My first cum load hot sex erotica stories – Y2 Stories

I had been jacking off a lot,I was 12 and always horny and playing with my dick. I have always sucked my dick and I was always getting my dick in to my mouth to my nuts this day was different than others. After about 10 minutes of my sucking my own dick it was pulsing on my tongue and my cum squirted in my throat. I kept swallowing it and I loved the taste. I swallowed it 3 more times and I was dry cumin a couple more times. Then I got up and dressed and I went to my friend’s house and I told him what I had done. He said he wanted to see me do it. So we went to his room and I pulled down my pants and I stuck my dick in my mouth and I blew another cum load in my mouth. He was surprised and he pulled out his dick and I sucked him off 2 times. I was sucking dicks of guys my age, and I had been sucking older guys of 19-32 years old. A couple of them had their dicks in my asshole a few times. A lot of them had their dicks in my mouth with my own dick. Some of the girls were interested in watching me sucking my own dick and me sucking their guys dicks. I love sucking and swallowing sperm. I like it when I have a sperm load all over my face too. My second wife was always bringing home a couple of guys to cum in my mouth and on my face. I’m always in to sucking cocks and swallowing sperm. I have had as many guys as 5 letting me suck them off and swallow their loads. Sometimes I will have 2-3 cocks in my mouth and all of them will squirt me full of their cum. Women are calling me and they want to get me to suck their boyfriend’s or husband so they can watch them cum in my mouth.

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