Fucking my math tutor Sex Stories free 2024 – Y2 Stories

Mom got me a maths tutor who taught me both maths and sex, even her daughter joined in.

My name is Richard, I was 12 years old at the time of this story.

I was really struggling with maths at school so my mom hired a private tutor to help me, but instead of the tutor coming to my house I had to go to her house, her name was Miranda Perkins, she made me call her Miss Perkins and she was in her late 20’s.

On the first day my tutoring was to begin she picked me up outside school and drove me to her house, in the back seat was a little girl, Louise, Miss Perkins daughter, and she was 10 at the time.

We went back to her house and she had a spare bedroom upstairs set up like an office where she helped me with my maths, and it was perfectly normal for a few weeks, she made it fun and I learnt a lot from her about maths, I even stayed for tea some nights and ate with her and her daughter.

Louise was a very polite sweet little girl and she sometimes joined us in my private lesson trying to learn what I was learning, and she’d sit on my lap while her mom explained things and tested me on questions, we all got on really well, I was really comfortable around them both, it was like a second home.

After about a month Miss Perkins explained that although I was doing really well, she wanted to double the time we had together so I could learn more, she asked my mom and she said it was okay, so I started staying at Miss Perkins house for 3 hours after school instead of 90 minutes as before.

Then one day I got to her house and as usual I headed straight up stairs to go in to the office room, but she stopped me before I went in to the room, “Not in there. We’re going in this room today, Richard.” She said, and she directed me to the room down the hall.

She opened the door and it was her bedroom, there was no desk inside, just a bed and other bedroom furniture, “Why don’t you go sit down on the bed while I get changed. You can put your school bag down there.” She said.

“Okay, Miss.” I said.

I sat on the bed and she started getting changed, she unbuttoned her white cardigan and took it off, showing her red bra underneath, I turned me head not to look and felt a bit embarrassed, “How was your day, Richard?” she asked.

“Good, Miss.” I said.

“Are you finding maths a bit easier in class now?” she asked.

“Yes, Miss.” I said.

“That’s good to hear. Be a dear and hand me my night gown off the bed.” She said.

I picked up her soft cream coloured silk night gown and turned to hand it to her, that’s when I saw that she was undressed and just standing there in her red bra and panties, I got really embarrassed and immediately looked away, “Sorry, Miss. Here, Miss.” I said.

She chuckled, “It’s okay, Richard, you don’t need to be shy…” she said, then she walked over to me and stood right in front of me, I looked directly at the floor at her bare feet, “…Richard – Look at me, Richard.” She said, putting her finger under my chin and raising my head up, “You’re such a sweet boy.” She said with a big smile.

Then she leaned down and gave me a kiss right on the lips, which was weird, but nice, it was also my very first kiss, then she held my hands and stood me up before unbuttoning my school shirt and taking it off, then she unbuckled my belt and then guided me to lay down on the bed, I felt kind of paralysed as she was undressing me, I knew I should have probably stopped her but I just couldn’t tell her no for some reason.

She kneeled on the bed in her underwear and removed my shoes and socks, then she unzipped my trousers and pulled them off, she reached up and gripped the waist band of my boxer shorts and I grabbed her hands and stopped her because I knew she was going to take them off too and I was embarrassed about her seeing my cock, “Don’t be shy, honey.” She said, in a reassuring tone of voice.

My grip on her hands relaxed and she slowly pulled my shorts down my legs, fully exposing me, she looked at my cock, then looked at me a smiled, “Good boy.” She said.

I gasped when she started to rub my crotch with her palm, “Uh-Ooah.”, and my cock got longer and harder as she continued to rub me, I had no pubic hair and my balls had barely dropped, but I was able to get an erection, my cock was about 5-inches in length when she was finished.

Then she picked up her night gown and covered my middle with it, “Louise.” She called out.

“Miss, what are you doing?” I asked, I was already embarrassed that she was seeing my cock, I didn’t want Louise to see it too.

“It’s okay. Louise, come here, darling.” She called out, then Louise came in to the bedroom and walked over to the bed, her mom lifted her up on to the bed, “I’ve got a surprise for you.” She said.

“What is it, Mommy?” she asked with an excited smile.

“Look under there.” She replied, pointing to her silk night gown.

Louise immediately grabbed the night gown and pulled it away and she gasped and giggled when she saw my erect cock underneath, “Uah – *he-he-he*”, I put my hands over my eyes with embarrassment.

“Remember what Mommy taught you?” she said.

