My uncle got me to suck his dick one time when I was 13 – True story Sex Story for free – Y2Stories

Just a short story about my uncle getting me (male) to suck his dick when I was 13.

Not great at writing stories so I’ll just tell it like it happened. So yeah, my uncle turned out to be somewhat of a closet gay or at least bi or something because I’m a dude and he got me to suck his dick. I guess that also made me “at least bi” because I did it and didn’t really object to it. I feel like he took advantage and I know these days it’s considered straight-up abuse but I didn’t feel abused.

I say “took advantage of” but I suppose it was more “seduced me”, I’m not sure. What happened was, I was at his house one time when I was 13, I don’t remember why my aunt wasn’t home but she wasn’t, and he asked me if I watched porn movies, which I denied at first. He laughed and said that was bullshit, which it kind of was because although we may not have watched entire porn movies, my friend and I had seen a few minutes of some here and there, mainly his step-dad’s VHS porn movies, and of course, we had our own small collection of various Playboy and Hustler magazines.

My uncle then named those exact things, namely Playboy, Hustler, and VHS tapes, (which was quite a coincidence I thought), and asked me if I was denying I had seen any of those. I then admitted that, yeah, maybe a couple of times. He then said he watched porn all the time and had a lot of tapes. He then changed the subject slightly and asked me if me and my friends jerked off when we looked at porn, which I denied again. Again he laughed and said he bet that we probably did. Yet again, I admitted that yeah, maybe once or twice.

I guess he saw that I wasn’t warming up to this subject very well and I was nervous. He was right because it seemed to me that he was kind of interrogating me in a way, not just having fun shooting the shit about porn. I was pretty sure he was going to snitch to my folks that he found out I was a big perv or something. Anyway, he must have sensed that I may have thought that because to prove to me he was “in on it too”, thus very unlikely to be snitching on anybody, he opened the door of a small closet there in his den and stacked on the floor of the closet must have been at least 40 VHS tapes, presumably all porn (I didn’t go through the stacks, so I just assume it was). I wondered to myself if my aunt knew about this stash.

He picked up 3 or 4 of them and put one in his VCR. I couldn’t believe he was just going to pop it right in and start playing it but that’s what he did. I was sitting on the couch and he sat in his recliner like he was chilling out about to watch a football game or something. Needless to say, about 5 minutes into the porn movie and my dick was hard as a rock. About 5 minutes after that he laughed and said “You sporting a woodie over there yet?” Like I said, I was indeed, but I said “Nah.” He didn’t say anything.

I was mesmerized by all the sucking and fucking on the TV and wasn’t about to come up with some excuse to leave but it did cross my mind to say I had to go to the bathroom and jerk off. I was horny as hell. I figured he’d know exactly what I was really doing in the bathroom though, so I didn’t say that. I just sat there trying to act chilled out and just check out the movie.

After a few minutes, he got up and said he was going to the bathroom and I thought “Yeah, right” but after only a couple of minutes, he came right back. So maybe he really did just go take a piss. This time he sat on the couch instead of the recliner. I didn’t think anything of that at the time.

To make a long story shorter, it eventually came to a point where he asked me again if, or how often, me and my friend jerked off watching porn and again I claimed once in a while and he said he did it all the time. He said he bet my dick was hard right then and I said it wasn’t and he said “Well, mine is.” and got his dick out. Sure enough, it was. He then told me, trying to make it seem like he was just fucking around, that if mine wasn’t hard, I wouldn’t mind proving it. I wasn’t about to show him it was but we bantered back and forth and I did get mine out too. He made it seem like I was being a pussy about it and I wasn’t having that. He didn’t say that outright but I felt like that was what he was implying.

He said I could jerk it if I wanted to because he was thinking about jerking his. He didn’t though, so I didn’t either. I did ignorantly sit there with my shorts down, because his dick was still out, too. He then laughed again and reached over and gave my dick a couple of tugs. I was shocked but instead of jumping up and running out the door, the crazy thought went through my head that it felt good as hell. I was surprised that I thought that, to say the least. He had leaned back over but what I was thinking must have been obvious on my face or at least he saw that I didn’t yell or make any move whatsoever like I didn’t like it so he said “You like that?” and reached over and did the same thing again, this time for a few seconds longer.

I still made no indication that I didn’t like it because the fact was that I did. I felt like I should be objecting to it but I didn’t. In fact, I thought that if he did it a few more times, I was likely to cum. I don’t think I had ever been hornier in my entire life up to that point. If the family dog had come into the room and started licking it, I don’t think I would have stopped it. I know I wouldn’t have. However, he acted like he was done fucking around with me and started slowly jerking his own dick. I started jerking mine too, but he told me to stop because he wanted to show me something. Sounds stupid, I know, but that’s what he said. So I stopped and pretended like I was watching the porn movie but I could see him out of the corner of my eye looking from the TV to me and back again, jerking his cock still.

Gauging how to best go about getting his dick sucked, no doubt, looking back on it. He then asked me how many times a girl had sucked my dick. I told him never. Then he asked me if me and my friend sucked each other. This was a shocking idea that hadn’t crossed my mind but if my friend had been there right then and agreed to suck mine in return, I probably would have sucked his. But I told my uncle that we had never even thought of it.

