My elementary teacher Sex Stories for free – Y2 Stories

A story about my grade 8 teacher and the weird perverted thing she used to do

I am new to this site, and I have a few sex stories I want to share. This one being something that pops into my mind every once in a while.

Happened in grade 8 . For most of the year actually.

We had an elementary teacher, I’ll not mention her name but we’ll call her Mrs C.

Anyways the start of the year was normal. Like any other year. Most of my friends were in my class, it was a split class. I was part of the more cool/ trouble maker group.

About 3 months into the year, I believe our teacher had a divorce. But it was kept fairly secret. We knew but no one really cared

Anyways her irritation or agitation kind of sky rocketed. She started getting annoyed at the boys in the class, specifically our group.

There’s was a rolling 6 foot wall in our class n like a time out corner that she set up behind the wall.

I remember the first time I got in trouble, it was because I blew all the gel out of my gel pen n smeared it all over my desk. She made me sit in the corner behind the wall.

She wore a skirt dress n she would bring us back , we would sit on a bean chair kind of n she would sit on a chair and talk to us. She would hike up her dress just enough so you could see right up it. N get a clear view, she wasn’t wearing panties. The first time it happened I saw it I quickly looked away n pretended I didn’t notice.

So the second time i got sent to this corner. The same thing happened she sat me down, hiked up her dress bit. Her legs were again open enough to clearly see, n I remember she had it shaved the second time. N remember it was wet looking so I thought she pee’d. N I must of zoned out because when she was talking to me I just starred at it and couldn’t look away. I wasn’t even paying attention to what she said.

Then she opened her legs ever more, to where they were moderately spread. Then she said my name, “are you even listening to me”. I looked at her quickly n she just starred at me.

This happened about 4-5 times that year n yes it was always wet. I never brought it up to anyone until years later because I didn’t want to get in trouble for looking. The last time it happened, she had a piercing, and i accidently said what’s that metal thing. While she was lecturing me. N she stopped n just started started at me again n she didn’t say anything. Just had this blank look in her face, but kept her legs spread. then I quickly changed it to being a paper clip on the floor “oh its just a paper clip” . I remember her smiling n telling me to go sit down.

Looking back now that I’m an adult, she was a total perv. I think she must of got a thrill out of flashing me her crotch.

I asked some of my friends years later n apparently one of my other friends she did it to aswell.

I looked her up online recently n now she just looks like an old lady. But I just think it’s funny how she has a dark little secret haha.

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