Home with my Landlord Sex Stories 2024 – Y2 Stories

Fiona, I’m Indonesia Chinese shifted to Singapore to study, and my mum brought me to Singapore when I was 12-year-old that time I don’t know what happen why I need to leave my country.
Until later few years later, then I know that there was Riot back in Indonesia target all the Chinese people.
During my school days I stayed with my mother at my aunt’s place.
After I grow older, when I was polytechnic, I shift out to stay alone which nearer to my school,
Anyway, I was lucky my landlord is quite good treated me like their daughter and always cook extra food for dinner and I don’t really need to think what to have. This early 40s old couple had a son and got married during my school days which they have extra room. Which he moved out.
The landlord was a taxi driver while her wife is full time office woman.
I do masturbate once awhile when I need using a sex toy which was giving from my best girlfriend when I was my 21st birthday. I usually don’t lock my room door when I go to work or go out. Sometime I feel like my thing had been moved but I never think of anything suspicious maybe my landlord’s or his wife come in to sweep my floor or mop when they are free, I saw them doing that I very appreciated and he will send me to school sometime.
I graduated from nursing school and now I work shift work in a government hospital I was bound for 3 years.
This story happens in my working hoods.
I had been working for straight forth night shift as one of my colleagues could not be able to work night as she got pregnant, and I need to work more night instead. I don’t mind at all because I will get extra allowance for one night.
It was my last night, and I will have 2 straight off days. I got home about 9 in the morning as usual no one at home already as my landlord had gone to work it was a weekday.
I knock on my study tables after my breakfast in my study tables while I am still wearing my nurse uniform.
I feel like someone touching my inner leg I waken up and saw a pair of rough hand during my dress as I lifted my head from my table, I saw it was my landlord. He covers my mouth and carries me up to my bed. And I remember I never closed my room door when I was having breakfast. It was too late.
He got my cardigan left on my bed and tied my hand in one straight move and he was too much bigger build than me.
I tell him don’t do this to me and it was not good, and u will get rail of raping and u will be cane as I tell all the consequences will be and also your wife will leave you if stop now u still can turn back.
He just smiles and tells me for the he likes me, and these had been years. When I see you wearing uniform either going out or coming back from work, I get turned on by you. Especially when u alone in your room and having self-satisfaction. My eyes turned wide, and I was horrified by what he said.
As he is telling me, his hand was already roaming in between my leg areas and my dress got lifted up exposing my blue panties to him.
He got up after saying, he went to my bed side’s drawer took out my sex toys vibrator. I even get shocked how did he know I kept at where.
He seating at my bedside , He know I want to say something from my eyes expression, he answer, got few time I got home during after morning peak hours and I walk pass your room I heard something and u never lock your door and I open the door when u are enjoying yourself and u was facing at the widow area. Even once u done u just clean it and put it in this drawer and u never realize I was looking at you.
I totally shit my life, and someone caught my doing in my private life.
While he tells, he already uses my vibrator to start tickling my leg. Trying to kick his hand away but no use at all. He knows he had moved to my virginal lips and he just rubbing at my outer lips outside my panties. The feeling I already not comfortable and so embarrasses and most of the time I do for myself never had another person doing this to me using my sex toy.
The sensation and the tease make me go mad, and he uses the max speed the whole room fill with the vibrator sound. I know I’m already a bit wet in between my legs and I know he had noticed that too.
Now he sticks the vibrator inside my panties and now was the worst part the sensation was so sensitive, and my body movement responded and trembling away, and I need to control it. Even myself I never use the max mode and holding at the same location for so long only tease my clit on and off in my personal time, but this was totally unique experience. Now he can see I started breathing badly from my chest area. He took out the vibrator for me to let me relax for short while and he asks do u like this or you like to be teasing on and off for a while. I just shake my head no matter what and don’t want to answer all the questions at all.
Now he pushes the whole toy inside my virgin and turns it on again. I eventually like my body take over me and I shout away “ahahahaaahhhhhhhhh” all the time while he looks at me. only I know my ass feel very wet on my bedsheet.
He still seating at my study chair looking at me enjoy himself looking at me body movement, I know I’m going to have my own climax soon if he doesn’t take that thing out in my pussy.
