my mom’s boyfriend part 3 Sex Story 2024 – Y2 Stories

The next couple of days my mom had off of work. So me and Jerry didn’t anything but all I could do is think about is how he came in my mouth and how much I liked it. The first day my mom had off we went out for dinner. While we were there I had to use the bathroom. When I walk in the restroom there was 2 urinals side by side with a divider between them. There was a man using one of them and I went to the other one and peed. I wanted to look over and see the man’s dick but I was to scared of getting in trouble. So I didn’t. After dinner we went home and watch some tv and I went to bed. Nothing happened the next day because my mom was off.
But the next day I was home and my mom was getting ready for work. Jerry got home from his job just as my mom was leaving. My mom gave Jerry a kiss goodbye and she told him to make sure I got a bath. After my mom left Jerry asked me if I would rather take a bath by myself of take a shower with him. I got excited and said I want to shower with you. He said well let’s go. I hopped up and ran to the bathroom. We were in the bathroom and Jerry turned on the shower and we took our cloths off. Jerry got in the shower first and I followed. Jerry started soaping me up. I closed my eyes while he shampoo my hair. After he rinse the shampoo off I open my eyes and Jerry dick was hard. I wrapped my hand around it and started stroking him. Jerry put his hand on my head and pulled me closer to his dick. I was so excited I open my mouth and Jerry put his dick in my mouth. I wrapped my lips around his cock and he guided my mouth on his dick. His dick was so hard and then Jerry moaned as cock was getting bigger. I could taste his pre cum while Jerry was pushing his dick further into my mouth. I started gagging and Jerry said, very good Timmy take it all. I wanted to make Jerry happy so I tried to take as much of his dick that I could. And just as Jerry yelled of fuck he came in my mouth. He held my head on his dick while he came in my mouth. I was able to swallow some but a lot of it came out of my mouth. After jerry got done he told me that I was a good boy. I was so happy that I made him cum. We got out of the shower and went out to the living room.
We were watching tv naked and Jerry was rubbing my leg. Every so often her would rub his hand against my dick. Jerry then slipped his hand between my legs and up against my butt. I spread my legs and jerry started rubbing his finger against the butthole. He asked if I like it and I said yes. He said that we should go to the bedroom.
When we got to the room Jerry picked me up and put me on the bed. He told me to lay on my stomach and spread my legs. I did what he wanted. I was laying there and Jerry stuck one of his fingers in my butt. He started going in and out of my butt. It hurt some but I wanted to make him happy so I let him continue. He then put 2 fingers in and I screamed some. He pulled his fingers out and ask if I was ok. I said it hurt. He said that I had to get used to it. He put his fingers back in me. I could barely take it. Jerry had me get on the edge of the be and bent me over. He open up his dresser and pulled something out. I then felt some cold liquid stuff on my butt. Jerry then started fingering my butt again. This time it hut but not as bad. I then could feel something big against my butt. I turned my head and saw Jerry’s dick up against my butt. Jerry said to me that it is gonna hurt the first time but I will be ok. I said ok and put my head forward. Jerry stuck his dick in my butt and I screamed. It hurt so bad and Jerry was moving his dick in and out of me. I begged for him to stop but he didn’t. At one point he stopped moving his dick. It was still in me and I was trying to catch my breath and Jerry said , you’re doing good Timmy. I told him it hurt and he said I know Timmy. He then said, I’m gonna continue fucking you Timmy, are you ok. I said yes and he began to fuck me again. After a while it stopped hurting as bad. Jerry started fucking me harder and deeper. I screamed out loud. Jerry kept saying. You’re doing good Timmy. I was in so much pain and then I heard Jerry say oh fuck I’m gonna cum. He grabbed my waste tight and put his dick all the way in me. I screamed as he came in me. I begged for him to stop. After he was done he pull his dick out of me and I collapsed on the bed. Jerry grab a towel and cleaned me up and took me to my bed. I was in so much pain but I was happy that I made Jerry cum again.

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