My BDSM Experiences Sex Stories for free – Y2-Stories

forced arousal from lowlife muggers thugs.I hope other black thugs muggers would email me true stories / videos of forcing decent pretty white ladies

ohhh I was once spanked mugged dominated by interracial lowlifes in a classroom, my virgin genitals rudely toyed by rough filthy hands.

he entered the classroom where I was just alone.

I asked him kindly what he wanted. the boy was filthy unkempt and looks like a thug from the streets.

suddenly he thrust his filthy rough hand underneath me toying with my genitals.

I was shocked by his brazen perversion. he stared at me with a look of derision. I was not able to react immediately. when I came to my senses I wanted to resist him but became afraid of what he could do to me.  and my genitals were starting to get aroused i felt goosebumps like I would submit to his forced pleasure of being molested abused against my will. If I am not going to resist I might become his sex slave !

I mustered up enough courage to fight him which I regretted later. I punched him in the nose and since I am weak it only angered him. he hurt me badly until I fell down unconsciously helpless.  he escaped after he was done with me while I lay down in a classroom seat very much hurt and very afraid!

next time someone molests me I would no longer fight back but just submit unwillingly ohhh…

later I would be molested in a moviehouse when someone who is a tramp would sit beside me and touch me inappropriately.  the same with a public transport the one sitting beside me would pinch my body near my breast, my torso then my thigh.  I am aroused but I controlled myself not to be carried away.

like the boy thug that molested  me  when I was alone in the classroom, this time there will be whole gang of them that will surround me outside the school.  they ganged up on me touching my body and putting their hands inside my bag, seemingly to steal something.  I was saved when someone came and drove them away.  I shuddered to think what would happen to if no one came to the rescue!

my mom was molested by different men too. one guy who had intentions with my mom who works as a mechanic frequently mashed my breasts whenever he finds me alone in our store. I never resisted him or put up a fight since I earlier experienced being roughed before.  when he went to my apartment bringing beer forcing me to drink, trying to make me drunk then later molesting me again, i tried to resist him respectfully this time. since there were other residents in the apartment building, he did not force himself on me, and cooperatively left my apartment. ohhh there are other encounters but I wish to exchange it with true stories or videos of other interracial dominations and humiliations!

virgintsik1 @ gmail com

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