got my dick sucked at 15 by a guy in his 20s Sex Story for free – Y2Stories.Com

When I was about 15 i remember i was really horny one day and decided to go onto sniffies (gay cruising site) met a older guy that was looking to suck some dick and frot. Messaged him saying I would be down to frot and have him suck my dick but didnt have a place to do it at. He told me it was okay and he would pick me up. after exchanging pics and telling him i was 15 he was all the more for it. When it came to picking me up we met at a nearby middle school where he picked me up in his car and drove a few blocks down. This being my first time I was hella nervous and hard. He saw this and told me to relax before putting his hang inside my pants. this completely shocked me snd made me jump a little bit but he laughed it off and continued jerking me. When we finally stopped driving he took us in the backseat where he lied my down and proceeded to give me the best blowjob i’d ever recieved. He spit all on my cock before pulling out his at least 7 inch long cock and masked it with both of our spit. When it came to frotting he made me do all the work as it turned him on more. after about 5 minutes of this intense frotting with me on top he finally came loads all over my and his cock. He then proceeded to lick up all the cum and continue sucking me until I finished in his mouth with his two fingers in my ass at the same time. After we finished and cleaned up he dropped me off at my house and exchanged numbers. Never went anywhere after that cause he ended up going to jail for aggravated assault but my god was it the best head i’ve gotten to this day. Ps if you wanna see pics of my dick from back then hmu on snap: eli_camey376

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