My introduction to fetishes hot sex erotica stories – Y2-Stories

Began at the age of 17 when I went camping with my cousin. He was 20 .I used to hang with his crowd, pretend to be older. Even tried pot and drank. They suffered me.
One weekend camping the weather was a bit wierd. Warm but always a threat of rain. We went anyway.
I had with me my green school rainmac. A hoodie made from nylon very very shiny on the inside. I wore it a lot with just my bikini underneath.It felt good. The crowd teased me called me schoolie. One evening the heavens opened it poured with rain. My poor pup tent got washed out. I was trying to dry it out but it got worse my cousin jeff helped but it was hopeless. He said forget it come and stay in my tent. I did
I dried off pretty quick. We talked, had fun. What else could we do. At about midnight i wanted the washroom. We walked up to the sanitary block together. On the way back he put his arm around me. I liked it. He said I felt nice in my rainmac, said it felt soft and smooth. He especially liked the shiny inside.
At the tent I turned it inside out . Smiled asked if he liked it better that way. .He stared at me then hugged me. His hands rubbing over the shiny material. I knew he was aroused. The hug became more intimate his hands feeling my breasts. I didnt stop him. I think I loved him. Next thing we were necking. He whispered how sexy i was in my shiny rainmac. Before i knew it he had his erection out and was rubbing it on the shiny material. i aked him if he liked it. He said yes would i do it for him. I did, My first real sex experience. It just seemed natural to put him in my mouth. Didn’t take too much and he had a cum. I got my mouth off in time for him to squirt over my rainmac. Sooo much cum.
Then my rainmac was open and he was playing with my breasts.It felt awesome..Ihad my first really wet pussy. He wanted sex with me. I said no i wasnt ready for that, just hug me..I loved being hugged in that rainmac.
We camped a lot that summer me always in my rainmac. He would go off to college in the fall.
When he came back I had been online and purchased a full length red pvc rainmac, soft super shiny. His eyes popped when I went to the airport to pick him up.It took us 15 minutes to get out of the carparkNecking in the car .Him feeling me in my rainmac. Me by then really wanting his cock.
Hd to wait until the next day.My parents went away for the weekend. Jeff came over,Imet him at the door wearing my raimac. I was naked underneath. From necking in the passageway to the coat undone jeff sucking my nipples was like 2 minutes. I badly wanted his cock.
We had sex.My first time ,It was glorios.I ay there after still in my rainmac feeling sooo good about life me him sex. All things end.Ayear later he qualified and moved away for a job.On the rare occasion he came back i made sure to wear my rainmac.

I have been married 10 years now and have a closet full of shiny rainwear, dresses tracksuits. Fortunately my hubby loves my kink. And its all thanks to camping with my cousin.

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