The beginning pt1 hot Sex Stories – Y2Stories

Preteen incest

The start it was the early 70’s I was a skinny ginger lad and I was ten and a half I lived on a council estate with my beautiful single mum mo .she had me we she was thirteen and we had lived in our new house for six weeks.
The day things changed was when Karen our new neighbour started to come round it was Friday and mum had filled our tin bath the fire was lit mum and Karen were drinking wine laughing and giggling,I can remember feeling embarrassed as my mum undressed me and as she pulled my pants off.i can remember Karen saying god your right he is big for a ten year old.
I got in the bath as my sponged me down and as mum started to wash my willy I felt my self getting hard that’s when Karen said stand him up mo .so there I was standing the bath with my mother sponging me down with a raging boner .
Karen said go in then you know what you have to do that’s when my mum started to slowly wank me off faster and faster the rhythm if her delicate hand worked on my penis
I looked across at auntie Karen she was sat in the settee legs spread with her hand between her legs .with her fingers pushing into her hairy blonde kitty .I can feel my head going light and my legs starting to wobble “I cried out oh mommy I feel funny” my mum instantly took my penis into her mouth.
Sparks electrifying as I felt it my first shoot ropes and ropes of cum into my hot ginger haired fox of a mum’s mouth as she swallowed Karen cried out that’s so hot I’m cumming and I could see hit jets if wee firing out her kitty .
Mum wrapped me into a large soft towel and told me to go out my pjs on and go to bed and she’ll be up later to took me in patted my bum and off I went.

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