Hot under the collar. Part 1 – a purchase Sex erotica stories – Y2Stories.Com

After marital rape, I decide that changes must be made in my life

And so it started.
“I want you to rape me”
We’d just started watching “A funny kind of love” on Prime, advertised as a Rom-Com
Cute blonde has a fantasy of being unexpectedly raped by her husband.
I reached for the remote.
My husband put his hand on mine.
“Maybe it will get better”
Yes really.
During an ad break he got more wine.
It was non-explicitly sexy, and only funny in patches.
But I was horny and giggly by this time, and obviously I put my hand on his cock. But he pushed it away. He didn’t want that. He wanted to rape me. He wanted me to fight him so he could overwhelm me. I did. He won.
He pushed my panties to one side, not bothering with foreplay or encouragement.
His erect 4 inch cock went in to me – hard. He pumped his sperm into me.
He treated me like I suppose men treat whores.
With no regard to what I wanted or my needs.
I was surprised at how hard I came.
We’re in our early 40s. Our twins have gone off to Uni. We were on a gentle slope to senility. Sex had become perfunctory, on a Sunday night. And not even then if there was a good football game on Match of the Day.
He pulled out, I could feel his cum starting to ooze out of my pussy.
“Well there’s a thing.”
Sorry sorry sorry I ‘m so sorry I didn’t mean to force you like that.
You’re sleeping in the spare room tonight.
I’m a senior executive with the Local Authority. I have a large department. He’s a middle manager in an engineering company. I earn more than him.
He says he doesn’t mind.
I had to go in early for a meeting, he was still restless in the spare room.
It was boring. My mind wandered.I did some internet searches, Towards the end I sent him a text.
“We need to talk. When will you be home?”
The time delay showed me he was thinking. Separation? Divorce because he’d raped me?
OK. See you then.
Usually I stay later at work. But today I made an excuse and was out the door on time for shopping trip.
When he arrived home I had a simple meal nearly ready and the remains of last night’s wine in two glasses.
Sit, eat.
He was nervous. He picked at the food. The conversation was stilted.
Alright. Down to the serious stuff.
He tried to apologise again for last night. I cut him off.
Let me do the talking.
What you did was wrong.
I’ve been thinking about it all day.
And where we are.
You are not the man you were when you fucked the twins into me all those years ago.
You don’t excite me and I don’t excite you.
Except last night.
You made me cum for the first time in a while. A big one.
Your cum has been leaking out of me all day. (He’d had “the snip” 10 years ago so it’s a sperm-free goo he pushes out)
So I’ve been thinking during the night and all of the day.
I earn more than you and have a higher status job. You say it doesn’t matter.
You have a fairly small dick. I said when we used to fuck like rabbits that it didn’t matter how big it was, it’s what you do with it that does. I was reminded of that last night.
So in my mind there are two bad choices for you.
Either I divorce you ….no no you get your say when I’m done….or I take a young lover with a big dick and lots of energy for fucking….
He looked as if he was about to cry.
Or there’s a third option. One of us must make some changes
I will …shh not your turn yet
Or we try an experiment. I will be sexually submissive for the rest of the month and we’ll see how it goes.
What does that mean?
For part of the day, when we’re at home, I will completely submit to any sexual demand you make of me. There’ll just be a few conditions. No permanent damage. No visible marks. No third parties. We will review at the end of the experiment.
One other condition – I’m offering to be your sex slave, not a house slave. So you keep doing your chores, including the spare room where you’ll continue to sleep. What was our room is now mine, my safe space. You don’t come in there unless invited.
I have bought this dog collar to show my subservience to your domination, apart from those provisos.
When I’m wearing it you can use me freely in any other part of the house any way anytime as often as you like. No refusal, no protest from me. Just “Yes Master”
Shall I put it on?

To be continued

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