“Yes, Mommy.” She replied.

“Okay, good. Well, go ahead, show me what you’ve learnt.” She said.

Then a few seconds later I felt a strong grip around my cock followed by a warm and wet sensation on my tip, I moved my hands to see what was happening and was shocked to see Louise’s small hand wrapped around my cock and she had the tip of my cock in her mouth, sucking on it like a child’s dummy.

“Don’t worry, Richard, I think she’ll be really good at this. She’s been practicing for weeks using bananas, haven’t you, darling?” she said.

Louise nodded with my cock in her mouth, “Uh-Huh.” She mumbled.

Then Miss Perkins moved up the bed and she laid herself on her side beside me, and she held my face, turning it to look at her, “Just look at me, Richard, look in to my eyes, that’s it.” She said, she stroked my hair and got me to stare in to her eyes while he daughter sucked me off, “Good boy.” She whispered to me.

After several minutes I started gasping hard, I could feel I was about to come, “Are you coming?” she asked me.

“Uh – Ooooah – Yeah!” I gasped.

“Keep sucking, darling, keep it in your mouth. Come, Richard, let it go, let her taste your seed, feed my daughter. Let Louise taste you.” She said excitedly.

And moments later it happened, “Oooooaaaah!” I groaned loudly, and ejaculated my seed straight into Louise’s mouth, I heard her cough.

Louise pulled her mouth off my cock, then her mom asked her to open her mouth so she could see all my sperm inside her mouth, “Swallow it, darling, swallow it.” She told her, and Louise gulped, then coughed, “Ug – Oh – Mm” she sounded, swallowing my fresh seed.

“Was that nice darling?” she asked her.

Louise nodded, licking sperm from her mouth.

“Oh you wonderful boy…” she said to me, then she gave me a big sloppy kiss, “…Thank you.” She added.

I didn’t know what she was thanking me for, I didn’t do anything, her daughter did it.

Then Miss Perkins gripped my cock and rubbed it to keep it erect, then she sat herself up, “Now it’s my turn.” She said, taking off her bra and panties, she had really big firm and bouncy boobs and a freshly shaven pussy, when I saw her boobs and pussy I had no problem keeping my erection, it was just “Wow.” Seeing a fully developed naked woman for the first time.

She gripped my cock and straddled me before guiding my tip between her soaking wet flaps, then she slowly lowered herself on to my cock and I gasped with pleasure feeling my cock sliding in to her warm tight pussy, it was the best feeling in the world, the inside of her pussy was rubbing all around my cock, stimulating every single pleasure spot all at once, and my legs were shaking.

Then she started to swing her hips around and bounce herself up and down, I couldn’t contain myself and I was gasping and groaning repeatedly, “Ooah – Oh god – Oooah – Oooah.”

“It’s okay, Richard, shout it loud if you need too. It’s okay to enjoy it, honey.” She said.

“OOOOOAAAAAH! – OOOAAAH!!” I groaned out very loudly.

Louise was sitting on the bed beside us giggling at the noises I was making while her mom rode me hard.

“OOOaaahh – Oh god – Oh god – Ooah!”

It took me about 20 minutes to ejaculate again, when I came my body went rigid, my balls tightened, and my cock was so sensitive I could feel my sperm shooting up the inside of my cock and exploding out of my tip and shooting off inside her, “OOooah – Ooah – Ooh.”

Miss Perkins and her daughter made me a man that day, when it was first happening I felt very uncomfortable, but after she had sex with me it was all I could think about, I’d had my sexual awakening and I loved it.

We had sex again loads of times after that, not every day though, and Louise would come in to the office room and suck my cock from under the desk while I was trying to learn more maths, it was kind of funny but oh so good, and at least 2-3 times a week I would fuck Miss Perkins, mostly she rode me, but I got to be on top quite a lot and I loved fucking her pussy, and after a few weeks I grew in confidence and was going balls deep in to her.

I never got to fuck Louise though, I think that was a missed opportunity, but her mom said she wasn’t old enough for sex, the blowjobs were still good though.

You’re probably wondering what happened in the end, well, the council had to close my school because of dodgy construction problems and the school I was moved to was miles away, we moved house and relocated, and because my grades had gone up, mom didn’t feel like I needed a tutor anymore, so I never got to see her again.

I could have probably found my way to her house myself but I got a girlfriend at my new school and applied to her what Miss Perkins had taught me, so from the age of 13 I was fucking my 12 year old girlfriend every day after school.

I still think of Miss Perkins fondly though.

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