Having sex with two guys at the same time hot Sex Stories – Y2Stories.Com

I was rather silly I was a idiot if being honest but I thought I would try it,

I had been out with my friends they were away with these guys leaving me on my own in this club
I went looking for them but I couldn’t find them so I went back to the table waiting for them to return it was a while later when I realised they weren’t coming back so I decided to leave
I was going to the taxi rank it was when I was outside I started feeling really drunk I was all over the place trying to walk in a straight line
I was standing against this door when this guy came over asking me if I was ok and if I was needing any help to get home
I was thinking then I said yes I think I need help getting to the taxi rank
As we were standing there he’s saying that he’ll drop me off as we go into this taxi together
I don’t know but I was falling asleep in the taxi I could hear him and the driver taking them the taxi stopped and he’s helping me out of the taxi
I’m staggering about as I’m walking up to this house
I didn’t know where I was I couldn’t recognise anything around there as I’m going into the house
I’m in the living room sitting on this sofa bed that was already made up into a bed
He’s asking me if I want anything to drink I’m asking for a water as he’s handing me a bottle of water and opened it for me
I’m drinking it
He’s sitting down next to me before I knew what was happening we are kissing each other
He’s got his hands on my breasts under my top pulling my bra down away from them squeezing my nipple’s really hard squeezing my breasts hard pushing them hard against me
He’s got my hand down around on his penis with his hand over mine moving my hand fast on it, I could feel something warm running down between my fingers as he’s still moving my hand on it
He’s stopped kissing me he’s got his hand away from mine
My hand felt all sticky between my fingers as he’s handing me a hankie to wipe my hand with
He’s asking me if I want to hump him
I was just sitting there looking at him as he asked me
I was feeling rather scared now but I don’t know why I said ok
As he’s turned me around so I’m lying face down on this sofa bed
He’s pulling my jeans and knickers down below my knees he’s got his penis going up inside me
He’s really pushing himself deeper and deeper inside me it felt sore
Before I knew what was happening this guy is in front of me he’s got me up on all fours and he’s got his penis inside my mouth
I’ve got this guy behind me going like mad and this guy pushing himself backwards and forwards inside my mouth I’ve got my eyes closed
I felt like dirt as I was getting jumped like this it felt really disgusting
He’s not lasted very long the guy with his penis in my mouth he’s came
The guy behind me was still going harder and deeper up inside me,
I’m trying to not swallow his cum it tastes disgusting,
But I can’t I’m actually swallowing it as the guy behind me is still going
It was about half an hour later or maybe more when he finished
I’m just lying down on the bed with my head on the covers and my bum up in the air with him holding it,
He’s pulled himself out and I’m standing up pulling up my knickers and jeans and saying that I need to go as he’s showing me to the door I’ve asked him to phone a taxi giving him my friends address
I’m waiting outside for a couple of minutes when the taxi arrives
I’m giving the driver my address and going home
Once home I’m washing my flower between my legs, using mouthwash
I really didn’t enjoy it if being honest I’ll never be doing that again,

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