My strict father and games with my brothers 3 Sex Story 2024 – Y2Stories

After the last two experiences in the woods I can’t wait to feel like that again.

The summer holidays had ended and I was back at school. I used to bump into Robert on the way home now and again. He never said much but one day he stopped at his front gate and asked how I was getting on. I was excited every time I saw him, it reminded me of that day and I would get all hot and bothered thinking about it. It was quite a warm September and I was hoping that we could spend a some time out in the countryside but the boys seemed to always have football or jobs to do at the weekend and we just never seemed to all be together at the same time. Anyway ,one Saturday morning I couldn’t help myself, I just had to go out and up to the woods, it just played on my mind all the time and I wanted to sort of relive those feelings. I walked over the field and up the track and into the woods. It didn’t take long to reach the fallen tree trunk, it was a bit more overgrown around it, but there it was, and I just felt so hot looking at it and thinking about how I had been laid out along it and all the things that had happened. I trod the weeds down and put my arms over it , leaning my chest on the rough bark and had an overriding desire to climb up and relive that day. I couldn’t stop myself, I jumped up and sat astride the thick trunk and lent forward and felt along it until my chest touched the cool bark. It was no good, I just had to lift my t-shirt up and put my bare skin against it. I had been wearing a training bra to school but today I was bare under my shirt and it felt fantastic as I gently rubbed up and down grazing my nipples against it. I sat up and tossed my shirt to the ground and lay back down gripping the trunk with my legs and pushing my body up and down the, the roughness was lovely as I felt my nipples catching and scraping along the trunk and then back down. I could feel my pussy tingling and suddenly I sat bolt upright, rubbed my chest up and down feeling how hard my nipples were before swinging my leg over and almost ripping my shorts off and lay back stretch out with my hands above my head as if they were tied up there again. It was no good though, there was nobody taking advantage of my nakedness and I turned over, trying not to roll off and hugging the tree with my arms and legs. My breasts were grinding into the surface but down below I really couldn’t get my pussy pushed into it with any force and as I looked along the length, I reach out to the stub of an old branch that Robert must have used to secure my arms over my head. I shifted myself upright , little by little working my way up the trunk until the thing was right under me and I could grip my thighs tight and move back and forth over the protrusion. I had my hands out in front of me and taking most of the weight making it easier to rub over the tormenting timber, feeling it punishing my tender bits. It dragged my lips back and forth, it parted them from side to side and grazed the most sensitive parts right in my pussy. I tortured myself, harder and harder, the pain and pleasure was intense and in the end I virtually collapsed and lay there on the trunk, my pussy throbbing and wide open, pushed hard into the stem. I must have laid there for what seemed ages before sliding off the trunk and with my legs hardly able to hold me up, put my clothes on and still breathless , started the trek home.
I was shaking I could feel my clothes rubbing against my thighs, my pussy and my breasts. I must of only gone about ten or twenty yards when I almost ran straight into someone. It startled me and frightened me to death. I was looking down at the path and then the next thing that I knew, I was in the shadow of someone and staring down at brown boots and thick trousers. My heart stopped with the shock and I looked up to see this man looking down at me.
I knew who it was, we used to call him “the crow man” because he used to shoot the rabbits, pigeons and crows around the farmland and sometimes he would hang the crows on the farm gates or fence posts. That was really spooky for us kids and we stayed well clear of him because he used to chase trespassers off the land and he always carried a rifle slung over his shoulders. He knew my father of course because he worked on the dairy farm.
He put his arm out to the side to stop me passing, he looked angry as usual and demanded to know what I was doing up there. I blurted out something about walking and watching the birds but he said I know what you kids are like, damaging the place and having fires and I said, no, I was just walking. He told me to show him where I had been and turned me around by my shoulders and pushed me back up the track. I stopped up by the old tree and said that’s where I had been. He looked down at all the undergrowth trampled down by the trunk and said “well, at least I can see that you are not a liar but what do you think you were doing here. I hurriedly made an excuse and said I was climbing the fallen tree and obviously he didn’t believe that and insisted that I showed him. I had to pull myself back up onto the trunk and made an attempt to get my legs up into a crouching position so that I could stand up. I was shaking and tried to balance and stand up because I was so nervous but had to lean forward and steady myself with my hands. He told me to sit down and as I sat astride the trunk he looked really angry and told me to reach out and lie prone on the trunk just like I had earlier. “that’s more like it” he said ” now pull your shirt up and show me what you were really doing”, I realized that he must have been watching me and I was shaking as I eased my top up before he pulled it over my head and dropped it on the floor and he pushed his hand in the middle of my back and ground my front into the bark. I squealed a bit as my front was quite tender after the earlier treatment as he gripped the back of my neck and motioned me to slid up and down the trunk. I could see he had slipped the rifle off his shoulders and with both hands free he pulled my arms behind my back and held my wrists tightly in one of his big rough hands while his other hand gripped my shoulder and manipulated my body in circles, pushing it into the surface.
“That’s what you like. is it” he demanded and when I didn’t answer, he pulled my arms back so that I was sitting up astride the trunk again and with his other hand he patted the branch bit and motioned me to move up onto it. He let go of my wrists and watch as I edged myself up the trunk until I reached the branch. I eased myself down onto it and wandered what to do but he simply took both arms, pulled them behind me and forcing my shoulders back, left me with my full weight pressed into the thing. His face was near to my breast and I could feel and smell the tobacco on his breath as he pulled me further backwoods and scooped his hand under my pussy in the gap. His hands were like sandpaper and he ground his fingers into my bits and spread me wider and wider before releasing the backwoods pressure and letting my open pussy back down hard against the wood., He was looking down watching it and making me rock backwards and forwards rubbing it hard into the timber. After a while he released his grip and told me keep on going and I could see him adjusting himself in the front of his trousers. I kept going until I nearly fell forwards with the strain of holding myself over the branch and he put his arm around my chest, squeezing my breast and lifted me clean off the trunk and dumped me on the ground. I stood there, trying to cover my pussy and sooth it at the same time but he grabbed my arm and his rifle in his other hand and walked me out into the open. I stood there in front of him as he took hold of my hair and lifted my head back to look up at him. He had the rifle pointing down and he pushed it between my legs and I felt the barrel slide up my thighs and press hard against my pussy. Still holding my hair he told me to put my feet apart and kicked one of my feet to one side. He was sliding the barrel up and down my slit and before long it was pressed firmly between my lips as the cold steel dragged my lips back and forward. My knees were going week and almost buckling as I sat more and more of my weight on the barrel until it was grinding into my clitoris and I shuddered to a stop and gripped it tight between my thighs. He was grinning down at me and still holding my hair he slid the barrel further and further towards him until the metal sight at the end slipped right through my bits making me jump and I collapsed in a heap on the ground.
I didn’t know what to expect, but he adjusted himself and waved the barrel in front of my face saying that I had made a mess of it. Held it down again against my face and told me to clean it, to lick it clean. I had to sit up and he made me slide my tongue along the length while he looked down grinning at me then slung the rifle strap back over his shoulder and stooped over and said, “don’t think I don’t know who you are, I bet your dad wouldn’t be too pleased to hear what you get up to and don’t think I didn’t see you with your brothers up here a couple of weeks ago. You better be here next Saturday or else” and with that he left me, still naked in a heap on the ground and I watched him until he was out of sight and crawled over to my clothes and quickly dressed and ran off back down to the fields.,

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