Hanna’s Story, Part 2: Meeting Mary Sex stories – Y2Stories.Com

2 days after having sex, Hanna tells Vicky she just wants to be friends. Even through Vicky agrees, she tells Mary what they did, and Mary gets mad.

Me and Vicky just laid in her bed for a while. I’m not sure what she what she was thinking, but I knew what I was thinking, and that I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I just had sex, with my friend. My female friend!

“I’m not a lesbian. I’m not a lesbian,” I kept telling myself as I looked at Vicky’s two large, milk filled breasts. I was tempted to suck on them again for… a drink.

I mentally shook my head, and was about to get up, and make some excuse about having to get home. Homework or something like that, when I was saved by Danny’s cries.

“I’ve got to get him,” Vicky told me, getting off the bed and getting dressed.

I got off the bed too, putting on my pants and underwear before telling Vicky, “I need to get home too.”

“Umm… I’ll see you at school tomorrow?” She asked, not sure what she should say, considering what we just did.

I gave her a small smile, and gave her the simple answer, “sure.”

I didn’t do anything when I left. Didn’t kiss her, suck her tits, or anything. Hell, I almost forgot my backpack as I got out of her house in a hurry, and went home.

I got home a few minutes later, still thinking about the fact I had just lost my virginity to my female friend. I kept having to remind myself that I was straight. That I liked guys, and this was just a one time thing. A fluke. That’s all…

I walked into my house, with my mom greeting me, and asking, “hi Hanna. You’re a little late, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I know,” I told her with not much emotion in my voice. “I was at Vicky’s house.”

Whatever expression my mother had in her face instantly turned to one of sadness and concern. She must have known about her mothee.

“Did she tell you what happened?” She asked in a quiet voice.

I nodded my head, confirming to her that I did, then she asked me, “how is she doing?”

“She’s… still torn up about,” I told my mother with a bit of sadness in my voice.

My mother sighed in sadness, and commented, “that’s understandable.”

I paused for a moment, then looked my mother in the eyes and asked, “when did you find out that Mrs. Anderson had died?”

“A couple of days after it happened,” my mother admitted, adding in, “Mrs. Jackson called me and told me what happened.”

I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to yell at my mother for not telling that one of my best friend’s mother had been killed in a car wreck by some damn drunk driver. I wanted too, but I couldn’t. I was just too emotionally drained from having to comfort Vicky, and then having sex with her.

“Did you tell dad and Robby?” I asked wanting to know if my father and big brother knew what happened as well.

My mother nodded her head, letting me know what that they knew before I did too. “I told your dad as soon as I could, and we told your brother a few days later. We knew he could handle it, but didn’t know how you would handle being away from Vicky, knowing that her mother was… gone.”

I almost screamed at my mother for telling my older brother about Mrs. Anderson’s death and not me. Almost, but didn’t.

It did make sense they would tell him. He wasn’t actually close with the Anderson family, and did handle death a lot better than I did.

I didn’t know what to do or say, so I did the only I could do. “I’m gonna do my homework,” I told my mother, and went into my bedroom.

I worked on my homework until I was called down to dinner. Normally I would be talkative at this time, but I didn’t feel like talking, and my parents and brother respected this, making this one of the most quiet dinners we had in a while.

Once done I went back to my bedroom to finish my homework, which took me another hour to do. It would have actually taken me less time to do than it normally did, especially looking up stuff on the tablet my dad had bought me last year, which he got me to keep me off the family laptop so much so I could do my homework and watch online videos.

It wasn’t my only tablet. I had my own tablet that I bought with gift cards and money my grandparents and aunts and uncles had given me for Christmas. They could have given me toys, but they said they didn’t know what I wanted, and I was old enough to choose what I wanted. The gift cards, combined with a little bit of money I had saved up from helping some of my elderly neighbors with things around their houses, mostly cleaning and doing yard work, which my parents had ‘volunteered’ me for, all of this allowed me to buy my own tablet.

Actually, I had more than enough money to buy my own tablet even before the gift cards, it was just all in a bank account my parents had set up, and I could only access it when one of my parents let me.

