Category Archives: Mature


Barry the lodger (ch. 7) Sex Story for free – Y2Stories.Com

The circumstance will make Barry Clayton and Mayme sing together! Morning, shining sunrays penetrates the window, they seem to smile at me. I happily think about the fact that I’ll spend another happy day with Barry, I’m running to the kitchen…“Good morning, Barry!!!”I said loud, but he’s not in the kitchen. Then I went around […]

Being away for the weekend I didn’t know that I liked girls as well Sex Story 2024 – Y2 Stories

I had been away for the weekend while I was away I ended up sleeping with a girl I didn’t plan it it just happened. I had been away for the weekend I was out drinking probably too much as usual I ended up staggering about the place.It’s not like me I generally don’t drinkBut […]

Living Again After Growing Old-7 Sex Stories for free 2024 – Y2-Stories

Please read the previous part here (/2024/04/living-again-after-growing-old-6/). Now let’s continue I said “please tell your dad to order dinner from outside because I will not have the energy to cook when I come back”. I was surely not going to tell the real reason for my tiredness anyway. They nodded in affirmative and I took […]