Forest Bliss Part One Sex Story 2024 – Y2 Stories

Age Gap story where two work colleagues discover pure Bliss.

Story of fiction.

Hello I’m Jim I’m 32 years old and I work at a local newspaper in Phoenix Arizona called the PG (Phoenician Gazette) I’ve worked here for four years, I work in the editing department along with two other colleagues Selena and David. One day our Boss named Jennifer came and told us we would have an early weekend due to building work that requires the water and electricity be shut off so everyone was going to have Friday off on top of Saturday and Sunday. Our department has had a slow week so we had everything edited by lunch time Wednesday and informed our Boss she told us we could take an extra day off and report back to work on Monday morning at 5 AM. As we were cleaning up and getting ready to leave we asked each other what our plans were. David said his daughter had a soccer tournament in Tucson on Saturday so he and his family were taking a 3 day mini vacation to Tucson, Selena said she didn’t have any plans, I said I was going camping and hiking up in the Flagstaff National Forest. Selena said she loves hiking and camping so I invite her to join me I’ve been attracted to her for some time even with the age gap her being 63 and i I being 32, she kind of hesitates but agrees she’s been single for the past 20 years after her husband left her for another woman. Selena has the body of a 25 year old athlete. We decide to meet up at the campground sometime the next afternoon.

1 PM Thursday hits and we both meet at the campground I informed her that the Park Ranger told me we would be the only campers in the area that weekend so we would have the whole Forest to ourselves pretty much. We decide to setup camp while it’s still daylight she pulls out a small tent and sleeping bag out of her SUV, I pull out a Full Size mattress and box spring from my truck and told her I love sleeping under the stars. By 3 PM we had finished setting things up and I said I was going to gather firewood so she built a fire pit with the tools we brought. About 30 minutes later I brought back the firewood and we built a campfire then we started getting hungry and were quite tired so we had chips and sandwiches for dinner along with some beer I had brought by 5 PM the sun was already setting behind the trees being the first week of November. We decide to get some sleep and get up at around 6 AM for breakfast then go for a long hike. Selena crawled inside her tent as she did I couldn’t take my eyes off her perfect looking ass, she then closed her tent and I curled up on the mattress I brought. As I lay there I thought to myself I have to make my move this weekend but how do I do it I soon drifted off to sleep. About 2 hours later I heard movement it was Selena she had to go pee I watched as she got out of her tent she saw that I was awake and said “Sorry if I woke you.” I said “It’s no problem.” I watch as she walks a few yards away behind a tree and relieves herself. A couple minutes later she walks back and says she’s thirsty but cold at the same time I said I have something that might help and got a handle of Bourbon out of my Truck and said “Sorry it’s a huge bottle and sorry I didn’t have any wine!” she says “That’s quite alright I hate wine I prefer Liquor and Beer!” I thought to myself damn she is my kind of woman! We sit and talk and have about 3 or 4 swigs each I notice shes still a little cold so I said she should cover up with my blanket and wrapped us both up we both decide to lay on my mattress and soon both of us drift off. About 5 hours later we both are startled by the sound of breaking branches I shine my flashlight around and notice a 10 Point Buck about 15 feet from our campsite. I decided to get up and gather more wood so we could build another fire. A few minutes later I return with the wood and we build a fire and we made so coffee and decided to have an earlier start to our day and made breakfast. We had bacon and eggs but what I wanted to eat was sitting just a few feet from me. After eating we cleaned up and sat down again I sat right next to her this time we talked a little bit then I set my hand on her thigh without thinking and she let out a deep breath I saw what I had done and apologized she said “It’s quite alright it just that I haven’t been touched like that in over 20 years!” we see the sunlight coming up and decided to get ready for our hike.

