Sucking my best freind Sex Stories for free 2024 – Y2 Stories

I was at a college party with my friend Paul. And the party was coming to the end. Paul looked at me and said wow we are the only two left, I was really looking forward to getting lucky tonight. I l replied back well o guess that’s not going to happen. Paul laughed and said nope unless you want to help me out. As Paul turned towards me I could see that he was already hard. I couldn’t say anything I just stood there looking at his bulge in his pants. That little pause was all Paul need. He pulled his pants down exposing his 7” hard uncut cock.he grabbed my hand and placed it on his dick it felt nice and warm and I liked it. I started to go up and down on his shaft and Paul started to moan and said nice now get on your knees and suck on it Brad I obeyed everything he said. I got down on my knees and opened my mouth. Paul grabbed my head and pushed his cock all the way into my mouth. I couldn’t believe I was sucking my best freinds cock. Paul started to push in and out fastest and faster. Then he stopped and pullled it out and looked at me and said. Do you like my cock Brad. I nodded my head yes. Paul pushed his cock back into my mouth and start fucking my face and said good because I’m about to cum as he shoved further into my mouth and he started to cum. Paul looked down at me and said take it all Brad as he filled my mouth with his warm shots of cum. Now swallow it he commanded so I did I swallowed every drop. I loved the taste of him. When Paul finally pulled his cock out of my mouth I licked the end of his cock clean. And I stood up. Paul looked at me and said thank you Brad I needed that did you like it. I replied yes Paul that was great. Paul turned laughing and said good you can suck me every time I get horny. After that night any time Paul wasn’t able to get luck he would call me and say come on over and suck my cock Brad and I would obey him rush over and take his load.

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