Seducing uncle Sex erotica stories – Y2Stories.Com

I love to spend the summer at Uncle Dave’s and Aunt Emma’s farm but I was now twelve and this year I wanted something else. I had no clue what but I was restless and a little bored.

A week after arriving I was helping my Aunt Emma by stripping the sheets off the beds to wash. When I was pulling the sheet off my bed a magazine pulled part way out with it. I got curious and pulled it out to check it out. I was surprised to see a naked girl on the cover that was only maybe a year older than I was. Even more curious I opened the magazine and the first page was several pictures of the same girl undressing. On the next she was laying down with her legs spread and on the opposite page she was holding her cunny open with her fingers.

For the past year I had been exploring my cunny with my fingers but had not really been able to get a good look at it so the picture kind of excited me. My cunny was starting to feel like it did when I fingered myself as I stared at her cunny.

I heard my Aunt coming up the stairs so I quickly closed and shoved the magazine back under the mattress and gathered up the sheets.

That night I couldn’t wait to go to bed and check out the rest of the magazine. I got into bed with my usual t-shirt and panties but changed my mind and slipped my panties off and opened the magazine again.

The next picture made me gasp. She had a man’s thingy in her hand and her other hand rubbing her cunny. I had seen my friend Jimmy’s thingy a few times and even touched it but it was tiny compared to the one in the girl’s hand. I dragged my eyes from his thingy to the next page. She had his thingy in her mouth now. My first though was ‘yuck’ but my fingers pressed into my cunny as I got more excited and wet.

I was fingering myself vigorously now and lay back with my eyes closed trying to imagine what it would be like to have a man’s thingy in my mouth. Would he squirt his stuff in my mouth? What would it taste like? Was it good to eat? That was all I could take. Covering my mouth to keep my groans muffled I had the biggest cum that I had ever had. With a sigh I dozed off.
I the morning I woke up with the magazine still open beside me. I heard my Aunt approaching and quickly closed it and stuffed it back under the mattress as I wondered if there were pictures of him putting his thingy in her cunny. I guess I would have to wait for tonight to find out.
Aunt Emma knocked on my door and said, “Breakfast is almost ready, time to get up.”
“Ok Aunt Emma I’m getting up.”
My cunny was all caked with my dried juices so I went and had a quick shower before dressing and going down for breakfast.
My Uncle Dave was sitting at the table slouched down with his legs slightly apart as usual. My eyes where drawn to the bulge in his somewhat tight jeans and I wondered if his thingy was as big as the man’s in the picture.
I couldn’t get the image of his thingy out of my mind and the curiosity of what my Uncle’s would look like. I spent most of the day daydreaming until Uncle Dave asked me what was wrong.
“Nothing.” I was glad that he didn’t press me further because I had no idea what to say if he had tried.

I knew right away that my niece Jennifer had found the magazine I had hidden under her mattress from the way she looked at me when she came down to breakfast. Her eyes had briefly looked at my package and quickly looked away sort of with a guilty look on her face. All day she seemed to be off in another world and I just had to smile to myself.

My plan had begun. I could hardly wait for her to get horny enough so she would be begging to be fucked. Hopefully she would be hot to fuck by the time Emma left for a week to visit her mother in two weeks time. But, I thought, it might not take that long from the way she behaved all day.

I really had to be careful not to be too much in a hurry to go to bed and could hardly wait to be told it was time for bed. As soon as I was out of sight I hurried to my room and quickly got into bed naked and opened the magazine to where I left off the previous night.

I looked again at the girl sucking on his thingy for a minute and then turned the page. There were four pictures of the man fingering her cunny. One of them he had his finger right inside her hole. My cunny was feeling good by now but the next picture blew me away. He had his mouth on her cunny. The next page was a big close-up of him holding her cunny open and his tongue inside her. That really got me going and as I tried to imagine what that would feel like I had a massive cum.

I lay back panting for a few minutes but I just had to see more and turned the page. His thingy was rubbing against her cunny and on the next page the big head of it was out of sight inside her. I thought ‘wow her cunny really can take that big thing’.

