My beach vacation Sex Stories free 2024 – Y2 Stories

I m twenty eight with 32dd tits an athletic body and I finially went on my two week vacation to the beach I had rented a small house on the beach, after arriving I soon got into my bikini and decided to take a walk along the beach , I met a couple of young guys about sixteen they were both black and wearing swim trunks and tshirts,we soon were chatting about differant things and they seemed nice, we were alone and I smiled as I said I needed to go back to my place and they asked if they could chat more as they came with me I said ok ,I asked if they had a place to go and they smiled and said no they were passing through.After we got back to the beach house I let them come in with meas we chatted more.After we were in they soon were kissing me and one of them was sliding his hand into my bikini bottom and playing with my pussy it felt good I hadn t had sex in a couple of week, soon wew were naked and I was on my knees sucking there 10″Dicks soon they were hard,I laid back on the carpet and one of them got down as I spread for him and he was eating my pussy while the sucked my titties it felt great and the guy eating me came up and positioned himself and started to slide his cock into me I was tight as he kept going soon I felt him deep into my cervix when he finally was all in and he started fucking me slowly at first then he went harder I moaned as he did and soon I felt his dick swel and he filled me with his hot sperm then he kissed me and pulled out,his friend had me roll over and he pushed into my ass and soon fucked me until he cum.We laid there for a while and then they took turns fucking me I enjoyed it alotand the next day they said they had some stuff to take care of and asked if they could come back and I agreed

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