Older men’s lust for teen pussies Sex Story 2024 – Y2-Stories

In a dark, damp cave, five fifty three years old bearded hairy dirty sexy men sit around a glowing fire, their uncut cocks standing tall and proud. They are Robert, Michael, David, James, and Peter. The air is thick with the smell of sweat, musk, and the sound of their labored breathing as they stroke their rigid members. They have just finished a long day of swimming and, as they sit there in the flickering light, their minds wander back to the innocent thirteen years old girl’s pussies they had seen earlier.

Their conversation begins as they reminisce about the smoothness of the girl’s pussies and how it felt to be so close to them, their beards tickling their sensitive flesh. They laugh amongst themselves, remembering how one girl had giggled uncontrollably when David had lightly brushed his whiskers across her moist entrance.

“It’s a shame we can’t just take off their panties and give those beautiful pussies a loving wet kiss,” remarks James, his voice heavy with desire.

“Agreed,” says Peter, his eyes gleaming in the firelight. “It’s our duty as old men to taste their sweetness and suck on their smooth pussies.”

Robert nods in agreement, his gaze distant as he pictures a thirteen years old girl’s pussy in his mind. “We should make it a rule or a standard, don’t you think?” he asks, a serious tone in his voice. “To make sure that all young girls get the attention they deserve.”

“Absolutely,” Michael responds, his voice serious now as well. “We owe it to them. It’s our responsibility.”

David chuckles, “Well, at least we can dream about it. Who knows? Maybe one day we’ll get the chance to remove their panties and take their whole pussy into our mouths.” They all laugh, their voices echoing through the cavern, as they continue to stroke their cocks, each man lost in his own fantasy of a thirteen years old girl’s pussy.

“We should start a club,” Michael suggests, his breath coming faster now. “A society of sorts, where old men can come together and share stories and experiences about the young girls we’ve encountered.”

“Sounds intriguing,” Peter says, licking his lips. “We could even go further. We could organize special events, like swim meets or competitions where we can get close to these innocent creatures.”

Robert nods in agreement, his eyes shining with excitement. “And we could train them, teach them how to please an older man. Show them the ways of the world, so to speak.” He pauses, his hand moving faster on his cock. “It would be our duty, our responsibility.”

The other men nod in agreement, their minds already consumed by the possibilities of their secret society. They continue to stroke their cocks, imagining the feel of a thirteen years old girl’s smooth pussy wrapped around their shafts, the taste of her sweetness on their tongues. As they fantasize, they can almost feel the heat of her body pressed against their own, the softness of her skin, the wetness between her legs. It is a primal desire, an instinctual need that burns deep within them, and it is a desire that they cannot deny.

“So,” David begins, his voice low and conspiratorial, “what do you think we should call this club? Something that conveys the nature of our intentions, yet remains subtle enough to avoid suspicion?”

“How about the ‘Silver Serpents’?” suggests Peter, grinning wickedly. “It has a certain allure to it, don’t you think? Silver for our age and experience, serpents for the… passion we harbor?”

“Yes, I like it,” Robert says, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “It’s perfect.” The others nod in agreement, their hands moving faster on their cocks as they envision themselves as the Silver Serpents, slithering through the world of young girls, tasting their sweetness and showing them the ways of pleasure.

“And as for recruiting,” James continues, his voice growing more serious, “we should start with the people we trust most. Swim coaches, teachers, even parents of some of the girls. We can approach them subtly, let them know what we’re about, and see if they’re interested in joining us.”

“Yes,” Michael says, “and once we have a core group, we can expand from there. Organize events, competitions… anything that will give us the opportunity to be close to these innocent creatures.”

As they speak, their voices echo through the cavern, the flickering firelight dancing across their faces. They are no longer just a group of men enjoying a swim, but a secret society, united by a common desire. A desire that has consumed them, body and soul, and will not be denied. They continue to stroke their cocks, their minds fixed on the image of a thirteen years old girl’s pussy, wet and waiting for them, promising them a night of unimaginable pleasure.

“To the Silver Serpents,” David toasts, raising his glass of water, “may we find our prey, and feast upon their sweetness for many years to come.” The others raise their glasses as well, echoing his toast, their hearts filled with lust and anticipation. As they drink, they can feel the bonds of their newfound society growing stronger, tighter, more real with each passing moment. And as they stand there, bathed in the warm glow of the firelight, they know that this is only the beginning. There are countless young girls out there, waiting for them, their innocence ripe for the taking. And the Silver Serpents are ready to claim them all.

“I can’t help but feel a sense of power,” Peter whispers, his eyes shining with excitement. “Like we’re part of something greater than ourselves. Something primal, ancient. It’s intoxicating.”

“Indeed,” Robert agrees, nodding in agreement. “And the best part is that we’re not doing anything wrong. We’re simply giving these girls what they want, what they need. Teaching them about pleasure, about love. It’s our duty, our responsibility.”

The others nod in agreement, their hands still moving quickly on their cocks. They are no longer just a group of men, but a secret society with a shared goal and a common purpose. And as they stand there, surrounded by the warmth of the fire and the coolness of the water, they feel invincible, unstoppable. They are the Silver Serpents, and the world is theirs for the taking.

“So,” David says, his voice low and conspiratorial, “who should we approach first? Who do we trust to help us bring more girls into the fold?”

There is a moment of silence as they consider this question, each man weighing the potential recruits in his mind. Finally, James speaks up. “I know a swim coach at the local YMCA,” he says. “She’s young, attractive… and I think she might be interested in joining us.”

The others nod in agreement, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. “Excellent choice,” David says. “Let’s see if we can arrange a meeting with her. Perhaps we can invite her to join us for a swim, show her what we’re all about.”

