Five shades of Nike – Chapter 15 Sex Stories for free – Y2Stories

Part 15 of stories told about a group of typical UK estate chav’s and their lives. See part 1 for any full intro

April showers

As Steve is now at last working, my mum and step dad buy Steve car to run around in. He did have a scooter after taking a CBT bike test, but it was stolen after a month (but he got it back) and then he crashed it, a few weeks later and mum wasn’t too keen on him getting another. He has passed his car test and now has his own wheels. The only condition is that sometimes he will have to be the family taxi, which means driving me, my stepbrother or my sister around. One evening I go out with some friends to watch a film and my older brother has to go pick me up as it will be dark by the time we get out and it is in the next town over. Mum doesn’t want me coming home on the bus. So, my brother is waiting outside when I come out and I get in. We drive back towards home and as we stop at the traffic lights, he sees April at a bus stop waiting for a bus. He winds down the window and says, hey. At first, she is thinking who are you, but then remembers back to the party. She smiles and says Hi, and she also sees me and waves. I look a little embarrassed. She says she is waiting for a bus to take her home to Newton Street. Steve says, jump in I can drop you off there as its only two streets away. She hops in the back, and we set off, we leave town and join the main road, but Steve decides to take the old road into town. As we drive through a forest area, April says can we pull in here, I need the toilet. We pull into a small car park. There is already a car there parked up and we draw up with it fairly close to us. April says she needs a pee and jumps out the car and says she will be back in a moment. Steve looks over at the car parked there and can see it is slightly rocking and that when he looks in the back there is an interior light on, and there is a girl with her legs in raised and he can see a guy fucking her, his arse rising up and down. He can also see a guy in the front seat watching the action. Steve says,” look at the action Paul”, and I look over and can make out what is going on. Steve watches for a minute and then says that he needs to go for a pee too. After a minute Steve is back with April and they both get into the back. They are kissing and I am thinking, what the hell are you doing in front of me. Steve looks over and says, you don’t mind do you lad, after all you have seen me, and Rachel do it. I go red with embarrassment. I don’t want everyone to know I have seen my brother fuck. He doesn’t wait for an answer and pulls off her trackies pants and then slides his down. He then gets on top of her and after spitting on his hand a few times and rubbing down where they are going to make a connection, he slides right in and is pumping away at her. She is loving the fucking and then I notice that the guy in the front seat in the next car has gotten out of the car and is watching the action in our car through the window, it is Kyle from the scouts. It seems that the rocking has now stopped in the car next to ours, and then suddenly a window opens, and a used condom is thrown out of the window. Steve is on a tight schedule, so he wastes no time in speeding up and then pumping his load into her. He is grunting and moaning quite loud as he pumps her full of his cum, there is no condom on him and he is not going to pull out, now and again, he likes to cross his fingers and dip his wick. They kiss and then he smiles and reaches down and pulls up his trackies. He sees the lad at the window and smiles. He opens the door and asks if he enjoyed the show. Kyle looks a little embarrassed but nods and says yea. Steve says, if your quick you can do her too. The lad hesitates for a moment then climes into the rear seat. He recognises both me and April. He nods some acknowledgement to me and then undoes his jeans and pulls down his cock which is now hard in anticipation. She smiles at him in almost an invite. He starts to fuck her and as ever she loves as much cock as she can get. He lasts only a few minutes before he is jack rabbiting her and cumming in her, while his mouth is clamped to hers. He then gets up and starts to rearrange his clothes and climbs out the open rear door. The occupants of the car next to ours has had a ringside seat.