He then got into explaining that in his opinion, just simply getting your dick sucked, or sucking one, didn’t make you gay. He said that if a guy was attracted exclusively to other guys yes, but just dick-sucking every once in a while, no. Seemed to make perfect sense to me. I started thinking more and more that I wished my friend was there to suck mine. Or anybody, really.

Which was exactly what my uncle was hoping I’d get to thinking this entire time, thinking back, so it didn’t seem entirely objectionable when he finally asked me to jerk his dick a little. He had jerked mine, after all, so no big deal. So I reached over and started stroking it, about the same as he had been doing, and he acted a little dramatic about it. He put his head back and moaned like it was the best thing he ever felt.

He then told me to position myself on the couch, head more toward him, so he could stroke mine while I did his. This was bullshit, of course. He was really just trying to get my head closer to his dick. He did in fact slowly stroke my dick, though, so I was more than happy to do it. After a minute he got bolder and asked me to lay all the way out and put my head on his stomach while I jerked him. I was really, really wishing somebody would suck my dick right then, not just stroke it, and for the first time, the thought entered my head that if he thought me stroking his dick was so great, he’d die if I actually sucked it.

I wasn’t about to initiate that, though. In the back of my mind, I still hadn’t forgotten how he may just be setting me up to snitch on me later and tell everybody how I had just grabbed his dick and started jerking it and all kinds of accusations. About this time though, he put his hand on the back of my head and although he just rested it there for a minute like he didn’t realize he had done it, he slowly pushed my head a little closer to his dick. He was doing it very slowly to see if I was going to object, I guess, but I didn’t say anything so he kept on. Finally, my nose was almost touching his dick while I stroked it. He asked me if I felt like I was going to cum. I said yeah, maybe in a minute. He stopped stroking my dick.

With that same hand, the other one remaining on the back of my head, he put his hand on my mouth and kind of parted my lips a little bit. Then he said “Open your mouth all the way”, which I did. Seems crazy, and maybe most people would have bolted out of that house, but I didn’t. Then he kept one hand on my head and brushed my hand away from his dick. He took hold of it and pushed my head slowly again. His dick wasn’t aimed straight for my mouth but I certainly knew what he was getting at it so I put my mouth over the head of his dick. Oddly, he stopped pushing my head and said “This is between us, right?” I didn’t say anything but I nodded my head yes. Weird time to be asking that, I thought, after we had jerked each other’s dicks and my mouth was currently on his dick.

Then he pushed it in a little further. I had no idea how to go about sucking a dick but I had just seen at least half a dozen women on the TV do it over the last 30 minutes so I figured closing your lips over it and going up and down couldn’t be far from the right way to do it. Then my uncle started talking, instructing me. I guess he didn’t want to take a chance that I was going to fuck his blowjob up. He said “I’ll tell you if I’m about to cum but when I do, don’t start gagging and shit. Just let it squirt in your mouth and you can spit it out afterward if you want to.” He also told me to turn from my side the rest of the way over so that I was face down on the couch. While I sucked his dick, he started caressing and squeezing my ass, so I guess that was the reason for that.

This position change also meant I was going straight up and down on his dick now instead of kind of from the side like at first. After about 3 or 4 minutes, he said “Ok, get ready. Let it squirt in your mouth but keep going like you are now until I say stop.” Of course, like I had thought he might, he had been saying “Jesus” and “Damn” and “Shit” the whole time I was sucking it. Whether he was dramatizing for my benefit or really hadn’t had his dick sucked in a while, I don’t know.

Suddenly it seemed like the head of his dick swelled up quite a bit then he was squirting what turned out to be this salty, warm liquid in my mouth. It hadn’t crossed my mind that it might taste like something but it was kind of salty. I guess I figured it would be tasteless like water. My friend told me much later that he had tasted his own and knew it was salty but I never had thought to at that point.

In all the stories I’ve read, this dick would be at least 13 inches long and he would be cumming at least a gallon, cum shooting everywhere, blah blah. But this was real life. His dick was certainly bigger than mine but about average and the total of the cum was I guess about a teaspoon or two. Seemed like quite a bit when it was in my mouth, and I think I may have accidentally swallowed a little that shot toward the back of my throat at one point but everything was about average, size and volume wise.

He finally told me to sit up and I was kind of hoping he was about to suck mine in return but instead, he told me we better “be cool for right now” and turn off the porn because he wasn’t sure when my aunt was coming home. So we sat around for a few minutes but I thought he was being a little awkward. I realized later that he had busted his nut and couldn’t wait to get rid of me, which was pretty damn selfish on his part, I felt like.

My dick felt like it was going to explode all the way walking home and I couldn’t wait to get to my room to jerk off. I jerked off again that night thinking about it, too. I even had kind of hoped that the same situation would happen again but my uncle pretended it never happened so of course I didn’t bring it up. I was waiting for him to and he didn’t. Whether he thought I was going to tell somebody or whether somebody else was doing the dick-sucking for him, I have no idea to this day. I told my friend the next time we watched a porn movie together that we could take turns jerking each other off but he wasn’t interested in that so I dropped it. I sure as hell didn’t tell him I had sucked my uncle’s dick.

So, my uncle got me to suck his dick once and that was that. I guess it was “abuse” or whatever but I didn’t think so, like I said. He didn’t tie me up and stick his dick in my mouth or anything. I could have jumped up and left any time I wanted to but I didn’t want to.

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