As for the WiFi I had to use my neighbors WiFi signal rather than my houses signal. Fortunately, my neighbor’s son, who happens to be sixteen and I think has a bit of a crush on me, but never said or did anything, gave me their password. I probably could have figured it out myself, seeing how simple it is, but atleast that I wouldn’t have to try multiple times trying to log in to it.

Now the reason why I didn’t use my own WiFi is because my father is a intelligence analyst… for the CIA. His job was the reason why we spent the summer in Belgium. He wa training agents there. He couldn’t say exactly what he was training them in, but the rest of my family had long learned to accept this, so we just didn’t ask in the first place.

Now my father wasn’t an expert in computer systems like Vicky’s father was, but he did know his way around them, and could find out what us kids were up to. That’s how my brother got in trouble for looking at porn sites last year. Despite using a flash drive with it’s own web browser on it, my dad still out somehow, and grounded him for two weeks, while restricting his internet use for six weeks!

He also was the only one helping our elderly neighbors out during those two weeks, and wasn’t allowed to spend any of the money he made. It went straight to his bank account. And, the reason he made any money in the first place is because my neighbors insisted on paying him, despite my parents saying not to, and that he was working for free as part of his punishment. While they thought about just taking the money for themselves one of my neighbors made it very clear if they did they would tell everyone else not to do any more business with us, so my parents did the next best thing, and didn’t let him have access to his money rather than taking it for themselves.

I took my second tablet out from under my bed mattress and began watching porn. It was straight porn, involving a guy having sex with a woman doggy style. While watching this I unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts, slipped my hand between my panties, and began to pleasure myself.

I pleasured myself for a few minutes, and was coming closer to orgasm while imagining the guy was fucking me from behind with his massive dick when I stopped. The reason why I stopped is because my mind kept shifting from the guy to Vicky, with my mind imagining she was fucking me from behind with a massive dildo on a strap-on.

“Damnit, I need to get her out of my mind,” I said to myself as I looked up another video, this one was of a woman giving a guy with a massive cock a blow job, and doing a good job of it. I began masterbaiting again, and this time finished, imagining myself giving to guy a blowjob while fingering myself, and this time I didn’t think of Vicky… until the very end, when I imagined I was licking Vicky’s pussy while I was on my knees.

I removed my wet fingers from my pussy, and went to the bathroom to pee and clean myself up, all the time I kept telling myself, “I’m not into girls. I’m not into girls.”

I watched comedy videos until I went to bed, deciding that porn might no be the right thing to watch right now. I thought about just letting the neighbor boy fuck me, and prove that I was into guys. I mean, he never actually said he wanted to fuck me, but he always stared at me a little longer than most other guys did when I was out wearing a bathing suit, or wearing some tight clothes. He would also always tell me that I looked very pretty, even when I never thought I did. He was cute too, so that was a plus.

I slept, and normally I’m a sound sleeper, but tonight I had a hard time doing so.

A couple of hours after I finally got to sleep, I had a dream. It was me and Vicky, and we were on a beach I had visited in Belgium. We were alone, we were on a beach blanket, and we were naked.

I this dream I laid next to her, kissing her passionately before I began sucking on her tits and rubbing her pussy. I could also taste her breast milk as I sucked on her tits, moving from one to the other while I rubbed and fingered her pussy until she came.

When she was done with her orgasm we switched positions, and she began to suck my little tits, and finger and rub my pussy too.

This dream went from being sexual to weird when I felt something flow from the nipple Vicky was sucking on. I then figured out what it was when I pinched my free nipple, and it squirted what I assumed was breast milk. That shocked my enough that it caused me to wake up in the sweat.

I checked my body, pinching my nipples to make sure I really wasn’t producing any breast milk. I wasn’t. I then checked my crouch. It was damp, but not to damp. I still took a used towel out of my hamper to dry myself down there, then went to the bathroom.

When I got back to my bedroom I saw on my alarm clock that it was 2:00 AM. I moaned in displeasure, and put on a ASMR video in hopes that the sounds would but me to sleep, which it did, eventually.