The door of the rear car opens, and a lad gets out. He is called Alan and he is a bit older than Steve, maybe 6 months to a year. I have seen him working at a local supermarket and I once washed his car for a bob-a-job for the scouts. There is a girl sprawled across the back seat. Alan says to Steve and Kyle, hot action lad. Seeing the fucking. Steve says, yea you too, that’s what got me horny for it. Still, April wanted it in any case. Alan points and says that his girl is called Sophia. She is Kyle K’s younger sister. She has been on at her brother for her to lose her virginity to an older guy and so Kyle arranged it. He was supposed to leave them too it but didn’t get out of the car until the other car showed up with you three in it. Alan asks who’s that in the front seat is. He says that’s my brother Paul. He says well maybe you or your brother might want to see if Sophia is interested in a little more fun. And if your bird is up for it, maybe I can have a bit of fun with her too. Kyle K, interrupts the conversation and says, wait up Alan, that wasn’t part of the deal. Alan says, shush up Kyle and relax, you were fine with the girl there. Steve says, she isn’t my bird but yea she’ll be up for it. Alan says, cool, I am going to wear a rubber because I don’t want another lads cum on my cock if you get me, and Steve says yea sure. Then Alan says, you’ll have to wear a rubber too for Sophia as she is not on the pill. Steve says to me, you fancy her sport. I just look embarrassed and shake my head no. He tries to persuade me, but I say no, so Steve says, well then Sophia, are you up for another go. She shyly smiles, and he grabs a condom out of a strip of three, from the wallet in his pocket and climbs into the car and shuts the door. I can see him towering over her, I guess he is trying to put the rubber on and then I see him lowering himself down and then after a few moments, seeing his arse pumping once the full sex begins. Meanwhile, Alan is fucking away at April, and I can clearly see the bright green condom he is wearing on his cock, sliding in and out of her. In the other car, Sophia who is still lying on her back has Steve on top of her and he is kissing her. Then he says, you will enjoy this babe, and then rubs his rubber clad cock against her slit. Up and down, he rubs until he starts to push in. Her eyes open wide, and she cries out in pain as his large fat cock presses into her opening. She is almost trying to push him off her, but he holds firm and then slides in more. She feels a sense of pleasure and pain, in the same way as she did when Alan first penetrated her, but Steve is that much thicker and longer than Alan’s cock. He starts to move slowly in and out she he is almost cuddling her and trying to reassure her she will enjoy it. She does slowly start to relax and although feels so full, the pleasure waves are pulsing through her body. This is only the second time she has had sex, and it wasn’t that long ago, so she is getting new sensations and feelings. He slowly starts to build up. He knows he won’t cum quite yet. He did cum not all that long ago, and even though his balls still have plenty of cum in them, the rubber dulls the sense of the stimulation. He looks over his shoulder to see Alan hammering April hard and he knows that Alan will soon be cumming in her, and under the watchful gaze of me, and Kyle, who is watching through the window. Alan shoots into the rubber, stopping the cum from being added to what is already there. He slows down and then comes to a rest and remains on top of her for a minute then reaches down where the two of them are joined and with one hand he slips off the rubber as he pulls out in one swoop, without even looking down. He takes it up to his eye line and with the other hand, ties a knot in the rubber to stop the cum leaking out. He then looks around for somewhere to get rid of it, holding it in his hand and then says, hey bud can you throw that out of the window and stretches out a hand. I am not sure I want to take it at first but think I ought to show some willing and then in a flash my mind races back to the fun I have had previously with my brothers used rubber, I grab it and open the window and pretend to throw it far, but then stuff it into my coat pocket. Back in the other car , she has experienced her first orgasm, and that pushes Steve to the edge, and announces he is going to cum, adding that he wishes he could be making her know what it is like to feel a man giving her his cum her feeling it shoot inside, and at that thought he pumps hard into the rubber imagining he is breeding her. She is panting and now smiling at him, he was right she did enjoy it. He slides out and looks down and the cum filled teat of the condom and then slides it off. He then knots it too and gets out of the car too and pulls his trackies up. Alan is now also getting out of the car and then Alan says something to Steve, and then Steve nods, then Alan says something more and then Steve half laughs and then they come round to my door and opens it. He says come on, get out. I climb out and he says, Alan says you have got to fuck Sophia. I did think he might want me to fuck April, but I think shes had enough for the moment at least. I want to run away maybe even and say no, but they both say, come on Paul just do her. I feel a bit of peer pressure and Alan thrusts a condom into my hand. I go over to the other car, and I get in. Sophia sees me and smiles at me, she can guess I am a bit nervous, and I guess she is the same. I undo my jeans and pull them down a way and then lower my boxers. My cock is semi hard and then I stroke it enough to get the rubber on. I fumble with it and Sophia then takes over and rolls it down. I then climb over her, and she still has hold of my cock and aims it as I push downwards. It is in before I know it, and a new sensation of fucking a girl with the rubber. It does turn me on, and I start to get into it a bit. She grabs my shoulders down forcing my face next to hers and she starts to kiss me. I hear the door open, and Kyle gets into the front passenger seat and is watching us having sex. I am bucking away but I know I will not last long. My eyes meet Kyles and him staring at me pushes me over the edge, my balls start to throb and contract inwards, and I feel my cock swell and before I can try and hold back and stop myself, I am shooting into the rubber. I get my breath and then she smiles at me and says that was great. I smile at her and say that I enjoyed it too. What’s your name she asks? Paul, I say. I’m Sophia she says, I smile and say, yes Alan told me. How old are you, she asks. Just turned 16, what about you? 15, my birthday was today. I was at first a little shocked that this girl had taken so many cocks. Then I realised looking at her, and also thinking back to what had been said earlier in that she was Kyle K’s younger sister. My brother has fucked her too, maybe he knew how old she was and didn’t care, or maybe his cock was just in charge, like it normally is. Still Alan had fucked her first, so I guess it doesn’t matter. I wonder if because we all used a condom, she is still technically a virgin?

I decide I need to sort myself out, take off the rubber and get out of the car while I am redressing. Steve comes up to me and smiles and says, well done bro, you needed to do that for ‘street cred’. I see Alan walking round to the front driver’s side of the car and he says,’ laters, lads’. And gets in. I see Sophia now back upright and seemingly fully dressed looking at me and smiling, the other car soon is driving away, will I ever see Sophia again? April is seemingly cleaning herself up and is also now trying to get dressed. I am still holding my spent rubber for some reason and Steve says, get rid of that, I really need to go for a pee now and heads off into the trees. I see a litter bin and think it’s best that I put it in there, I don’t want to litter the countryside. I put it in the bin and then I see the other two rubbers next to each other and think they aught to go in the bin too. I pick them up and pause for a second and then put them both in my pocket, along with the one I collected earlier. I do worry that I might have been seen but April has her back to me finishing dressing. We are soon back under way, and he decides all of a sudden that I should be dropped off first. I get out and the car speeds away. I am surprised when it is a good hour or so before he returns. I ask where he had been and he says, oh just talking, and then gave me a sly look, which probably means he fucked her again, which I am certain he did, cumming inside her tight young pussy again. As for my rubber collection, I did indeed have fun with them, before getting rid of them, and may tell you all about it another time if you are interested.

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