Raping the Neighbours Other Daughter Sex Stories 2024 – Y2-Stories

After taking his lust out on the neighbours teen daughter, a creepy neighbour plots and executes a plan to take the younger daughter now.

*Important Note*

The following story is 100% fiction with zero real world relevance.

Mark flicked through the images of his phone of Megan, the images of her raped and bound body and cum stained face had provided him with so much pleasure. Rape had become a regular thing for Mark after stalking a drunk girl he’d always wanted, and now done the neighbours 13yo daughter on her own bed. He’d started getting excited about who his next victim could be and in a way he’d teased it to himself after raping Megan. She had a little sister aged 10, her name was Amy. Her being that age he felt that getting access to her would be a lot harder but he still had his cameras and listening devices planted in the house. He patiently waited for the right chance, all the while using the images of Megan’s rape to cum to. He’d even traded those images to other men online in return for similar images and vids of rapes they’d committed.

Finally thought he heard the perfect chance, Amy and Megan’s parents were going to a concert and we’re talking about leaving Megan in charge after she’d done well on her own. They weren’t even discussing it with Megan, they were just going to drop it on her on the night. It was a few days away giving Mark plenty of time to prepare, with Megan completely unawares. He got a bag ready for his rape kit; in there was rope, duct tape, bondage tape, zip ties, taser gun, chloroform, as well as a number of toys for his enjoyment. He already planned it that he would enter only a few minutes after the parents were gone, he hoped he could take down Megan first and then Amy would be his.

He listened in on the bugging devices, he heard the parents talking to Megan as they got ready saying they were going out and she was in charge. He could hear the fear in Megan’s voice, she was asking if she could get a babysitter, she said she couldn’t handle Any on her own but the parents just kept saying it would be fine that they would be back by 10pm and they were leaving her some money. He listened out for the moment the parents started leaving and got himself in position ready to storm the house. Finally they were gone and he took his cue, Amy was upstairs in her room while Megan was alone downstairs only just seconds after her parents had gone. She had rushed to get to the back door to lock it but she was too late, Mark was already there at the door with a look she was only too familiar with on his face. “Hello Sweetie, trying to keep my out? Guess again.” He was holding a taser gun pointed right at her, “sit down sweetie, we need to chat.”

Megan did as she was told frozen in fear, white as a ghost. “I hear you and lil sis are all alone tonight, mum and dad left you to look after her, well I’m going to give you a choice today. We can resume our fun and games from the other day, you and I, and if you think I was rough then you ain’t seen nothing. Or I take my sexual frustration out on Amy, and you help me out with her. Oh and just to add, I’ll still take my fill with Amy after I’m done with you initially so you won’t be preventing anything, just delaying it. So what will it be? Will you help me?”

Megan couldn’t believe what he was asking if her, asking her if he would help him rape her sister, but it sounded like it would happen anyway. Might as well help him and maybe she could make it less hard on her. “I’ll-I’ll help you.” She croaked out. “Mmmmm good choice sweetie, we’re going to have lots of fun. I’ve always wanted to have a threesome and tonight my dreams come true in so many ways!”
He got her to lead him to her room, and instructed her to ask her to come out when he told her. Megan was really afraid about what was going to happen given she had experienced his brutality but she figured he was here now and any resistance would just make things worse for them. He nodded and she immediately with a croaked voice said, “Amy come here, I need to show you something.”

Mark heard the rustling of movement as Amy walked out of the door of her room, “what is it Me-“ that was all she got out before Mark clamped a chloroform soaked rag over her mouth and nose. A quick inhale from Amy was all it took before she was totally out and completely limp, he scooped her up and put her unconscious body on her bed. Megan came in after him holding his bag, as instructed, he grabbed the bag from her and pulled out some scissors to start cutting away her clothing. She was wearing a blue dress with white dots on them with buttons from waist up. His brain Red with lust he rip the top part open with the buttons flying off, he then got the scissors and cut the rest of the dress from waist down opening it all up. Ripping and cutting her clothes revealed her bare chest and pink child’s panties, he pulled her limp arms through the dress arms and pulled it out from underneath.