I got more sleep than I thought I would have, and woke up refreshed, rather than looking and feeling like a zombie.

I ate my breakfast, gathered my homework and other school supplies, got into my mother’s car, and got to school a few minutes later.

I saw Vicky a little ways off from the school entrance, and I wanted to talk to her about yesterday, tell her it was just a one time thing, and that we would still be friends, and just friends. I wanted to, but couldn’t at the moment, because she was talking to Mary Chang, her, well the best way to describe her would be Vicky’s girlfriend, even if Vicky didn’t know what she was to her.

I sighed and entered the building, passing by Jennifer Lucas, who was wear a long skirt and plain blue. She had long, lite brown hair that was kind of curly, a face that was devoid of any makeup, and freckles, like me. Her nails were unpainted, and she wore no jewelry, save for a simple wooden cross on a thick string around her neck.

She wasn’t the only one that dressed like that, as she was walking with a couple of similar dressed girls and plainly dressed boys that attended the same church, or cult as my father, and many other people would like to call the the religious group that Jennifer, her family, belonged to. Her family was large too, which besides her mother and father, who was an assistant pastor at the church, also consisted of three other sisters and four brothers, and two grandchildren with another one on the way from what I’ve heard.

Her family, and infact her entire ‘church’ was notoriously anti-LGBTQ. One of their members had even been arrested for a hate crime last year because he tried to burn down a local Unitarian Universalist church. Fortunately he didn’t hurt anyone or cause any real damage, besides some burn marks on the building’s brick wall, and the burning of the church’s pride flags.

Several church members, including Jennifer and her family… all of her family, protested infront of the court house during the trial, demanding a ‘not guilty’ verdict because the guy was doing ‘God’s work’. He got five years because it was a second offense, the first one was when he attacked and attempted to beat-up a gay guy because he was wearing a pride shirt. The only reason why it wasn’t more was because there wasn’t much damage done, and no one was hurt or at the church at the time. Ofcourse the only reason why there wasn’t much damage is because a neighbor put the fire out a couple of minutes after the guy started it.

Most kids at school tended to stay away from her little group, and they had been told by school officials not to bother anyone with their preaching, or at the very least to leave them alone when the kid told them to do so. For the most part they obeyed the rules while on school grounds. Once off school grounds, all bets were off unfortunately.

“Such a fucking hypocrite,” I whispered to myself. If Jennifer was so against gay people in the first place, why the Hell would ask Vicky, no, blackmail Vicky into letting her suck Vicky’s tits? Probably because it would be the only chance she got to do it. Maybe she was a lesbian or bisexual. Even I knew that there were people in anti-LGBTQ churches and cults who were secretly gay. My father had once told me that the people who were are either so deep in the closet that they have almost convinced themselves they aren’t, but internally hate themselves, or they secretly do ‘gay stuff’ while using the church as a cover for their activities.

I wet to my first class, with Vicky joining me shortly afterwards. Jennifer was already there, sitting at the front of the class, while me and Vicky were sitting somewhere in the middle, although not next to each other. We didn’t speak before class, or after class either. We did make eye contact with each other a couple of times, but that’s it.

Honestly, I didn’t know what to say to her anyways, so I just didn’t, and for the entire day too. I didn’t even walk with her home after school was over, because I was afraid of a repeat of what happened yesterday.

I got to school the next day, and thought it was going to be a repeat of the previous day, until she stopped me before we entered our first class, and said asked me, “umm… can we talk about what we did the other day?”

I took a deep breath, and told her, “okay.” We then took a seat in class, still in the same ones we had yesterday, but atleast we weren’t trying to avoid each.

We didn’t get a chance to really talk to each other until after school. I waited for her to get done talking to Mary, and watch her take off down another street while me and Vicky took off towards our street.

“So what were you talking about?” I asked my friend, to which she replied, “she wants to go out with me on Saturday.”

“On a date?” I asked her, wanting to know if they were going on a real date, or if they were just going somewhere to have sex.