We set off on our hike through the woods after a short while she said “Wait what if we get lost?” I said “I have a GPS device in my Truck and it’s connected to my phone the range is 50 miles.” and with that they continued on. About 2 or 3 hours later they take a break and had some protein bars and water to replenish themselves, Selena was hot and started sweating so she took off her button down over shit and put it in her bag i was presented with a magnificent sight she was wearing a tight pink athletic tank top and I could she her nipples through her shirt my jaw dropped I said “Damn you really look nice!” she blushed slightly and said “Thanks not many guys look at me because of my age and those that do are total assholes one being our former Boss Kevin!” I said “That mother fucker I knew he was a creep!” She said “Said yeah that’s why HR fired his ass he offered me a pay raise if I slept with him I refused!” After a couple minutes we decide to start heading back Selena dropped her water bottle and bent down to get it I was mesmerizing but her tight fit ass as she bent down she stumbled on a rock and fell backwards and her ass hit my crotch as I tried to catch her she apologized saying “I’m so sorry did I hurt you?!” I said “No I’m fine are you ok?” she said “Yeah I’m good.” she then glanced at my crotch and noticed I was tenting and knew I was turned on by her but thought it was crazy because of the age gap. I thought to myself oh shit I think she sees my hard on, no other words were spoken as they made there way back to camp.

After returning to camp they were both beat they sat on the tailgate of the Truck and had a cold beer and took there boot off he noticed her ankles were a little swollen and offered to rub them she said “No that’s not necessary.” I said “I insist!” I then started to rub her ankles and removed her socks and began working her feet and toes and she let out a soft moan I asked if it felt good and she said “Oh my God this feels amazing!” After a couple more minutes and hearing her soft moans I began to tent again fortunately she was looking at the sky and couldn’t see it after about 10 more minutes I stopped and she said “Thank you so much my feet haven’t felt this good in a long time!” I said without thinking “It was my pleasure anytime!” I then jump down a start building a fire and told her I would make dinner. She asked what I was going to make I asked her if she liked hotdogs and fried potatoes. She licked her lips and said “Sounds good to me!”. After we ate we had another beer and she asked how much beer I had brought I told her a 30 pack I told it’s an old habit to bring tons of alcohol because I used to come with a group of friends, she didn’t think anything of it about an hour we cleaned up. She asked if she could sleep on my mattress with me tonight since it’s nice and cozy and without thought or hesitation I said “No I don’t mind at all!” she said “Thanks my tent and sleeping bag are nice and all but I loved looking at the stars last night.”. She then told me she likes to sleep in her bra and panties and I said it was fine by me she then striped right in front of me which took me by surprise I was thinking to myself was she attracted to me she can’t be I’m the around the same age as her son and daughter I then seen her public hair sticking out of the sides of her panties which was dark with some grey God that is spectacular and her erect nipples were making me tent for a third time today I asked if she was okay with me in my underwear and a t-shirt and with a sparkle of light she said “Absolutely!” so I undressed I hoping like hell she wouldn’t notice my tent which she didn’t. We grabbed another beer and got under to blanket and looked at the stars. After finishing our drinks we drifted off to sleep both on our backs. After a couple hours she rolled over and was facing me but still asleep after a few minutes she laid her hand on my hip then moved it closer to my fly and laid it there for a while then while still asleep she moved it closer till her fingers were side and directly on my dick and I started getting hard her fingers moving ever so slightly which causes me to wake up and I let out an involuntary moan and she wakes up and sees what’s going on I pretend to be asleep and she sees that I’m rock hard with a 7 inch erection her mouth waters and gets a wet spot in her panties she thought to herself oh my God what am I doing getting aroused by him he’s the same age as my son and gently removes her hand and rolls onto her other side after about 3 or 4 minutes I roll over and am now facing her backside still rock hard she hears me and moves closer and she feels my dick against her ass she gently grinds my dick with her ass thinking I’m asleep I let out another moan and now have a wet spot of my own she quietly pulls my dick out and sides her panties down and places my dick against her pussy with the head of my dick against her clit and starts moving back and forth. I couldn’t pretend to be asleep any longer I grabbed her firm breast and start to rub it and run my finger over her nipple she knows im awake and lays on her back and I pull her panties off completely and my boxer briefs she takes her bra off and spreads her legs. I get on top of her a line my dick up with her hole and we look at each other and all she does in nod and with one thrust I was inside her pussy I first start out with short gentle strokes in and out then she says “Please cum inside me I’ve needed this for so long!”. So I start to fuck her harder and faster and for the first time out lips met we immediately start to explore each others mouths. After a good 10 minutes of intense fucking I could feel my balls harden and retract inside me and my dick start to swell she could feel it too a after one last hard thrust I began to cum which caused her to cum we both screamed and l shot load after load inside her pussy. After we both came we laid there for a while and my dick still inside her until it started to soften and feel out we embarrassed each other and went to sleep.

To be continued.

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