The next picture he was fully inside her and I was getting close to cumming again. The following pictures showed them doing it in several different ways but it was the last picture that really sent me over the edge. A long squirt of his stuff was squirting right into her open mouth. I was cumming like crazy as I stared at that sort of wondering again what it tasted like.

There were a lot more pages to go but I was had for tonight and only had energy to pull the book under the covers before I fell asleep.

The next day I was so embarrassed when Uncle Dave caught me staring at his groin but he just smiled and didn’t say anything. I don’t know what I would have done if he had said anything. In just a few days I had gone from hardly a thought about sex to almost obsessed with it. It was like that magazine had flipped a switch on inside my head or was it my cunny. Every once in awhile I found my hand going to my cunny and a couple of times rubbing myself there.

The next series of pictures almost shocked me. The girl couldn’t have been any older than eight. There were lots of pictures of her naked mostly showing off her cunny but there were a few pictures of her with a man’s thingy in her hand and one with her sucking on the head. It looked so huge in her small mouth and I had a good cum staring at it.

I just had to see what else was in the magazine and briefly looked further. The next was two girls that I thought were twins were my age and were touching each other. Studying the two girls I decided that they were almost identical to my size and if they could take a man’s thingy then I bloody well could too. I just had to look further and see if they did. They did! After a picture of them both licking his thingy there they were, one lowering her cunny onto his thingy and the other sitting on his mouth.
Damn that itch in my cunny was getting bad. Or was it good? I don’t know but the only man around was Uncle Dave but that scared me silly. What if he didn’t want to do it and even worse sent me home in disgrace. How could I find out without getting into trouble? Aunt Emma was going to be away for the evening tomorrow, mmm, maybe I could find out.

I just had to bring myself off one more time while thinking about his big thingy before I went to sleep.
After dinner and Aunt Emma had left I still had no idea how to approach Uncle Dave.

“Jenn, why don’t you go get ready for bed and then come watch TV with me.”
“Yeah, okay Uncle Dave.”

I was excited. I would be close to him in only a t-shirt and panties. Maybe I shouldn’t wear panties, no that would be too much. Maybe I would sit on his lap and maybe he would put his hand close to my cunny and I could tell if his thingy got big.

I hurried back not sure how to get to sit on his lap when he invited me to sit there. I was all excited and a little squirmy and sure enough I felt him getting big. Now I was a little scared but I wanted it so bad. His hand stroked my thigh and my panties got wet. I was sure it was going to happen.

She as ready but still nervous but I could smell her arousal and feel the slight trembling of her excitement and I was sure that I could fuck her tonight but decided to hold off to a better time. I lightly rubbed my hand on her thigh and she lay back against my chest and her legs opened wider in invitation. Damn but I was horny for her pre-teen virgin cunt but told myself to go slow and easy. I wanted her first time to be something special and there just wasn’t enough time tonight but when Emma was away I could spend all day doing it right.

Damn but her thigh felt good, so warm and soft under my fingers. The way she lay back against my chest and the way her legs drifted further apart told me she was willing for more so I began rubbing her thigh higher slowly approaching her pussy.

I touched the edge of her panties and she moaned softly. I could feel her body quivering with anticipation as my fingers explored the crease were her leg met the edge of her pussy. I touched her pussy though her panties and was she ever wet and hot.

His hand rubbed my thigh getting a little closer to my cunny oh so slowly. When his fingers touched the edge of my panties I was so excited I was shaking a little and yes it was a little scary too. Not a bad scary but the scary like when watching a scary movie that you know is going to end wonderful. Then he touched my cunny and rubbed his fingers right where I was so wet. I thought I was going to die it felt so good.

After a few minutes that lasted for ever but not long enough he tried to get his fingers under the edge of my panties but they were too tight. I wanted his fingers right on and in my cunny so bad I had to do something to help. I started to pull them down but sitting on his lap with my legs spread it didn’t work. I slid off his lap and pulled them off and got back up as fast as I could to get his fingers in my cunny as soon as possible. I really wanted Uncle Dave to make my cunny feel real good. His hand returned to my cunny. Oh did it feel good, so much better than when I did myself. His finger parted my cunny lips and slid up and down driving me wild.