“Umm… we’re going to the movies.” She told me, confirming she was really going on a date with Mary. They might still have sex, and probably will.

We walked together in silence for a few minutes before I finally took a deep breath and said, “umm… about the other day, about what we did at your house…”

Vicky looked at me, breathing hard, almost looking worried. Was she thinking that I never wanted to see her again, or that I wanted to be her girlfriend?”

I took another deep breath, and continued, “what we did yesterday was… just a one time, spur of the moment, emotional need, whatever you want to call it thing. I don’t want to be your girlfriend. I don’t want to get between you and Mary, or anyone else. I just want to be your friend.”

Vicky gave me a blank stare and a blinks, before smiling, and one of her old smiles too, and gave me a hug. She then told me, “okay. But do you still want to come over to my house?”

“Ofcourse I do!” I told her, and we happily walk towards her house. Once there, and after she got her baby brother from the Jackson household and fed him, we did our homework together, getting it done faster than I thought we would. And no we never had sex. We never even kissed.

I got home around 5:00 PM, and when my mother ask me where I was, I told her I was at Vicky’s house, and we did our homework together.

My mother smiled at me, and told me, ” I’m glad you spent some time with Vicky, but next time call me when you are going to stay late.”

I gave my mother a sheepish smile, and told her, “Sorry, mom.”

The next day at school me and Vicky were more talkative to each other. She even talked to me after she talked to Mary before school started.

It was Friday, so I didn’t have to worry about homework, and I could hang out with Vicky for a while, although she did tell me that she and her family were going out for a family fun night with some cousins of her’s.

Once school was over I spent a few minutes helping one of my teachers do somethings before heading out the doors. I expected to see Vicky out there, waiting for me. Instead I saw Mary Chang. She was a cute Chinese girl that was born in the United States, and whilevshe was shorter than me, and even Vicky, as well as being petite, her breasts were larger than mine, but not as large as Vicky’s.

She had two older brothers. Her oldest brother was twenty-two, and worked for a pharmaceutical company, helping to develop drugs. Her other brother was seventeen, and was already in his first year in college. Her parent’s owned their own restaurant, which served some pretty good food.

I was about to call out to her, when she stomped over to me, and asked in a very angry voice, “where the Hell is Vicky?”

Now, normally Mary was a really nice girl. But, if you did something to piss her off, her personality could go from zero raging bitch who will throw hands if need be. And she could throw hands, because she’s been practicing Kung-fu since the first grade.

“Umm… I don’t know. I was going to walk with her to her house.” I told her, holding my hands up in a defensive posture.

“Well, she told me what you did after the first day of school, and do ‘not’ act like you have no clue what I’m talking about,” Mary commanded me in a aggressive voice, letting me know that she knew we had sex.

“It… just happened,” I said, not really sure what to say, and the only thing I could do was tell her, “I’m sorry.”

“Bullshit!” She cursed through clenched teeth. She then whispered, “I bet you seduced her to suck her milk filled tits.

That last part may have been a little true, but not entirely. “Umm… we kinda seduced each other.”

Mary’s nostrils flared, and I swear she was going to kick my kick my ass. I don’t think I’ve seen her this mad since George Winson had grabbed her pussy on the playground last year inother to set her ‘straight’.

He ended up being put in the hospital for a couple of days, expelled from school, convicted of sexual battery, and ordered to see a psychologist for a minimum of two years. He was also ordered to register as a sex offender until he was twenty-one, and that he, and that he, his parents, and his brother and sisters must stay away 200 feet from Mary and her family, and have no communication with them. On top of this Mary father made it very clear in court that if George’s parents, or if George himself tried to appeal the verdict, he was going to sue them until they, quote, “living on the streets.”

Mary, as nice as she was when she wasn’t pissed off, was not someone to piss off when you did her wrong. And her family would back her up… probably.

“‘We’ are go over to her right now, and ‘we’ are going to settle this,” Mary told me as she marched off towards Vicky’s home, leaving no room for argument.

