My student opened my eyes Sex erotica stories – Y2-Stories

Fucking my preteen student during spring break

When I started teaching middle school, I quickly learned the power that girls that age had with how they dressed and how they acted. On a daily basis I saw girls dressed in ways that turned heads. Leggings, mini skirts, exposed belly’s, breasts from flat chested to busty. There were occasions where I looked across the class and got a quick glimpse up a skirt.

In my 5th year of teaching, Kierstin started at the school. She was 11 with sandy blonde hair, blue eyes, a smile that could light up a room. Her tshirts always fit snugly, hugging her small breasts and exposing her belly. I always looked forward to her coming to class. Some days in a skirt, some days in shorts or skinny jeans. Her trademark item was a choker necklace that looked sexy on her. The day that she shot to the top of my spank bank was just a normal class day

Kierstin was sitting in her normal front row desk. I was sitting at my desk as the class worked on their assignment. I glanced up from my laptop and my eyes shot to her legs, she had a skirt on that day and her legs moved apart when she looked up at me. I was glad I was sitting down, she had no panties on. Kierstin gave a sweet smile and tilted her head, resting it on her hand. I couldn’t take my eyes away from her bald pussy. My cock was rock hard as I suddenly craved her like I had never craved another girl.

When I got home from school that day, I couldn’t get to my room fast enough to masturbate thinking of seeing up Kierstins skirt. The orgasm didn’t take long. She became the source of my daily masturbation, always fantasizing undressing her from whatever outfit she wore that day. In class, she used her smile and her eyes to flirt with me without the other kids seeing.

Then the day of parent teacher conferences arrived. When Kierstins rime slot arrived, she entered with her mom. They were basically twins separated by many years. Melissa was beautiful, busty, with a petite figure. She had the same sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. The conference went well, Melissa and I had an instant connection. As part of the conference, I always gave the parents my contact information. Once home that day, I masturbated to thoughts of having mother ans daughter at the same time.

That night, Melissa texted me for the first time. Instead of talking about school or her daughter, we just had a conversation that led to daily text messages and finally to me asking her out. Dating a students mom was always risky, but it was worth the chance to spend time with the beautiful bartender

Of course that led to me seeing Kierstin away from school, when I was over at their house, she would frequently wear leggings or shorts that were either cut off jeans or lycra shorts and almost always walked around in a sports bra. Melissa didn’t seem to mind her daughter dressing skimpy as I was able to hide my glances at Kierstin and the thoughts I was having about her

Sex with Melissa was exciting, having sex with Kierstins older twin made it east for me to imagine that I was fucking Kierstin. I didn’t care if it was wrong to think about the daughter while fucking the mom. After 6 months of daring, I was spending nights over there.

One morning I awoke next to Melissa, spring break had just started. Melissa got up to get ready for her day shift. As we sat on her couch drinking coffee, Kierstin woke up and entered the living room in short lycra shorts, a sports bra, and her favorite black choker necklace. She looked so beautiful as she sat on the second couch watching TV, she laid down and fell back asleep.

When Melissa got to go to her room to get ready, I just looked at Kierstin, watching her sleep. My eyes gazing at her small breasts in the sports bra, her perfect flat belly, her flawless legs, the shape of her crotch in the shorts. I tore my eyes away when I heard Melissa’s bedroom door open and then close. I was ready to go home, Melissa suggested I stay and hang out with Kierstin for the day.

Melissa had been gone for about an hour when Kierstin woke up. She yawned ans stretched and gave me a sweet smile. I watched as she got upnand walked to the kitchen, staring at her ass, she walked jn a way that made her hips sway side to side slightly. I was alone with a student, the one student who completely captivated me.

When she returned with a glass of juice, she sat down on the couch next to me and leaned toward me. I figured it was harmless to put my arm over her shoulders. Her skin was so soft to my touch, she smelled like floral body spray. She had her feet on the couch as her head rested against me, sipping her juice.

“What time will mom be back?” She asked as she flipped channels with the remote

“She said around 4, what do you want to do today?”

“We can just hang put here” she replied “can I ask you something?

“Sure, anything”

“Do you like me?” Her head turned upward, her hand was on my leg

“Yes, I think you’re a smart and amazing girl”

“Do you like me a lot? I won’t tell mom or anyone”

“Yes I do” I couldn’t believe i was admitting this to my preteen student

“Can I kiss you?” Her eyes softened “I promise not to tell”

Her question rendered me speechless, I had imagined kissing her so many times, now she was asking me this. My morning hormones had taken over and I simply nodded.

