The First Time I Ever Got My Cock Sucked (at 13) – True Story hot Sex Stories – Y2-Stories

My friend suggested we fuck around with sexual stuff and it led to more and more.

This is a true story. It’s simply a recounting of the very first time anybody ever had my cock in their mouth. Which led to more than that later. Don’t believe it if you wish but it happened. That’s a fact. My friend, Todd, seemed to have a little more experience than me because he always had ideas about stuff to try. He asked me one time when we were both 13 (barely) if I ever jerked off. I said yes, I had quite a few times. He said he also did. We had known each other since we were about 10 and this was the first time he ever mentioned something like that.

We went swimming at this creek one time and he started trying to get me to suck his cock. I said no way was that happening. He kept on about it. I don’t know where he got the idea about cock sucking and he didn’t say. Maybe he just thought of it. Anyway, at first he was just trying to convince me to suck his but then he said that if I did, he would suck mine too. I still said no. Then he said I could just hold it in my mouth, not actually suck it, and he would count and however many seconds I held his in my mouth, he would do mine for the same amount of time. That sounded much more fair but I said he had to do mine first.

He said that I was being so reluctant about it, he didn’t trust me to take my turn after he did mine so he wanted me to go first. He was probably right and I realized it. So I said ok but that he better not try to back out when it was his turn. He promised he wouldn’t.

When I agreed he said that we should get out of the creek and go up on the creek bank. So we did. We’re now standing there looking at each other. I knew I was supposed to go first but I wasn’t sure exactly how he planned to go about it. I said that he should lie down. He said that, no, I should get on my knees in front of him because he didn’t want to lie in the leaves and dirt.

Made sense so I did it his way. Even at 12, it immediately struck me how submissive it felt being on my knees in front of him with his cock out (which was already hard but so was mine). I almost backed out but reminded myself that he’d have my cock in his mouth soon and I liked that idea so I just opened my mouth when he stepped closer.

The next thing I knew, I had an actual cock in my mouth. Seemed weird. After a few seconds, I almost said that was long enough but he was counting and was up to about 10. Then he put his hands on the sides of my head and started moving his hips a little. Fucking my mouth a little bit but not much. He was still counting. When he got to 50, it wasn’t so much that I was ready for him to stop, it was that I was impatient for him to do mine so I said ok that’s long enough.

I stood up and I figured I’d now have to argue with him to do mine but when I stood up he got on his knees. “I only have to do it to 50”, he said. I said I knew that. I stepped closer and he put his mouth on it. Taking a cue from him (I had no idea so I just did what he did) I held his head and fucked his mouth a little while I counted at about the same speed he did. I had thought that it would feel good, but I had no idea how good. When I got to 50 and he stopped and stood up, it seemed way too short a time. That had felt good as hell.

Then we jumped back in the creek, both laughing nervously, and acted like that hadn’t just happened. About a week later I was at his house and his mom was gone and he said we should do it again. This time I didn’t argue. He stood beside his bed so I figured it was the same as last time so I got on my knees. He got his cock out and it was hard again like last time. Mine soon was too, thinking about him sucking mine. This time, though, he got to about 70 or 80, I wasn’t paying much attention, but finally trailed off and quit counting. I wanted him to do mine for a long time this time so I just let him fuck my mouth for as long as he wanted to. Several minutes later he suddenly jerked it out of my mouth and jerked off onto the floor. I watched his cum squirt on the floor. It was kind of amazing.

Yet again, I expected a reluctance for him to do mine now but he didn’t say one word, he just got on his knees. I got my cock out and he was letting me fuck his mouth like he had done mine. I thought after a few minutes that it kind of felt like I was going to cum but I wasn’t positive so instead of taking it out or saying anything, I kept fucking his mouth. Suddenly I did start cumming. Some of it squirted in his mouth and he jumped up gagging and spitting and saying “Why did you do that?!” I told him it was an accident, I didn’t realize I was that close to doing it. He said he got to do it in my mouth next time to pay me back. I did kind of feel bad about it so I agreed.