I followed behind her, keeping up as best as I could. It was hot out, despite it being cool this morning. I was sweating bullets, and as for Mary, I could tell she was sweating too, despite not really showing any signs of getting overheated. Her anger fueled her, although about half way to Vicky’s house she started to slow down. Maybe her anger was subsiding. Maybe the heat was getting to her. I know it was getting to me!

Once we got to Vicky’s house we were soaked with sweat. The first thing I was going to do was ask her for a glass of water, and then we could talk about the relationship status between her, Mary, and me.

Mary knocked on the door, not as violently as I thought she would have. Perhaps she was just tired like I was.

There was no response, and after a minute she knocked on the, this time calling out, “Vicky, are you home? It’s me, Mary. We need to talk.”

Still nothing, so I suggested, “Mrs. Jackson babysits little Danny during the day. I’ll go over there and see if Vicky has been by or not.”

Mary just nodded, and sat down on a porch chair, while I went over to the Jacksons, and knocked on the door.

A minute later the woman who babysat little Danny opened the door with a smile on her face, and asked, “Hello, Hanna. What can I do for you?”

“Hi, Mrs. Jackson,” I said to the older woman, “has Vicky been here?”

The older woman shook her head, and told me, “no. Sorry dear. Her father came by earlier and got little Danny. He said he left work early and was picking up Vicky at school to take a family outing.”

I wanted to roll my eyes, but didn’t, and I knew they wouldn’t be back until after it got dark too. All I did was smile and tell her, “thank you for letting me know, Mrs. Jackson.”

“No problem, dear,” she said, and shut the door as I left her porch.

I went back over to Vicky’s house, and told Mary the bad news, “her dad picked her up at school to take her to that party her family is having.”

Mary rolled her eyes and said, “I guess I better just go on home then. I have a date with her tomorrow at the movies anyways. I’ll just talk to about this then.”

She got up, and was about to walk back home, when I asked her, “would you like to come back to my place and get some water or something?”

I know I shouldn’t have asked her, being that she came inches away from kicking my ass. Still, I felt sorry for her, and didn’t want to risk having her die of dehydration.

Mary gave me a weak smile, and said, “sure”. She followed me home, hopefully not as angry as she once was.

I had her sit down on my couch while I got us a couple of glasses of water. We were alone. My dad was still at work, and my mother and brother were at the highschool where he was having his first baseball game there.

“Thank you,” Mary told me, as she gulped the water down fairly quickly. I couldn’t say anything about it, because I drank my glass just a quickly.

Mary sat her glass down on the coffee table, and burped, which caused us both to burst out in laughter. I put my glass down as well, and together we sat next to each other in silence for a few seconds before Mary spoke up, “I was thinking. Maybe there is a solution to our relationships with Vicky.”

“Yes,” I thought to myself, “you can be her girlfriend, and I can just be her friend.”

“We can both be her girlfriend!” She exclaimed. I wasn’t sure if she was being serious or not, until she started laughing.

I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing she wasn’t being serious, but then she suggested, “or maybe we can be each other’s girlfriends?!”

“Is she serious?” I asked myself. “There is no way she is serious!”

“You think I’m joking, don’t you?” Mary asked me in a much more serious tone of voice.

“Umm… I don’t know,” I told her, not truly know if she was serious about such a… relationship, or not. “I mean, half an hour ago you acted like you wanted to kill me!”

Mary sighed and admitted, “I kinda did. I didn’t want another person to break up with me.”

“How many people have broke up with you?” I asked, hoping to steer this conversation in another direction.

“Two,” she told me, taking a brief pause before continuing, “first one was a guy, the second one was a girl.”

“Do I know them?” I asked, now curious who they were.

Mary took a deep sigh, and told me, “the guy I doubt, because he was sixteen at the time.”

That shocked me, and the only thing I could ask was, “how old…?”

“I was ten,” she answered before I could finish my question, “it was before I came out.”

That was a little shocking, but not so much, so I continued my questioning, “did you two… have sex?”

Mary nodded her head again, and confessed, “we had sex three times. He broke my hymen. I even gave him a blowjob once.”