Kierstin took her feet off the couch and leaned forward to put her drink down. Then she turned to face me. My hand was still on her back between her shoulder blades. She turned to me and started to lean toward me. My hands moved around her petite waist, her hands moved over my shoulders. Her lips were nearing mine. I could have stopped it, could have went home, instead, I kissed her. Her kiss was softer than I imagined it would be. I just held her and allowed my tongue to slowly twirl around hers. Her legs were over mine and she slid onto my lap.

I moved a hand over her lycra covered hip and down her smooth thigh, then back up. I felt her hand take mine from her hip and moved it up to her small breast outside of her sports bra. Our kiss sped up a little as I fondled her breast, her thigh was against my hard on in my jeans. Kierstin pulled from the kiss and looked into my eyes

“I love you” she said

“I love you too” I replied, saying it to her was exciting and felt right

“I want to see it” she looked down at my crotch. I didn’t know how to react.

That was when her small fingers moved to the button of my jeans and undid it. She lowered the zipper and I was frozen in place. Kierstin pulled the front of my jeans and underwear down a little and my cock emerged. She looked at me ans smiled, then looked at it again. That was when her small hand moved to it and held it gently.

“It’s bigger than mom’s last boyfriend” she said

“Her last boyfriend?”

“Yes, but I didn’t love him like I love you” she said and moved back in to resume kissing. Her hand held my cock,

I slid my hand under her sports bra and started to fondle her bare breast. Her hand started to slowly stroke me, it felt so right even though part of me knew it was wrong

“Take me to my bedroom” she said when her lips left mine.

I needed her so bad, I had needed her since the first day of school. All the fantasies, seeing her bald pussy in class, every smile and look she had given me. I couldn’t turn down this opportunity. With one arm around her back and one under her knees, I stood and carried her down the hall, she smiled at me proudly. When we entered her pink bedroom, I closed the door with my foot and carried her to her bed.

When I laid her on her bed she smiled up at me as she pulled her sports bra off and dropped it on the floor by her bed. I gripped the waistband of her shorts and she lifted her hips, allowing me to pull her shorts down her legs. There laid my perfect little preteen student, fully nude on her bed. The bald pussy I saw in class that day months earlier and the perfect set of small breasts. My jeans were already below my ass, I pushed them down and off, she smiled as I pulled my tshirt off.

Moving on top of her, this wasn’t about foreplay, this was a desire to just fuck. Her soft body felt so good against my skin. Her thighs rose and rested on either side of my waist. I kissed her passionately. Her hands on the back of my.head. I reached between us ans lined the head of my cock against her preteen opening and pushed. I cock penetrate her tight but not virgin pussy. She felt so perfect wrapped around my cock.

I drove deeper, as deep into her pussy as I could. She was so tight and wet Kierstin broke from the kiss and moaned happily as I started to fuck her. I felt like the luckiest man alive. She was so young, so perfect, and right now, she was mine. As I started to steadily fuck her pussy. My hand moved up and down the back of her thigh, our body’s pressed together, my hips thrusting against her.

I rose up on my hands as her legs wrapped around me, her ankles on the small of my back. Her eyes were closed, she smiled, and her moans grew louder as I thrust faster

“Fuck my pussy, fuck my pussy” she cried out happily, her sweet voice saying it made me fuck her faster.

It was all a wonderful erotic blur after that, I fucked her like a man possessed. Driving my cock harder and faster into her. My hips slapping against her young body. Her hands gripped the sheets as I brought her to an orgasm. I kept thrusting, not wanting this to end.

But my orgasm had other plans. I felt it build quickly, my thrusts grew uneven, I was going to cum inside this perfect little lady. With one more thrust, I was buried deep inside of her. My cock erupted with a powerful orgasm. My cum shooting deep inside of her. Laying on top of her, we kissed as I filled her.

Once I pulled put, we laid on our sides facing each other. So spent from fucking her, I fell asleep with her in my arms, waking up a couple of hours later. By the time Melissa got home, Kierstin and I were dressed and acted like nothing had happened

That was the start of my dual relationship with my student and her mom and led to my fucking a few more of my students

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