Then his finger found my bump and I heard myself moan as my cunny jerked against his finger. Very soon I felt the good feeling build in my cunny but when I thought I couldn’t stand it any longer it kept building. I heard myself shriek as I exploded like never before.

When I came back to my senses I had to look down at my cunny in disbelief that so much pleasure could come from there. Uncle Dave’s hand was still gently rubbing my cunny and his thingy was pressing hard against my bum.

“Mmm, Uncle Dave, are you going to put it in me now?”

“Do you want my cock in your sweet little pussy honey?”

“Oh yes Uncle Dave! Please!”

“Not this time honey, your Aunt will be home soon and she would be very upset to find us fucking. But we can play a little more and do some other things until we can fuck for the first time.”

I had never heard Uncle Dave use those words like pussy, cock and fuck and they kind of excited me. “Can I use those naughty word too Uncle Dave?”

“Sure. When we are alone like this you can use any naughty words you want.”

“Thanks. When can we fuck?” Saying fuck like that was really exciting.

“I think we should wait until your Aunt goes to visit her mother so we can take our time and do it right.”

“That’s a long time away. But okay I guess. Can I suck on your thingy, I mean your cock?”

“Oh would you? I would like that very much.”

I slipped of his lap and watched closely as he opened his pants and pulled them down and off. His cock was pointing straight up looking so huge to me. I licked my lips as I stared at it for a while before kneeling between his legs and wrapping my hand around it. I examined it closely. After all it was the first real cock I had ever seen but I was eager to taste it and took the head between my lips and licked the end. I guess I was doing it okay because Uncle Dave gasped and his hips twitched driving a little more of his cock into my mouth. He showed me how to stroke it and use my tongue as I bobbed my head up and down. I wondered how long until his stuff squirted and what it tasted like as I tried to get more of his cock in my mouth. Soon Uncle Dave was groaning and thrusting his cock up into my mouth.

“Oh Jenny, I’m going to cum. Eat my cum honey.”

He thrust a bit hard into my mouth a couple of times but pulled back so only the end was in my mouth when he started squirting. It still surprised my how much and fast it filled my mouth and had to swallow quickly to make room for more. It tasted weird but I liked sucking it from his cock.

“Oh Jenny that felt so good, I can hardly wait to fuck you.”

“I want you to do it too Uncle Dave.”

Just then the headlight from Aunt Emma’s car flashed across the window.

“You better get to bed now honey. We will do more another time.”

Uncle Dave grabbed his pants and put them on as I ran off to bed before Aunt Emma came in. half way there I realized I had left my panties laying on the floor but when I turned to go back I seen Uncle Dave pick them up and stuff them under the couch cushion.

As I lay in bed thinking about how good Uncle Dave made me feel I wondered how I was going to be able to wait until we could fuck. I lay there awake trying to imagine what it would be like for a long time until my door quietly opened and Uncle Dave came to me. He gave me my panties and leaned down to kiss me. Not a little peck on the fore head but a real kiss on the lips.

The kiss and his hand on my little titty made my cunny twitch and after he whispered good night I had to finger it until I cum before I fell asleep.

It was two whole days before Uncle Dave touched me again. We were in the barn and he came up behind me and hugged me and then kissed my neck. I leaned back against him as his hand came up under my t-shirt and covered my titty. I moaned softly as he turned me and kissed me. I was a little surprised to feel his tongue on my lips but my lips seemed to open all on their own and his tongue entered my mouth. I knew this was a real grown up type kiss and it excited me enough to get my cunny damp. After a few minutes we broke apart.

“Oh Uncle Dave I can hardly wait for you to fuck me.”

“Yes my sweet Jenny I can’t hardly wait either but we must wait until it is safe.”

“I know but I wish…”

Until the time came that Aunt Emma was to leave we only got to touch and kiss on a few occasions that only fuelled my desire but finally the day came.

We both walked out to her car with her and helped her load and then waved good bye as she drove down the drive and onto the road. As soon as she was out of sight I ran into the house and by the time Uncle Dave got there I was naked and ready.

