Simply true story very simple one Sex Story for free 2024 – Y2 Stories

I am English black guy born in U.K. this isn’t some spectacular made up fantasy but just true maybe boring but friends like it ,
So I’m at school aged 14 , since being about 10 forwards I have always thought my dick was bigger than nearly every other kid I knew , as I got a little older other boys would comment anyway during class one day a group of older girls around 16 came in the class asking for stuff to take back to their class ,

Next thing one comes over to me and whispers hey is it true about the size of your cock ? I say I think so if your meaning it’s large yes , I’m told it is ,

She then says my friends all want to see it would it be ok if you could show us ? I said where ? Well we’re in science class down the corridor teacher has left us with work to get through she’s not gonna be back for about 25 minuets , oh please let us see it ? Might give you something for your trouble , so I say ok and go in to their class just as mine had finished

There was just 4 of them in there I sit at a long table and thought ok here you go and flopped it out … oh wow jeez they said , I felt pretty proud then they said it’s not hard make it big I said only if you help and so they decided best thing was if they all touched it and not some random choice , girl called Babs got hold first .then Jean and started to Jack it for me , one of the others said would it be better if she let me see her breasts yes was my answer so I was in heaven laid back with two pretty sexy girls jacking me off

I say faster they jerk me faster and sure enough I was at full stretch about 7and a half inches , remember I’m 14 it was big for that age ,
Will you shoot a load for us ? So again I said yes but not just yet I’m enjoying it too much they nodded in agreement saying I bet you are , taking turns I then say ok a bit faster and cup my balls as I never before had any kinda relationships hardly with only being 14 so I start to feel tense and enjoying the sight of these two girls taking turns

Then the door burst open and the teacher mis walker walks in , then all I hear is …What on Earth is going on here she shouts for 5 minutes mainly at the girls knowing it was their doing all this then her eyes locked on , she calmly said Billy you have the biggest one I have seen and for a young lad your age it’s big all right instead of shouting at me in disgust she compliments me on my size and said carry on if you like you have only ten minuets to go too the Bell , meaning home time , so she actually stood and watched I lent back as to show her how proud I was showing her then unfortunately I shot a rather big load landing on the girls legs , they allowed me to feel them up at the same time and eventually I came again but by this time the female teacher had seen enough , I now fantasise about the situation and fucking the teacher as well as the girls every time that teacher saw me around the school she would just smile

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