I wanted to ask her how his cum tasted, and what it tasted liked, but instead I asked, “why did you break up? Did your parents catch you two and call the police or force you two to break up?”

Mary shook her head and said, “he found another girl. A girl his own age.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I said the only I could, “I’m sorry.”

Mary blinked a couple of times before putting her hand on mine, and told me, “thank you.”

We looked at each other for a moment, and while I wanted to ask her about the girl she dated, we just kept leaning into each other. I knew I should stop, but I just couldn’t, and before I knew it, my lips were pressing against hers.

This wasn’t a brief kiss either. This was a long, lingering kiss, one which we started using our tongues.

We French kissed for a couple of minutes, and before I knew it Mary was pushing up my shirt and bra. Soon, she was fondling my tiny breasts, rubbing them and pinching my nipples, which gave me a lot of pleasure.

Mary eventually broke our kiss, and lowered her to my chest. She then took my small, right breast into her mouth, and began to suck on it.

I moaned in pleasure as Mary on my breasts sucking one for a few seconds, and then the other one while she used her hands to continue fondling my tits.

I knew I needed to stop this. I was straight! Atleast I think I was. Oh well, it didn’t matter at this point. I just wanted to more. To feel more pleasure!

I wanted to go all the way with Mary!

I gently removed the Chinese girl from my chest, brought her lips to mine for a gentle and brief kiss, and told her, “let’s go to my bedroom.”

Mary smiled and giggled, knowing exactly what was going to happen, so she got off the couch, opened up her backpack, and pulled out a black, satin bag.

“I wonder what’s in there?” I thought to myself. “I guess I’ll find out in few seconds.”

We enter my bedroom, and both of us quickly took off our clothes. I took a look at Mary’s nude body, complimented with a blush, “you’re beautiful!”

Mary giggled, and complimented back, “you’re beautiful too!”

I blushed even deeper, and replied, “not as beautiful as you are.”

Mary got closer to me, place her hands on my shoulders, and kissed both of my nipples.

I gave her another kiss, and returned the ‘favor’ by placing my mouth over her left breast, and suckiny on it gently while rubbing on her hairless pussy.

Mary moaned in pleasure as I sucked her tits and fondled her private parts, at one point almost causing her to come, but she stopped me from finishing her off, and gently pushed me away before telling me, “I have something special.”

She opened up the black bag she brought with her, and pulled out what looked like a black wast harness. After putting the harness on she pulled out a black, plastic, six inches long…

“Is that a dildo?!” I asked her in shock.

Mary happily nodded her head, and told me, “Yep! It’s really fun to us too!”

“You’ve… used it on yourself?” I asked, still not believing she had a sex toy, and that she used it on herself.

She nodded her head, and informed me, “and I’ve fucked Vicky with it too!”

That surprised me even more. Hell, I was still a bit shocked by all the stuff I found out about Vicky this week. Hell, I’m still shocked I had sex with her!

I wasn’t to sure what to say at the moment, but I knew I had to tell her this, “umm… when me and Vicky… had sex the other day… she didn’t pop my cherry.”

“So you’re still physically a virgin?” Mary asked, wanting to confirm what I was informing her of.

I nodded my head, confirming to her that I was.

Mary sighed and asked me, “do you not want to do this?”

I thought about what she asked me for a few seconds before deciding, “I… want to do this, just please go slow, and promise you’ll stop if it hurts to much.”

Mary walked over to me, kissed me softly, and said with a smile, “I promise.”

I took an old, dark towel, and placed it on my bed, then I looked at Mary and asked, “umm… what do I do next?”

Mary giggled and suggested, “you should pretend that it’s a real dick and give it a blowjob! That way it will help lube it up before I stick it in you!”

I blinked a couple of times at her suggestion, then got down on my knees and began giving her fake dick a blow job.

At first I licked around the head, and then licked up and down and all along the shaft. For some reason Mary was moaning as I was doing this, almost like it was her real dick, instead of just a fake one she was wearing. I don’t know what she was doing it, and it kind of weirded me out a little bit.

I would have put the thing in my mouth, and started to really suck it, but after feeling the shaft I told Mary, “I think it’s wet enough now.”

