The Day I Became a Dog Whore Sex stories – Y2 Stories

It all started when I was a young girl, one hot summer night I was laying in bed wearing my nightgown with no underwear.

Our family dog was laying in bed with me at my feet. He licked my toes a couple times and I giggled, pulling my foot away from him and thus, opening up my legs.

Our dog (we’ll call him Bruce) started sniffing up my leg, I could feel his hot doggy breath on my inner thighs, it tickled and I giggled, so he kept going and nuzzling up my leg.

What happened next my young pussy was not prepared for. My dogs tongue gently licked my pussy lips and I giggled.

“Bruce you’re a bad doggie, don’t lick me on my No-no parts”

But Bruce wouldn’t be stopped that easily. After I pushed his head away, he turned right back and got one good long lap the entire way from my ass to my pussy.

That was all it took, Bruce was unstoppable. The sweet taste of my tight little pussy drove him wild. Nothing would deter him from licking my pussy. He licked a couple more times, and I’ll never forget how my pussy quivered on his tongue.

Instead of pushing Bruce away, I pulled my nightgown up and pulled my legs apart so that Bruce could lick my pussy as much as he wanted.

“Ewwwe puppy that’s so icky but it feels so good on my kitty”

Bruce kept licking at my little pussy more and more, fast and faster. My little pussy felt so good and I could tell something was coming.

All at once, my pussy gushed and I felt better than I ever had in my whole short life. I thought I peed myself at first but either way, when my pussy got sopping wet Bruce just licked harder.

Eventually I had to force Bruce to stop licking my little pussy because it started to tickle really bad and I was afraid my giggling would wake up mommy and daddy.

Bruce whined and pawed at my nightgown a bunch, so I finally put on panties. Bruce laid down beside me and licked this red thing that was sticking out of his fur for a long time. I remember falling asleep to the sound of Bruce licking himself.

In the middle of the night, I woke up to sound of Bruce licking but this time he was licking my little pussy through my panties. It felt so good I reached my little hand down and pulled my panties to the side so Bruce’s tongue could slide right over my little bare pussy. Bruce happily licked away until my little pussy gushed again.

Bruce licked his red thing again and whined while he was doing it. I watched him lick himself, wondering why he was whining so much. One day, I learned. But that’s a story for another time.

After that night, I was a little doggie slut for life. Every chance I got I would pull my panties to the side to let Bruce, or any dog that was interested lick my little kitty until it gushed all over. I was absolutely hooked for life.

Since then, I have played with multiple different dogs over the years and last summer, I finally was able to get knotted like the little bitch in heat that I am. It was so hot.

Wanna hear more of my stories?! If so, like and comment! I’ve got lots more stories about playing with dogs, getting caught playing with dogs and getting knotted. Let me know what you think!!

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