Now he was standing up. I wish he could take off now, instead he takes his time to take off his cloth while his eyes look at me all the time.
I don’t know how long but I now panting hard, and I let out scream loudly, and my whole-body trembling shaking nonstop, and this is my ever first massive orgasm that I never had before even I am having intimacy with my ex-boyfriends. After I had my orgasm but the vibrator still inside me.
He already naked Infront of me, I never see that his adulthood was so thick like the size of my sex toy. And not fully erected at all already quite huge. He had beer belly tummy just like an Asian Chinese taxi uncle height about 175cm tall. Although I have seen my patients’ manhood before, this is totally different.
He climbs on top of me and kisses me like his lover and his adulthood just dangling and touching my leg.
I begged him don’t do that please don’t, but he still continues and now his hand under my ass while the vibrator still inside in. While kissing my neck which was my most sensitive spot. Now he starts touching my soak panties and he pulls out the vibrator and replaces his finger. While he kisses me telling me really look so sexy with your uniform, I don’t want to remove your uniform at all.
Fiona, later u will know the difference from these small machines. We will have whole day together. Now about 11 am still early, I forgot to tell you we will have fun till tomorrow, my wife won’t be home early tonight as she will be at his son’s place having dinner.
Now he starts kissing me again, his rough hand touching every part of my body from top to bottom with my uniform. Tell me to be a good girl he will free my hand. He lifted my dress up to my waist area and pull down my soak panties off, he went down and spread my leg apart and start licking wet pussy at the same time he left hand cupping squeeze my breast under my uniform and another hand using the vibrator to tease my clit hard.
The feeling really so different from my ex-boyfriend and my sex toy that I am using. but I cannot show him that I actually turn on. I now notice my body reacts to all his touch and I can feel myself getting wetter each time. I am breathing harder now.
He still licking at me and touching me, and he would pinch my nipple I could feel that my nipple reacts from his finger. If asking me to blow for my boyfriend I won’t do so long and he still licking for me, I already lost how long he had been licking me hard. And I can’t control the sensation I let out “ahhh” once in a while. and panting away I suddenly have electric shock and I cum again 2nd time. I now really so tired after second time of orgasm.
He flips me over and his hand went under my dress and unhook my strapless bra off my body now I’m naked under my uniform and he turn me back and start sucking my B cup boobs. And he was more experience than my ex-boyfriend and really know how to make woman feel good.
I stopped him telling him I urgently need to piss, and he pulled me up and brought me over to his room toilet and I tell him to go out and I never let any guy watching me pee before not even my ex.
But I refuse. He now standing in front of me, he untied my hand at the same time. and I had no choice I already let go my urgent less out. After I finish peeing, he took my hand and hold his thick adulthood ask me to give him blowjob. I keep shaking my head and shut my mouth to prevent him from inside my mouth. He pinches my nose in order to make me open my mouth for air. And I tried to hold my breath as long as I could, but I gave up and once my mouth opened and he forced his manhood inside and I started choking a bit. His cock reacts and grow instantly hard, and I never had so huge inside my mouth before. As I wish I do the best blowjob for him he would change his mind to go any further than fucking me in my virginal.
I just keep licking his cock and play his ball at the same time which I learn from my ex. Now I could feel his head touching my tonsil and my uvula. I choke for once awhile and he start panting breathing abit hard and mumbling nice so good “ahahahahaaaaaaahhhhh”. Continue for until my mouth so tired and I pull out and massage my jaws.
WA awhile only your mouth tired already ah. and he lifted me up and went back to my room to let us have our second parts. Once he closes the door behind me and he start hugging me from my back and pinch my ass cheeks. he pin me at the wall and he lifted my dress up and his cock poking in between my leg and he start kissing my neck and he lift one of my leg up using his hand to support my leg ,his position his manhood on virginal lips and rub and I could feel his head are harder now, I could feel start his cock head start to peel lip apart. I struggle away and tell him please don’t I will get pregnant and I now unsafe doing raw sex at all and never had raw before please and keep begging him.
He told me relax and he already slide half of his cock inside me, start I am panting hard gasping for more air, he starts fucking me slowly at that position. I just moaned to myself, and he got his free hand under my uniform massage my breast and nipple.
