Mom gets fucked by her sons Sex Stories 2024 – Y2 Stories

My Mother came home from work one night and she seemed very depressed she worked in a clothing store when she got home she made herself a gin and tonic and she never drank. So I knew something was wrong I got up behind her and started rubbing her shoulders she loosened up her blouse to come and make herself more comfortable that last button she undid I could see right down her blouse to her breasts and always look amazing but they looked even better right now she took a large drink and finished it off and I made her another gin and tonic but this one I put a couple roofies in it. I carried her into her bedroom and I sat her up on the bed with her back up against the headboard and started to undressed her she hadn’t said anything since I put the roofies in her drink I am took her blouse off her bra and threw I it on the floor her tits were perfect her plastic surgeon had done and unbelievable job I then rolled her over unzipped her skirt and pulled her skirt and her underwear down at the same time I guess she had just shaved her pussy that morning because it was nice and smooth. I started by sucking on her nipples and massaging her breasts then I went down on her she actually made noise for that and then kind of scared me I was eating her pussy like it was my last meal if my dad walked in it would’ve been my last meal! I then crawled on top of her and mounted her I stuck my penis inside her pussy and gave a good thrust she was so tight that it bent my cock she started moaning and then screaming it was like she was awake and knew what was going on but I knew that couldn’t be true her eyes were wide open and she looked at me and said fuck me you stud! so I did what she told me and fucked her. She was moaning and begging me not to stop so I picked up the pace it was really getting into it, When she got up told me To get off of her and I started freaking out but I got off of her in her pussy almost made a pop sound when I pulled my cock out and she walked over to the dresser which had a mirror on it bent over and said let’s try this position she said if you do well at this I let you fuck me in the ass! that was all the motivation I needed I was absolutely pounding her and every time she made a moan like it felt really good I tried to do that particular move again I had a bhold of her shoulders and was pounding my cock inside her pussy like I’ve never done that to anybody before she came like four times, then she said well you really want to fuck Me in the ass don’t you and I sounded like the Kool-Aid man when I said OH YEAH!! So I grab the tube of Astro glide out of my pocket smeared a bunch of it on my cock and smeared some insider asshole stuck my dick to the entrance of her asshole and just started pushing as hard as I could mom was screaming noooo! But there was no way I was stopping once I started I got my cock all the way into her asshole and started pumping she was screaming please stop Chris please! I told her I’m not stopping until I’m completely satisfied it was like she gave up and just hung her head down and started crying I said cry all you want I’m not stopping I want her leg started to get right on her I picked her up and threw her on the bed with a pillow underneath her pelvis and just started pounding her ass with my cock! When I finally came and pulled my cock out grabbed a wet rag and wiped it off it was shit stained all over it she was laying on the bed completely naked and crying, I said how was your first anal and she just looked up up at me with tears streaming down her face she said horrific I said well it’s a good thing we got the camera so I got proof of it she collapsed on the bed crying I picked her up and took her into the bathroom and turn the shower on and put her in the shower so she could clean her self up. After she came out of the shower it was like she was a zombie she just walked straight to the bed she then pull the covers over her self and fell asleep. She slept for like seven hours and then I started to hear move around upstairs so I went upstairs to and knocked on her door and she sounded chipper she said good morning like she told me that hundred thousand times before, I said how are you this morning she said I am great although I don’t remember what we did last night I know I got a little drunk but I don’t remember anything about that but if I’m gonna feel this good after what we did last night we’ll have to do it again tonight she said so what did we do? I pulled out my phone and showed her the video I took of us fucking she turned pale white dropped her glass and started screaming no no no no no You said you loved it I don’t know what you’re complaining about! If we go to the video tape roll it back and show you where you asked me to fuck you. so I pulled up a video tape which I had queued up to the my favorite part of what it happened that night put it in your VCR and hit play. It was the part where she was laying there spread eagle and I started pushing my cock inside her and she’s going yes yes fuck me fuck me and I know that’s just one of the highlights I still got three or four more she put her head down on the kitchen table and said no no no no I said that’s funny that’s what you said when I fucked you in the ass. My mother then said then why didn’t you stop my response was simple because I wasn’t done yet! Then I said how do you feel about being my sex slave for the rest of your life? And my mother said I guess I don’t have any Choice in the matter now do I? I said no you don’t then I picked up her phone and called my brother Jim and said do you have any free time today he goes
on what you’re talking about I said well I have a feeling mom‘s wanting to fuck you anyway you want and my brother‘s response was really I said yeah he said I’ll be over in 10 minutes my mother said you’re not really gonna make me fuck my own stepson are you? She started crying I said you better save those tears for when Jim’s roughly fuck you in the ass she started crying harder I said come here she walked over to me with her head down tears streaming down her face and I slapped her and said knock it off this is supposed to be fun for all of us you I went yeah I am and I’m gonna film the whole thing. She started bawling I mean uncontrollably I said come here she hit her head down and I slapped her and said knock it off! This is supposed to be fun for all of us! Haven’t you ever wanted to fuck your sons? All of us in one night? I am going to be filming so make it look like you’re having fun. No! I have never wanted to do that! Bullshit I’ve seen you look at me when I’m half dressed we’re getting out of the shower I watch do you want to watch me get out of the shower and then I want to lick your lips so don’t tell me that you don’t wanna do this she hung her head and said yes I wanna do this with you but I’m not sure I want to do with rest your brothers I said too bad we’re all gonna get a chance to fuck you!

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