Mary smiled at me, and told me, “okay. Get on the bed, and get on your hands and knees. It will make it easier for me to go into you.”

I blinked a couple of times at what she told me to do, but I did so, repositioning the towel on my bed and bracing myself.

Mary got on the bed right behind me, and placed on hand on my ass before telling me, “I’m going in now.”

I nodded my head to confirm with with her that is was okay, and she pushed the head and some of the shaft in, breaking my hymen in the process.

It was less painful than I thought it would be, but it was still painful, and I still scream and cried a little when she popped my cherry.

“Are you okay?” She asked, concerned. “Do you you want me to pull out?”

After pausing, and through some labored breathes I told her, “just give me a moment, okay.”

She stayed behind me for about a minute, fake dick still in me, not moving a muscle before I finally told her, “okay. Keep going.”

Mary slowly pushed onto me, making sure not the cause me any, and honestly it felt really good having that dick inside me! Even if it was fake.

“I think I really need to see that neighbor boy!” I thought to myself, now hoping my sixteen-year-old neighbors would be willing to fuck an eleven-year-old girl.

“And I like boys, not girls,” I kept telling myself, despite the fact that a girl was currently behind me, fucking me with a strap-on dildo.

I felt Mary’s body press against mine, and I knew she was all the way in! I never even thought I could take that much cock, but I felt I could take some more!

She then began to really fuck me, pumping me in and out, causing me to gave some real pleasure, as good, if not a bit better than we’ll me and Vicky ate each other out!

Mary fucked me for several minutes, but it felt like forever, and I came twice before telling her, “I think I’ve had enough.”

Mary stopped, and slowly pulled out me. She then told me to, “stay there. I’ll clean you up.”

I did as I was told, although my face was now planted in my pillow. She came back a second later with some tissues I kept on my desk, and wiped my private parts off. She wiped her dildo clean, and threw away the tissues.

“I’m done now,” she told me, and I rolled over and down, resting after truly losing my virginity.

Mary crawled into bed beside me, and gave me a kiss before she began sucking on my tits. It felt really good maybe even better than before she fucked me!

I stroke down her hair as she sucked on my tits for a couple of minutes before kissing down my body, and licking and kissing my bellybutton. What she was doing tickled, and it made me laugh a little.

I wondered if after she was done with my navel if she would continue down my body, and eventually eat me out! I’m not sure if that was a good idea, because I was still kind of sore down there, and I’m was pretty sure I was still bleeding a little.

Nope, she kissed her way back up my body, and continued to suck my tits for a couple of more minutes before asking me, “do you want to fuck me now?”

I wasn’t sure what to say, so all I did was nod my head.

We got off my bed and she handed me her strap-on, dildo still attached. She helped me put it on, and after kissing her way up my body, starting with my navel, and ending with my lips after sucking my tits one last time, she got on the bed, and assumed the same position that I was in when she fucked me.

I got behind her, and pressed the head into her opening, which caused her to moan in pleasure. I then put my hands on her ass, and pushed in further, going until I was now pressing against her backside.

Speaking of her backside I just could not help myself, and licked up and downher spin a couple of times, which caused her to shiver. I then really gripped her ass, and started to fuck her, being careful not to pull all the way out.

I fucked her for fifteen minutes, and I think I made her come atleast three times, if not more! The only reason I went that long is because she told me too. I only pulled out when she told me she had enough… for now.

“How long is ‘for now’?” I asked myself as I pulled out of her. Honestly, I was getting a bit tired from doing all that pumping too.

Mary rolled over, and laid there on my bed, tired from what we just did. I took her strap-on off, cleaned it up, and put it in it’s bag. I then took the dirty tissues and flushed them down the toilet after using it too.

I went back into my bedroom and spotted Mary still laying on my bed, but now in her underwear. She had, in the couple of minutes that I was gone, had fallen asleep.

I was tired too, but not so tired that I felt like taking a nap, so instead I got dressed, stuffing a few tissues into my panties to soak up any left over blood, went into the living room, and started doing my homework.

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