore it in a friendly manner. More than one woman in the church wondered why he was single. Baptists didn’t require their pastors remain single.

Emily was standing just inside the doorway. “Good morning, Pastor Michael. Yes, thank you. Coffee would be wonderful.”

Michael poured her a cup from the service on the table next to his desk and asked, “Miss Susie just left this. Sugar? Creamer?”

“Both, please. Thank you, Pastor.” Michael fixed her a cup, and she walked across the room to accept the cup and saucer.

“Let’s have a seat, Emily.” Michael waved the young woman into the chair in front of his desk, and walked to the other side, sat in his large executive chair. “I understand you want to interview for my personal secretary. I’ll be honest, I requested to interview you directly. I have seen your attendance in the church. I have seen how closely you listen on Sundays and Wednesday. And I love the response you get from the young women’s group at Sunday school. Based on that- and your school records- I think you’d be a great fit. But I need to get to know you more closely. Does that make sense?”

“Yes, Pastor.”

“Good. First, Emily, how old are you?”

“I’m 19. Sir.”

“And you married a little over a year ago, right?”

“Yes, Pastor, actually almost two years now.”

“Married pretty young. Tell me about your marriage, Emily.”

“Well, Pastor, we have the typical marital problems, I guess. He works long hours, and he drinks a little bit. I know he’s not supposed to. He’s still a good Christian, sir, he just struggles a bit. We all do.”

“When you say marital problems, do you mean he’s abusive to you? Does he force himself on you?”

“Oh, no, Pastor Michael. Nothing like that.”

“Are you sexually active in your marriage?”

Emily’s face reddened slightly. “Yes, Pastor. Once a week.”

“Once a week, huh? Tell me about sex with your husband. What is that like?”

“Excuse me? I’m not sure what you mean.”

“Sorry, Emily. You have no problem with being open and truthful, do you?”

“Oh, no, Pastor, it’s just…it’s a bit personal, isn’t it?”

“It’s very personal, Emily, but in order for me to determine if you are an appropriate candidate for this position, I need to get as clear a picture as possible of who you are. Do you understand?”

Emily had no idea what this line of questioning had to do with the secretary’s job, but she trusted the Pastor completely. He had been her pastor since he had moved to the area when she was 12.

“Yes, sir. I understand. Okay. Well, sex with my husband is fine. It’s nice.”

“Do you orgasm? Do you do it a lot?”

Emily blushed even more. “Pastor, really-”

“Please answer the questions, Emily. These are not easy things for me to ask, either.”

“Well, sir, I…” She coughed, gently. “I can orgasm. Sometimes. Not often.”

“Okay, Emily. Was young Sam your first lover? Were you a virgin when you married?”

“Yes, Pastor Michael, Sam was the first and only man I’ve ever had sex with.”

“Okay. We may come back to that. Changing gears. You are aware that as my secretary, you will have to deal with the Elders sometimes, some of whom may not always behave as well as they do in church. They come around sometimes during the week, and leaders that they are on Sundays, during the week they are sometimes just guys. You know, boys will be boys. You understand?”

Embarrassed and unsure what she was being told, Emily said, “I’m not sure, Pastor. Boys will be boys?”

“Yes,” Michael said. “Boys will be boys, Emily. Sometimes, men, when we’re away from church, we may…we may act in ways that are not appropriate. Do you understand? Can you keep that secret, for the benefit of the congregation? We have images to maintain.”

“Of course!” Emily’s sincerely was complete. “If it’s for the good of the church.”

Michael leaned back in his chair, considered Emily. “Emily, as my secretary, I would ask a lot of you. Some of those things could be a lot of work, and maybe even some embarrassment for you. Are you ready for that?”

Emily straightened herself up, looked Michael directly in the eye. “Pastor, if I got the job, I would work very hard. My parents tell me to never quit, to always give everything my best effort, and, well, I just do what they taught me.”

Michael smiled. She was exactly what he thought- an earnest young Christian, a little naive. He wanted that.

“Okay, Emily. You know I have to travel sometimes. How much of a burden would that be on your family?”

“Uh, what do you mean?” She had had no idea travel might be involved.

“Well, when I travel, as my personal secretary, sometimes I may call on you to travel with me. You know, take notes, handle arrangements- get the car, dry cleaning, set up meetings. We are a growing church, and other church leaders- bigger churches- are taking notice. You may have to interface with other church leaders. Discretion would be a must. Good of the church, you understand?”

