My strict father and games with my brothers 2 Sex Stories for free 2024 – Y2Stories.Com

Robert brings a friend and lets him in on our secret.

By the time the weather cleared up it was getting towards the end of the school holidays and we tried to make the best of the time left and get out of the house as many times as possible. I was with Simon one morning, we took a couple of snacks and set off into the field, Simon wanted to look for pheasants nests in the hedgerows but I think it was a bit late in the summer for that. Anyway, when we passed the back of Roberts’ house we heard him call out and ask what we were doing. We told him and him told us to hang on and wait for him and a few minutes later he appeared climbing over the gate and coming up the side of the field with someone else following him. When they reached us he turned to his mate and introduced him. He was Kyle, not from the village but a lad that Robert knew from school who lived on the estate at the edge of town. He was carrying a big bottle of cider and told us to come up to the woods and they would make a camp and show Kyle where we played. Simon was a bit reticent at first but followed us up and we all sat in a clearing and Kyle and Robert drank some of the cider. I had a coup,e of swigs, it was quite nice and very sweet but Simon didn’t have any. He explained that he had to go and help father , they were going down to the church and cut some of the grass and weeds. He didn’t want to be late as he knew what would happen so before very long he left and made his way back home. I quite liked being with the older boys and we sat there for a while , Kyle actually pulled out a packet of cigarettes and lit one up. They were both mucking around and ended up play fighting before Robert got up and told us he was going to show Kyle where we liked to play so we set off up the track into the woods. Robert and Kyle walked quite fast and when I started to lag behind a bit they stopped and Robert stooped down and gave me a piggy back. All the time we walked along I held tightly onto his shoulders and he held my legs . I had a skirt on and gradually he moved his hands back to support me under my bottom. They sped up a bit and as I bounced up and down on his back, his fingers found there way under the side of my knickers and with my legs wide apart it presented my pussy fully exposed to his exploring fingers. He was saying something to Kyle and they were both laughing and slowed down to a standstill as Kyle went behind us and lifted my short skirt and tucked it into my waistband. He could obviously see what was happening and Robert told him that I liked playing games and said that we should sit down for a while and decide what to do.
He let me slide down off his back and took my hand and we sat on a bit of a grassy mound out in the sunshine. They both had another drink of the cider and let me have another swig on the bottle. Kyle was saying how nice I looked and stroked my hair and Robert said something about “she looks pretty good all over” and they both were laughing as I sat between them feeling quite important being included in their circle and with what they said about me. Robert pulled my arm and slid me over next to him and told me to lift my arms up. I did as he asked and he simply pulled my top off and left me sitting between them in just my skirt and trainers. Kyle said I was beautiful and really grown up and he stroked my hair as Robert massaged my thigh, gently stroking his hand up and down, gradually reaching further up under my skirt. Kyle said something about it not being fair that he had only seen me with my top off and Robert agreed and said I think you should give Kyle a look like you do for him and his gang. Kyle was looking ayt my chest and said I really like these and stopped stroking my hair and rubbed his hand across my chest and my obviously very erect nipples. Yes they are lovely said Robert , like the rest of her and pushed me up from behind so that I was standing at the bottom of the slope facing them. I didn’t say anything as he gestured for me to slip my skirt off and I did as I was told and kicked my trainers off leaving me in front of them with just my knickers on. What are you waiting for? asked Kyle and slid down the slope in front of me and simply slid my knickers right down to the ground. That’s better was the general consensus of opinion and Robert reached out and took my hand and pulled me back onto the slope and sat me down inbetween the two of them. I was the center of attention and loving it as Kyle started telling Robert how right he was and how nice it must have been playing our games.
