I couldn’t resist molesting and fucking my preteen daughters Sex Story for free – Y2 Stories

This is a true story as best as I can remember my daughters and I still have sex to this day

This took place in the middle of the 1990s.
My wife and I had two children before she had a partial hysterectomy and could not have any more children. Now both in our late twenties we had two daughters Christina 12 and Amber 11 both had strawberry blonde hair like there mother.
Both had started going through puberty early Christina already had little a cup tits half the size of a orange with pointy nipples that looked so sexy poking through her shirt.
We didn’t wear a lot of clothes and were often naked around our home especially in the warm weather.
Both girls were starting to fill out Amber’s tits just a little smaller than her sisters. And both with lightly peach fuzz covered pussys with just a slit and expanding curves all over. Both had already had their first periods and had seen me and my wife having sex.
They had started acting promiscuously around me and my wife had told me that they had started asking her a lot of questions about sex.
Some nights I would wake up with one or both snuggled up against me and my wife. One night I woke up as the haze of slumber cleared from my brain I realized that I was getting my 8 inch cock sucked. Thinking it was my wife I moaned out my wife’s name as I grabbed her head with both hands and started face fucking her. Through the dim light I could see that it was not my wife, that she was much smaller.
My movements and moaning soon awakened my wife which I failed to notice, she later told me that she was watching for several minutes before I shot my load into Christina’s mouth. After she slipped out of the bed my wife snuggled up to me and started kissing me and whispered in my ear, I saw that, I want you to fuck me. It wasn’t very long before I was rock hard again.
She raised up and said I know your out there girls. You don’t have to spy on us turn the lights on and come here.
With that I reached over and turned the lamp on.
With no one in sight my wife raised her voice and said Christina amber get in here now. They both come in looking rather sheepishly.
Which one of you was sucking daddy’s dick. Your not in trouble this time. Christina finally blurted out amber made me. Did not said amber all I did was dared you to do it.
Its wrong to have sex with someone unless they consent and let you. Said my wife. I know that I told you that you could have sex when you became teenagers. And that you could watch me and daddy anytime that you wanted to.
I need a few more rules, the first one is that you can’t tell anyone or me and your father could go to jail and you will get put into a group home.since he is my husband and I let you make love to him. You can’t have sex with anyone else until you get pregnant and you will tell everyone that you don’t know who the father is because after daddy gets you both pregnant you will fuck as many boys as you can and won’t be punished even if you get caught. I want more children and you both know mommy can’t anymore and
you can help raise them so is that a deal.
Chris and amber looked at each other smiled and said yes mommy.
She then turned to me. Saying my name that means you agree also.
I didn’t have to think much longer than the girls before I said yes.
Can I go first mommy said amber, Christina already got to suck his dick.
Okay my wife said ,I’m going to show you how get up on the bed and take your nightgown off, you too she said to me and lay down on your back. With that she got on me cowgirl style looked straight at me and said don’t you cum in me .she then raised up looking at amber and said, I know you’re a virgin but this way you get to do it when you’re ready. She grabs my cock and lines it up with her pussy. She was so wet that she was balls deep in seconds oh that feels so good come here baby she said to amber let me see if your pussy is wet enough for daddy’s cock. She reached over and sliding her hand across Amber’s slit. Oh almost she said have daddy lick it some.
She helped position Amber’s little cunt over my face I grabbed her hips pulled her forwards she let out a soft moan as I tasted her sweet virgin pussy, she groaned when I flicked her tiny little clit with my tongue grabbing my hair tightly she mashed her pussy harder into my face. After humping me for not very long my wife rolled off of me.
Come here amber I think you’re ready for daddy’s dick. I watched as my little girl straddling over me looking quite nervous.
Spread your lips with your hand my wife said to amber I’ll hold his dick till you get it inside your vagina.
Never did I ever think I would be taking my little girls virginity. Well the thought had crossed my mind but not while my wife and her sister watched me do it.
I watched as I felt that unmistakable feeling on the end of my cock as the head of it entered her vagina .I could feel resistance, my eyes flitting back and forth between Amber’s face and my slowly disappearing cock into her Virgin pussy
Suddenly amber yelled oh God mommy that hurts. When I looked down she had 3 or4 inches inside her.
Let yourself get used to it then go up down like you saw mommy did.
With tears streaming down her face and a look of determination I had never seen before she soon had almost all of it inside her. I wish I could say I lasted hours.but probably less than ten minutes after first entering her virgin hole amber started trembling I grabbed her hips and held her tight as could exploding shot after shot of my baby juices deep inside her. Oh God daddy I can feel it inside me it feels so good. We held each other kissing and rubbing our hands gently across each other till my cock went soft slipped out of her pussy. I bet I get pregnant first amber said

Fucking Christina in part 2

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