“That would be fine, Pastor. My parents have said I have the responsibility to help out wherever I can.”

Michael thought, that’s perfect. “Wonderful. Just so you know, you’d be away overnight, sometimes. For several nights, perhaps.”

Emily was surprised. “Overnight? Away?”

“Yes. Is that a problem?” Michael had her.

“No, Pastor, but, um, could Sam come, too?”

“Well, Emily, we can talk about that if it becomes necessary. He would have to pay his own way, of course, while the Church would pay for your travel. Your room. Of course you’d have your own room, Emily- of course you knew that, right?”

“Okay, Pastor. Thank you.”

“Excellent. Now, Emily. One more thing, and it’s very important.”

“Yes, Pastor?”

“Emily, have you ever touched yourself?”


“Have you ever touched your pussy, Emily? Did you ever put your finger inside yourself, or on your clitoris, and touch it until it felt good?”

“I- Pastor Michael, I-”

“Listen to me, Emily.” The man got up and pulled himself to his full height. He walked around the desk and stood towering over the young, confused woman. “This is a critical question. It’s important. As a Christian, a married Christian, and before that, a young girl in my church, have you ever touched or played with your private parts?”

“Pastor Michael, I’m married, and I’m not supposed-”

“Emily. I’m going to share something vital with you right now. On the other side of that door…” he pointed to the door of his office “I have to be a bastion of faith. A pillar, upon which is supported the entire congregation. A rock. Without flaws. When I’m on this side of the door- the side that I am inviting you to become part of- I can be myself. I can be a human man, with urges and desires- the same desires we all have, for good or evil. How can I trust you to be part of that, if you can’t even be open about these few simple things. Now, Emily, I touch myself. Sometimes, in the past, I have touched myself thinking about you, my dear, even after you were married. Even before! There, I can admit that to you, on THIS side of that door. I can be weak with you, here.”

Emily sat speechless. The Pastor had never acted like this, never admitted anything like this. She felt a tingle between her legs, and was shocked at her body’s reaction.

“Emily, answer the question. Have you ever touched yourself?”

“I…uh, no. Not really.”

“Not really. Not really, Emily? Either you have, or you haven’t. Which is it?”

“I- I sometimes, uh, rub my, uh, on top, with my hands, or I take a bath, or, I sometimes press it.”

Pastor Michael smiled down at the young woman. “See, that wasn’t so hard, was it. You have touched yourself. We all have desires, Emily. It’s natural. Now, for the sake of the church, for the congregation, we hide them. We try to suppress them. On the other side of that door, we have to be strong, put up a good front, to help keep them strong and faithful. You understand. But on this side, we can admit it, we can help each other. Emily, will you help me? You know, woman is called man’s helper.”

“Of course, Pastor. I- yes, I want to help.” She was confused, unsure of where this was going.

“That’s good Emily. Please, stand up for me.”

The young woman stood, trembling, looking at Michael’s feet. He slowly unbuckled his belt, dropped his blue jeans and black boxers to the floor.

“Emily, see there, my penis. Take it in your hand. Grab it. Help me, Emily, with this burden.”

Emily’s mind was racing, her mouth opened, unable to speak. She wanted to walk away. She wanted to feel it.

“Emily, touch my dick. Grab it.”

Emily bent her knees a bit, and reached out, touching the older man’s erect cock. He groaned softly.

“Good girl. Now, stroke it, Emily. Rub your hand up and down it, like you might do for Sam.”

The young woman started moving her hand gently up and down on Pastor Michael’s large, thick erection. His penis was bigger and thicker than her husband’s. She couldn’t believe what was happening here. Was this right? But he was her Pastor.

Michael reached out and gently put his hands on Emily’s shoulders. He started to push her to her knees. “Kneel, Emily, get on your knees…”

The young woman was sinking, falling, onto her knees. Her skirt tightened across her hips and legs. Michael kept pushing down with his hands, and her knees hit the carpet.

“Now, Emily, I need you to put my penis in your mouth. Have you ever done that before? Please, take this sin from me- help me.”

Emily had never seriously considered putting a man’s penis in her mouth. Sam had asked, but she had refused. But she wanted to help the church. And helping the Pastor helped the church. Emily leaned forward, and Michael pushed his hips and penis toward her face. He put his hands on the back of her head and pulled her towards him.