As they discuss their next move, their hands continue to work on their cocks, their minds fixed on the image of a thirteen years old girl’s pussy, wet and waiting for them, promising them a night of unimaginable pleasure. They are the Silver Serpents, and the world is theirs for the taking.

“I think we should approach her carefully,” Peter says, his voice low and measured. “We don’t want to scare her off before we even get the chance to make our pitch.”

“Agreed,” David replies. “Let’s make sure we come across as respectful and trustworthy. After all, this is about teaching these girls, not just using them for our own gratification.”

The others nod in understanding, their fingers moving more quickly now as they stroke their cocks. The firelight casts dancing shadows across the cavern walls, the flickering light reflecting off the water, creating an almost ethereal atmosphere.

“What if she says no?” Robert asks, his voice laced with a hint of uncertainty. “What if she doesn’t want to join us?”

“Then we respect her decision,” James says, his voice steady. “But we also plant a seed in her mind. We make sure she knows that if she ever changes her mind, we’ll be here for her. We’ll make sure she knows that the Silver Serpents will always welcome her with open arms.”

The others nod in agreement, their cocks now nearing the brink of release. They have come this far, and they are determined to see their new society through. They are the Silver Serpents, and they will stop at nothing to find their prey and feast upon their sweetness.

“I say we begin tonight,” David says, his voice strong and confident. “We invite her to join us for a late-night swim, just the four of us. We’ll make her feel comfortable, show her what it means to be a part of the Silver Serpents. And if all goes well, we’ll have another recruit before the night is through.”

The others grin in agreement, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. They are ready to bring another girl into their fold, to continue the legacy of the Silver Serpents, and to create a new world where their desires can finally be fulfilled.

“I’ll text her now,” David says, pulling out his phone. “We’ll meet her at the YMCA in an hour. In the meantime, let’s get ourselves ready for tonight’s… activities.”

With that, the four men stand up and stretch, their cocks already leaking pre-cum as they imagine the night ahead. They gather their belongings and make their way out of the cave, emerging into the cool night air. The sky is clear and full of stars, and the air smells of salt and seaweed.

As they walk towards the YMCA, they can’t help but feel a sense of power and invincibility. They are the Silver Serpents, and the world is theirs for the taking. They can feel the weight of their mission pressing down on their shoulders, a responsibility that they take very seriously.

When they arrive at the pool, they see the swim coach waiting for them, her long hair pulled back into a ponytail and her swimsuit hugging her curves. She smiles nervously as they approach, her eyes darting between them.

“Hello,” she says, her voice shaking slightly. “I hope I’m not interrupting anything.”

“Not at all,” David replies with a reassuring smile. “We were just about to start our evening swim. Would you like to join us?”

The swim coach hesitates for a moment, her eyes flicking to the pool, then back to them. She licks her lips nervously before nodding. “Okay,” she says. “I’d like that.”

With a triumphant glance at his comrades, David leads her to the edge of the pool. “Why don’t you start by showing us a few of your favorite strokes?” he suggests, his voice smooth and comforting. “We can all learn from your expertise.”

The swim coach blushes at the compliment, but she nods and slips into the water gracefully. The others watch her as she swims, their eyes tracing the curves of her body beneath the water. They can feel her hesitation, but they also sense her curiosity.

As she finishes her first lap, David approaches her, his movements smooth and confident. “You swim beautifully,” he says, his breath hot against her ear. “I can only imagine how well you’d do with some… extra encouragement.”

His hand finds its way to her breast, and he gropes her roughly through her swimsuit. The swim coach gasps and arches her back, her nipples hardening beneath his touch. The other Silver Serpents close in around them, their hands roaming over her body, teasing and taunting.

“Tell us,” David whispers in her ear. “Tell us you want it.”

The swim coach looks into their eyes, her own filled with desire and submission. “I want it,” she whispers back. “I want you.”

With that, the Silver Serpents take her, their bodies pressing hers to the bottom of the pool, their hands and mouths exploring every inch of her skin. The water around them grows cloudy with their passion, the sounds of their pleasure echoing off the walls. They are the Silver Serpents, and they will stop at nothing to make sure their new society thrives.

As they continue their sordid ritual, the swim coach’s body begins to tremble with pleasure, her cries of ecstasy filling the pool. She is theirs now, a willing participant in their twisted game. And when they are done with her, when they have shown her the true meaning of the Silver Serpents, they will send her out into the world, a new recruit in their ever-growing ranks.

David pulls away from her first, his breath coming in ragged gasps. His hand reaches out to steady himself against the edge of the pool as he looks down at the coach, her body still shuddering with the aftermath of their encounter. He smiles cruelly, satisfied with the work they’ve done.

“Are you ready for your mission, Serpent?” he asks, his voice a low growl. “To bring others into our fold, to make sure they understand what it means to be one of us?”

The swim coach looks up at him, her eyes glassy with desire and obedience. “Yes,” she whispers. “I’m ready.”

The other Silver Serpents surround them, grinning hungrily. “Good,” says the team captain, his hand moving possessively to the small of the coach’s back. “Because we have plans for you, my dear. Big plans.”

With that, they escort her from the pool, their fingers digging into her flesh, their words of encouragement and promises of power filling her ears. She is no longer just a swim coach, but a weapon in their arsenal, a tool to bring their new society to the forefront of this world. And as she walks away from the pool, her steps light and confident, she knows that she will never be the same again.

For she has been chosen. She has been touched by the Silver Serpents, and there is no going back from that. The world will change, whether it wants to or not. And she, the swim coach, will be at the forefront of that change, their banner held high, their message clear: the Silver Serpents are here, and they will not be stopped.

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