A few days later and there we were doing it again. Seemed like we were making a habit of it now but it felt so good, I didn’t mind sucking his if it meant I was going to get my own sucked soon afterward. This time, though, he lay back on his bed and said I should put my mouth on it and go up and down. He reminded me that I had to let his cum shoot in my mouth this time because I did his last time. I said ok but that I wasn’t swallowing it. He said he wasn’t mine either and got up and went to get a towel and put it beside the bed and laid back down.

He told me that all I had to do was hold it in my mouth and then spit it out on the towel. I said ok. He didn’t get his cock out though and I just looked at him. He said that I should pretend that I wanted to suck it, so I should get it out myself. That seemed odd but I certainly wanted mine sucked so I did it. I was going up and down on it kind of slow and he said that I should do it a little faster and really pretend that I loved doing it. I trusted now that whatever I did, he would do mine the same way, so I did pretend that I really loved sucking his cock and really started going at it with more enthusiasm.

After a few minutes of doing that, he said “Get ready” and kind of tensed up. He was holding my head and pumping his cock in my mouth and I felt the head of it swell up a little bit. Suddenly this warm, salty liquid was squirting in my mouth. I thought I would gag and shit but it wasn’t that big a deal after all. I spit it on the towel and got on the bed when he got up, really looking forward to this. He said “If you do it in my mouth, I get to do it in yours again next time” Not worried about next time right now, I just agreed.

I made him get my cock out and suck it like he really meant it, the same as he had done, and it felt unbelievable. It didn’t take long for me to cum in his mouth, this time without him jerking back halfway through and it felt like heaven.

We did that once or twice more in the next week or two and were at his house with his mom gone yet again. This time while I was in the middle of sucking his dick, he told me he had a better idea. So I stopped. He said that we could fuck each other in the ass. “Just pretend like it’s a girl”, he said. “That shit will hurt too bad”, I said. He said that if it did, we would stop. So I agreed to it but told him I had to do his first.

“No, it’s still my turn right now”, he said. He was right. He produced a jar of Vaseline from his nightstand and told me to pull my pants all the way down and lie face down on his bed. He put some on his cock then on my asshole. It felt weird somebody else touching my asshole but it felt kind of good too. With no fucking around he just lay right on top of me and started trying to stick his cock in. He was having trouble getting it aimed right but suddenly I felt the tip slip in. “Does that hurt?”, he said. “A little but not really”, I replied.

So he continued pushing it in. It burned some but not enough to say stop. Then he had it in balls deep and again asked me if it hurt. It did hurt a little but not that bad so I said no. “Do you want to stick it in and count or actually fuck?”, he asked. I had assumed he had meant fucking when he first brought up the idea so I said “No, actual fucking.” The reason was, that was what I wanted to do.

So again with no fucking around, he just started fucking like he was a pro at it. After a few minutes, he pulled it out of my ass and jerked off on the blanket beside me. Then we switched places but while we were I said “Does that feel good to your dick?” He said, “Hell yeah it does. You’ll see.”

So I lubed up my cock and his asshole and soon found out why he had trouble aiming his. It wasn’t that easy lying face down on top of somebody. Finally, I felt it slip in a little bit, so I must be aiming at the right place. It was odd how warm it felt. I stuck it in further. I didn’t ask him if it hurt because I figured he would have said something if it did. He still hadn’t, so I stuck it in as far as I could. He still didn’t say anything. So I started fucking just like he had. It felt great so I did it a little harder. He didn’t complain so I kept doing it.

It was only a couple of minutes later when I felt like I was going to cum. I seriously didn’t want to take it out though. I said “Get ready” and he started squirming around, trying to get up and said, “Don’t do it in my ass!” I stuck it in as far as I could and did it anyway. He was pissed. When he got up he started telling me the difference between what is gay and what’s not.