“Give me that silver tape Megan.” Megan hesitated, she’d been frozen in shock watching Mark disrobe her sister. “Megan! The silver tape! Now!!!” The anger in his voice snapped her out, she handed the tape to him. He pulled her legs up so her wrist and ankle side by side and he tightly taped them together on each side, he took his phone out and took some pics of it, he wanted to have all the memories available forever. He got the scissors and snipped the strands of her panties, pulling them away she became completely naked except for the white ankle socks on her feet. He was so happy with what he saw, it was time for Megan to get involved, “over here sweetie, now!” She walked over and knelt on the bed with her sister, “first things first, take your clothes off!” “But you said-“ “Shut up! You said you’d help I never said you wouldn’t be staying clothed!”

She did as she told and got herself naked, “good girl, now put your head in little sis’s crotch and lick her cunny, I want you to get it nice and wet for me.” Megan was confused but she did as she was told, she bent over so she was on her knees crouching and started licking. She sort of kicked it like and ice cream or something, Mark decided he needed to give her guidance, “no get your head really in there and push your tongue inside her!” He pushed her head so her forehead was touching against her sisters body, this time Megan’s tongue was working harder and deeper, she didn’t know what she was doing but she started to notice some different tastes developing.

Satisfied Megan was turning her sister on he positioned himself behind Megan, he pulled her legs out so she was on all fours. He then took some photos again of Megan turning her tied up unconscious sister on, making sure to show off both bodies, then he rubbed her pussy feeling the handiwork of his last visit noticing she was far more open. Megan was worried he was about to rape her but instead her buried his head in her ass and crotch and started licking her pussy. The effect was immediate, he had managed to touch something with his tongue to turn her on, she couldn’t help but moan. He was groping her tween ass while he licked the girl out, he would spank her making her squeal, all the while she continued to lick out her sister. She started feeling some of what Mark was doing to her and tried to do the same for Amy, she wanted to turn her on like Mark was doing for her.

Occasionally Mark would pull away to spank her with more direction and force, she hated that as she wanted him to keep licking her, she could feel something building inside of her as he continued to lick her out. He even poked fingers inside her asshole, it made her squeal but somehow she was enjoying it, she so desperately wanted to cum, she wanted to make Amy cum as well, she didn’t even really know what that even was but she just knew she could feel something amazing coming. Sure enough she let out a massive moan, “nnnnnnnnnmmmmmm” she came hard as she continued to lick her sister out.

Her body twitched as she started come down from her orgasm, Mark continued spanking her, pulling her mouth away, “mmmmmm you’re so sweet, you’re my little fucktoy! Mmmm tell me you’re my little fucktoy!”
“Mmmmm, ah I’m you’re little fucktoy!”
“Tell me to fuck your sister!”
“Ohhh, fuck my sister!”
“Tell me you want me to rape your sisters mouth!”
“I want you to rape my sisters mouth!”
“Mmmmm baby, I’m gonna give it to your sister now! I’m gonna fuck her harder than I fucked you! Keep licking her out while I fuck her mouth!”
He picked the limp body of Amy and placed her against her bed siting up but slightly angled with her legs wide open from the duct tape. Megan complied with Mark’s instructions and promptly buried her head in her sisters pussy, it was already warmer and wet than before but she wasn’t sure what she was meant to be seeing/feeling. She just internally hoped that Mark would give her another orgasm like was she just experienced as well as avoiding any pain and abuse that she knew he was capable of.

Mark had taken his pants off, his cock was rock hard after giving Megan her orgasm, he was done playing though. He stood himself right in front on the helpless Amy and positioned his cock on the edge of her unconscious lips. He pulled her bottom of her mouth open and forced his cock in her mouth, he pushed it in deep holding the back of her young head and moved it in and out groaning looking at her young lifeless face on his cock. He got his phone and took pics and vids of him raping this girls face, at this point he was being kind going only so deep but he was getting to a point he was done being kind. He grabbed a smelling stick that was designed to wake people from unconsciousness, with his cock deep in her mouth he stuck the stick underneath her nose bringing her out of her slumber. It took her moments to realise what was going on before she got fully conscious and recognised that she was bound and there was a man with his penis in her mouth. Her eyes went wide with fear and he said, “welcome to the party sweetie! Now don’t you dare bite down, otherwise a swear I will kick all your teeth down your pretty little throat!”