Michael’s penis pressed against her closed lips. He pushed, and Emily opened her mouth. He shoved himself into the young woman’s mouth, and her eyes popped open. She glanced up, and then closed her eyes to focus.

“Be careful with your teeth Emily. They can hurt. Just let it in. Use your tongue.”

The young girl was surprised at how his cock felt on her tongue- smooth and slick, and just a hint of salt, but clean. She liked it. She felt him growing harder, firmer. She found herself grasping it with one of her hands, the other grabbing Michael’s thigh for balance.

“Good, Emily, lick the shaft. That’s right. Put your whole mouth around it, now, and move back and forth. Up and down. Like that. That’s a good girl….When you can learn to do this well, you will lift a great burden from me. I will be better able to serve, and more souls will be saved. Bless you, and thank you for trying to help here, Emily.”

“Mmm-mph!” Emily tried to look up at the Pastor, but he was gently leaning back and thrusting himself into her mouth. She tried to open up and accept more, but wasn’t sure how.

“Just relax your throat, Emily. Let it in.”

“Mmmm.” Emily’s eyes watered, and she gagged. Michael held her in place a brief second, and then gently withdrew.

“You’ll learn, Emily. Here, stand up.” Michael’s voice was calm, kind, even, like he was asking her to read a prayer.

Michael pulled her face off his cock. He reached down and gently helped her to her feet, and turned her to face the desk. He pushed her up against i the desk and pushed her chest down. His hands went down her legs, to the bottom of her skirt, and started raising it up.

“Please, Pastor, this is too much. Please, stop.”

“Emily, it’s okay. This is God’s will. He sent you to me. You are helping me, and I will be a stronger, better servant, and that is in His service- you are being a good Christian, right? A helper?” His hand never stopped moving- he pulled her skirt up over her back. She could feel cool office air on the back of her thighs. The tingle between her legs grew even more as she realized what was inevitable here.

The still-teenaged woman had the perfect amount of curve on her, concealed always by her proper clothing. Michael gazed down at Emily’s full, if narrow, ass, covered by white cotton panties. Of course that’s what she wore. He hooked the sides of them, jerked them down to the middle of her thighs.

“Emily, again, on this side of the door, we can help each other, the better to present a good face on the other side. You understand?”

Emily did not understand, but she couldn’t protest much after his cock had been in her mouth. In the last two minutes, she had gone through shock, disbelief, doubt, and, finally, submission.

“Emily, God has given me this desire, and he gave it to you, too, I can tell. You can deny him nothing, Emily. You will obey him, and me, and I will remove your sins, and you can remove mine.” Michael pressed his hard cock against her young, pink slit. He smiled to feel her wetness as he parted her labia. He rubbed the head of it up and down, purposefully hitting her clit a few times. He could hear her intake of breath. He gazed down- he had wanted this one for a few years now- a lot of the Elders had their eyes on her. Finally, he was going to have her- and for only just above minimum wage, too. He loved poor Southern towns and their righteousness.

Michael pressed his hips forward and pushed the head of his penis into Emily’s pussy. Her husband must be small, Michael thought- she was very tight. Still, his cock was wet from her saliva, and from her own juices, and he pushed it in, pulled back, and all the way in, and Emily grunted, and he placed one large, heavy hand on her shoulder and the small of her back, and pulled her towards him, forcing his cock into her even further. He heard her moan, and start panting.

“Oh, Pastor, no. It’s so big. Oh, Sam is so small. Oh, no. Oh God.”

Michael started slowly, pushing and pulling his thick cock in and out, his large balls slapping her bare thighs and clit, her panties falling the rest of the way to the floor. Emily was shocked at the response of her own body, instinctively trying to open up to accommodate his girth and let him go deeper. She shuffled her feet apart further on the floor.

“Oh, God, Emily, God is go good, giving you to me…” Michael was besotted with the whole moment. He’d broken in several young ladies in his time, but Emily’s natural surrender and lovely innocence was a wonderful combination. He was going to enjoy breaking her in. He’d thought about creating a position for her when she was 16- Youth Leader or something- but then she’d met Sam. They were sweet, but he doubted they had ever read a book, between them.

Michaen pulled his wet, almost dripping cock out of Emily’s pussy and spun her around. “I must taste you. Kiss me,” he told her, and forced his tongue into her mouth. She kissed him back as he spread her legs on the edge of the desk and pushed back inside. She moaned against his mouth. He grounded against her clit, eliciting a primal grunt from the innocent. He could feel her tightening on him.