Both of us start panting hard, and he pull out his manhood out and pull me to over to my study table and he pin me down and I had to use my hand to support on my table, he got behind me and he unzip my uniform hanging on my shoulder and spread my leg wider he slide inside and continue to fuck me from behind and now with his both free hand cupping both of my breast at the same time and using his hip to fuck me deeper and I could feel my wall been stretch my walls at the same time I never been fuck so deep inside me before.
I started moaning loudly and I had to use my hand to cover my mouth and he told me there was no need to cover and just enjoy yourself. You feel more satisfied than your little vibrator right. He pinches my hard nipple under his hand and another hand continues tease sensitive nipple.
Each time he presses in deep I let out groaning and panting. I can’t control it anymore and I know I am soon going to have another climax in due time.
Awhile later he now shifts his hand to my pussy start rubbing my clits. And I just screaming away the sensitive make my leg weaker, and I start trembling away, I had another climax again.
Yet he continues pumping me harder and I feel myself wetter and the juice flow down to my leg and
He also shouting away so good so wet. so nice never had a good fuck for so long “’’ ahaaahahaaaaaa” and telling me he going to cum soon, I wake up from my daze and telling him don’t shoot in please. But too late I feel the hot liquid flush deep inside my unprotected womb. He keeps ejected in my womb and I could feel his adulthood start to soften in my pussy and slip out from my pussy.
As I still at my study table, He carry me and now we both laying on my bed and breathing hard to catch our air. I could feel my pussy flow a lot of semen. And I saw my clock already 1 noon. I want to wash myself after cooling down but eventually I doze off from my bed very soon.
By the time I woke up it was already 3 pm and soon I got myself up and I can’t see him in my room.
I felt so sticky on my leg and whole body, and I slipped back my dirty uniform and went to shower. And he was just outside the kitchen as I approached my bathroom.
Jack: Had a good rest?
Fiona: yayes still tired
as I was getting some water. He hugs be from behind.
Jack: Do u enjoy yourself just now? (as he hands on my ass)
Fiona: without thinking no I hate you.
Jack: u sure u doesn’t like it at all, but your body says different as he (laughing).
You want me to get horny looking at your uniform.
Fiona: please go away as I push him off from me.
And I quickly go to bathroom without drinking my water.
He managed to hold the door and enter with me, and he locked the door in a quick move. And he starts kissing me again and he unzips my uniform again and I struggle and ask him to get out now.
But then he was much stronger than me and I was pinned down by him on the wall. And my uniform just drops down to the floor and kisses me badly and lets out moaning myself from his kiss and another hand turn the tap on and both of us already wet and he say let shower together.
He just roams his rough hand on my body, and I can see his cock getting hard. And he makes me wash his penis clean.
As we finished showering, he told me there was no need to wear anything just cover yourself and he carried me to my room again and he spread my leg apart. he is griddling his cock on my pussy lips now and instantly get hard. I told him please don’t I really will pregnant and you cum a lot just now. Please, I don’t want to get pregnant. He knows I’m already wet down below.
You already wet from my touch do u think u will stop me. and he slide his cock in slow pace. I eventually moaned again after a short time.
I don’t know why I will just do it with him again. I never had sex with a guy that so much older than me.
The feeling is so different from my earlier sex. I just don’t know how to explain.
He is doing very slow pace but each time he goes very deep inside me. and he sucking my breast lick my nipple at the same time. my leg just wraps on his waist area.
My body just responds to itself by moaning badly and panting and panting for more air. Don’t know how long I am getting very high, and I just want more and tell him faster and I know I am going to have another climax soon. and he kissed me on my ear and neck and also my mouth. I return to his kiss sometime. He also starts panting hard too.
I let out “Ahahahahaaaaaaaa” I keep telling him faster, soon I whole body start trembling badly and have another orgasm again.
He also responds too and after he also comes shortly into my womb.
He lay on top of me and kissed me again. Do you like it baby?
Still trying to recover myself but I never answer his question. His cock still inside me and getting soften and slip out itself and he pull me and lay on his chest.
Soon I just dozed off again.
Woke up the sky already dark and I was still very tired, but I was very hungry at the same time.
I look at the clock, already 8pm. I got myself changed and cleaned myself up before ordering my dinner.
He was at the living room watching tv. And he tells me he already ordered some food for dinner.

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