Category Archives: Gay


The old people’s home part 2 hot sex erotica stories – Y2-Stories

Purely fictional story. Sammys in trouble Monday after school I’m stood at the bus stop. The same Mercedes pulled up. I walk over and the back door opens. I look in and David is sat there. “Get in, we need to talk” he says. I pause, but something about him reassures me. I get in […]

Got Fucked Good and Hard Tonight Sex Stories for free – Y2 Stories

I wasn’t expecting to post anymore stories about J and I but something unexpected happened tonight. J and and few other friends we have came over to my house tonight. We were going to grill some food and watch a sporting event together of which I won’t name. My wife was going to go shopping […]

My uncle got me to suck his dick one time when I was 13 – True story Sex Story for free – Y2Stories

Just a short story about my uncle getting me (male) to suck his dick when I was 13. Not great at writing stories so I’ll just tell it like it happened. So yeah, my uncle turned out to be somewhat of a closet gay or at least bi or something because I’m a dude and […]