Amy couldn’t believe what she was hearing but she started squirming and crying to get away from him. She found herself completely helpless to go anywhere as her arms and legs were bound together and Mark was forcing her head hard against her bed. With her awake Mark had abandoned being nice and hard really started face fucking the girl, he grabbed the back of her head and was forcing his cock deep into her throat. Amy was gagging and crying trying to understand what was happening, she could also feel someone licking her pussy. It felt all warm and sensitive, almost ticklish, it was giving her strange feelings that she wasn’t used to. But all that paled in comparison to the brutal nature of Mark’s face fucking of her, she was sobbing and crying, she just wanted him to stop but she was totally helpless. Finally Mark pulled his cock out of her and stepped away allowing her to cough up the phlegm and pre-cum that had come out of his cock. She was finally able to breath and noticed Megan was the one licking her, “Megan, help me!!! This bad man is hurting me!!!”

“Megan’s not gonna help you, slut! She’s helping me!!! She’s my fucktoy, and so are you!!!! You’re gonna do everything I say or I’ll have to punish you!!!! Now hold still!!”
With that last comment he stuffed her cut panties in her mouth and taped her mouth shut, he was sure that Amy wouldn’t be as compliant as Megan. Something about her screamed bratty and being younger she would be more inclined to act out. He grabbed a sheet from his bad that was plastic on one side and placed it on the bed, he then picked Amy up and put her on that sheet. He had thought more about how best to avoid evidence and he hoped this would help. He took pictures of her tied up and conscious with her face and eyes red with tears. “Time for the main show cunt!!! Megan, you get over her and suck on her little titties. Lick her nipples, show her you love her! While you’re at it, rub this on your cunny.” He handed her a vibrator that he switched on and Megan did as she was told sucking and licking Amy’s nipples while rubbing her pussy with the vibrator. She could feel that familiar sensation of getting turned on.

“You see Amy, Megan’s my little slut. And when I put my cock in your pussy, so will you!” He started rubbing his hard cock against her pre-teen pussy, she shook her head begging him not to do it, but he press the tip against her and began forcing in it. Mark could not believe the tightness of her, she was definitely not ready to take a man’s cock but that wasn’t going to stop him. He continued to force it inside of her, shifting his body weight and using lube, he could see it was getting deeper into her and he felt like he was at the wall of her virginity. He got himself into a position of higher leverage, and with a harder thrust he forced his cock in her ripping away her virginity. Amy didn’t full understand what was happening but that thrust felt different, her pussy ached as her really started pushing into her. She caught a glimpse of his cock and could see red of blood on it, she didn’t know what it meant, she was worried he had broken something down there that meant she was fully bleeding. She sobbed into her gag feeling absolutely sick from the abuse, unable to believe that Megan was actually helping him!

Mark meanwhile was just having the time of his life, he had one girl that was his little fucktoy and doing as she told, and the other he was raping hard. He grabbed his phone and took pics and videos of him raping the girl while her sister licked Amy’s nipples, Megan getting turned on by Amy’s abuse while she vibed herself, she could even feel another orgasm coming. Mark pulled his cock out of her and pulled Megan off her, he pushed her so she was lying down on her back and then put Amy on top of her face down with Amy and Megan’s face right next to each other. He had the pussies of two girls available to him, he took more photos as he was in a state of total ecstasy. He was glad he’s taken his viagra to make sure he could god as long as possible, he rubbed his cock against Amy’s blood red pussy and then rubbed it against Megan’s turned on pussy. He pushed it inside Megan but not as brutally as what he had done with Amy and not as hard as he did with her that first day. He wanted her to enjoy it.

Sure enough Megan was moaning with pleasure as her turned on pussy responded positively to Mark’s fucking. She even shifted her body around as he fucked her to make sure he was hitting the good spots, while he was doing this she was overcome with lust and was groping and kissing Amy. She didn’t really know what was going on but she was just going with what her broken mind kept telling her to do and it was to act like a slut. She felt his cock get buried in her and she moaned like the whore she was, Mark was loving this and spanked Amy’s ass while fucking Megan’s pussy. Finally Megan gasped as she orgasmed for the second time that night, Mark felt the tween’s pussy pulsating on his cock. But he wasn’t done yet.

