‘Rest-area’ Sex erotica stories – Y2-Stories

I was on my way to Florida. (Rest area – 3 miles ahead) the sign read. What I discovered was such as surprise.

When I was twenty-five, I drove to Florida to visit a relative, and I took that trip alone. It was a beautiful summer day. After being on the road for so many miles, I found myself becoming aroused. I began entertaining myself along the way. It was exciting to slowly pass the semi-trucks, flashing some leg as I cruised on by. I adore exhibitionism, it turns me on. I was determined to stay on the road.

It was about 1am in the morning when I saw a sign that read; (Rest-area ahead – 3 miles). When I exited, I was pleased to see a state trooper parked nearby. As I walked towards the restrooms, I saw a woman about forty years old, sitting on a bench. ‘Good evening,’ she said as I passed by. ‘Good evening,’ I replied with a smile. Then I heard; ‘are you looking?’ I was puzzled by her question as I continued my trek to the restroom.

As I sat in the stall, I noticed a vast array of advertisements, written on the wall. Most of which were very graphic. It was a common site back then, prior to the days of the internet. As I stood in the mirror brushing my hair, I saw that woman enter the restroom. I didn’t take long for me to notice that she was checking me out! I was still aroused by the lonely road, so I wasn’t bothered by her uninvited attention. Those truckers enjoyed my denim shorts, and so did she.

That mirror told me everything I need to know. She wasn’t shy, her eyes were all over me. ‘How are you doing this evening?’ she asked. ‘I’m doing well thank you,’ I replied. ‘Are you just passing thru?’ she asked. ‘Yes, Florida bound,’ I replied. She smiled and left the restroom.

I suspected she was cruising this location in search for pleasure. When I exited the restroom, I saw her sitting nearby. I strolled towards her. She seemed very excited. ‘How far is the Georgia line?’ I asked, as I approached her. ‘One hour away,’ she replied with a hopeful smile. I purposely stood close, flaunting my legs in a casual way. I was eager to confirm my suspicions. ‘What brings you out this evening?’ I asked. ‘I’m looking,’ she replied, as she stared me up and down. ‘I see,’ I replied. ‘Is this a good location?’ I asked. ‘Sometimes,’ she replied. My heart started racing. ‘I’m hoping that state trooper leaves soon,’ she said. My suspicions were correct.

The way she stared at my legs was soaking my pussy. It’s not my style, but the miles on the road had taken its toll. I glanced around the scenic area and noticed a picnic table under a tree. It was located in the back of the property along the tree line. There was a long period of silence as I remained in front of her. The tension was unbearable. ‘Are you looking?’ she asked, again. ‘I could use some attention,’ I said as I looked away from her. ‘Come with me,’ she said, as she quickly rose to her feet.

She began walking towards that picnic table. She kept glancing back to see if I would follow. I allowed her to lead, then I cautiously trailed behind her. ‘What am I doing?’ I asked myself. I was trembling with nervousness and arousal. This was definitely a path I’ve never taken.

By the time I arrived, she was already sitting at the table, on the seat. I approached and sat on top of the table, near her side. My legs were at her eye level, and on display. I sat quietly absorbing her vibe. ‘Like what you see? I asked. ‘Ohhhh yes,’ she replied. ‘How old are you? she asked. ‘I’m twenty-five,’ I replied. She actually leaned over and sniffed my legs. ‘MMM’, she uttered softly. My heart was pounding in my chest. I was soaked. When she leaned towards my legs again, I said, ‘Go ahead’, I whispered to her.

She immediately started licking my legs like an ice cream cone, I was stunned. Her hungry tongue felt incredible. She was canvassing the top of my thighs. I gasped,… I stared in disbelief. I placed my arms straight behind me, allowing her full access. She was moaning with delight. ‘Omg,’ she kept whispering.

I immediately began looking over my shoulder for intruders. The level of paranoia was astounding. I slowly parted my legs and wide. She didn’t hesitate, she was allllll over my inner thighs. I was so turned on. I couldn’t believe this woman was indulging in such risky behavior, yet so was I. She was sucking mouthfuls of my flesh in her mouth. I was melting into the table. When she pushed her face into my pussy my body began to shudder. ‘That’s it,’ I whispered to her. ‘Want some?’ I asked. ‘Oh please,… please,’ she whispered back.

I looked over my shoulder while she continued to lick my legs. I was panting, so was she. I quickly slid my shorts off and placed them by my side. She was freaking. ‘Oh god yes, oh yes,’ she kept saying. I kept my thighs closed as I looked back over my shoulder. Without looking back at her, I opened my legs and spread them wide. ‘Go for it,’ I whispered. She planted her face immediately. ‘ Oh man,’ I whispered. I was amazed, she was a professional.

That woman was feasting away on me. I leaned back to absorb her appetite. My head was spinning. She was sucking my pussy dry. I was panting uncontrollably. It became a feeding frenzy. I reached down and smashed her face against my smooth-shaven treat. ‘Get some,’ I whispered. She was overwhelmed with excitement, so was I. I held the back of her head as she continued to ravish my pussy. My tender moans were driving her nuts. Just feeling her tongue dig inside me, was something I can’t explain.

As I looked over my shoulder, I could see a handful of travelers roaming the area. I couldn’t believe what was happening under this tree, yet I wasn’t going to stop her. I started cumming all over her face. She was inconsolable. I locked her in place between my thighs. I don’t know how she was able to breathe. I held her there for quite some time. We had been under that tree for almost an hour.

Suddenly, I heard a noise to my left. Along that tree line, I saw a man walking his dog on a leash. ‘Someone’s watching!’ I yelped. I reached for my shorts and threw them back on. I was frightened. He was only about thirty feet way. He smiled, but he didn’t say a word. ‘I gotta go,’ I said to my rest stop lover.

I kept looking back as I made my way to my car. A few seconds later, I was gone. When I entered onto the freeway, I took a deep breath and gripped the wheel, ‘omg that was hot!’ I said out loud. It was so spontaneous.

Flashing those truckers prior to, certainly contributed to my state of mind at the time. I was vulnerable, and her hungry eyes triggered my senses. I love having sex in public, but that was risky indeed. That same risk is what elevated the encounter as well. It made it more daring and fulfilling.
That man walking his dog had a story to tell too.

I drove another fifty miles before stopping for a hotel room. I took a shower and rested on the bed watching TV. I could still see her head between my legs, I still do. / The End

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