It was the first time he had seen me completely naked and he stood just inside the door looking up and down my body as the lump in his pants grew.

“You are really beautiful when you’re naked Jenny.”

“Thank you Uncle Dave. Get naked too. I want to see you too.”

He smiled and started taking his shirt off, then his shoes and socks. Finely he undid his pants and pushed them down showing me his erect cock.

“Oh you’re beautiful too. Well Uncle Dave are we going to stand here looking at each other or are we going to fuck.”

He chuckled, “Sure in a hurry to loose your cherry but we have lots of time now to really enjoy ourselves. I would like to taste your virgin pussy one last time before we make you a woman.”

I started pulling his arm towards my bedroom and with a smile he followed me. It was really cool watching his cock bob up and down as he walked and I almost walked into the wall watching it. I threw myself down on the bed with my legs spread as wide as I could but he didn’t go straight for my cunny as I expected. Instead he lay beside me and pulled me to him and kissed me while his hand rubbed my back lower and lower until he was kneading my bum. He held me against him with his cock pressing against my mound. My cunny was leaking juices like crazy as our tongues played.

He broke the kiss and moved down kissing my neck and down to my titties. Maybe they weren’t all that big but when he sucked on my nipples it felt absolutely wild and set my cunny on fire with my need. After sucking my nipples until I was panting for breath he moved further down my body until he was kissing the mound above my cunny. Then he kissed me right there on my cunny. My hips thrust up and his tongue opened them up. Wow! Tongue beat fingers all to hell and I still hadn’t experienced his cock yet.

Then it started. First a tingling in my cunny followed by a tightening of my tummy both more intense than I had ever felt before. I heard my self moaning as his tongue flicked around my little bump and his finger probed into me. I hope Aunt Emma was far enough down the road that she didn’t hear me scream out the biggest, most intense orgasm ever.

Uncle Dave eased off letting me recover from such a wonderful orgasm.

“Oh wow!” I must have said that at least a dozen times as Uncle Dave moved up over me with a big smile on his face. I felt his cock nudge my cunny. “We gonna fuck now Uncle Dave?”

“It might hurt some to begin with. Are you ready?”

“Oh yes! I don’t care how much it hurts I want to feel you inside me.”

“Ok here goes. Relax as much as you can it will make it a little easier.”

I nodded. He repositioned my legs a little and rubbed his cock up and down my cunny a few times and then I felt it pressing against my opening. I felt positively huge as he pressed a little way in but if didn’t hurt, just felt stretchy sort of. Oh so slowly he worked his cock deeper stretching and filling my cunny until I felt him mash up against my little bump. I knew he was all the way in and it hadn’t hurt at all just a little uncomfortable. But also felt wonderful having his big cock all the way inside me.

He held still with his cock fully inside me and I savoured the good full feeling where I had never known I was empty before. Then he pulled back almost out leaving me almost empty but that didn’t last long as his cock plunged back in. Oh it was so good. I couldn’t believe how good it felt having his cock plunging into my cunny.

I started to loose it and heard myself crying out, “Fuck me! Oh Uncle Dave fuck me good!”

I got progressively less coherent as the pleasure overwhelmed me and I did hear myself almost screaming as I had a massive orgasm. A little longer and I was almost there again and Uncle Dave was now driving his cock hard into me and he was grunting and then with a drawn out groan he slammed into me and I felt his hot stuff shooting deep inside me. That set me off again cumming like crazy.

When I come to my senses I was laying on top of Uncle Dave with his soft cock still lodges in my cunny and his hand stroking my back and bum.

“Oh thank you Uncle Dave, that was even better than I ever thought it would be.”

He smiled. “Mmm honey it was very good for me too.”

We fucked at least three times a day until Aunt Emma returned having the time of my life. If Aunt Emma had been a few minutes earlier and a little quieter she would have caught Uncle Dave balls deep in my cunny as we squeezed in one more fuck before we had to start behaving ourselves.

Oh yes we did fuck a few more times that summer before I had to return home for school. On the way home I started wondering if Daddy would like to fuck me but that’s another story.

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