He pulled his cock out wet with the juices of Megan’s pussy and shoved it back into Amy hard. Where he was being kind to Megan, he was using brute force on Amy, he was spanking her ass hard and trying to force it in with hard brutal thrusts. “YEAH FUCK YEAH AMY!!!! YOU’RE BOTH MY FUCKTOYS!!!!” His hard cock was now getting some serious depth into his fucking now, Megan had slid out from underneath from her sister, still wobbly legged from the orgasm she’d just had. She was actually jealous of her sister and that Mark was fucking her, she stood next to her and grabbed her butt cheeks and spread them wide, spanking them herself. She was actually forcing Amy’s body onto Marks cock with more force. For Mark seeing Megan becoming a fully compliant fucktoy helping him rape her sister turned him on so much, in was sending his lust over the edge. He grabbed a fistful of her hair and used it as leverage as his body slapped against Amy’s butt cheeks, Megan continued to spank her sisters ass hard. Mark finally felt his balls about to explode in the girl, he rammed his cock in her with as much energy as he had a grunted and scream, “FUCK YES HERE IT COMES YOU LITTLE SLUT!!!! TAKE MY FUCKING CUM IN YOUR PUSSY!!!!!” And with that his cock exploded in the young girls battered and brutalised pussy, cum shot into the young girl with her feeling the strange liquid filling her and spilling out around his cock such was the tightness of her pussy.

He wanted every drop milked from him, her tight pussy cramping on him, he kept doing thrusts as he shook from the ecstasy. Finally he felt like it was all gone, he turned to Megan, “Megan, lick and suck all my cum out of your sister.” Megan did as she was told burying her face in her sisters brutally raped pussy using her tongue to scoop out and swallow Mark’s cum. Mark took more photos of her doing this, Amy just sobbed hard into her gag trying to understand what had just taken place. Megan finally pulled away with her face glistening with cum and with spots of Amy’s blood on her. Amy’s body shook at the abuse that had just taken place, she was stuck in the position with her ass in the air with her wrists and ankles bound together. Mark pushed her over so she was on her back and started cutting the bindings away. For the first time since the ordeal she was free of bindings, but with no energy to fight back she merely lay there with her tape gag still on her. With her hands free she wiped away the tears.

Like what he did with Megan he took them both over to the shower and started scrubbing her down getting his fingers deep in her pussy. Megan helped wash her while she also bathed, together they made sure she was clean everywhere. Mark placed the sheet inside a plastic bag and then inside his duffle. He sat them both on her bed Amy still with her tape gag on, “alright you two, I’ve got so many pics and vids of you two acting like the little whores you are, I get any wind of you telling anyone and they’ll be on the internet everywhere along with your name and location. All the pervs will come and gang rape you before sniffing your little bodies. So not a word to anyone, understand?” They both nodded, Amy with tears coming out. Mark gently pulled the tape off Amy’s lips and pulled out the panties. He stuffed them in the bag along with the other clothing and he and Megan helped Amy get dressed in her pyjamas. They put her into bed and Mark gave her a sleeping tablet and painkiller to put her to sleep.

He’d left a hidden camera and sound device in her bedroom so he could monitor if she’s going to tell anyone. Megan had already got dressed and was sitting with Mark in her bedroom on her bed. It was 9:20, he wanted to be gone well in advance of the parents. She couldn’t believe that only a few hours ago she was petrified at being alone with him and now her pussy tingles in his presence. She looked at him, “she won’t say a word, I’ll make sure” Mark looked at her she wanted him, he handed her all the toys he was going to use on them. Multiple vibrators of all shapes and sizes, nipple clamps, a ball gag, lube, and more. “Practice on yourself and Amy, I’ll come over again and we’ll have even more fun. I didn’t even try anal with you two, that can be later.” He planted a heavy kiss on Megan getting his tongue deep into her, while he rubbed her pussy and she rubbed his cock.

He pulled away taking all the evidence with him, he could never imagined he would have two little fucktoys to use right next door.

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