My sister and I learned together part 2 Sex Stories free 2024 – Y2Stories.Com

Just a quick refresher. My 10 yearold sister and I 16 yearold brother found my dad Jim 53 and Jenna 19 yearold gfs dirty little secret. They make porn

I am jumping ahead 2 months in this story. My dad and his girlfriend Jenna produce porn of all kinds and actors of all ages. They work at night and make porn during the day. We have now a sound proof film room with 2 king size beds.

Lucy and I rush home after school cause we know today they are making gangrape and abuse porn. We walk in and there is a girl about 15 getting destroyed by 4 big cocks.Dad say they will be done it 5 minutes.. This girl was screaming so loud. She was soaked in cum and sweat and her ass glowing with slap marks and face red and tears and salavia.We waste no time and set up the camara and rip our clothes off. I went to kiss Lucy and she grabbed my hard cock and said Fuck that nice shit and pushed me and the bed next to the one used for film. I am sitting with my back on the headboard and Lucy says fuck my throat Tommy. I want you to choke and hurt me. She gets on all 4s and starts sucking my cock. I grab her hair and shove my cock deep till she gags and then pull her head back by her blonde pony tail and spit in her face and mouth and slap her. She say oooh FUCK YES. I am fucking my 10 yearold sisters tiny throat and she’s loving it. I hold her and choke her and shes gasping for air. There is so much sloppy spit coming out of her mouth and on my stomach. I finaly released and she gasps some air and loads of spit come out and she yells YES TOMMY and yells JENNA GET OVER HERE AND EAT MY FUCKING HOLES. Jenna comes over already nude and spreads Lucys ass cheeks and starts licking her holes. Jenna then yells at my dad. HOLY FUCK JIM GET OVER HERE YOUR BABYGIRL. IS SOAKING WET.Jenna starts licking and fingerling and Lucy yells DO IT HARDER YOU FUCKING BITCH. Jenna grabs a dildo and shoves it in her pussy and fingers and licks her pussy and rubs her clit hard. Lucy yells out FUCK YES FUCK MY PUSSY HARDER. LICK MY ASS. She continues to fuck her so hard and Lucy is grunting and throating my cock like a pro. I continue to yank her head back spitting and slapping her and Jena slaps her ass and says YOU FUCKING WHORE. Lucy says DADDY COME FUCK MY ASS . FUCK ME DADDY. Dad comes over and shoves his cock in Lucys soaked asshole. Jena lays under them and licks dads balls and Lucys pussy. Dad grabs Lucy’s hips and and fucks the shit outta her little ass. My cock didnt leave her throat except for her to yell out what she wanted. It was like she was the director.
We continue to treat my little sister like an animal for the next 20 min and she begs for more. I reach down and pinch and twist her nipples on her flat chest and she yells out FUCK YES OOMG YES TOMMY. I slap the fuck outta her 3 times and shove my cock in her throat. Shes choking and grunting hmmm mmm ahhahh. She tells Jenna SHOVE THAT DILO IN MY PUSSY GOD DAMIT. Jena starts fucking her pussy and dad still ripping her asshole open. Dad pulls out just long enough to cover his fingers with her ass and pussy juice and pulls her head back hard by her hair and shoves his fingers in her mouth and gags her and says YOU LIKE THAT DONT YOU? YOU FILTHY FUCKING WHORE. YESSS DADDY HURT ME DADDY FUCKKK YESSS. He goes back to ripping her ass. I say Im about to cum and dad says yeah I am so close. Dad fucks her as hard as her can and Jenna has the dildo all the way inside slamming it as hard as she can and rubbing her own clit then she cums and I am not letting Lucy up. Then I cum and Lucy throws her head back and face beat red and yells FUCKING GOD DAMN IM CUMMUNG DONT STOP FUCKING ME. I cum hard and dad also. I reach down and pinch her nipple and twist hard and choke her with my fingers and Lucy’s head jerks back and her beautiful blue eyes roll back in her head and she shakes violently and screams FUCK MOTHER FUCKING GOD DAMN OOOHHHH YESSSS . She then collapsed on my chest and gasping her hair and face soaked with cum, salavia glowing red slap marks on her cheeks and ass glowing red Then a minute later she then turns back into a sweet little 10 yearold girl and with cum dripping outta her mouth and she choked cum through her nose and kisses me on my cheek and say Tommy I love you. She gets up cum and some blood oozing outta her holes and kisses daddy and says I love you daddy so much. She gets on top of Jena and spits cum in her mouth and kiss and asks will you be my mommy. You all are the best family ever. We look over and the 4 male actors are stroking their cocks and the co director is fucking the 15 yearolds throat.Lucy and Jena are kissing and rubbing cum all over each other. Lucy looks at the 4 men and says WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WAITING FOR? GET OVER HERE AND GIVE US THOSE BIG BEAUTIFUL COCKS. But thats another story
Just so you know I dont care about writing etiquette AT ALL! Im not a writer just a sick little girl loving pedo. Im sure a few jerked off . I was short on time and kinda short but more to cum.
My sister and I become very popular porn stars. That was our 1st official film.

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