How bestiality started with me #2 Sex Stories free 2024 – Y2Stories.Com

This is a true story of how I started bestiality, please don’t judge me thank you, Emily xo

This is my story how bestiality started with me.

Part 2.

One year on.

It’s been a year since Duke was knocked over, mom asked me if I wanted a new dog but I wasn’t ready just yet, I have been walking my friends puppy he’s almost 10 months old and he’s starting to get horny. Benji he’s starting to humping my legs so am thinking of training him he’s a nice dog and I need a good hard fuck I haven’t had sex sex, Duke passed away and it’s been over a year it’s going to take time.

A couple of weeks later, I have started training Banji it’s going to be a lot harder to train than Duke. B,ut it be worth the time if I get a good fuck out of Banji, his cock should be a little bigger than Duke’s was as he’s a bit bigger than Duke was RIP, I am now over 15 years and six months old and boy and girls keep asking me out at school but all I keep saying is not interested but they don’t stop lol.

Guys keep calling me a cock tease that’s because of what I wear lol, its my life my body so I can wear what the fuck I wish to wear. A few weeks later it’s time to try and see if Banji will fuck me, am going to ask my friend if she want me to walk Banji after school tonight and if she does I’ll bring him home to mine as my parents will be at work and my sister is seeing her girlfriend after school.

As I was in luck my friend and her mom are going away for the weekend, she asked me if I could ask my mom if we could look after Banji for the weekend, I phoned mom up at the store and asked my mom if we could have Banji for the weekend. I was so happy mom said no at first then I said to mom I’ll do everything and you won’t have to do anything, mom then said ok as long as I look after Banji.

I told my friend that I can look after Banji for the weekend so she said that’s great as am the only one that she would trust, I thought well if she know what I had in store then she would think again lol. After school I went to my friends house for a while listened to some music and had something to eat, she got all of Banji’s things together, it was almost 6pm so she said bye to Banji and I took him home.

I couldn’t try and let Banji fuck me tonight as mom and dad will soon be home, but I could take Banji to our old football field know one ever goes there anymore so I could try there I guess, I left mom a note and told mom that am taking Banji out for a walk. I put on Banji’s lead and we went for a nice long walk to the footbal field, it took 20 or so minutes but if I get laid it be worth the long walk.

We finally arrived at the old football field and I knew there be know one around so I went to the old locker rooms, there were a few benches left in the locker rooms. I had a good look around first just in case there was someone in here I thought to myself its better to make sure first, after a couple on minutes or so I took my denim shorts and my panties off.

I then put some nice creamy peanut butter on my pussy and with in seconds Banji started eating my pussy it flet sooo damn good it’s been over 18 months since Duke passed away, its been even longer since I have had my pussy fucked. I was as horny like never before after Banji had eat all of the creamy peanut butter off I noticed Banji dick was out it was the same size as Duke’s was.

I gently got hold off Banji’s dick and started jerking him off, Banji seemed to like it as he came in my hand to show Banji resect I licked all of his cum off my hand. I forgot how nice a dogs cum is, I rolled Banji onto his back and started to rub his dick after a couple of seconds I give him his first ever blow job and he soon came in my mouth damnn it was sooo fuckig nice.

After a couple of minutes I went on my knees and arms to make it look like I was a bitch, Banji started to get excited and he mounted me like I was a bitch I had to help him put his dick into my pussy as he was having a little trouble, once he was inside of me Banji started fucking me it felt damn amazing after a little while he knotted inside and his dick started to pulsate then there was that nice warm cum.

A few minutes later Banji’s knott went back to his normal size and he pulled out and started to lick my pussy clean, this is the only time am letting him lick my pussy clean because the next time his cum is all mine and mine only, after Banji had finished I told him he was a good boy and give him a little more creamy peanut butter as a reward and we went home, I had just had a damn good fuck.

If you would like a part 3 please tell me in the comments down below thanks, Emily xo

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