Sibling desires Part 4 Sex Stories free 2024 – Y2Stories

Early the next morning I start to slowly wake, again the sun shines through the curtains this time in my own room as I gently roll to my side my little sister Meg fast asleep in my bed,
I just lie there in silence for a moment then I gently look under the duvet,
Meg laying there on her side facing away from me still totally naked after our night of passion,
I look at her tiny soft skinned back as my eyes move down into the bed her stunning little 12 year old bum faces my direction,
I can hear her breathing gently as she sleeps,
As I admire her cute little bum for a few minutes I can feel myself getting hard for Meg yet again then at the same time thoughts run through my head of our mum returning home today which takes my thoughts away from my sexy little sister at the same time i gently lay back down the duvet thinking to myself,
Should I have really let the past few nights happen, part of me has no regrets as I enjoyed every moment with Meg,
Is she going to tell mum or any of her friends, my heart starts to race with fear.
At that moment Meg start to stir, she stretches her little body under the duvet as she repositions herself as she lays on her back looking up at the ceiling then tuning her head to me with a cute little smile
” morning Chris” she says along with a little yawn.
” good morning Meg, you know mum will be home late today”
She quickly turns to her side facing me wrapping the duvet around her and gives me a serious look.,
“i know Chris” she whispers,
” Meg, please you can’t say anything to mum about what has happened between us over the past few days”
Meg just looks at me with a big smile ” I know Chris, she would kill us both if she found out”
I rush of relief runs through me when I hear Meg say those words.
By the way I whisper ” I really enjoyed last night”
At the same time i lean over and give Meg a little peck on the lips.
A glazed look in her eyes as she was quick to respond to my little kiss ” so did I Chris, very much”
I snuggle into Meg wrapping my arm around her naked body under my duvet as our naked bodies touch, I feel myself getting hard straight away as my cock presses against my little sister,
As we lay there in each others arms Meg askes me,
“what are we going to do when mum gets home, i mean how are we going to be able to do…. Umm you know what”
I just look at Meg for a moment as I think about what she just asked me,
“I really don’t know Meg, we will just have to be careful and I’m sure we will think of something”
I say with a serious tone,
At the same time i feel Megs hand wrap around my semi hard cock under the duvet,
This time she’s looking right into my eyes, the first time she been able to look at me shows me she must feel much more relaxed with me,
I say nothing and just enjoy the moment as Meg gently stokes me under the duvet, her soft little hand wrapped around me,
I lean in as we share little repeated kisses on the lips occasionally as our tongues meet,
I push Meg back into the bed as I quickly climb over her, I hear her breath quicken as she opens her legs slightly as I fall between them,
Meg wraps her arms around my neck as our tongues meet again,
I lift my arms as I bury my fists into the bed either side of my little sister as I look down into the bed at her tiny body underneath me,.
She looks so amazing her skinny little flat chest beaming up at me as I gently grind against her I feel her skinny little legs wrap around me as my rock hard cock slides with ease in her damp 12 year old pussy,
Meg gives out a big moan as she pushes her head back into the pillow and her face goes red,
Her breath gets heavy but stays steady as I gently fuck away at her little body,
Her tiny little hips judder underneath me pushing up trying to take my whole cock,
“omg Meg” I moan as I feel her pussy gripping my cock,
I can’t help myself as I start to give my little sister a pounding, pumping away at her tiny body,
” yes Chris thats it don’t stop” she whispers,
Pumping away as fast as I can her holding me tight as I cum hard in my sister,
We both relax as I lay on top of her my cock going soft inside her,
Her legs still wrapped around me.

Thank you all for the nice comments and hope you enjoyed this story,
This is my first time I have ever written anything like this and to be honest I have enjoyed it.

Your feedback is important to me so please comment.

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