He said that if you suck and swallow, that’s gay, and if you cum in somebody’s ass or they cum in yours, that’s gay. Otherwise, it’s not. I said that was bullshit. He said no, it wasn’t. He obviously felt strongly about it because when he said “Oh yeah? Then you won’t mind if I cum in your ass next time!” he looked at me like he expected me to now see the light, when put that way. Instead, I told him I didn’t give a damn if he did. He was flabbergasted. He didn’t seem to think it was to be taken that lightly.

Instead of calming down, he seemed to get more pissed the more he thought about it. Finally, he said “So you think that’s no big deal, huh?” I said, “I know it’s not.” He flopped back on his bed and pointed at his cock and said “Here. Suck it and get it hard.” I said, “What?” He said, “You see what I’m talking about!” I simply said, “You already came.” He said, “I don’t care just suck it.” I thought it was comical how pissed he was over something I thought was no big deal at all.

I thought, after what he just told me, that he wanted me to suck it and then insist that I swallow his cum, which I wouldn’t have. So I did start sucking it, but definitely wasn’t going to swallow it. “Put your finger in my ass while you’re doing it”, he said. I said “What?” He said, “Did you notice your dick is harder when somebody’s dick is in your ass?” I had indeed noticed it but I had no idea why that was true. “Well, then finger my ass while you’re sucking me.” So I did. After a minute it was hard as a rock and I wondered how much longer until he was going to demand that I swallow his cum and I was going to say no.

Instead he got up. I was surprised. “Now lay down. Face down”, he said. Then said “Matter of fact, lay face up. On your back. I’m going to make you my bitch.” I laughed. I had heard older guys say that but had no idea what it meant. “You won’t be laughing when you’re my bitch!”, he said, angrier than ever.

He got between my legs and then said “Lift your legs. Knees up toward your chest.” I did. Then he started aiming the head of his dick toward my asshole with his hand. Now I got it. He was going to fuck me like this, but how it made me his bitch, I didn’t know.

He put it in and then pushed it all the way as deep as he could. “How does that feel, bitch?”, he said. I said, “About the same, I guess.” He started fucking furiously. It felt pretty good and my cock was hard as a rock. Then he shocked me by trying to kiss me on the lips. “Hell no!”, I said. “Oh yes you are! You’re my bitch and I said do it!” I laughed again. “If you don’t think it’s gay then do it!”, he said. I had no idea cumming in his ass would make him so mad. So I tried to keep my lips together and not move them when he tried to kiss me again. It was ridiculous.

After he had been fucking me for a few minutes, I knew he couldn’t be that far from cumming. Sure enough, he soon said “Open your mouth” I did open it but only to say “Nope” He said, “I want you to suck my tongue while I’m cumming in your ass then you’ll see what I’m talking about!” That sounded like a challenge to me and I was betting he was wrong. For a couple of seconds there, we were actually French-kissing and tonguing each other and I did in fact suck his tongue when he said “Here it comes!” He grabbed my legs and put them on his shoulders and pounded his cock into me as hard as he could, while he stuck his tongue in my mouth and I sucked it like he was teaching me a real lesson. I thought it was funny.

After all that was over, he was standing beside the bed while I was still lying on it and he was breathing hard. He said “Now you see what I’m talking about? That’s gay!” I said “Uh, not really. About the same as doing it the other way.” He couldn’t believe it. After a few seconds of just staring at me, he finally said “Is that so? Then every time you cum in mine I’m cumming in yours!” I said I didn’t care if he did. He couldn’t believe I didn’t see it the same way he did.

We sucked and fucked each other until we were about 16 and every time I came in his ass, he was mad and acted like he was “revenge fucking” me when he did it in return. No matter how many times I told him I didn’t give a damn if he did, he couldn’t stand it when I came in his ass, which I did every time. I’m surprised he wanted to keep doing anything at all if he was so upset about it but every time he told me not to cum in his ass, I did it anyway.

So, that’s how I got my cock sucked the very first time which turned into quite a bit more.

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