It happened when I was at high school Sex Story for free 2024 – Y2-Stories

I really didn’t know what to expect if that was it. it was over in seconds literally seconds

Im at school having to wear the standard uniform white shirt, blazer, skirt which was just above my knees,
And the dreaded pe kit. The shorts that looked like pants while you were wearing them and the tightest tee shirt
Anyway we are at gym outside playing hockey it was cold,wet, raining, the pitch was muddy, so you were mucky after playing it,
We were told to take a shower, that was the embarrassing time,
Some of the other girls walking about naked while going into the shower,
They had the big boobs hair Fanny’s.
While I was walking around with a towel wrapped around me with my small boobs and bald fanny.
I haven’t any hair down there yet.
I was really embarrassed about it.
Watching them walking about with their big boobs and hairy fanny.
While I’m small boobs bald fanny.
Remember this was a very long time ago.
Probably about early 80’s,
Now woman all want bald Fanny’s.
How times have changed.
After having my shower my towel was gone some of the girls thought it would be a good laugh to take my towel away so I was walking back naked to my seat where my clothes were and my towel was over my clothes,
I’m standing there them laughing at me because of my small boobs bald fanny.
I got dried trying not to cry I’ve never felt so embarrassed in all my life.
Got dressed and left going to next class.
They have told people about me as I’m going into class people were saying hurtful things about me and laughing.
I felt like crying but didn’t.
This one boy who sits next to me in a couple of classes was saying don’t listen to them.
Try and not listen to what they were saying it was hard, every comment it hurt.
He’s been really good to me.
He really didn’t say anything or talk much.
If I was being honest.
But today I was seeing a different side of him,
I’m glad it was the last class off the day.
The bell goes I’m leaving school going home went upstairs got changed into jeans and baggy jumper which I always wear hiding my boobs.
Done homework
Sit in my room for ages thinking about today which doesn’t help first class tomorrow I have pe again first thing.
Playing hockey outside.
I was feeling ill just thinking about it
I asked my mum to excuse me from pe saying I have a sore leg etc. but she wouldn’t saying I was fine.
I was worried sick about it just thinking about it.
Next morning I was walking to school but instead of going to school I ended up skipping school I never went.
I walked around the housing scheme’s standing in the shopping centre hiding behind the swimming baths.
I must have walked about ten miles today even more,
Going home pretending everything was ok when it wasn’t I wrote a sick note trying to copy my mum’s writing
I wrote it over and over constantly until I thought it was good enough.
I went into school next day handed in the note to the reg teacher he’d read it and said go and take your seat putting it on his table.
I was thinking that was easier than I thought
In class I was still getting the odd comment about it, thrown at me now and then.
This guy was still saying just ignore them don’t listen to them honestly.
It’s not worth it.
We were sitting there talking to each other more and more.
Every class we are in still talking to each other or writing notes to each other.
We actually became friends
I found it really easy to talk to him.
I actually liked him now
I had pe today but I was thinking about skipping the afternoon
I told him that I was going to be skipping school in the afternoon.
He’s saying that he would come with me
I’m saying ok.
Dinner break us two are out of school walking away from it,
We were walking down this path between houses and along this other path then we were going along this country road with fields at each side
We just kept walking we came to this bridge we climbed over the fence and went down sitting under the bridge
We were hiding out of the way.
It was a slope we are just sitting there
Talking to each other.
When he said well asked me if it was true what the other girls had said about me.
I’m blushing my face feels like it’s burning I thought he could have told with just looking at me without me having to answer him.
I’m looking at him saying yes it’s true
He’s saying so it’s true you have a bald fanny he’s saying that he has a bald willy.
He’s trying to make me laugh which I was.
He’s saying us two baldy people have to stick together.
He’s looking at me saying that he’s never seen a girls fanny
I’m looking at him saying what
He’s saying I’ve never seen I’m saying that I heard you the first time.
He’s asking me if he can see my fanny I’m saying if I can see your willy
He’s got it out of his trousers in front of me
I’m sitting there looking at his willy it was looking hard
He’s saying can I see you now I’m pulling my skirt up and I’ve pulled my knickers to the side of me letting him see it.
His willy was bigger than before.
I was putting my knickers back skirt down
But he’s just sitting there with his willy out of the front of his trousers.
He’s saying look at this he’s got his hand on it and was pulling the skin at the top of it back I was totally amazed with what I was seeing.
It was revealing this head on his penis every time he pulled it back away from the top.
I had never seen anything like it before.
He’s asking me if I was wanting to do it
I’m saying no, but I was really curious I was wanting to I’m looking at him saying ok as I’ve got my fingers, hand around on his willy I was pulling it down and up on his willy
Just moving my hand up and down looking at the head with the hole on it
Every time I pulled the skin back
I’m sitting there I was pulling the skin back when this stuff was shooting out of the hole on the head it was shooting out I was just sitting there with my hand still around on his willy I had stopped moving my hand when he’s got his hand on my hand and was moving my hand really fast this stuff was really shooting out of it.
I’ve got it between my fingers it felt all warm, sticky.
He’s taken his hand off my hand I’m pulling my hand away wiping it on the grass where I was sitting I’m asking him if he’s ok.
He’s saying yes
I’m saying what just happened he’s saying that he has just came.
We hadn’t had sex education yet at school.
We were supposed to get it but it’s not until next month.
I was just sitting there watching his willy going really wee it’s a lot smaller than before.
I’m saying what’s happened to your willy
He’s saying I’m not excited enough I’ve shown him my fanny again it’s going hard as he’s looking at it
I’m looking at him
As I’m taking my knickers off saying are you wanting to touch me
He’s got his hand down between my legs and he’s got a finger going up inside me.
I wasn’t expecting that.
I’m lying down on my back with my feet down knees up with my skirt up around on my waist.
I’m lying there as he’s just fingering me
It felt different.
I hadn’t even done it to myself.
His willy was bigger than before
He’s saying that it feels really warm wet inside me as he’s doing it to me.
I think I was wet I was feeling this tingly sensation down inside me as he’s doing it it felt different down there.
He’s asking me if he could get on top of me I’m saying ok he’s lying between my legs he’s moving himself up further on my body his hands all over me his head up next to mine
Then I felt the sharpness of pain I’ve never felt before it was agony he’s got his willy going up inside my fanny it was agony he’s pushing it up as he’s lying there holding me tight against him, he’s just lying there holding me.
His willy inside me he’s not moved since he pushed himself inside me.
He’s pulled it out of me I could feel this warm stuff running around between my bum cheeks as I’m lying there.
He’s sitting next to me his willy all wee again.
His willy had blood on it .
I’m sitting up I could still feel it running down between my legs.
I’ve got a hankie and I’m wiping myself down there I’ve given him one as he’s wiped his willy.
He’s asking me how it was for me. I’m saying it was really sore painful.
He’s saying that it felt great being inside me.
I’m just looking at him saying ok.
I’m looking at the time I’ve saying that we better go as I’m putting my knickers back on,
We still talked to each other but it felt different between us after what we did together,
Oh well now everyone knows how I lost my virginity,
How did you all lose your virginity that is the question?

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