Michael fucked the young woman, holding her legs open, exposing her cunt, her ass, her thighs, her belly, her breasts still covered by the conservative blouse and bra. He grabbed a breast, squeezed and pinched the nipple, and she cried out, but her pussy convulsed on his dick, drawing a gasp as well.

Michael was a virile man. He had fucked two of the Elders’ wives for years, and another church secretary before old Miss Susie took over. He had enjoyed some fun with a couple of the deacons’ daughters, too, here and there- there were always some older daughters who needed to confess stuff, late at night, and they always came back for a second and third visit. He knew how to fuck. And he intended to spend some time her. So he slowly, patiently fucked Emily, sawing deeply, in and out, grinding against her clit every third or fourth stroke.

He laid her back on the desk and patiently reached down to unbutton her blouse as he continued fucking. Her head lolled, gasping, as he worked himself, in and out, patiently, learning about her what she didn’t even know she liked- Sam was always already done and rolled over by now. She was shocked when he finally placed his hands on her bare skin just below her bellybutton, and pushed down on her right above where he was thrusting inside her. She felt pleasure against her pussy walls she’d never felt before. A tension started building up, and her hips started rotating against his thrusts.

“Yes, Emily, you like that? Let it come, let it build up…”

Her first orgasm, not brought about by her own fingers, surprised her, and she gasped. “Oh, Pastor!” She came harder than she ever had by herself.

Michael grinned. “You can call me Michael now, Emily. On this side of the door. Only on this side.”

“Oh, Michael!”

“That’s it, cum for me Emily, cum for the church. Let me take your sin, I will carry it, and the good Lord will bless you, Emily. We will help each other.”

Her second orgasm was still mostly physically- he had continued fucking exactly as before- but was eased into her by the holiness of this act, to Emily. She was helping. This was her Pastor, and this holy act would help everyone. What a blessing!

Michael looked down at the young woman, in rapture on his dick. She was a wonderful sight- young, blonde, innocence flushed with lust, a perfect gullibility and a perfect willingness to continue getting fucked. He loved it. The power in the community was fun. The food the old ladies brought around usually very tasty. He loved the freebies or discounts wherever he went. But this, this was the real reason he stayed in the church. The True Believer pastors- he had to avoid those- but the other ones, the ones in the know- and the trading of the secretaries at the conferences- those were what made the tedium worth it. And he knew he had high value currency bouncing on his dick right now. But he was going to savor her solo for a bit first.

“Emily, be honest, are you on birth control right now? I know the church frowns on it, but we all have secrets…”

“No, Michael- Pastor- I mean, yes, we have a secret, but no, I’m not on birth control. I would never use that, Pastor, no. I’m a Christian woman, sir.”

Michael started driving with more passion, more fierceness. He had started over before, and if he had to he could again. He felt his nut building in him. Emily’s warm, tight walls could feel him swelling too, and answered in kind. She moaned against him, grinding her hips against his pubis as he drove him deeper, harder. She had had hers. This moment was for him, and had been years coming. He should have done this when she’d been 16.

He swelled and burst. She shuddered, yipped, and they came together, and he grabbed her hips, pulled her off the desk, and pushed her even further on his pulsating, spurting cock. Emily had never felt such heat, warmth, fullness. She never knew it could be like this. This was the holy fucking, and it was wonderful.

Michael rested there, panting, sweating, until he could pull himself out. He admired his cum spilling from her reddened, used hole, and reached down and pulled his pants off his feet. “We’re not done today, Emily- it’s going to be a long interview process today. You don’t have to get dressed. Miss Susie knows I’m not to be disturbed today. The church is locked up.

“Now, I’m going to get you a pill later this afternoon- I want you to take it while I watch- and I want you to go see Elder Richard tomorrow or the next day. He’ll get you started on some pills. If Sam asks, tell him they are …tell him you need them for when you have to travel to the poorer areas of the state. To help fight diseases.”

“Travel, Pastor?”

“Yes, Emily. With me, when I need your help. We talked about that. You remember, right? We may have to travel even next week, for a couple of days.” Michael’s cock started hardening again. Christ, she really was dumb. How wonderful! He wanted a couple of alone days with her.

“Of course, sir.”

“Good.” Michael sat down in the chair she’d been sitting in. “Come back down here, lovely Emily, and practice with your mouth again.”

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