Robert gently laid me back on the grass and started playing with my breast as he talked to Kyle and they discussed what they were looking at . I t wasn’t long before Kyle joined in, just like the last time, one on each breast with Kyle feeling and squeezing. He was a lot rougher than Robert. His hands were quite hard and he gripped me and squeezed me while watching my reaction. It wasn’t long before he shifted down a bit and started sucking on my nipple. I was getting quite hot and wriggling about as Robert left my breast alone and slid his hand down my stomach and between my legs. When he ran his hand over my pussy it was like an electric shock but thinking it would stay there I felt him reach down under my knee and pull my leg up and out leaving me open to his attention. Kyle was watching all this and continued tormenting both my tiny breasts. They had both gone quite quiet and Robert had resumed his attention to my pussy. It felt wet and slippery again and his fingers slid up and down gradually working their way inbetween my lips, over my clitoris and back down and round right into my bottom. I was completely lost in the moment and I think by now I had moved my other leg to the side and afford him unimpeded access to every little part.
Kyle left my breast and brushed my hair back off my face and watched me before he moved down , pushed my leg even further aside and knelt inbetween my legs. Robert was saying something to him as he stopped the stroking and when I looked down over my tummy I could see Kyle lean in and put his head right down over my pussy. I didn’t know what he was doing but seconds later another shock ran through my body as he started stroking his tongue up and down my mound. The more he did it the more his tongue explored my pussy and I could feel it first licking up and down and then circling my clitoris before probing further and further inside My lips. I was wriggling around almost out of control and Kyle looked up briefly and told Robert to hold me still. I couldn’t control myself as Robert lent over me and pinned my shoulders down to the ground. I was completely helpless and completely aroused as Kyle continued his assault on my pussy, sometimes using his teeth to graze up and down my lips and nibbling on my clitoris. Robert still restrained me and set about my nipples, sucking my tiny breasts into his mouth and nibbling on my nipples and stretching them out between his teeth.
I think I must have had one orgasm after the other as the ecstasy just consumed my body. Eventually Kyle sat up and they looked at each other and slapped high fives while almost shrieking with delight. I lay there, spread out, all wet and sweaty and Kyle moved up until he was sat astride me and bent over and asked if I had enjoyed all that. Of course I said yes, still trying to get my breath as he asserted that it was time that I did some of the work as well. I didn’t really understand but before I knew it he had unbuttoned his shorts and pulled out his huge pink stiff penis. Of course i had seen them before, living with four boys. Especially Simon in our bedroom and sharing baths when we were younger, but nothing like this. As I stared at it he held it and slapped it up and down on my breasts and then shifted his weight further up and rubbed it across my chin and along my lips. He was looking straight at me as he continued and pushed himself further up. Kiss it was a command, not a request, as he rubbed it back and forth along my lips. I sort of pecked it rather than kissed it but he persevered in pushing it harder into my lips. He put his had around the back of my head and pulled my head up to face straight into it and then Robert reached over and taking my chin between his thumb and finger he slowly opened my mouth and Kyle gradually pushed the huge swollen head between my lips and onto my tongue and roof of my mouth. He pulled my head towards him and relaxed it and repeated the action as is felt bigger and bigger and reached further and further into my mouth. Then all of a sudden he pulled out and squirted a stream of liquid straight in my face as he rubbed it over my nose and lips and took both hand s and held my head tight and forced it back between my lips as he continued to jerk back and forwards. It was really salty and I could feel the last spurts hitting the back of my throat before he pulled it out, let my head goo and collapsed back on his heels., I just lay there, I could feel it trickling down my chin and cheeks and fell back spreadeagled on the slope completely exhausted. Robert in the meantime looked over me and gently fingered my pussy looking well pleased with himself and talked to Kyle telling him that he told him what we did and I bet you believe me now about what we do. Kyle replied that yes, he had thought that Robert was making it up and they both did more high fives and whooping sounds and stood up looking down on me naked , spread out and completely exhausted, really surprised and a little bewildered.
Eventually they pulled me up and and Kyle rubbed my face with the bottom of his t-shirt with a quick last feel he grabbed my pussy in his hand and squeezed it really hard. They were made up with their exploits and as soon as I slipped my clothes back on they passed the cider around, giving me another swig and finishing the bottle Kyle chucked it in the brush and we set off back down to the field.

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